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What Was YOUR Morning Fix? v. Special K and Weedies

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I had a 10mg vallie I just got a box delivered, I hope they're legit as I really need them

My sedating antidepressant mirtazapine off doctor don't work as well anymore on sleep, been taking 80mg promethazine ontop still take a while to drop off, woke up anxious then the postman knocks on my door lol, please be 10mg and not the very underdosed vallies or I'm a bit screwed for sleep over Christmas and new year
Morning Blue World
breakfast was
60mg oxy
12mg bromazepam
10mg valium
800mg Gabapentin SR
200ml vodka
glass of wine
and a lot of weed

Feeling super good and already painted the lounge ceiling and both bathroom ceilings and now just got the outside patio to paint at certain plaaces, But as fuct as i am ( not that i feel fuct, just functional with energy and motivation) all is getting done and properly. I have a lot of OCD when it get to these things.
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I’ve smoked a few points of meth over last 12 hours. Surprisingly during that whole time I have not once touched myself lavisciously but instead pretty much spit polished my entire house. Something’s wrong with this stuff.
A pot of Yorkshire Gold tea
half a loaf of walnut rye bread
some Manchego and Boursin
a B complex
a 500mg NAC for the head
a giant crossword puzzle
Yorkshire Gold - the only tea I can drink atm it's fukkin lovely

Gonna go make a pot of it right now in fact and have a nice little vape of some Sour Diesel, 10mg morphine and 30mg cbd with the tea to set me up nicely for a productive but calm afternoon :)
Well the 10mg vallie didn't do much, the 6 x 2mg ones off doctor was better the other day, but that's still not my normal when I use clonazepams, my tolerance should be right down though fucksake

I will try another when I get home but hmpt grrr
Yorkshire Gold - the only tea I can drink atm it's fukkin lovely

Yeeeeah, it's beautiful. It can be a bitch to buy though as some shops here carry only the bagged version, and I've gone full loose-leaf in the last year.

Gonna go make a pot of it right now in fact and have a nice little vape of some Sour Diesel, 10mg morphine and 30mg cbd with the tea to set me up nicely for a productive but calm afternoon :)

Sounds relaxing.....always amazes me....productive you say? That'd put me on the sofa for the day and I'd at best be producing plans, goals, and ambitions.
36mg of Concerta
75 mg of Lyrica
strong mate (south american herbal drink)

like a clock each morning. Delay breakfast 1-2 hours for drugs to kick in.
Drugs for breakfast. CBD tincture 33mg. Coffee. Then I crack beers before I eat lunch. Sometimes I'll smoke THC bud, but usually that's an afternoon thing.
Drugs for breakfast. CBD tincture 33mg. Coffee. Then I crack beers before I eat lunch. Sometimes I'll smoke THC bud, but usually that's an afternoon thing.
Do you nap in the afternoon? I would with that diet.
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