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People who have no faith

I am saying that if you do not care about the homophobia and misogyny, or do not live by the Golden Rule, keep to your satanic ways.
So if one is homophobic or sexist then they should stick to their ways???

When wrong, I expect an argument.
If I do not get one, which is mostly the case with the moral cowards I accuse of immoral thinking, I take the point, even though I would rather lose the argument.

1) When you ASSUME, you make an ASS out of you and me.

2) Your man made religion is no better that any other man made religion.

3) They are ALL man made religions.
Surprised no one has quoted Marx yet. Or maybe they have and I missed it. Regardless...

“Religion is the sigh of the oppressed creature, the heart of a heartless world, and the soul of soulless conditions. It is the opium of the people".
I have always had real opium.sux for those who don't
LSD showed me true Islam and that their truly is no god but allah. Oneness of god as taught in islam i tried to debunk the quran aswell but i only found that Muhammad was truly the last prophet in series of revelations starting with adam to Abraham , moses and jesus. Surrender to the oneness of god. Allah is merciful and forgiving.

Reciting One of the four pillars of islam deep in a acid trip bought me the greatest peace i ever felt. God is beyond all our senses or comprehension. Only God alone is worthy of our worship been grateful for this existence and remembering god.
I have always had real opium.sux for those who don't

Maybe they’d rather live in ignorance of that fact, don’t you think?

When I was young and idiotic I used to quote what Karl Marx said but I’d only ever heard “religion is the opium of the people.” Marx thought religion was what happened because of the condition of the world. It was a form of protest by the working classes. I never understood what he actually meant from that small line - “religion is the opium of the people.” Sometimes you have to take the whole of a thing to make sense of the small pieces of it. Same with god and religion. He never really was critiquing religion but the conditions of the society and how bad it had been for religion to exist.

People believe because they’ve been brought up to believe, because they are scared there’s nothing that comes after, because they feel a connection to something else. All these statements, small pieces of something bigger.

Marx said that religion was there for “the exploitation and the stupefaction of the working class”. I totally agree with that. Religion controls but it also comforts and when you’re in a system that’s hard to break out of you need some comfort.

I do not in anyway believe in a god or an afterlife. I do believe that people should believe whatever they want though, with free minds and hearts, which in of itself is something to ponder.

Anyway, it was like 7am when I woke up and started this and now it’s 7:50 because I’ve been sitting thinking about it for so long yet what I’ve wrote is making little sense. So I apologise, I’ve a temperature and I think I’ve this virus. Pray for me, those that believe. Can’t hurt right? 🤪
It sounds like your values do not include the notion that for evil to grow, all good people need do is nothing.

You seem to be immune to the harm religions are doing to the women and gays in your family tree.

Insert gays and women harmed by homophobic and misogynous religions to this quote. You should get an idea of what you should be doing with the homophobic and misogynous mainstream religions if you live by the golden rule.

Please get back to me with your conclusion.

Martin Niemöller
First they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out—because I was not a socialist.
Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak out— because I was not a trade unionist.
Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—because I was not a Jew.
Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.


Most of the homophobia in the world comes from organised religions and their followers. Likewise those same religions are highly misogynistic too - have you not read their holy books? Spoiler alert, the bible is not very feminist.
LSD showed me true Islam and that their truly is no god but allah. Oneness of god as taught in islam i tried to debunk the quran aswell but i only found that Muhammad was truly the last prophet in series of revelations starting with adam to Abraham , moses and jesus. Surrender to the oneness of god. Allah is merciful and forgiving.

Reciting One of the four pillars of islam deep in a acid trip bought me the greatest peace i ever felt. God is beyond all our senses or comprehension. Only God alone is worthy of our worship been grateful for this existence and remembering god.

Oh dear... :unsure:
Most of the homophobia in the world comes from organised religions and their followers. Likewise those same religions are highly misogynistic too - have you not read their holy books? Spoiler alert, the bible is not very feminist.
Serious point - those two things actually come from men.
LSD showed me true Islam and that their truly is no god but allah. Oneness of god as taught in islam i tried to debunk the quran aswell but i only found that Muhammad was truly the last prophet in series of revelations starting with adam to Abraham , moses and jesus. Surrender to the oneness of god. Allah is merciful and forgiving.

Reciting One of the four pillars of islam deep in a acid trip bought me the greatest peace i ever felt. God is beyond all our senses or comprehension. Only God alone is worthy of our worship been grateful for this existence and remembering god.
🤔This worries me.now bcoz of some drug induced hallucination/experience your going to propagate more of this stuff.its not exactly known for its positive effects on society.
1) When you ASSUME, you make an ASS out of you and me.

2) Your man made religion is no better that any other man made religion.

3) They are ALL man made religions.

I can argue for my religion and it's superior ideology.

You are making an ass of yourself with your assumptions, when you do not really even know what Gnostic Christianity is all about.

Sure all ideologies, political and religious, are man made, but to say that none of them are the best or worthy of us is ass talk.

You yourself hold to an ideology because you think it the best.

LSD showed me true Islam and that their truly is no god but allah. Oneness of god as taught in islam i tried to debunk the quran aswell but i only found that Muhammad was truly the last prophet in series of revelations starting with adam to Abraham , moses and jesus. Surrender to the oneness of god. Allah is merciful and forgiving.

Reciting One of the four pillars of islam deep in a acid trip bought me the greatest peace i ever felt. God is beyond all our senses or comprehension. Only God alone is worthy of our worship been grateful for this existence and remembering god.

So you adore what is incomprehensible to you.

Not the brightest position given that Yahweh, your favorite god, is a genocidal garbage god who does not make all souls to have equal value.

That is pure incompetence.
