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Anyone here actually enjoy Fent?

Zopiclone bandit

Jan 25, 2018
I'm very curious, I had some heroin a few days ago that it seems was cut with Fent & being UK based it is quite rare round here. I shot the gear & that was a big mistake, I wont go into it but I have used a lot of heroin before but this stuff is something else. It isn't very nice to say the least & I was expecting a nice Afghan #3 high, I got a bit more than what I expected shall we say.

Anyone use Fent over actual heroin?
Anyone actually enjoy using this stuff?

I've done a lot of drugs from the usual street stuff to several exotic RC's but Fent I swear down is the work of Satan & anyone that sells heroin laced with that stuff should be shot.
I bought fentanyl blotters many years ago (like 2006), they were sold as fentanyl blotters. I don't remember the dosage but pretty strong. I was addicted to kratom at the time and dabbled in morphine occasionally. I fund it the least redeeming opiate I've ever tried. Virtually no euphoria, just an intense intoxication, it felt like an opiate physically but I didn't particularly enjoy it.
I'm very curious, I had some heroin a few days ago that it seems was cut with Fent & being UK based it is quite rare round here. I shot the gear & that was a big mistake, I wont go into it but I have used a lot of heroin before but this stuff is something else. It isn't very nice to say the least & I was expecting a nice Afghan #3 high, I got a bit more than what I expected shall we say.

Anyone use Fent over actual heroin?
Anyone actually enjoy using this stuff?

I've done a lot of drugs from the usual street stuff to several exotic RC's but Fent I swear down is the work of Satan & anyone that sells heroin laced with that stuff should be shot.
I have access to pharma grade fentanyl and to be honest with you even the pure stuff is garbage, no warm fuzzy feeling. Only it makes you black out if you take too much and it lasts only a 30 mins. Worst opiate ever.
no warm fuzzy feeling. Only it makes you black out if you take too much

That is what happened to me & I felt really ill when I came round, it wasn't far from the feeling you get from a 3C-E comedown.
I'd never take that shit by choice myself.
Fent is evil.
A friend of mine went down the wrong road and started using it alongside xanax. He was addicted to morphine so had opi tolerance. One night he had already smoked a bit then took an extra 2mg xan to his usual and basically came round in hospital.
He had blacked out on the xan and obviously in true benzo blackout style forgot he'd smoked Fent already and smoked more and also more than normal too (he worked all this out from evidence on his workstation/amounts of drugs left when he got home) ODd on the Fent, choked on vomit, now is paralysed from the neck down, his arms work, but he will be in a wheelchair for life. He's less than 25 years old. So fucked up.
Boycott Fent!
Once it starts spreading, which seems like it started, around Europe, I can't imagine the amount of fatalities that we unfortunately will see.

I can't see a more serious problem than this which will probably cause the attitude that governments have regarding illegal drugs, war on drugs. I wish such a change in drug policy didn't require so many deaths. Shame.
I can't see a more serious problem than this which will probably cause the attitude that governments have regarding illegal drugs, war on drugs.

The horribly ironic part is that if there was no drug prohibition, people could get their heroin/opiates from a regulated place and always know what they were getting. We wouldn't have a fentanyl problem. But you're right, I think they're using this as ammo to ramp up the "war on drugs".

But drugs already won the war on drugs. Time to face that!

William leo pickard warned the government in the 90s after going to russia and learning of their fentayl problem from research labs and the FSB instead the white house choose to ingore his concerns about what the extreme danger which was going to arrive on the shores of america. His Harvard research was decades ahead of its time while he was also cooking huge as amounts of lsd across the world. He also warned the government about the Taliban problem in the 90s but they also ingored him.

Fentanyl patches in the hopstial works okay for pain for long term release shit fucking scares me though you can die from a few hundred micrograms. The strongest opiates i ever did was mixes of tramadol and codeine and some hydrocodone.

The officials in charge who didn't listen to pickards warnings should be serving life in prision for spreading this poison to america
My only experience comes from taking it orally. I obtained something that was advertised as "codeine syrup" that didn't look or smell authentic at all. I eventually tested it for fentanyl and it was positive on multiple strips. Against my better judgement, I still consumed a small amount. A completely unmeasurable amount of fent which could have turned out very badly... I did feel high as fuck. But like others posted, no euphoria. I just felt numb and tired. Which I guess wasn't terrible, but I feel way better on other opiates. I really should have just tossed the shit. But I was dumb and desperate to feel numb at the time. It definitely did the job. But I don't think think the reward outweighs the risks when it comes to this drug.
I thought I did until I OD'd for the 1st time July 26th, was found unresponsive in a running car in a Wal-Mart parking lot at 4 am, violated probation, caught 2 felonies, spent 2 weeks in jail, lost custody of my son for at least this school year and had to admit to my entire family that I was an IV heroin addict (15+ years opiate addict.) Looking back it wasn't worth it, esp for a drug with little to no euphoria. (Understatement of the year.)
Yes, I do. Not to the extent that I enjoy morphine or heroin, but yeah.
If it makes a difference, I was using actual legit-from-a-pharmacy (someone's prescription) patches rather than impure mixed-with-who-the-fuck-knows street shit. I use to cut 1/4 inch strips off the 100mcg/hr patches and then cook and inject them. Wonderful relaxation and sedation, but lacked the euphoria of some other opiates (although more euphoria than codeine, tramadol or methadone...or pethidine).
Yes, I do. Not to the extent that I enjoy morphine or heroin, but yeah.
If it makes a difference, I was using actual legit-from-a-pharmacy (someone's prescription) patches rather than impure mixed-with-who-the-fuck-knows street shit. I use to cut 1/4 inch strips off the 100mcg/hr patches and then cook and inject them. Wonderful relaxation and sedation, but lacked the euphoria of some other opiates (although more euphoria than codeine, tramadol or methadone...or pethidine).

Not the best HR ever I admit but I've been splitting a bag down into 4 piles & as this stuff in NO GOOD smoked I gotta shoot it.
The first time I did some I wasn't aware what the hell was in it & it truly knocked the living shit outta me, it isn't something I'd choose to do again I know that much.

You used pethidine before, what is it like?
Not the best HR ever I admit but I've been splitting a bag down into 4 piles & as this stuff in NO GOOD smoked I gotta shoot it.
The first time I did some I wasn't aware what the hell was in it & it truly knocked the living shit outta me, it isn't something I'd choose to do again I know that much.

You used pethidine before, what is it like?

It was mildly pleasant with some euphoria but I was using heroin at the time and it was far too weak to feel much. It felt similar to codeine in strength but slightly more euphoric and with less itching.