• H&R Moderators: VerbalTruist | cdin | Lil'LinaptkSix

My little contribution to the internet... (Opiates)

Just wanted to update. Day 16 for me, still having a really really hard time. Took Gabapentin until about 4 days ago. I think I'm having a slight WD from those....though I don't think I'd change anything, they got me through some fucked up days.

I've tried to pop on here a few times but get that "server busy error' all the time.

I wish I was in the mood to write more but I feel terrible. I'm not really much of drinker and due to last night I think part of the reason I feel horrible is I'm a little hungover.

Good luck everyone. I'll be around

Congrats on the 16 days of opiate free time!

Hope you feel better soon from the hangover-- try alka seltzer, water, ibuprofen and fried chicken =D
Glad to hear from you SSTP. Stay strong man. Day 17 for you. I'm 21 in and still nowhere near perfect, but things are evening out a little bit. Been thinking about you buddy.
gabapentin is very effective, and more so than it is its sister drug pregabalin, or lyrica. you should have no problem getting off them after a few weeks use. the problem though with using them, especially when you find the correct dose, is that withdrawals become so easy that using again becomes all the more tempting.

usually, everytime i'm in withdrawal i think to myself "fuck, i wish i had a taste of this feeling before i used again". but when you go down the gabapentin route, you ask yourself that question much less. in either case, they're extremely effective and can erase almost all of the withdrawal symptoms. they also help manage the symptoms that drive us to use after the withdrawals are over, or as NSA mentioned the post-acute phase.

would also strongly advise you to stay away from the alcohol during detox. that's usually the single most common denominator involved in many addicts relapse.

i read through your thread. i hope you update it soon and best of luck.
Hey man, hope you're doing okay. Warm wishes to you, and I hope you make the best of the changes brought about by a new year!
Hey all! I'm kicking ass and feeling good!

Sorry I haven't been checking in much... I took something I read from NSM awhile back. I fill my days to the the brim! Im almost scared to be at home or not doing something.

Nuggets games, the mall or even putting in extra hours at work... ALWAYS doing something. I just want time to PASS! Had a month a little while back, but I'm not even trying to think about it.

Thank you to everyone who stops by my thread. Bless you all and good luck!
Congrats that's so awesome!! Keep up the good work. Staying busy is indeed a huge help, just don't forget to have at least a little downtime to relax!
2 whole mother fucking months!!!

Glorious! I love all you guys, keep fighting, scratching and clawing your way out....I'm right there with you.

I feel so damn good!
Great work SSOTP!! Congrats on your 2 months!!

I'm on a long-ass taper off pain meds currently, so I know how hard it is - well done!
Seems like its been forever since I stopped by here...a lot of new names.

Anyway. A quick update, coming up on 5 months in a couple weeks. I feel so fucking good! My marriage is doing so well, I spend so much time with my kids rather than nodding off. Work seems to be going better then ever.

Fuck! My head is so clear. I find myself just sitting here thinking right now...no pills to chase and no lies to tell! Life is good!

Its worth the misery and agony everyone. Keep fighting!
Scared Shitless of Failing 6/27 is day 1 for me...

Hey guys, I'm new to the forum...

I'm replying because I am going away to a drug rehab in Florida this Friday... I'm a nervous wreck...

Please give me any advice or words of encouragement you can.

I want to do the right thing for me, my daughter, my family and other loved ones in my life. I'm so scared of slipping up and starting this vicious cycle all over again once I get out of rehab.

I absolutely can't stand NA or AA and I have no friends that I should be around. Everyone in my life has been just an acquaintance through my drug use. The two friends I have had for over 17 years are battling addiction as well so I know I can't be around them anymore once I get out or I will use again ...

I am just terrified.

Please help me any way you can.

I appreciate it...
SSTP!!! PLEASE CHECK YOUR INBOX!!! I hope you're well my friend THUMBS UP ON YOUR SOBRIETY I'M SO PROUD OF YOU!!! I'm at 8 months :)
Yo! Yo! Yo! None of you people on here are going to know me, but there was a time not that long ago that I was right where you are. I spent hours on this forum reading and trying to pass time WD'ing. I failed many, many times but with encouragement and the wise words of some of these MODS, who I see are still around (you're the absolute shit NSM, still on here passing on that knowledge man!) I finally fucking stopped this bullshit.

And everyone of you can to! Fight, fight, fight through this bullshit. You will fail and you will cry and be pissed and you will hurt your family. But it's do able. Just keep trying until it sticks.

As my clean time grew, I always meant to come back on here and try to help others. It hasn't really worked out that way, truth be told whenever I'd get on this site after I had some clean time it would trigger some strong cravings so I just kind of forgot about BL and worked on getting my life back. Before Christmas of this past year I passed the one year mark and my life is a 180 of where it was. Crazy to go back and read these posts (WTF man someone's in my house chopping onions and shit haha) but it makes me unbelievably happy.

I don't, nor will I ever, judge someone going through addiction. We all walk different paths in life. I've been incredibly lucky and blessed in mine...but addiction gave no fucks. It grabbed me and held on for a long time. I don't care who you are, what you've done, what you're doing...I want to tell you I believe in you, I LOVE YOU! And you will get clean!

I wish anyone reading this nothing but the best. Stay strong ya'll.
Thats amazing man i remember your posts im really happy for you man
Itd always nice when people dissapear and come back with a posotive update
Good for you i hope to follow in your footsteps
it's always nice to see how positive everyone gets once they have a year or so of clean time. I was once that way! Way to go, we can all climb our way out if you want it and work for it long enough
What's up everyone?! It's been a long, long time since I've logged into this site. Couldn't remember my damn password for the life of me haha...Just wanted to stop by and provide a quick update. Things are going well, still clean! I hope everyone is okay. Good luck to everyone still fighting
Fantastic that you have turned things around. I remember when you started this thread. You did the work and you are reaping the benefits. Stay strong and help everyone around you.<3