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Dissociatives The Big & Dandy Eticyclidone / 2‘-Oxo-PCE Thread

When I attempted IM, accidently pulled out to soon and some entered the vein. I got a strong rush that didn't really settle down into a hole, I would compare it to my experiences with MXE I.V. but much faster and more in your face.

The dosage was between 5-12mg. The 12 was measured out but I like to think it's lower.

Stay safe. Use easy to put away gear. I found it's similar to 2C-E I.V. way that it hits you right in the head. Not much to do (for me) till come down.

Honestly fun stuff, I can't wait to hear from people using it daily.
Now that is some good information, thank you! Seems the 20mg suggestion isn't that far off. I used to start off with 10mg insufflated (PCP HCl) doses back in the days, but quickly resorted to smoking (god I love that taste) until I was loading my pipe with 100mg at a time. Good times, good times. It will have been 10 years since I last smoked PCP come June.

Would you say it is as hard to hole on it as it is on PCP? I just love the space rs-ketamine, NEDPEA (ephenidine) and even high-dose MXE take me to. I used to hole on PCP in a way, but the state is a lot closer to dreaming in my experience. Still absolutely heavenly.

I haven't tried PCP. I'm sorry if I made it sound like I'm some kind of expert. My post was based on information gathered from what has been reported so far about O-PCE, and what I know about PCP.

O-PCE seems to be more in league with the more hard core dissociatives, and some reckless people already got their asses kicked treating it as MXE, just going by this thread. I know from your posts, that you know PCP well, and I think it's a good idea to just treat it as you would PCP, for starters - you can't go wrong that way. I thought it was better advice, than trying to compare it to ephenidine and others.
I recently had the opportunity to try 2-oxo-pce.

~7.5mg was insufflated, then the same another 15 minutes later to gauge the effects. After another hour, 15mg was insufflated. Only experience thus far. Seems to be a rather lucid dissociative, nothing crazy. Not quite as numbing as 3-MeO-PCP. As always, titrate up, I may have a bit of an NMDA tolerance
Another derivative of the drug that gave angels a bad name.

Pretty full-on stuff actually, much like PCP (never had PCE), much worse motor skill impairment, amnesia, much cozier and fuzzier than PCP or ketamine or any other dissociative I know though. Anaesthetic dose seems to be below 50mg IM. Had to learn the hard way when I passed out and fell to the floor after my second dose, on the way to the bed to which I was then dragged. I dosed IM this time (7.5 + 30 + 25mg), but imagine the IV rush to surpass that of ketamine in intensity since even the 7.5mg came on very quickly. Loud and strong. Time to baseline over 20h for me, if I smoked a joint now it'd be 10 times as strong as usual.

Of the dissociatives I have tried, this seems like it is probably the most abusable one of all (if you don't have a job or family life, but that goes without saying I suppose lol) and hopefully the last one I was eager to try. I told my better half I won't be doing dissociatives anymore and dumped the remaining 740mg into the trash. I've seen all there is to see in this department and my use has become plain self destructive. Well to be fair, I did chill on top of the clouds with my angel homies for a couple of hours. It's still way overdue to turn this habit into a thing of the past, just like I managed to lay off the IV stims in the past year hopefully for good.

Oh and on a sidenote, the main effects lasted 2 hours. Main effects being the time frame before the point at which I decided it'd be a good idea to top the 7.5+25mg with another 30 lol.

No pain at the injection site, very smooth in that respect. Crazy good water solubility, I dissolved it a gram in 20ml, but 5ml or even less than that might have been sufficient.

No nausea for me. I get guaranteed nausea on dissociatives mixed with ethanol, but have never experienced this side effect with any substance from this class taken on it's own.

EDIT: I should also mention that I was running a fever of 39.4 degrees the night prior to the experience (38.5 at the time of consuming the drug) and had taken 600mg Acetylcstein (oral) with the first dose. It binds to NMDA receptors I think, but I don't think that changed anything in terms of effects.

The fever was gone after the experience and I felt a-ok the next day (not manic the way I usually become after PCP use due to my bipolar I disorder. However I attribute this to the Amoxicillin and Clavulate I took the night before, not to the PCP analogue. Thinking 2'-OXE-PCE would have any clinically significant antibiotic properties is bordering on the absurd, especially with the existence of that patent everyone's talking about.

O-PCE seems to be more in league with the more hard core dissociatives, and some reckless people already got their asses kicked treating it as MXE, just going by this thread. I know from your posts, that you know PCP well, and I think it's a good idea to just treat it as you would PCP, for starters - you can't go wrong that way. I thought it was better advice, than trying to compare it to ephenidine and others.
Damn right! If you include ketamine in that list MXE also belongs in it imho. Ephenidine is an absolute monster, too, made K look like a joke to me.

Btw I did listen to your advice and used 7.5mg at first which is right around the lowest PVP IV dose I would ever bother to use, far from a breakthrough for me. The feeling of that initial dose was just so fucking heavenly that I didn't get around lifting myself way up into the sky with this one.

Treat this substance with respect. Newbies should use 5mg oral on their first trial and slowly work their way up imho. Redosing works just fine without (no accute tolerance), but keep in mind that this stuff tends to linger around for quite some time (in my single trial experience and judging by the way structurally similar substances behave), so you might just black out upon redosing. The best advice I can give is to keep any material other than the initial dose at a location that will be impossible to reach for you until after the experience. Same goes for other dissociatives with 'Jeckyl and Hyde' character.
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Ok. i have now tried this at 10mg, 15mg, 25mg, 30mg, 44mg (no redose) and one time doing 2 30mg doses an hour or so apart. The 30x2 was by far the best, 44mg on its own seemed mild to me. I know its a new chem etc but it was from the 94% batch also and i tried low doses multiple times with so-so results. im not telling people to do this but i would be tempted to go for regular 40mg with this now ive had a good go with it. Very euphoric for me, not much tripping but fairly strong feeling. Its like half between mxe and 4 meo pcp to me. I did some drunk stupidly but whilst i was very buckled i still had a good time. Please note even with low tolerance i always only got on with mxe around 80-100 at the least. 150 was a more common dose for fun its far better than 3 meo pcp which barely does anything bar mood lift for me even up to 30-40mg. This stuff CAN get you to that point where u just feel stupid but happy and loving everything and just having a very nice time of it. Ive not experienced any proper trippiness with this yet but ive not tried oral. Ive had mild generic dissociative hallucinations but nothing memorable or particularly stand out. I also had this problem with mxe, i could achieve great results lieing down in bed but whilst stilll operational and doing stuff i got very little trip from mxe, it went from being funny as fuck to that point when u dont know anything anymore and your worried ull get stuck in the lviing room if u dont latch onto that last memory of coheartness as hard as u can and get to bed in one piece. My advice to anyone? if your a dissociative newb be very careful. even if your someone whos used to small doses of dissociatives then start very low. but i reckon a fair few that like it a bit more substantial will eventually up there dose as 25mg was probably the least i could even take to gain anything in terms of effects i enjoy.
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Hey, any report on vaping o-pce?

1 toke of 1mg and titrate up regardless but at the moment not touching this until I get some reports from others who've vaped O-PCE.
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Best mention your MXE doses first thing in that post before some poor guy too lazy to read goes and takes 60mg expecting it to not be trippy. ;)

I for my part was taken to actual dream worlds as I always am on breakthrough doses of dissociatives. The second of two 30mg IM injections (two hours after the first) had me lose all remaining motor function while I was walking, leaving me in a state of complete and utter anaestesia until I came to around 6 hours later. I have dosed 150mg MXE IV before without any adverse effects and 100mg IV used to be my sweet spot. So I am honestly a little puzzled you report 60mg to not be very trippy.

God this one was good as fuck. Walking past that trash can with another 10 or 15 loaded syringes in it each time I went to the kitchen proved very difficult.

I don't think I've read any other IV report, however it seems to be about 3x more potent than MXE, depending on ROA?

You certainly don't want to start with a way too high dose, play it safe.
Seems about right, 3-4 times as potent. 200mg MXE IV would have me feel about what 60mg did to me.

Uh oh, here comes the needle wielder! =D Special reports to follow!

Just make sure to be extra careful with this one, we already have one guy who had an "actual breakthrough experience with no awareness of the ER room he was lying in".
Just kiddin', he did seem to remember a few things about the men in white =D
My most sincere apology for disappointing you. I just didn't want to shoot up in front of my better half. Went bad enough as it is I suppose.
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So, I took this substance last Friday. I went for 15mg rectally in water. That's a rather low dose, since I naturally need 300mg of Ketamine to get to the hole.

It was a pleasant leaving of the reality. I somehow went into the 4th dimension and enjoyed the observer position. You can compare it to a place in the corner of a room, you can easily observe everything going on. I was functioning very well through out the trip. I exchanged some impression with my friend who dosed as well, smoked a bowl and even went to the toilet.
My imagination went to a whole new level and i could feel me playing the piano music I heard from the laptop. It was a smooth sailing of the inner dimensions. A vacation from the world.
The rough time scheme is as following: the main effect started after 10min, the peak was at 30-45min and the main dissociation ended 1,5h after ingestion. The afterglow lasted till the 5 hour mark.
I noticed a strong analgesic effect as well, as an anti depressive effect on par with my good old Ketamine.

This is all based on a single trip with this substance at a low dose but I will definitely do it again.
I suspect this to be amazing for depression, judging by how I've felt the last couple of days. I am bipolar and used to get aggressive and manic back when I used PCP daily. PCP doesn't inhibit motor function and memory as badly as this one though, at least not if my memory serves me correctly. Might be apparent even at low doses. The 7.5mg already did that to me, eventhough I felt like walking on clouds, almost MDMA-like in that respect. Crazy euphoric!!
On the bladder effects; you might not want to jump to this from 3-meo-pcp. I have only 2/3rds of my pancreas left so I am more susceptible to urinary retention.

With O-PCE I feel relatively large amounts of retention. Akin to Ketamine. 3-meo-pcp doesn't do this to me, unless used for long periods. Others have reported minor effects in this range.

I worked my way up on finding a dose since I had started using this before the thread was started. I found the low doses do work well as a compliment to my anti-depression medications. I just see more damage than good with using this one on low, daily dosages.

I suggest pulling up the "O-PCM manic" thread that was recently posted. It's a slightly different chem but I could see similar building effects as well.
My most sincere apology for disappointing you. I just didn't want to shoot up in front of my better half. Went bad enough as it is I suppose.

Not dissapointed in the least, there's already a fair amount to be learned from that single report of yours. Most important is that you're OK after that blackout.

Apparently this one is going to be a very tricky beast to tame, especially for those who are usually prone to compulsive redosing...
Yesterday i tried ~ 15mg nasally (ca. 20:00 european time) and i have to admit: this compound is strange...but also heavy indeed and a very dissociative one , too. After application of those 15mg the oncoming rush was very familiar, but also slow, maybe oral ROA is as effective as well, anyhow it didn't progressed like MXE or MXM. The high was reached within 30 or 40 minutes and lasted 2-3 hours for sure. It is not calming and sedating, more stimulant and dissociative engrossery to a distant place. You're headspace keeps clean and maybe even objective, but you are losing somehow control over it. I took a shower, not knowing if the water is cold or hot, i had to trust my experience in regulating the temperature with the position of the shower leverage. I could have even been boiling/scaling my skin without noticing, luckily my experience was well constructured, so afterwards (i mean by now) my skin is not damaged. After showering i went to bed, because movement impairing is heavy on this one, i had to lay down or experience unpleasant nausea, so you also want to make sure you have a location for spending the trip horizontally. I also recognized optics, colours were more vivid and geometric proportions of my surroundings were stretched and shortend, wobbling in my mind but not in reality, i could for sure differentiate that. At some point it reminded me of a Saliva trip i had about 5 years ago, it removed me remarkably from my well known reality. It leads me to a place, where personality does not really make an influence on your observation, you get your information and impressions from the reality and maybe get to interpret a human perspective on those things later.

After the peak, i was still laying around, moving is a huge issue and connected with much effort, it does really feel anaesthetic, but i couldn't sleep either, so i was just following my thoughts and looked to what dark place they lead me, one for another. I finally fell asleep at 4:00pm after watching tons of senseless youtube videos, but i really enjoyed them as well.

Now it is T+ 15h, i still feel a little bit disorientated and also definitely lacks a good amount of sleep, therefore a little bit shattered after this strange experience. I thought i had a low dissociative tolerance, but somehow this proves me wrong, so please be careful with this substance, it is really potent. I also have to mention I was on St. Johns wort for about one week, my trip felt highly serotonergic like the first DXM experiences, measured on side effects like nausea, headache and orthostatic dysregulations ( i felt low blood pressured like on a bottle of wine) therefore i conclude this compound is also very serotonergic, but i have to try this after a few days off St. Johns wort to verify this theory.

I will report back in a few weeks when i have the time to gather more information on this
Be careful, folks!
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St. Johns wort is an inducer of the CYP3A4, which is one of the major enzymes involved in the biotransformation of ketamine (So most likely in the metabolism 2-Oxo-PCE as well).
I would guess, then, that after a week on said plant you would actually feel decreased effects from Etycyclidone. Keep in mind next time you dose !

EDIT: Well, now that I think about it, if your ROA was insufflation then mabe the CYP3A4 doesn't play much of a role given that parenteral administration is supposed to bypass the first pass metabolism in the liver ? Please someone correct me if I'm wrong.
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Yes, but the elimination is also enhanced, so the peak may be decreased, but the enzyme inducing effect normally takes about 2 weeks to appear (from what i learned at my university). But St. Johns also seems to up-regulate 5-HT3-receptors and inhibit mono-amin-reuptake-transporters, therefore the anti-depressant effect. But i still feel afterglow effects by now, i learned through the hole day and cleaned half of the apartment. Feels like a well antidepressant boost similar to the afterglow effects from DXM. I always thought this comes from it's SSRI ability, seems like Eticyclidone is able to perform that, too. I am a little bit scared of it's effectiveness, my mind is still in a mildly way shattered, but as the day goes on, i feel more restabilized.
Truly interesting substance, but truly have to be taken with respect and awareness...
It was a pleasant leaving of the reality. I somehow went into the 4th dimension and enjoyed the observer position. You can compare it to a place in the corner of a room, you can easily observe everything going on. I was functioning very well through out the trip. I exchanged some impression with my friend who dosed as well, smoked a bowl and even went to the toilet.
My imagination went to a whole new level and i could feel me playing the piano music I heard from the laptop. It was a smooth sailing of the inner dimensions. A vacation from the world.

Wow, I've had this exact same trip coming out of my body on MXE... Never heard of a similar trip before. It's one of my favorite experiences. Except I was going around my room taping on objects to make music from the TV play.

My body laying on the bed said to keep going, and the out of body version of me didn't want to show off. I said okayyyy, but this is gonna sound out of this world. And it did.
Well i was not getting a frightening fear, it is more a overwhelming state of "woah, what was this?" maybe i should try it again when i'm in a time of comfort and relaxing, not like yesterday evening with a little bit of haste and st. johns wort in my blood with toppings of oncoming tiredness...... set and setting, next time both will be better
Probably 10-15mg, with a duration of 3-5 hours.

Thanks, but I was aiming for a real low dosage. 10mg of 3-meo-PCP is a high dose for me. Also I never took anti-biotics in my entire life.

So, sorry for a repitition. What would be really low dosage (the plateau where cannot differentiate between placebo and drug-induced effects) for a disso-naive person (last low-dose disso-intake was 8 months ago). Thanks again :) .