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Heroin Tapering off heroin?

Hey SS, so glad you made it right back to BL! Yeah. a "real" addict knows better than to judge you for the slip. 108 hours clean are great, man, and you can build on that foundation to start again. 10 hours clean you wrote a little while ago... awesome! I am at 20 hours clean myself, and it is so hard not to take a pill and feel all better.
But, we both know the empty promises that drugs make, and then never delivers. They are such a waste of my time!
Stay strong man. I talked to my friends this morning and they weren't mad at all and still want to help. I guess the extreme depression and emotions at the time just made it appear like they were mad to me because it was late at night and they were tired. Which I feel bad for them, but they're good people and still want to help. 20 hours is good, any amount if time away from it is good. Keep it up man, we can both do this.
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Stay strong man. My talked to my friends this morning and they weren't mad at all and still want to help. I guess the extreme depression and emotions at the time just made it appear like they were mad to me because it was late at night and they were tired. Which I feel bad for them, but they're good people and still want to help. 20 hours is good, any amount if time away from it is good. Keep it up man, we can both do this.

No one will judge you for this mate. Crack on and complete the job, you can do anything you want at 18 and be anyone you want to be. Being a slave to heroin is not the best use of your life!
I highly recommend pregabalin!
I don't know why it isn't used more in treatment of withdrawal!! I worked temporarily in a opiate free Addiction center where they utilise pregabalin and add-on seroquel for withdrawal of all types! Even alcohol withdrawal, when not frank DTs I've seen managed EASILY with pregabalin!

I would go for seroquel ir 50-100mg nightly, pregabalin 600mg twice daily! Yes, 600mg twice daily!

Sorry to barge in and sound like a smart ass in my first posts, but I don't know in my life why people should suffer when quetiapine and pregabalin are like godsends for withdrawal, including opioid free heroin withdrawal!
I highly recommend pregabalin!
I don't know why it isn't used more in treatment of withdrawal!! I worked temporarily in a opiate free Addiction center where they utilise pregabalin and add-on seroquel for withdrawal of all types! Even alcohol withdrawal, when not frank DTs I've seen managed EASILY with pregabalin!

I would go for seroquel ir 50-100mg nightly, pregabalin 600mg twice daily! Yes, 600mg twice daily!

Sorry to barge in and sound like a smart ass in my first posts, but I don't know in my life why people should suffer when quetiapine and pregabalin are like godsends for withdrawal, including opioid free heroin withdrawal!
Unfortunately pregabalin requires a prescription in my country, as does seroquil I believe (United States of America).

Also, I'm happy to say that I'm about to pass 24 hours clean again, and using again doesn't seem to have set me back in withdrawals much.
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Seroquil definitely requires a prescription - my ex-wife was prescribed it and I loved that shit! It helped me sleep through being trapped in my apartment for four days after Hurricane Katrina in 115 degree heat! Pregabalin I'm not sure about...
Unfortunately pregabalin requires a prescription in my country, as does seroquil I believe (United States of America).

Also, I'm happy to say that I'm about to pass 24 hours clean again, and using again doesn't seem to have set me back in withdrawals much.

Congrats bro, keep on keepin on. You start a project?
Don't ever feel bad man, you're actually doing a great job at least TRYING to find ways to get help.
Almost nobody can battle the disease of addiction alone.
You need support from,
1. Your family
2. Good and sober friends
3. Possible treatment options
4. Sponsors
5. NA/AA meetings

If you keep failing to stay clean, I really recommend joining a Treatment/Recovery Program.
Why? Because you'll get EVERYTHING you need, which includes-
1. Medication (choice between Methadone or Buperenorphine)
2. Counseling (Group or 1 on 1)
3. Treatment plans
4. Detox

This is ONLY if you KNOW you can't stop using at home, and/or not being able to afford an in patient rehab facility.
I have 8 years in experience with opiates.
From Rx opiates (Hydrocodone, Oxycodone, Methadone, Morphine, Hydro/Oxymorphone) to street dope/black tar.

Don't hesitate to PM me with ANY question(s), I'll love to help you in the best way that I can.

Take care, stay up, and good luck!

Don't ever feel bad man, you're actually doing a great job at least TRYING to find ways to get help.
Almost nobody can battle the disease of addiction alone.
You need support from,
1. Your family
2. Good and sober friends
3. Possible treatment options
4. Sponsors
5. NA/AA meetings

If you keep failing to stay clean, I really recommend joining a Treatment/Recovery Program.
Why? Because you'll get EVERYTHING you need, which includes-
1. Medication (choice between Methadone or Buperenorphine)
2. Counseling (Group or 1 on 1)
3. Treatment plans
4. Detox

This is ONLY if you KNOW you can't stop using at home, and/or not being able to afford an in patient rehab facility.
I have 8 years in experience with opiates.
From Rx opiates (Hydrocodone, Oxycodone, Methadone, Morphine, Hydro/Oxymorphone) to street dope/black tar.

Don't hesitate to PM me with ANY question(s), I'll love to help you in the best way that I can.

Take care, stay up, and good luck!

I'll definitely keep that in mind, thanks man. Honestly despite using again the other day I feel like I'm starting to gravitate towards normality again. Emotions are getting better. Physicals withdrawals are still gone. Sleep is slowly starting to return. I'll get there eventually. Cravings, though. Those are still so unbelievably strong and vivid I don't know if I'll be able to stay clean forever. My friend was in a car accident and was talking about needing pain medication, and that alone was enough to set off a chain-reaction of cravings. That was actually the other night that I used. Or for example I posted in another thread offering advice to someone here on bluelight last night because they have never seen brown-powder heroin but got their hands on some, and half way through typing my post I really wanted to use again so badly. How long will these cravings last, or are they lifelong?
No, I've yet to find a project I'd enjoy starting. I've just been hanging out with friends.
Honestly I think this is part of the reason I started using to begin with. I'd lost interest in things I used to enjoy and couldn't gain interest in anything else, so I moved to using drugs. Days like this make me want to use really badly too, where I have nothing to do and I'm left just sitting here laying around.
Honestly I think this is part of the reason I started using to begin with. I'd lost interest in things I used to enjoy and couldn't gain interest in anything else, so I moved to using drugs. Days like this make me want to use really badly too, where I have nothing to do and I'm left just sitting here laying around.

What is it that you used to do? I know you said you won some sort of award or competition.
What is it that you used to do? I know you said you won some sort of award or competition.
Ah, yes that. That was a business competition. I conceptualized something that would've been pretty big in the computer industry, and I had tons of investors at my feet, but the idea turned out to be ahead of our time and I don't have the resources/technology to follow through with it. I also used to design computer games, most recently I was working on a first-person shooter, but I lost my motivation for that and computer programming in general. I used to be big into bodybuilding, but I stopped once I started getting mixed up with drugs because motivation for that flatlined as well. Same with gaming, used to love it but I no longer have any motivation to play. Normally enjoyment would be motivation enough but I simply don't enjoy doing any of those things anymore.

I guess that's why I started using drugs (not just heroin) in general. Life simply wasn't enough. Now that I'm going clean I'm realizing life still isn't enough. I'm almost mad I threw out the rest of my stash. I literally layed in bed until 2pm doing nothing today anyway. And I can't tell if that's depression from withdrawals or just me...I don't even know at this point.
It's the depression. So not in to any of the shit you used to do? What about biking? Fighting? Sports? Girls? College? So many more things out there than drugs.
I have never been addicted to heroin but i have had a very large oxy addiction of 1 gram a day + (madness) , the withdrawls were prob worse than ur avrg dope habit.

If it's anything like oxy tapering will be very hard. U genuinely want a less addictive opiate to taper with. But it's possible i got down to 120 mgs from 1000 + as stated. But i did it in a controlled environment (hospital) but ive also gone down from the nosebleed dosages to -200mgs range on my ownsome. It's no picnic, but i genuinely find self-imposed w/d more bearable.
It's the depression. So not in to any of the shit you used to do? What about biking? Fighting? Sports? Girls? College? So many more things out there than drugs.
Just about nothing really interests me right now honestly. I have fun hanging out with friends but that's about it currently.
^thats about normal until your brain chemistry normalizes. It takes time until you again find natural highs/joy in life from doing things. It's part of the post acute withdrawal syndrome (PAWS), you have to force yourself to keep doing things you used to enjoy. Eventually, you will again get enjoyment from life. It's a chemical reason, happens to people when they get off the dope

And anyway, even the boring days are better than the ones spent in despair on a really bad habit.

The cravings do lessen. Until eventually they aren't there. Just don't feed them. It will take time for them to lessen and go away. I can say in complete honesty I rarely ever get a craving. And when I do I just sort of "change the subject" in my mind

Hang tough...
^thats about normal until your brain chemistry normalizes. It takes time until you again find natural highs/joy in life from doing things. It's part of the post acute withdrawal syndrome (PAWS), you have to force yourself to keep doing things you used to enjoy. Eventually, you will again get enjoyment from life. It's a chemical reason, happens to people when they get off the dope

And anyway, even the boring days are better than the ones spent in despair on a really bad habit.

The cravings do lessen. Until eventually they aren't there. Just don't feed them. It will take time for them to lessen and go away. I can say in complete honesty I rarely ever get a craving. And when I do I just sort of "change the subject" in my mind

Hang tough...
I wish I could say understanding why it's happening helps, but it doesn't unfortunately. I'll get through it eventually I'm sure, though. Any idea how long paws usually lasts? Or is it specific to the individual?
Man, I feel like I'm in exactly the same place you are SS. Just can't find anything to interest me. I'm bored with life in general and stress over using has been causing crippling anxiety whenever I'm alone at home - which is far too frequent;

I don't know, I've tried sub maintenance, NA meetings, I even started looking for a second job. Not because the one I have isn't enough, but just for a change of pace. Like bartending a couple nights a week or something. It's really frustrating. I'd actually love to go to like a 30 day rehab, but there's no way I can afford that. And it wouldn't really resolve my "real world" issues anyway

I don't know, I guess all we can do is keep going. I'm here for any kind of support I can offer. It sometimes seems easier helping other people than helping myself
Man, I feel like I'm in exactly the same place you are SS. Just can't find anything to interest me. I'm bored with life in general and stress over using has been causing crippling anxiety whenever I'm alone at home - which is far too frequent;

I don't know, I've tried sub maintenance, NA meetings, I even started looking for a second job. Not because the one I have isn't enough, but just for a change of pace. Like bartending a couple nights a week or something. It's really frustrating. I'd actually love to go to like a 30 day rehab, but there's no way I can afford that. And it wouldn't really resolve my "real world" issues anyway

I don't know, I guess all we can do is keep going. I'm here for any kind of support I can offer. It sometimes seems easier helping other people than helping myself
Ditto, I feel the exact same way man. Helping others is much easier than helping ourselves. Good luck man, pm me any time and maybe I can help you out too.
Is the official taper and feeling shitty thread? I'm on Day 2. Typically the worst of the 5 IIRC are days 2-3. I did manage to sleep through the night which is miraculous (benedryl, reactine, Ativan, and a T4 bedtime cocktail.
Have to say it made a big difference than using nothing. Those times I would just flop back and forth in the bed like a dying fish, sweaty and freezing a once, vomitis, etc
The only thing that this concoction can't help. For me at least. Is the thing where your mind is preoccupied with the drug, all the time I'm thinking about it.. The other problem is muscle/ leg weakness or pain, every time I take a step I feel like I'm walking on stilts and about to fall over, but aside these 2 things , it's going ok.