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What is the worst drug to have withdrawals from?

What is the worst drug to have withdrawals from?

  • Heroin

    Votes: 100 13.5%
  • Methadone

    Votes: 98 13.2%
  • Oxymorphone

    Votes: 27 3.6%
  • Tramadol

    Votes: 22 3.0%
  • Benzodiazepines

    Votes: 292 39.3%

    Votes: 20 2.7%
  • Alcohol

    Votes: 45 6.1%
  • Meth/Amphetamines

    Votes: 39 5.2%
  • Cocaine/Crack

    Votes: 13 1.7%
  • Ketamine

    Votes: 1 0.1%
  • SSRI/SNRI/MAOI/TCA/TeCA antidepressants

    Votes: 21 2.8%
  • Other Opiates/Opioids

    Votes: 65 8.7%

  • Total voters
Without any doubt GHB and GBL; seriously, compared to that cold turkey withdrawaling from fentanyl is nice.
I did methadone (150mgpd), oxy(260mgpd), and xanax(6mgpd) at the same time.. *shudders* 8o:(8(
Morphine was the worst for me. It lasted like ten days. I think symptoms peaked on day 3-4.

I shat myself and puked. Runny nose. Couldn't eat. When the leg cramps hit I was wishing for the cold sweats to come back. Its all textbook stuff. But god damn it sucked.

CT kicked that shit like 3 or 4 times. Its a nasty drug. I was on 200 mgs a day at least and oxycodone to the tune of 60 plus and well just other opiates. But the morphine is nastier than heroin IMO.
I have a question about suboxcine withdrawl if anyone could please help me out that would be great. I'm really new to this site and I'm unsure about the things I can ask or say. I was basicly wondering if withdrawl from subs feel the same as opiates?? Thanks so much
I've never been able to even find a connect for h. Living in the suburbs all you cant find is weed and coke. I've done benzos but personally I didnt find the wd too bad, maybe I was doing a small dose. Alcohol wd is something I've experienced in full force tho. I just can't stand when I get the shakes from alcohol wd. and the anxiety that goes with it is unreal. My vote goes to alcohol, but I have very minor experience with benzos and opiates, which most people wo[uld probably vote as the worst.
I have a question about suboxcine withdrawl if anyone could please help me out that would be great. I'm really new to this site and I'm unsure about the things I can ask or say. I was basicly wondering if withdrawl from subs feel the same as opiates?? Thanks so much

Go to the home page in Other Drugs and you'll see many active threads on suboxone withdrawal Also, use the search engine and you'll get tons of results.

To just give you a general answer at least, suboxone withdrawal is similar to opiate withdrawal, however the symptoms during the acute phase aren't as severe as something like heroin or oxy. The flip side is that while the suboxone withdrawals are milder, they last much longer, especially the PAWS period.
For me it would be heroin, ive been addicted to alot of different drugs but the worst to w/d from was heroin. Forget fucking sleeping for at least a week, cold hot flashes, skin crawing, pain everywhere. you cant even lay in bed. Not to mention wanting to jump out of your fucking skin. Puking, shitting. cant eat, sleep, do fuckin NOTHIN!
This last w/d has been enough for me to decide to get clean, fuck it. I just cant fucking go through it anymore.
your worst wd or trip?

Hi gang, just curious about people's worst experience, mainly w withdrawal, personally, i went thru effing HELL w xanax cold turkey! Ive wdrew many times on H and other opiates. It is a stroll in the park on a sunny day eating an ice cream cone compared to Xanax wd! I didn't sleep for 5 days. Major panic and this weird feeling as tho there was a dome over my head. Didn't sleep well for the 10 months clean. Didn't know about seizures. Thank God i didn't get one. I'd sleep 2 hours ,wake for one hour sleep 2 and up i was for the day. And that was 10 months from last pill. It's very surreal too. There's a feeling of unreality. I have ptsd so now im on valium. I suggest to anyone needing benzos, go that route. When i run out, i use gaba and that keeps me fine till next script. Bad trip. I popped about 6 placidyls (sp) when i was 14. Shoulda died. Keep safe guyz!
Probably stupidly taking 700mg of DPH with 3 other friends, with a single sober trip-sitter.
Or taking 500mg the next time with multiple trip-sitters, to enjoy the "hallucinations", which are enjoyable only for their novelty, but mixing with alcohol - I literally tried climbing a kitchen cupboard thinking it was stairs, I turned a cigarette backwards half-way through and burned my lips, gums and tongue quite badly.
With WD... I used to say benzos. But now that I'm on them (most benzo-like RCs now), the WDs and increased anxiety didn't seem so bad. Of course my past self would proabably hit me.

But I'm saying tramadol. The second time I WDs, when I 19 or so. I didn't have much HR knowledge, could have gotten much better legal OTCs to help... but basically my only coping mechanism was exercising for endorphins while I was extreeeemely tired.

For trips I haven't had a bad one yet, except if u count yaking within 30 mins of doing shrooms every time though... still tripped worked.. Maybe I'd say I'd say salvia extract was too much body load/discomfort/discombobulated, and I got shook up. Was too young too.
I have never had withdraws from Benzos and I'm prescribed em' and I abuse em' to the point where I run out of my script the first week I get them. And I'm fine thought the rest of the month. I just recently switched from Xanax to k-pins this month and I find them lasting me longer, I don't use them recreationally like I did with the Xanax.

Honestly I have never had w/d from anything and I'm a hardcore user of Narcotics, Benzos and nicotine(cigarettes).
Opiates were the worst for me. I used meth and valium to help me come off the h...then I ended up doing meth for...the past 5....years. Meth WD isn't that bad, I've had to do it after being on a 3 month run and I slept for about 5 days and ate and ate and ate. Then...back to normal....ish. Til the next one ;)
Gah! I wish that I could change my vote...

I voted for heroin, but only because I was withdrawing pretty hard this morning and was thinking that it had to be the worst drug to withdraw from; I had forgotten about just how terrible withdrawing from amphetamines (adderall) was...

It's not so much the physical, which is nothing at all compared to heroin withdrawal's physical symptoms, but it's the mental, the months and months of feeling like you're running on just one cylinder whereas before you were running on six. It's the feeling like you're now incapable of performing even the simplest task, the lethargy, feeling stupid... it's so, so depressing. It's an awful, cloudy feeling that lingers for such a long time. It's terrible, just terrible...

EDIT: Forgot I was a mod and could edit the poll. I changed my vote lol :)
I still have nightmares of this. I was 4 days into heroin withdrawal, and I had forgot it was my first day of college. It was important to me I didn't miss the first day, even though I still felt very rough. So to be functional I bombed a gram of garbage base speed. It was a long day, and the comedown hit me shockingly fast. The feeling was probably the lowest point in my life; a comedown, with late stage heroin wds, and a very busy day at college trying to put my "normal face" on. A bad, bad day. (Shudder)
So far in my life detoxing from Methadone was the worst. Kicked a 195mg a day habit cold turkey for 4 days to switch over to 32mg of Suboxone a day. Even with the Bupe my body ached and I had the sweats, not to mention the insomnia, for a solid 2 and a half months. And the muscle cramping/twitching became a real problem. I was quite shocked by the severity, and shudder when I imagine the experience with no Suboxone at all.

Kicking 160mg a day of Oxycodone after a 2 year run was probably the most painful. Especially in the bones, extra-specially the bones in my lower-back and legs. The aches were akin the growing-pains I experienced as a child, only magnified of course, and I could have sworn my bone marrow was replaced with ice for a short time. Not to mention the feeling of my own skin disgusting me (and hurting me, anytime a strong wind blew or a rough fabric brushed against exposed skin, the shower hurt my skin FFS).

Kicking 2 grams of smoked heroin a day, with the occasional gram of booted heroin a day was not nearly as bad as kicking OC or Methadone. Sure, it was no walk in the park, definitely miserable, but more so in the worst fever/flu I've ever hard kind of way. I don't remember it hurting as bad as the other two opiate kicks.

Hopefully kicking Bupe will be a cakewalk compared to those 3.

And while on the subject, I suppose I've officially come to the terms with the fact that I am a pretty serious benzo addict, and I need to figure out how to address this problem before I take things too far. I've worked too hard cutting back on Opiates only to replace them with a less recreational yet more insidiously addicting drug.
^I was thinking the same thing...ESPECIALLY 32 fucking mg jesus christ that is an extreme amount. You reallu dug yourself into a hole blind melon. Best of luck shit is gonna be rough.
Looking at them poll who thinks herion is harder than methadone other than a herion addict thats never kicked methadone?

32 mg of bupe.. ouch, man sometimes it think a taper just keeps you sick longer.. but in this case I dont think you have a choice.. good god why are you on 32 mg?