15th Issue Heroin Discussion v. Be the Death of Me

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yea. the disassociative k-hole flirting that im currently engaged in > warm blanket fuzzy feeling from dope.

this post was rediculously hard to type
but im not sure what i hate more, k-pains or withdrawal. my joints and everything are on FIRE right now, but i dont want to piss away every dollar i have on k today (as opposed to dope).

now its just getting another .5 of k, trading it for hydros/oxys/xanax, and calling it a day
Jeebis I'm guessing you must get a killer deal on k? Otherwise you would just straight up buy the opiates? I must say you seem to be going light this weekend usually by Thursday you have a stockpile of assorted substances that would cripple a mere mortal. Lol
actually, k is one of the few substances i pay full retail on(unless he wants something from me [same with dope, adderall, and fentanyl.]). everything else is DEEPLY discounted from standard street prices for me, lol.

and idk if you've ever done k, but doing a half gram of some straight s-isomer (regarded as being 2-3 times stronger than your average racemic) in under 24 hours is a shitload of k....

but i ended up just doing a bunch more k today, on the come down right now and feel kinda blegh, so im about to go get 5mg of klonopin and split a half g of coke with my friend. figured the yay would get me out of the k fog, the kpins would calm me down and keep me comfortable, and i shall just continue to chainsmoke medical bud until all of my problems go away.
I have never had k my circle of friends was usually booze, weed,acid or shrooms and coke. Once I became dependent on h I pretty much went into isolation. I have only done e one time and didn't get off on it so I think it was bunk shit. Once the heroin took hold I never had extra money for anything else.
I need to get back on dope to control my drinking. It's been alright going out to bars and talking to girls while drinking, but then I like to have a few drinks each night to calm me down and it isn't good for me. When I use dope even 2x a week I barely drink, so it's a good compromise. It's when that 2 days a week becomes 3, 4, then everyday that it's no longer fun.
I need to get back on dope to control my drinking. It's been alright going out to bars and talking to girls while drinking, but then I like to have a few drinks each night to calm me down and it isn't good for me. When I use dope even 2x a week I barely drink, so it's a good compromise. It's when that 2 days a week becomes 3, 4, then everyday that it's no longer fun.

Yeah when I stop doing dope, I have to try really hard not to let my drinking get out of hand. It's odd because when I'm using, I barley crave a drink at all.. but when I'm clean, I can guzzle bourbon like it's going out of style. It's really easy to just switch addictions and I am not in the market to be a boozehound any time soon, not when I see how bad that shit has fucked up a lot of people I know, even worse than H in a lot of situations.
when im doing dope i stick to dope/benzos/weed/cocaine/mdma

when im off of dope, the trippy shit comes in: k/lsd/dmt/mxe/weed/pills/n2o/etc

but damn. no moree k. but i have some mxe! mxe (in tiny bumps) + 3mg of kpin (with 4mg on reserve) + a bag of sweet tooth. yep. calm and stable sunday.
Herion addiction cured my alcohol problem and was the only good thing that came out of my H addiction. I can't stand the site, taste of booze anymore and I was a hardcore drinker all the way up to 25. Then I Hit the H train! Was clean for 16 days and decided to treat myself to a little nice Easter weekend. Nothing too crazy though! I only got a bundle which I split with my Girlfriend. They were some stamps that were Red and had a BITE ME Logo on them with the logo being the Apple from Apple Computers. Shit got me rocked! First time I have slept in two weeks! So five bags after 16 days isn't so bad!
not bad.

ive had great success with mxe and klonopin in low doses. adds a serious fucked upside, but very comfortable and controllable reality. the weed adds the euphoria.

still craving dope, but this is a nice alternative
No it's not... but, how often does it ever stay at just five bags on a stray weekend? :\

You're playin' with fire, my man.

Well before that it was three weeks with just 10 bags split btw two people. Plus I have been at this for ten plus years and know what I'm getting into. Have one sub left which I plan to use tomorrow before my new job starts however being in Dope Central should prove to be really tough. Sure you're right it's playing with fire but you just have to know when to put the fire out. Considering the weekend before I spent 1k on my daughter's bday with no regrets of getting dope so yes it's getting better. Not to mention I have 10 bags waiting for me in NYC in my banks's lock box deposit box which can't be opened till the end of the month with two keys one of which my girl has the other key. But after being at it for so long I think and hope I have it under control. Also wanted to add I don't switch to any other substances through these weeks of cleaness except for the one or two subs I may buy. I'm not better than anyone else but I have the self control to quit when and where I want. I got this and you guys will be the first to know if I fuck up and you can say I told you so! Thanks guys!
I need to get back on dope to control my drinking. It's been alright going out to bars and talking to girls while drinking, but then I like to have a few drinks each night to calm me down and it isn't good for me. When I use dope even 2x a week I barely drink, so it's a good compromise. It's when that 2 days a week becomes 3, 4, then everyday that it's no longer fun.

It's funny, Tommyboy. I've noticed I don't drink barely at all when I'm on dope. I am someone who has a tendency to get beers twice a week or so (rock show/friends) and I've noticed that instead of my usual 6 Miller Lights, I have one or two Guinnesses and then a diet coke. I have no desire to drink at all.

However, around Christmas, I did a bunch of Jameson shots, somehow drove home, went to bed, woke up the next day with my tongue all swollen speaking jibberish. (And I live with my mother) Went back to bed, she called the doctor, she woke me up, put me on the phone, I made no sense to him at all and they decided I just had way too much to drink or had an allergic reaction and that I'd "sleep it off", I did. It was a Sunday. By Tuesday I was fine and starting to get dopesick.... LOL
Well before that it was three weeks with just 10 bags split btw two people. Plus I have been at this for ten plus years and know what I'm getting into. Have one sub left which I plan to use tomorrow before my new job starts however being in Dope Central should prove to be really tough. Sure you're right it's playing with fire but you just have to know when to put the fire out. Considering the weekend before I spent 1k on my daughter's bday with no regrets of getting dope so yes it's getting better. Not to mention I have 10 bags waiting for me in NYC in my banks's lock box deposit box which can't be opened till the end of the month with two keys one of which my girl has the other key. But after being at it for so long I think and hope I have it under control. Also wanted to add I don't switch to any other substances through these weeks of cleaness except for the one or two subs I may buy. I'm not better than anyone else but I have the self control to quit when and where I want. I got this and you guys will be the first to know if I fuck up and you can say I told you so! Thanks guys!

Ha. Famous last words man. The idea that one develops "control" after years of using has destroyed many many people.. if you were an addict once.. the chances of you being able to use "occasionally" are slim to none. If you've been at this as long as you say you have, you should know that.

Addiction is progressive.. if you don't stop, it gets worse eventually, not better.

Good luck though, hah. You're going to need it if you keep messing around here and there thinking you've gained some kind of insight or control from using all those years.
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