15th Issue Heroin Discussion v. Be the Death of Me

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Ok so I found out why this fuckin raw was butterin up when ya put water on it fuckin shit was cut with laxative. I've shot a bit of it though an I dnt think that's good to be shootn.
What's up guys.. spent the day shooting coke and regretting all my actions... Yaaayyy. :\

Hope everyone else made better choices today, at least better choices after already making a bad choice.
^Yeah, coke makes me apologize for things I didn't even do when I'm coming down off of it, fuck.....I hope you can get off this run with it dude....Once you can put some space between you and it, like a few weeks at least maybe you can go back to being a normal dope-fiend, but once you've tasted that combo, it gets in your fuckin head! IV coke isn't an afterthought, it's no fuckin joke! It might be worse than dope!
^Yeah, coke makes me apologize for things I didn't even do when I'm coming down off of it, fuck.....I hope you can get off this run with it dude....Once you can put some space between you and it, like a few weeks at least maybe you can go back to being a normal dope-fiend, but once you've tasted that combo, it gets in your fuckin head! IV coke isn't an afterthought, it's no fuckin joke! It might be worse than dope!

It's just so damn hard when all my dope connects sell fire coke too. I managed to stay away for about a week but slipped today. I regret how I acted on it soooo bad though that I'm hoping it keeps me from fucking with it again.

To top it off, not only was I an idiot while tweaking on it, but I crashed so hard I burned through all my dope just to feel normal again, wasting it because I didn't get to enjoy the D high, and now I have nothing left. I wasted mad money on dope I didn't even enjoy all for a few blasts of coke I acted like a moron on anyway...
Oh yeah, it makes me act like a complete retard too, to the point that even my parents were hinting that i should "just stick to heroin" at one point.....If you're around people not using IV drugs and you're shooting coke, it's incredibly obvious!
Well, if you're a regular dope user you reach an equilibrium where you can seem pretty normal most of the time, throw cocaine on it and it becomes a lot harder to maintain appearances IME!

My girlfriend would shoot dope with me, but wouldnt shoot speedballs....but I'd always get a gram or so and try to hide it from her, she always knew, even if she was noddin out she'd be like "You got coke you asshole! I can tell!"....

One girl I knew who shot speedballs....shit when she was shootin coke on and off you could always tell, within a day she'd start lookin like fuckin fish, lips all puckered together, cheeks sucked in, pale, deep dark circles around her eyes, it's fuckin scary shit!

And these guys, likw the ones Scagnattie goes too, they know what they're doin sellin both, because not only are they makin more money off you from the coke, you start burnin through twice the dope, your habit goes up and you end up spending triple the amount!

There's a special place in hell for somebody that deals coke AND heroin to an IV drug user!
nah bro. you can't honestly say that there's that special place in hell for those slingin' boi and girl. they're not the ones prepping your shots and pushing that plunger down after you've handed your money over now, eh?

sure there is some scummy, grimey motherfuckers out there in the game and i understand where you were comin' from, and likely a bit of jest behind it if i'm not mistaken. but from the view point of mr scag scoring both, well, he's made that decision himself. he hasn't blamed anyone bar himself, you see.

people who blame their raging addiction on their dealer need to start taking some responsibility for themselves.
Yeah, I am fucking around and I'm definitely not the type of guy to hold my dealer responsible for my drug use....but on the other hand, when someone comes to you every day strung out getting coke and dope from you with big money, you can't be ignorant to whats goin on.....
As far as the dealer/client relationship, I always looked at it as strictly economical. Supply and demand. They have something we want (drugs) and we have something they want (money). However, it's important no one party begin to see themselves above the other.. there needs to always be a mutual respect based on the principal that we need each other..

Now, when it comes to dealers pushing to young kids and shit, that's a whole different story because it's no longer two consenting adults, demand for the drugs or not, it's not right to sell to kids who can't clearly weigh the consequences of their actions.
How's it going fellow dopeheads?
Back on again after taking a week off because I was out of the country. It sucks how quickly dependence returns even after a complete kick:( and it doesn't help that my dude's been on his game with that fire. I'll do a shot, feel the rush, go sit down somewhere, wake up 45min to 2 hours later depending on how many bags the shot was, wait a few hours and do it again.

The other day I nodded so hard I dropped a full can of beer on myself-_- Needless to say my roommates (who want me to quit) were not impressed. Plus they just delivered the ultimatum that if I don't get clean by the end of the school year they don't want to live with me next year.

While that's completely understandable, it still hurts. Especially considering the fact that these are my best friends and fucked up and irresponsible as I may have been around them, I never did anything shady like steal from them or anything like that. But again, I understand that this isn't a lifestyle that they chose to take part in. So I have a hard decision to make. Dope or my friends:( at least I have a few months to try and straighten myself out and see how it goes.
How's it going fellow dopeheads?
Back on again after taking a week off because I was out of the country. It sucks how quickly dependence returns even after a complete kick:( and it doesn't help that my dude's been on his game with that fire. I'll do a shot, feel the rush, go sit down somewhere, wake up 45min to 2 hours later depending on how many bags the shot was, wait a few hours and do it again.

The other day I nodded so hard I dropped a full can of beer on myself-_- Needless to say my roommates (who want me to quit) were not impressed. Plus they just delivered the ultimatum that if I don't get clean by the end of the school year they don't want to live with me next year.

While that's completely understandable, it still hurts. Especially considering the fact that these are my best friends and fucked up and irresponsible as I may have been around them, I never did anything shady like steal from them or anything like that. But again, I understand that this isn't a lifestyle that they chose to take part in. So I have a hard decision to make. Dope or my friends:( at least I have a few months to try and straighten myself out and see how it goes.

Good luck man. I hope you make the right choice. I've always chosen dope over my friends and loved ones and it's always been the wrong choice.
What's up guys.. spent the day shooting coke and regretting all my actions... Yaaayyy. :\

yea mans that typically my experience w/coke, as soon as the bag is gone i hate myself, like i dont even have to be comin down just as soon as that last line has been blown im regretting why i ever picked it up, n i dont even shoot, thats a whole nother level

monday i was in denton n had some spare time in between my appt w/ my counselor n my class so i tried to get a G, dude wasnt around so i said fuck it, then he called me up sayin he went home at lunch to get it so id pick it up later but i never asked him to do that i just asked if he was home so it was just miscommunication but then i know he was annoyed by it so i told him id get it anyways cuz i didnt wanna do him like that (were work friends n what not) but on my way to leave to get it he said if i didnt want it he had someone else call for a G so i said thats kool man sell it to em, im glad i didnt pick it up, it was just one of those moments of weakness/opportunity were your thinkin "damn i wanna blow some lines right about now"

so im tryin to take it easy on the yay for awhile

I've always chosen dope over my friends and loved ones and it's always been the wrong choice.

just figured id quote this for truth
i scrub the geotags anyways, welderman.

and for somereason my boss gave me my check for this coming week to me way early because he's going to florida for awhile. what the fuck. you cant hand a drug user a few hundred dollars and expect me to not blow all but 50 dollars of it on drugs, especially when i deposited my other check yesterday in my account.

so it should come to no surprise (although me + various substances isn't exactly a shocker by any means...) that i leave in an hour and half to go get a half gram of Ketamine (s-isomer. aka the good stuff), half gram of Methoxetamine (since he only has a half g of real k left, but is knocking 20 off the g price for it being half and half), quarter of some legit sour d, half gram of yay, and like 50mg of hydrocodone (blegh).

even though i work 6-4 tomorrow, im expecting all of this, except the nug, to last me until like saturday morning. thats fucking sad that all of this is like 24 hours of me getting high.

edit: after posting that i just thought to myself "wtf am i doing still going hard like that. its a fucking thursday." all i ended up doing was grabbing a quarter of some BEAUTIFUL sweet tooth and the last 4 op20s my guy had until his next script. waiting until tomorrow for my k guy to reup so i can get just get a full g of it tomorrow and split it between the girlfriend, a friend, and myself. no need for coke or mxe....if i want to not die in 5 years i should start doing more shit like this and think about my drug use...
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^^ personally i wouldnt mix the coke n mxe

the K, sure

but i had an uncomfortable time using MXE to come down off amps

then a few weeks after that i saw a thread in OD sayin that MXE n MDMA/Amps is bad n i would say that might extend to the coke too but i think the thread only mentions Amps. but yea it just made my heart race n it wasnt like crazy bad or anything for me but it was certainly not pleasent, not what i was expecting tryin to come down off Amps
yea. so i caved and copped a half gram of k and a half g of coke.

i forgot how much i loved this combo, lol. and k in general...

seriously. i prefer k to dope. its just been so long since ive used k in a non-concert setting that i forgot. luckily i just got a new connect for k/mxe/mdma/25i/dmt, so things might get a little wonky from now on...
yea. so i caved and copped a half gram of k and a half g of coke.

i forgot how much i loved this combo, lol. and k in general...

seriously. i prefer k to dope. its just been so long since ive used k in a non-concert setting that i forgot. luckily i just got a new connect for k/mxe/mdma/25i/dmt, so things might get a little wonky from now on...

Really? Not me man. K is all well and good but.. nothing beats good smack in my book.
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