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The Big & Dandy 5-IT / 5-API Thread

Well this is just a quote from the 6-IT wiki article but it says:
Alexander Shulgin says in his book TiHKAL "From the normal 3-position to the 2, the 4, the 5, the 6 or the 7-positions. All five alpha-methyltryptamine isomers are known, but only one is known to be active in man as a CNS active material. This is the 5-isomer, 5-(2-aminopropyl)indole or 5-IT"[1], indicating that 6-API is not in fact active.

Based off that only 5-IT is the only one active I suppose
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Took 150mg gelcap last saturday with 9mg 5 meo mipt

Like i was on the smoothest crystal e ever.....danced like a full blown roll in my local pub to `beat it`

Ill never live it down but at the time i was in full flow

5-it is NOTHING whatsoever like apb or amt it has no psychadelic feelings of any kind just a warm chatty slightly horny stim effect but i really like it.

With the 5 meo it is IRRESISTABLE!

Ok I finally tried this shit (not the combo...just the 5-it by itself) and all I can say is that it feels trippy as hell now that it's starting to kick in. I hope it doesn't stay like this. Also a lot of nausea on the comeup. Ate about 30 mins before. Then turned into vomiting as the nausea was disabling me I kinda forced it out faster. I dont know if I would of actually puked otherwise. But I felt very sick and uneasy. I figured it would get better once I puked, which that feeling did...but now the 5-it is starting to kick in and it just feels way to trippy for me. I hope it doesn't stay like this for the duration. I just want to go to sleep if it does. It's been about an hour and 15 mins since I popped and did about 75 mg's eyeballed. Mixed with water. The taste was very strong. Stronger than any other RC by far I've ever done. Should of known this being related to AMT, that it would of been trippy. But 99% of you say it is not? I know I'm more sensitive to psychedelics than most, but this drug I thought was not psychedelic? That's not true at all. This drug is infact psychedelic. At least for me it is. Ok that's all. I will report back later and let you all know if it gets any better and turns into a "Rolling" feeling, instead of a trippy one. I'm sure it can't get any worse than this though...the beginning is always the most intense until you get used to it.

Anyone else feel trippy on the comeup of this stuff? Does it mellow out after a while?

Oh I forgot to mention I mixed it with Vinegar also. I hope this didn't make it absorb TOO much. I know vinegar works well for 4-fa and things like that, but I didnt really know about this. Just did it without really thinking anything of it, as I drink vinegar regularly anyway to treat my heartburn.

UPDATE- Nausea and dizziness are getting a little better. But still there. Also the trippiness I'm starting to get used to...and I can feel a very small amount of serotonin activity going on. Nothing like what others have mentioned yet so far though. Not talkative yet, no urge to apologize to people or anything cool like that. So, so far the drug is OK, but it feels too much like 6-apb for me. The problem I have with 6-apb is that it's a boring lazy type of drug to me. This feels like it could be the same but I have faith still that this will get better. I have yet to smoke or listen to music. At this point it just feels alright, nothing special at all. The one annoying effect Im noticing is that this drug seems to make you want to close your eyes, but also open them very wide at the same time. So it's causing like a muscle strain in my forehead. It's like my eyes just want to close, but it keeps going back and forth. Not cool at all. Hope this gets better too. Its been 2 hours since I dosed. Some people claim this is time for a redose and then things get interesting? But I am worried it may bring back those bad effects which I had on the comeup? So I am not even going to do any redose at this time. Will wait longer and see what I think. Not sure "More" is going to be better with a drug like this.

And finally I am 100% sure I have the best 5-IT available...so quality is not an issue. The powder was extremely light tan and very pure. Oh and funny cuz you'd figure this would kill your appetite. Not at all. It's like a classic psychedelic drug in the sense that you can eat with it. It's not like a stimulant in that fashion at all. I actually feel extremely hungry right now so I tried some of this spicy shit...and boy was it intense, so I dont know if I should eat on this or not, because I just ate before I took it. Ok rambling way too much now. But still dont have the urge to talk. Just explaining things way too much.
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Oh, KoB again and his "100% 100% 100% sure the best ever super quality stuff", yet with totally weird effects compared to anyone on this planet.
TKOB -> That report dosent sound like a 5-it trip to me. You said your 5-it powder was extremely light tan ? The 5-it powder ive seen is more like a dark/brownish tan.. The 6-apb powder ive seen lately is very light tan.
I think you should give it another try and get some 5-it from a different vendor.
I reckon KOBs "reliable source" is some jackass friend who keeps selling him bullshit. Or his brain is truley fried.
i think it's to do with not the source of the compound itself but the vinegar.
^ and how is that? if it was freebase, it would have turned into the acetate (i think?), and it would have turned into the HCl salt in the stomach anyway. if it was a salt to begin with, he just would have swallowed some vinegar.

and btw, eating directly before taking psychedelics and empathogens is known to make the comeup uneasier, and it is more likely to get nauseous (for many people at least).

But still dont have the urge to talk. Just explaining things way too much.
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Hey guys,

It's all good. After I made the report, things got Much better. I basically just took a super duper long time to come up and start rolling. Literally about 5 hours. Just as others said, every hour that passed, I Was feeling better and better! Amazing stuff. I can't believe I'm saying this, but I remember how I felt on the peak last night, while listening to music and thinking good thoughts...this drug is better than MDMA. This surpasses the king...and this is the best drug out there right now. I could go down the list of all the reasons why this beats MDMA, in almost every aspect. Also this does have a slight psychedelic side to it as well(Had the hysterical laughing throughout the trip and was talking nonsense through parts). It also brings back the magic which MDMA can't do for people like me anymore.

I haven't rolled as good as I did last night in probably 10 years. And I only took a small dose to start. I did feel uneasy and tripped out on the comeup, but I believe it was due to the nausea. Also and that I am VERY sensitive to psychedelics, so I was able to notice the psychedelic part of the comeup...(which I was scared would get stronger, but luckily it did a 360 degree turn into an amazing clean roll) But the trippiness and bad feelings totally subsided and turned into one of the most amazing rolls I've ever had. As for coming up... Next time I'll know what to do different. There were several other factors involved as well which I didn't mention.

Oh and I know my vendor is legit. Not a single bad report on the net about him! Actually everyone reported (not shills I did my research on this one) he is the man to get 5-It from online.. and that is why I chose him. And infact I don't think it could get any better than what I experienced last night. I ended up taking one more small dose probably 20 mg's about 12 hours into it (I was still rolling very hard) and it kept it going.

I rolled literally for about 18 hours straight. Never did come down, I knew I'd fall asleep before I ever came down. I drank a few beers and smoked some weed too, I believe that is essential for keeping it going even longer. This was my first time ever doing 5-it but from what I've read, my experience matches up with the good reports. Just absolutely amazing drug, not too intense in your face eyes going crazy like strong MDMA, but this is probably because the come up is much slower with 5-it. But this is better for me, because I want something that lasts all night. And this is like 2 or 3 drugs in one. It has all the good qualities of a good clean trip.

This drug is not dirty. Waaay cleaner than the 6-apb I reported on..No diahrea or stomach problems. I feel great today. Got plenty of sleep. I was even able to eat on it when it first kicked in and at the end of the night. It reminds me of MDMA so much...just a bit stronger, and slower and longer acting. MDMA is like a 5-it trip all rolled up into one 4 hour session. That is the best way I can describe it. But on the peak of 5-it, it surpasses even MDMA. 5-it is what I imagined 6-apb would feel like. 6-apb was a dissapointment. 5-it surpassed my high expectations and went beyond what I ever imagined. Truly brings back the magic!

Make sure you have people, music, alcohol, or weed when you do it, this is not a drug to just sit around and do nothing with. (Although at parts you can, but to get the most from it, you should be doing stuff) It is just like MDMA, but lasts much longer, has no comedown, no bad after effects, it's not too cracked out, and has a nice happy natural feel to it when it starts. One downside as others said is that it does make you look fucked. It does dialate your eyes pretty good. And it had minor teeth gurning while I was sleeping. Not anything bothering. Oh and the biggest complaint would have to be the amount of time you need to actually come up and start rolling. The first few hours it feels more like an anxious feeling, with some dysphoria, but that changes and then you get all the good effects. My comeup could of been much better I know. I didn't do it right. But that is what I experienced. A bit psychedelic feel on the comeup, with some nausea, then changed to an all out roll, which kept increasing stronger and stronger throughout the whole night. So, I think it's worth paying the price of waiting 3 hours or more to come up, so that you can experience this awesome 12 hr+ roll

It's soooo gradual on the comeup. Literally 5 hours after my first dose and I'm rolling harder than I Was 4 hours into it. And it just kept building all night, I believe I was peaking 10 hours into it still. I feel this was a very clean drug, although started out feeling a little bit dirty on the comeup. But the roll itself was for the most part, just like taking pure molly, but more intense and longer lasting with a happy trippy element to it. Virtually no visuals though which is fine. Colors look better though.

So as you can see this drug seems to surpass MDMA in almost every catagory...it almost seems too good to be true. Hopefully there won't be any devastating long term effects.
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I to love 5-it I have taken it for several months. My 1st ever experiment with this just like TKoB turned out to be magical hrs and hrs of blissful euphoria, I did add small bumps 30mg every 3hrs or so to my initial dose of 80mg. If you treat it with respect and don't use it too frequently and start low and add small bumps until you reach your sweet spot, there is no need for mega doses in my opinion.

A few things to be aware of, know other chemical effects my body temperature like this one. Usually when I feel hot my body feels very cool to touch, probably cause sweat channeled to the surface of the skin, however the 1st 3hrs on 5-it if you were to touch my body(only girls allowed :) you could hang your washing on there and would be dry in minutes. Make sure you pre hydrate and continue to hydrate throughout the session, I would say Hyperthermia is the main and most prominent side effect from this chemical. I also think balance and coordination are effected for a considerable amount of time so anybody who operates machinery anybody else who thinks these 2 components are essential in the following 24hrs allow yourself enough time to recover. As others have mentioned Motivation can be seriously effected, 5-it does linger in your system for a long time and those tasks, pastimes, chores e.t.c won't seem so appealing for the next few days after your 5-it experiment so bare that in mind.

I think this is one of the best if not the best stimulant to hit the market in the last few yrs, for those who have tried it once and have not been impressed my advice play around with doses start low gradually add small increments, this won't slap you in the face, it will creep up on you. It picks you up gradually and returns your to original state gently. I know patiences is a diminishing trait in today's society but you going to need to call on that trait to get the best out of this chemical.

A.k.a Highsandlows
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Maybe the slow comeup is due to absorption issues. Has anyone tried mixing this with an acid (I think the indole means it will absorb better under acidic conditions)?
I to love 5-it I have taken it for several months. My 1st ever experiment with this just like TKoB turned out to be magical hrs and hrs of blissful euphoria, I did add small bumps 30mg every 3hrs or so to my initial dose of 80mg. If you treat it with respect and don't use it too frequently and start low and add small bumps until you reach your sweet spot, there is no need for mega doses in my opinion.

A few things to be aware of, know other chemical effects my body temperature like this one. Usually when I feel hot my body feels very cool to touch, probably cause sweat channeled to the surface of the skin, however the 1st 3hrs on 5-it if you were to touch my body(only girls allowed :) you could hang your washing on there and would be dry in minutes. Make sure you pre hydrate and continue to hydrate throughout the session, I would say Hyperthermia is the main and most prominent side effect from this chemical. I also think balance and coordination are effected for a considerable amount of time so anybody who operates machinery anybody else who thinks these 2 components are essential in the following 24hrs allow yourself enough time to recover. As others have mentioned Motivation can be seriously effected, 5-it does linger in your system for a long time and those tasks, pastimes, chores e.t.c won't seem so appealing for the next few days after your 5-it experiment so bare that in mind.

I think this is one of the best if not the best stimulant to hit the market in the last few yrs, for those who have tried it once and have not been impressed my advice play around with doses start low gradually add small increments, this won't slap you in the face, it will creep up on you. It picks you up gradually and returns your to original state gently. I know patiences is a diminishing trait in today's society but you going to need to call on that trait to get the best out of this chemical.

A.k.a Highsandlows

Exactly right. I forgot to mention that I did get the unwanted overheating effect, but it was nothing major. Both were what you mentioned. I felt very hot, almost too hot like I couldn't handle being in the heat. I had to be in air conditioning. I usually hydrate too. And then the balance/coordination issue you mentioned. But I thought that was cool. Felt kinda like being drunk/stoned/rolling at the same time (Even though I was drinking and smoking weed, I know the coordination thing was caused from the 5-it)

But yes, definitely the 5-it raises body temp. I felt cold chills at points, but not too bad like piperazines, just could tell I was overheating a little. My girlfriend said I felt cold, but like you said that was probably due to the sweat on my skin. My body felt like an oven heating up at points too.

Maybe the slow comeup is due to absorption issues. Has anyone tried mixing this with an acid (I think the indole means it will absorb better under acidic conditions)?

I was drinking ACV (Apple Cider Vinegar) right before I dosed and after I dosed as well. So you could say I mixed it, but not directly. I have mixed 4-FA with the vinegar and it kicks in faster and harder I noticed. Unless I'm imagining it. But I'm not sure if vinegar is good to mix with 5-it? I actually thought it might not be, but I know nothing of chemistry.

TKOB -> That report dosent sound like a 5-it trip to me. You said your 5-it powder was extremely light tan ? The 5-it powder ive seen is more like a dark/brownish tan.. The 6-apb powder ive seen lately is very light tan.
I think you should give it another try and get some 5-it from a different vendor.

Maybe it is not light tan. Tan is a subjective color in my eyes. What I have could easily be described as a dark tan/brown color. I apologize for any confusion. What I have is definitely 5-it and not 6-apb. I have a different batch of 6-apb which I didn't care for because it was too trippy/lazy for me. I love the 5-it though, it has enough energy to keep me going all night, and was way more fun than the 6-apb. Although I got my 6-apb from a different source a while back. I don't think it was the purest batch, felt really dirty. But the 5-IT I have is so clean and absolutely the purest out there. I did enough research to find out the best place to get it.

Oh I forgot to mention that I also did a couple of bumps of MDPV while I was on the 5-it. The first bump I took on the comeup. This actually sobered me up and took away the bad nausea feeling. I then smoked some weed and had a beer, and that was when the roll started kicking in. I took one more bump of MDPV and this time it affected me good, increased the energy of the 5-it

I know you're not supposed to double post, but I figure it may be appropriate here since I am starting a new trip report. This will keep things more organized.

So, I just dropped about 80 to 90 mg's of the 5-it. Just an estimate based on what I eyeballed. I've never owned a scale so I have no way to know for sure. I know I took a bit more than I had on my previous experience...and this time on an empty stomach. I dont know if I'll have a tolerence from the other night or not. I've heard mixed reports about tolerence with this drug. Most seem to be in favor that tolerence builds slowly and you can actually take this 2 days in a row and still feel it good. I would believe that, as this shit is so super potent.

So, it's been about 20 mins since I dropped. I felt it almost instantly as usual. Within 5 mins I can feel the head buzz. I feel slight nausea and dizziness...but not nearly as bad as my last experience. And this doesn't feel as trippy either. I think it's just the "Heavy" buzz which starts out, which makes you think it will be really trippy, but it never gets there (Thank god) It only increases in good feelings. It's like the drug takes a 360 degree turn.

I'll update more later or when I'm done. Right now i'm still coming up. It probably wont take nearly as long this time as it did last time.

Oh and yes I looked again, the 5-it I have is actually a dark tan, almost looks orange

UPDATE #1- Been about an hour now. Starting to feel better and better. But right now I just feel drunk (And haven't drank anything) so not rolling yet, but I dont expect to for at least another hour or two. Just getting through this lame comeup part and I will make another update. I think I may go for a line of MDPV as I notice it helps get rid of any anxiety on the comeup.

Oh I feel a lot less nausea this time without eating beforehand. But what if someone wants to eat before this? How long should they wait after they eat before they dose?

UPDATE #2- Within minutes of making my first update, I am starting to roll now..(Getting my first body rush/tingle/ecstasy feeling now) Much less bad side effects this time on the comeup. I knew it would be better. I had some herb this time too, which last time I did not and that really messed things up as I need it for my digestion to be normal.

UPDATE #3- Still not really there yet, started drinking beer now. I know I'm still coming up though. Been probably about 3 hours now since I dosed. Crazy that it takes this long, but it's slow to absorb I guess. I can still feel my body digesting it. As soon as I put some music on and smoke I'm sure it will kick in.

UPDATE #4- Still havent put on any music but I'm ready. This is now starting to kick in very good. I finally took the bump of MDPV and that jump started the whole thing into the next gear. So I'm rollin really good now, but not as good as I could be (I know it will get better) and that is because of the lame shit I'm doing right now (Arguing with my ignorant girlfriend) so I need music and peace, and cool vibes and I'll be good....lol (And dont get me wrong, Im in an excellent mood and not letting her get me down, but she is just way too negative to roll good with right now)

UPDATE #5- Well it's the next day now. I managed to fall asleep around 3 am, so this is not a hard drug to sleep off, if you give it some time from your first dose. I noticed I can sleep at anytime after the 2nd dose. Kinda like MDMA in that respect. Not too speedy at all. Much more smacked out. I rolled absolute balls last night, probably the hardest I ever have. A little too hard actually to enjoy a night out. I was pretty much floored just listening to music most of the night. This is like a roll that never ends. You will fall asleep rolling if you do it right.

I rate the drug a 10/10. This is about as good as it gets. The only drawbacks being the long come up, hot feeling skin and I had a sharp head pain for a bit. (But went away when I really started to blow up..and i believe it could of been due to me doing this twice within 24 hrs as i didn't get the headache on my first experience) Those are my only complaints about this. It was my fault I rolled so hard I could of taken less, so no complaints about that! lol

My advice to those trying this for the first time, don't start with more than 40 mg's...because you never know how hard it will hit you. 70 mg's was almost disabling for me at points. But that is because of how smackey this is. But then again I Was smoking lots of weed.

I also just wanna throw in and make completely clear that 5-IT is absolutely nothing like MPA, 5/6APB, AMT or MDMA or anything else that it has been likened to

This is untrue. While 5-it may not be like AMT, it certainly does resemble MDMA in terms of body buzz and euphoria. (5-it has some similarities to 6-apb as well but I think 5-it is far more euphoric and less trippy...and with more energy/motivation to do stuff)

The most shocking thing for me was that 5-IT has the same magic to it as MDMA! So I was more than happy when I finally felt this stuff kick in. Was dissapointed at first, thought it was going to be another lame over rated drug. I suspect 5-IT works on the same exact chemicals in the brain. To me, the only noticeable differences between 5-IT and MDMA are the duration and side/after effects. 5-It has less after effects in my experience, no comedown and it lasts far longer and is even stronger than MDMA. But it has the same type of euphoria so I would say these drugs are extremely similar. 5-IT feels even more like MDMA than Methylone does. 5-it feels a lot like methylone, except stronger, with much more "Magic" and lasts much longer. So 5-it blows m1 away. So, as you can see from what 5-it compares more to MDMA, but even surpasses that. 5-IT>MDMA>M1 This is going to be the new king, just hope it doesn't get popular. I doubt it will because it's not a fast acting drug and it's not meant to be snorted. I feel sorry for anyone who's tried to do that!

FINAL UPDATE- I forgot to mention in my trip report that during the peak of my roll, I went outside (it was night) and went to the car to listen to music and smoke...well my eyes could barely stay open I was rolling so hard...it looked like I was getting surrounded by a thick smoke or mist. It was awesome. I literally felt like I was in a Tornado at one point because I was rolling so hard, that's what I would best describe like. Amazing stuff! Never rolled that hard from MDMA before. Unfortunately though I don't think 5-IT will produce eye wiggles like MDMA could. But besides that it's nice to appreciate something different. Although I do want to warn that doing this too much is not good. Just like MDMA, I can feel the after effects now. I have been dizzy all day and it can get pretty intense. When walking at the grocery store today, I literally felt out of it (The dizziness actually turned into a "dazed" or "High" like feeling..I would even go as far as to say it felt like a flashback of the drug itself!) So obvious you need a break with this stuff. I guess if your brain is fresh you could handle more than me, but twice in one week is still pushing it with this stuff if you go long term.
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5-IT/5-API connected to 14 deaths in Sweden

Hi guys,

I don't have a BL account but I do have some information I think you would be interested in. 5-IT has been connected to 14 deaths (as in found during toxicological testing) in Sweden since late april 2012, says the Swedish Folkhälsoinstitut (Institute/Department of Public Health). In two cases 5-IT was the only substance found.

Original in Swedish: http://www.fhi.se/Aktuellt/Nyheter/Folkhalsoinstitutet-foreslar-forbud-for-ny-livsfarlig-natdrog/

Google translation with some corrections by me (there's still a bit of google English, but you'll get the point):

National Public Health Institute proposes ban on new lethal internet drug

Yet another new drug that is sold via the Internet, 5-IT, has proved fatal in several cases of tragic outcome.

In short time, the National Board of Forensic Chemistry in Linkoping has found the substance 5-IT in a total of fourteen autopsy cases. 5-IT is the only finding in two cases and in others, combined with other drug or drugs. In some cases, the cause of death was found to be poisoning with 5-IT. Other cases are not completed in forensic medicine yet, but most of these cases are linked to drug abuse with a high suspicion of overdose / poisoning.

The autopsies were conducted from late April to late June and the link to 5-IT detected in early July.

The Poisons Information Centre has recorded nine cases with 5-IT during January-June 2012, four of which where 5-IT had been consumed with other drugs. There has also been two more cases during July 2012. Symptoms: Large pupils, sweating, restlessness, tingling, confusion, agitation, anxiety, rapid pulse, high blood pressure, high body temperature.

The Institute of Public Health answered a request in early July from the Public Prosecution Office in Luleå regarding the substance, saying that the substance can be assumed to be declared a drug or health-threatening product. The National Public Health Institute also reported 5-IT as a substance of abuse to the EU's drug center in Portugal.

The actual substance 5-IT can be assumed to be used in order to achieve intoxication or other effects and can be dangerous to human life or health.

A week after the National Public Health Institute sent its' opinion to the Public Prosecution Office in Luleå, the first reports of of intoxication with the substance became known.

In light of the events above the substance been prioritized especially among the 40 substances currently being investigated actively and the Institute will make a formal proposal of regulation as harmful as under the Act (1999:42) banning certain hazardous goods on Thursday, July 26. At the same time, four other compounds (4,5,6-APB and DMAA) will be proposed to be regulated as health hazards.
Thought it worth posting this here as well. Link to other media drug forum discussion: Linky-dink

I've generally found doses around 50-60mg to be pretty fine. Starts calm/sedating buzz for a few hours, then moves to clear stimulant phase after-effect. In my experience, makes me pretty productive at this level (completed a few tasks which I've been procrastinating over for a while).

Be safe.

Yes, it is that "Calm, Sedating" buzz you are talking about which is LAAAME. That is how it starts. I wouldn't even call it a buzz. It is, but it's more like a "Gotta lay down and go to sleep buzz" But then after a few hours, that wears off...or gradually gets better...and better...and better. Until the point you notice you're actually rolling balls, with body orgasms similar to pure molly.

First of all, let me apologize to all those trying to read my posts, for all of the ridiculous rules imposed down by bluelight. They won't allow double posting and I have received no explanation as to why. Putting all kinds of different info in one post makes it harder to read. I still dont understand the difference between cluttering a thread with one big long post, or multiple shorter, seperate posts on each topic. Oh well, so here's what I wanted to add-

It's funny how we were discussing the cancer cure before, because ironically it turns out 5-IT may be beneficial for this. Maybe not the drug itself (Although I've noticed some benefits already on other things in my body) but one amazing thing is that I have practically quit smoking cigarettes since stating the 5-IT. I smoke while I'm speedy, but that's about it. I no longer like smoking otherwise. (I know MDMA used to help me with quitting smoking as well, but 5-IT seems even more beneficial for this, as I was already trying to quit when I was doing MDMA and that was years ago...I had since started smoking again and have been lately, heavier than ever. But since the 5-it...not much at all anymore.)

The nicotene makes me sick now, and I can't really handle smoking. It feels like I have just smoked a strong cigarette if I go to light one up. So that led me to naturally cut down. I went from smoking about a pack a day to only smoking about 3 or less in a day. This all happened pretty much overnight too which is why it's amazing. I had no plan to quit, did not put my mind to it, it just happened. I definitely know the link was the 5-IT. It does something to make your body reject the cigarettes (or Nicotene). I no longer crave it. So, this could be a good drug to help you quit smoking. Also it made me not want to drink alcohol anymore either.

I no longer drink alcohol unless it's a booster for a roll or something done purposely. I no longer have a psychological urge for it. Infact I dont think of it at all. So this definitely has some benefit for getting you off other "hard" or deadly drugs. I dont consider the 5-IT to be deadly in itself, if not abused. Although it may be still too early to tell, I think 5-IT is a fairly nice drug with some pretty nice benefits. And it seems safe as long as you drink enough water. It does raise body temp though, and as a serotonin releaser, it should not be taken that often. Just wanted to post this cuz I've read every report on 5-IT online and no one else has ever mentioned this. I almost forgot to mention it as well...I've been meaning to post this for a bit now. Happy Rolling
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Wow I dont see how anyone could be ok with that lame tired feeling, where you dont know if you want to open or close your eyes, no urge for music, etc. I did almost fall asleep too. And infact I did fall asleep while on 6-apb which I also thought was lame. But the reason I dont see why anyone would enjoy it, is because you are taking a drug expecting to roll...then you get that. It's a disappointment unless you know the feeling is only temporary and it will pass...