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The Big & Dandy 5-IT / 5-API Thread

What do you guys think the mechanism of action is for this? Do you think it's a straight serotonin releaser or does it have dopamine stimulant qualities?
What do you guys think the mechanism of action is for this? Do you think it's a straight serotonin releaser or does it have dopamine stimulant qualities?

I'd say our most educated guess at the moment would be to look to the analogues of this compound, 5-APB and 5-APDB. 5-APB a lot of people have experience with and so can qualitatively judge the effects, but more importantly with 5-APDB we actually have monoamine release values.

The release values for 5-APDB are: IC50 values of 130 nM [SERT], 7,089 nM [DAT], and 3,238 nM [NET] - where a lower number == a larger release.

This shows us 5-APDB's action is almost entirely on serotonin release, but that dopamine and norepinepherine are also released just in much much smaller amounts. Given that 5-APB feels mostly serotonergic with very little dopaminergic stimulation, and 5-IT reports suggest it's continuing this trend, I suspect their release values would be somewhat similar.
We decided not to sell this chemical any more, we heard about to much abuse! We are sorry, but we can't allow our self's to ruin our image because of one chemical! We hope for your understanding!

Todays news from a trusted vendor. WTF
Same question. I doesnt felt toxic or moreish. So there must be some serious health problems involved if they put it off from sale.
i dont know about anyone else but music sounds the best on this drug, better than any other drug, it sounds amazing in a normal way if you know what i mean, obv i took my fair share of psychs and music sounds mindblowing, but on 5 IT music just sounds so fucking crisp and perfect, makes any music you listen to perfect, try listening to anything, something youve never or ever would listen to and you will love it, i guarantee haha :)
if we're to speculate based on what we know, 5-apdb is almost purely serotonin with little dopamine release, and 5-apb seems to behave similarly, i'd imagine 5-api leans this way too. Drugs that seem to be mostly serotonin seem to be less neurotoxic, so you can be a bit more lenient with how often you take them.

That said i don't think a week would be anywhere near enough in the long run, since serotonin downregulation and damage done quickly compound over time. You might be okay with say 3 weeks vs the usual "one month rule" that you'd apply to mdma/6-apb etc, but until we know monoamine release values for 5-api i personally wouldn't want to risk spacing out doses by any less than a month, since by the time you've done damage with these mdxx like empathogens, at the very least you have an extremely long recovery time, and at worst some people never seem to fully recover.

I have been taking 5-IT every fri and sat for about 4-5 months now.

I started at 100mg went up to 175mg and then back to 125mg as I felt any more added nothing to the experience.

I do indeed believe it affects seritonin as I get the midweek blues in the exact same way as I did with ecstasy.

Short tempered feeling actually quite violent etc

I cut it down to one day a week and it made a massive difference.

I love it though its the best thing since 4mmc in my opinion.

I will be keeping a close eye on the health issues though especially in light of the vendors statement about abuse.

It`s a very ambiguous statement to say the least.
No one knows about its effects on serotonin? Is it a strong releaser like MDMA?
Some insider info> There are no known health issues. Just people were overdosing themselves in masses becouse of the 3 hour activation time.

This post is a tad unhelpful, please post what you think is wrong and why you think this, as it might help the flow of information :)

If I were to take a guess at which part of my post you were attacking I'd assume it would be the "Drugs that seem to be mostly serotonin seem to be less neurotoxic", as that line wasn't worded in the best way. If I were to rephrase I'd say rather that in the case of triple releasers like MDMA, MDA, MDAI etc, in a lot of cases those with higher dopamine to serotonin release ratio seem to have the higher degree of neurotoxicity, e.g. MDA, while those that are mostly serotonin, like MDAI, seem to have significantly less neurotoxicity.

Of course this was a bit of a blanket statement and not correct in all cases, the main factor is that it seems that compounds acting purely as serotonin releasers don't exert the same neurotoxicity that those with potent dopamine release do.

No one knows about its effects on serotonin? Is it a strong releaser like MDMA?

Purely by similarity in structure to 5-APDB and 5-APB I'd say that yes this functions primarily on serotonin, with significantly lesser effects on dopamine than 6-APB, MDMA etc. This is speculation based on the structure though so don't take my word as fact. So you should expect the usual serotonin down-regulation and related side-effects post use.
No one knows about its effects on serotonin? Is it a strong releaser like MDMA?

I would say its a slow releaser thats why theres no `rush`

My guess is that it could be releasing more than e but over time rather than in a surge so a strong but slow release.
Around 125mg I loved this. I can think of one obvious way to give it a rush.
I would say its a slow releaser thats why theres no `rush`

Isn't dopamine responsible for the "rush", wouldn't that explain why 6-apb can be quite rushy and in waves (releases a great deal more dopamine than 5-apb) while 5-apb is almost all serotogenic making it not rushy. And given that this is a very close analogue to 5-apb wouldn't that also explain why it wouldn't be rushy. I thought serotonin releasers release a great deal of the brains 5-ht instantly and that's why redosing is not nearly as good as initial dose, so a slow releaser confuses me