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The Big & Dandy Oral DMT thread (Ayahuasca/Pharmahuasca)

Exactly, it is you and the psychedelic and I'm not suggesting otherwise. Ayahuasca is your teacher

Then why do you believe it's important to listen to a bloke in the jungle? Why not just listen to the plant?

I've never been told what to think, feel, or worship

So why are you travelling to the jungle to take it? Why not take it in your own home? Presumably you're doing it because the humans who live in that jungle are telling you something you consider "important"?

This is bordering on racism

No, it's not. Are you saying shaman can only be of another race?

I agree that this is not some shitty religion and it makes me sick that it is turning into that.

So what about the whole santo daime religion based around Ayahuasca? Which is enormous in South America? Surely you arn't blaming that on white tourists?

Once again, Ayahuasca is your teacher, and it is the only thing that needs to be followed.

So the Santo Daime religion should be ignored? I agree. So why exactly are you going to South America to trip in the jungle with them?

but it seems obvious to me that you don't like criticism so I'll leave it now

Not sure why you think that. Don't confuse passion with anger. I'm passionate about the subject, criticise all you want.
I like all of this - I go to the jungle for cultural reasons, and also because one of my best friends (colombian) is an apprentice with the Cofán people. The only thing that the Cofán shaman's talk about is the mastery of self - "there" and, by extension, "here". Everything I see about Perú makes me sick - I'm sorry that we got off on the wrong foot - as I said, I think we have a lot more in common than you think. As for drinking in my house - I'm Australian, so yeah, one word for you: ACACIA - but I dig the traditional environment. It's not about a mode of thinking, or a system of belief - it's all a mystery, and by extension, unknowable (except for the self within context).

I didn't mean to be so fiery either.


Sorry about derailing the thread!
No problem, thanks for your input. Always nice listening to someone passionate about yage :)

Acacia might be the way forward here in the UK too. The british border police have been seizing mimosa for months now (apparantly it's a "preparation of DMT") so the country is dry.
Acacia and Syrian Rue, a suitable form of Ayahausca?

Has anyone tried this form of "Ayahausca" before with any success?
MAOI diet ?

if i ate cooked brown rice for a couple weeks, would that flush my body enough for ayahausca ???

i am aware the main foods to avoid are those that have fermented or decayed, but on the flip side i don't know which foods you can specifically get away with ??
Plenty of people will tell you that syrian rue is a suitable MAOI component for "anahuasca" (analog of huasca), while others will tell you that B. caapi vine is irreplaceable for the true experience.

As long as you find an acacia species that indeed contains DMT (and low/zero levels of other plant toxins) I don't see any reason for this to fail.
I thought the traditional ayahuasca brew consists of DMT, syrian rue, B. caapi and water. Without B. caapi, wouldn't you be missing some crucial element of the trip? Sure it could work - syrian rue has its own psychoactive effect and is an MAO inhibitor - but why not go for the full experience?

My question is, do you need to extract the DMT from the acacia for it to work in an ayahuasca brew? If not, that will make things much easier for me when the time comes.
I thought the traditional ayahuasca brew consists of DMT, syrian rue, B. caapi and water. Without B. caapi, wouldn't you be missing some crucial element of the trip?

Ayahuasca is traditionally B. Caapi vine + psychotria viridis (chacruna). Syrian Rue is definitely not a part of the amazonian recipe, since Rue is native to the Middle East. This does not mean that people shouldn't experiment with recipes however, since the important basic components of the brew are the harmala alkaloids and the DMT. Different recipes offer different additional alkaloids such as 5-MeO-DMT, and in varying ratios to the the DMT.

Using Rue or passion flower will give varying ratios between harmine, harmaline, and tetrahydroharmine. The choice of MAOI plant is very important to the more involved ayahuasca brewers. I've seen that Rue + Mimosa Hostilis (jurema) is considered a very strong combination amongst ayahuasca imbibers. Mimosa contains a lot of tannins in the bark which can cause a strong bodyload in combo with the myriad rue alkaloids.
All you need is a good source of DMT and something to activate it. I wouldn't take "what the indian natives say" too seriously.
Yeah I know this technically isn't "Ayahausca", I was basically wondering is Syrian Rue was a viable MAOI and if Acacia had a sufficient amount of DMT for a trip. Thanks guys.
Syrian rue has it's own effects. I've done pharmahuasca (extracted DMT+Syrian rue) 3 times and all times I felt more like psychedelically fucked up than tripping. It was great fun, but syrian rue feels like it suppresses conscious thought for me. Combining rue with mushrooms had similar feelings. You'll probably enjoy the experience, but I'm guessing you won't get the kind of experience that you've heard about using syrian rue.
Also, I was wondering what is the most important factor in the intensity of the trip? Is it the amount of DMT alkaloids in the plant, or is it the potency of the MAOI?
3g of ground Syrian Rue + 10mg of 5-Meo-DMT 45min later had my body becoming transparent, every particle and point in space imbued with consciousness & emitting massive quantities of white light into which I was dissolving, and me wondering if I had died because the experience seemed so utterly real yet impossible. I liked it, especially after doing a "systems check" (heart rate, movement, etc) to convince myself I was in fact still alive, but I only did it that once it was so intense... I still remember it like it was yesterday... the day I became ONE with the all-singing all-dancing everpresent MIND that everything is in fact made out of.... out brains are just little balloons that DNA via evolution has figured out how to capture and use a little of it for a while... but everything is alive, it's all one thing.

Sorry, got a little carried away there, haha.... YES Syrian Rue is a fine MAO inhibitor... only question is - is there enough DMT in your Acacia?
Also, I was wondering what is the most important factor in the intensity of the trip? Is it the amount of DMT alkaloids in the plant, or is it the potency of the MAOI?

I think it's the amount of DMT. You just need enough MAOI to suppress the MAO enough so that the DMT survives in the stomach and blood long enough to reach the brain... then it's the amount of DMT that really determines the strength of the trip. 3g Syrian Rue seed ground to a fine powder in a coffee bean grinder (about a slighty rounded teaspoon) ON AN EMPTY STOMACH was sufficient. In about 45 mins I was feel a little woozy and a mild pleasant intoxicated feeling, did the (5-Meo-)DMT and in minutes, blastoff. Peaked in about 20-25 mins, started coming down after about an hour with lingering pleasant aftereffects for another hour or so.
I picked up some Pharmahuasca a few weeks back, was a bit hesitant about taking it at the time. I'd never heard of it before and it sounded too good to be true. I'm not big on necking chems I've never heard of before so stored it away for a rainy day.
I asked a friend about it shortly after I got it. I trust his knowledge on all things DMT, but he was also unsure. He said that it's a good idea to watch your diet before hand as it can react negatively towards some foods.
Is this true? Any idea what I shouldn't be eating? Is it safe on the whole?
He told me that he personally wouldn't take it, which set off alarm bells in my head.

I also thought about it afterwards, DMT and co, seem to be much more of a mystical journey through time, space and consciousness. I'll usually indulge when at home or a nice quiet location.
The way the Pharma was described to me was as "not as intense as DMT but lasts for 3-4 hours".
This just makes me think of a nice dose of 2C-B/I which I consider to be a more "party/social" experience.

Soooo can anyone clarify on any safety precautions and possibly a good environment in which one may want to consume said substance? Would a party/gathering be better or a quieter at home experience? :)

Which MAOI have you got? What did the guy mean that pharmahuasca is "not as intense as DMT"? - pharmahuasca IS DMT.

There's probably going to be quite a bit of vomiting involved so it's not really a party drug.
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Which MAOI have you got?
I've no idea, I don't remember if he told me. I was in somewhat of a compromised state at the time if I'm honest. A good friend insisted on his reputability, but after the initial "OMG!!!" wore off, sensible mode kicked in.
I can probably find the ingredients out.

What did the guy mean that pharmahuasca is "not as intense as DMT"? - pharmahuasca IS DMT.
This also confused me (lack of info made me wary). Unless there's a small DM content maybe, but then; what's the point in that? Would it even work?
He may have meant not as instantly intense as smoking DM or as full on and long as drinking aya?

I wouldn't consider anything DM based to be a party drug, he described it as if it is. I think I may have a nice evening in with it :)
What does it look like modified? Usually if it's pharmahuasca it's going to be some kind of MAOI - so it'll either be a 300mg tablet of moclobemide, or some yellowish extract of syrian rue seeds/caapi bark. And then you'll have the DMT which will be a yellow/orange crystal powder.