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The Big & Dandy Methoxetamine Thread - 7th Dose (Let's start the next bag)

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it could be this or that. or this or that. i suggest stop speculating and go to a doctor.

tramadol and mxe btw isn´t a good combo. if you didn´t have any problems yet then okay.
but i read several times that tramadol seems to potentiate mxe.
and even if it seems that mxe isn´t serotonergic i wouldn´t combine it with tramadol because of that reason.

however, hope the reason of your pain isn´t anything really bad.
mind me asking how many grams are in the final picture? i just ordered 4 grams and i have no idea what the volume will be.
I think there was about 20ish grams left in it.

@psychoblast: I can almost guarantee that your abdominal, or kidney pain is from abuse of methoxetamine. I have a friend that used to do a lot of k; like up to a gram a day, everyday. After a year or so she had terrible stomach aches and kidney pain that was clearly connected to her abuse of ketamine. It was a shitty cycle too because if she did more k the pain would go away, but as soon as she started to sober up a bit it would come back. She has quit now and her pain has all gone away; I can't say for sure if it did long term damage but it doesn't seem to bother her anymore.

I have also heard other issues with mxe being related to kidney pain even if one isn't abusing it, because people weren't sufficiently hydrating themselves and apparently that would cause kidney pain the day after.

My best advice for you would be to stop taking it ASAP. You really need a break; it isn't meant to be taken every day. I usually don't even take it once a week, I can't imagine taking it every single day! If you have some anxiety problems and you HAVE to take some sort of medication for it, I suggest maybe getting some etizolam as I have a friend with anxiety problems and it seems to have a long term effect so it doesn't need to be taken daily. Even that is fairly dangerous though because pretty much all benzo-like drugs are quite addicting. What you really should do is fix whatever problem is giving you all that anxiety. Taking medication doesn't solve those problems; it's like if you have a headache every single day, would you just continue taking ibuprofen every single day for the rest of your life? Wouldn't it seem far more logical to find out the root of the problem and actually fix it instead of postponing it? Sometimes drugs will help you find the root of the problem, but it's a very unhealthy line of thought to take drugs simply to postpone whatever problem you have.
reckon people need to start posting pictures of their batch, the clumpy stuff is crap, infact theres too many shit batches around at the moment. the quality of this stuff varies too much, might have to call it a day with MXE. gonna miss the afterglow
I have 500mg left of the really super euphoric shyt right now that I will post a picture of when I get started on it.
I promised myself I would wait a few days.
Last binge went on four days. Need a rest lol.
When you do some from this batch is just feels like you got rewarded bigtime.

Funny thing it looks just like my last batch that was crappy and heavy and the one I got the Russian atomic bomb bad trip. This batch totally different mad love and euphoria.

Whats this benzo stuff I keep hearing about all over?
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ah thats probably me banging on about how amazing my previous experiences were when mixing MXE with valium, lol
Okay so this is the third day I've used MXE in a row. I'd say I've probably done 150-170mg over the past 3 days.
Now that I've come down from my last use, I've found that I have this remarkable optimism about life in general that I can't remember feeling in a long time. It feels very real, intrinsic. More permanent feeling than similar sensations from MDMA (I hope). Anyone else experience this? It could be unrelated to the MXE I suppose.
Okay so this is the third day I've used MXE in a row. I'd say I've probably done 150-170mg over the past 3 days.
Now that I've come down from my last use, I've found that I have this remarkable optimism about life in general that I can't remember feeling in a long time. It feels very real, intrinsic. More permanent feeling than similar sensations from MDMA (I hope). Anyone else experience this? It could be unrelated to the MXE I suppose.

for me, the first time i experienced an afterglow after taking mxe for a few days and then stopping - it was much like you describe above. I felt very positive and optimistic - and also felt alot more motivated and inspired/creative at work.

After several more trials with mxe, i still get a nice afterglow each time i stop (whether it be after 1 day use, or taking mxe for 4 or 5 days in a row)... but the intensity of the afterglow is nowhere near as intense as the first time. I also haven't experienced any push in motivation or felt more inspired/creative like the first time... i just feel a little more positive mentally all-around.

I haven't had a break of more than about 5 or 6 days in a row since starting to take mxe back in late October... and i'm really hoping that taking a longer break brings back the afterglow feeling like i experienced the first time... because i've never felt that kind of ramp up in motivation and creativity from a chemical before.

Also- one side note: i've found that all of my best experiences with mxe have all been when i've taken smaller doses (10-20mg) a few times throughout the day - usually spaced about 1.5-2 hours apart.
Also- one side note: i've found that all of my best experiences with mxe have all been when i've taken smaller doses (10-20mg) a few times throughout the day - usually spaced about 1.5-2 hours apart.


Even though I have taken large amounts up to 200mg, I always dose small and make sure I feel comfortable getting there. If I'm not feeling good an hour after my last dose, no reason to dose more..

15mg at a time is good for me, maybe 20mg. It's easy to build up to 100mg a night total.

The time I tried to force a larger dose quicker to replicate another trip, is when I pushed it and felt crappy and had my bad trip.
Correspondingly the doses vary per batch and per how you feel that day and how you ate and slept etc etc etc.

Slower up the ramp is best.
It's cool that the substance can build like that.
Yes i know about this issue, but it isn't the darkening of the facial skin you're getting from long term use i'm speaking about. I'm getting really bad acne, mostly just one "hive" which won't go away by itself. Absolutely horrible and not worth the subtle effects you're getting from Kratom leaves.

Needless to say i'm hyper-sensible to Kratom and the path between slightly stimulated/buzzed and being totally f****d up is relatively thin.

Sounds interesting. Thanks for your reply!

I used to get bad acne alot when I was younger....it was related to my hormone levels...with it came very oily skin.
If you got oily skin your acne is possibly related to your hormone levels...and we really don't know how mxe affects hormone levels though I'd guess cortisol probably goes up(elevated blood pressure is related to elevated cortisol levels)

Kratom being a natural organic botanical (that is if wasn't polluted with pesticides, fungicides,ect.)is in the same league with coffee, tea and kava root , probably isn't the culprit. By the way mxe will make it better i.e lower your tolerance.(make you hypersensitive) Your getting natural vitamins,minerals and phytochemicals(read antioxidants) with your kratom too!

If you have the oily skin use alcohol cleaners(they strip away the oilliness)

Not that it totally couldn't be possible.......I couldn't see how a change in ROA would negate systemic side effects.
Not that it totally couldn't be possible.......I couldn't see how a change in ROA would negate systemic side effects.

How not? There are plenty of drugs that make people quite nauseous when taken orally, but the nausea is almost completely negated when taken rectally instead. I also know that when I snort anything, it makes me sweat more than regularly, so that could contribute to worsening of acne.
I also know that when I snort anything, it makes me sweat more than regularly, so that could contribute to worsening of acne.

Acne is caused by specific bacteria that infect the skin, and has nothing to do with perspiration, which as a fluid produced by human cells inside our bodies is typically sterile (as are tears, urine, etc)... the relation between sweat and acne is an inaccurate pseudo-medical myth I am pretty sure.
Sweat can worsen your acne because it seeps into oil-filled pores, bringing debris and bacteria along with it. Sweat is mostly water, but it also contains salts, sugars, proteins, and dead skin cells that are shed naturally every day. Bacteria living on the skin thrive in the warm, humid environment that sweat provides. They invade the pores and multiply there, causing swelling and inflammation.

If sweat is trapped under heavy clothing, sports gear, and backpacks and can't evaporate, it's still more of a haven for hungry bacteria. That's why people often get acne under sports gear, backpacks, and tight clothing. Doctors recommend that people who are prone to acne wash their face and body with a gentle soap or cleanser after they finish an activity that makes them sweat.
MXE is making me want to quit smoking weed for some reason.
I keep getting that sensation during my trips. It's happened twice now.

I quit smoking cigarettes two and a half years ago after 15 years of smoking.
I used weed as a crutch to help me quick the cigs and now I feel like I want to quit weed for a while too.

Probably not forever, but I don't think I need to burn all day every day like I do.

I could probably quit herb for a while and then when I come back to it just smoke only every couple of days at night time before bed or something.

Also since I'm not getting high tonight it does seem like I kinda want to get high anyways even though I'm not going to just to show I'm strong enough to not get high while it's sitting right there. It's addicting alright, but I have enough will power to quit cigarettes so I'm not surprised I have enough will power to leave it alone for a few nights.

Kinda boring sitting here not high when I could be. lol
My MXE tolerance is coming up fast anyways though it's taking twice as much now to get where I used to. 15mg bump doesn't do all that much anymore. That kinda sucks because I'm finally learning how to us less and less to get where I want. Catch 22.

The best idea for me would probably be a few weeks break in total.
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Lol weed is like my best friend.
I realize I'm addicted to it but I keep telling myself there's no real reason to quit.
Other than I might be a bit less lazy..

I don't know why the MXE wants me to quit. I love the lemony sweet taste of a nice bowl of medical OG.

Maybe I can get some of that chronic candy to supplement the addiction I have to that sweet OG taste.

I think MXE wants me to quit weed because it's becoming expensive and gaining attention and becoming legal and easy to obtain like cigs and the government is going to capitalize on this just like cigs and I need not be part of that. Too much weed and too much cigs and I end up not wanting any.
I'll be damned if you catch me on the booze.

I guess they should make all drugs LEGAL then huh?
I'd probably be done with them by now.
Give us our own damn choice.

The war on drugs is a failure.

Even I know I can't sit here doing MXE forever. A little experimentation and I'll be on my way. All this type of self exploration should be completely legal. It's good for you. Shrooms and MXE and DMT have done some amazing things for me. All the acid I did was so long ago I can't remember. All I remember of that was feeling so good and laughing so much I didn't even care.

I'll probably never forget my hospital trip on Datura though. What I was "there" for of it.
I was much too young and inexperienced for that nonsense.
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someones gotta try it at extreme lengths for health reasons (and a giggle) big old gram insufflated after not having it for weeks, not long to go now, i'll report the experience later of doin a stupid amounts... For health reasons may i state
I hope you don't mean a gram all at once.
You might be on your way to the ER.

I would be at that amount.
someones gotta try it at extreme lengths for health reasons (and a giggle) big old gram insufflated after not having it for weeks, not long to go now, i'll report the experience later of doin a stupid amounts... For health reasons may i state

I hope that's a joke. If you would end up dying you could ruin it for the rest of us, and it's just an extremely stupid thing to do regardless. I have a friend that's a tank, I've seen him snort a gram of k in 2 lines(when I'd only need 100-200mg to hole); he decided to take 600mg of mxe sublingually and was not too far off from dying so my guess would be that if a normal person took anywhere near a gram of this they would die, or be extremely close to death.
Either that or he gonna come back foaming at the mouth talking about how Russia dropped nukes on him while creating the universe, turning into a ghost drinking transformer, riding the amoebas to see the super soul and deciding to quit smoking weed at the same time. =D

Good luck my friend. We all hope you simply don't know your measurements and took much less.
Consuming a gram with a low-ish tolerance could be a million times more life changing than just 40mg already is.

Your kidneys going to come out looking like burnt toast. =(
I get some kidney pinching when I finally come down after taking four or five days to consume half a gram. You can just tell this stuff probably not good for ya in the long run let alone in huge amounts. The few times I did 200mg a night my Kidneys ached for a few hours the next day. I won't go over 100mg a night for any reason now. If I need too, I built up too much tolerance.

45mg in small 15mg steps will get me where I need to be if I turn the lights out and lay down and let the visuals come. I might redose to 20 more mg after I start to feel the buzz from the 45mg coming down.

This substance can build up. There is seemingly no need to get the right dose the first time. Take less than what you think you'll need and build your high to where you need it.

One night I might only feel like 45mg and another night I might feel good and comfortable to do 100mg. How you feel can dramatically effect your trip and dosage requirements. going in small steps to see how you feel seems to be good with MXE. Don't push it either because you can have bad trips. They come out of nowhere right in the middle of all the good stuff.

Lower controllable amounts I don't get any bad trips at all but still get massive bouts of euphoria. I lay there smiling my ass off wanting to tell everyone I know how good I feel and that I'm important too.
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I haven't done MXE in about 2 weeks+.
I have a bag within easy reach and yet I don't feel the slightest urge to grab it.

I feel that, for now, I've received all I can from the chemical. Putting aside all the 'psychedelics as Great Mystical Teachers' stuff, I don't even want to do it for fun.

I suppose the after-effects are too bothersome. I don't want to endure several days of mania just for one fun trip.

For the first time in years, I actually prefer sobriety to any kind of mental fuckedupedness.
I wonder if, perversely, this could be some side-effect of MXE use... but that's probably just wishful thinking. Just like those people who use MXE daily with the fervent belief that it is permanently curing their depression/alcoholism/anxiety by somehow rewiring their brains.

Very interesting post. Now, when you say "several days of mania", what exactly do you mean? Is it similar to when you overdue MDMA and feel like complete shit for a couple days? In other words, am I going to need the next day off from work after I take this just to make sure I have the needed energy and I'm not working in zombie mode? Most posters are making it seem like you can take this inbetween breaks at work. Not that I would do anything that crazy.

Eyes Wide Open, I like your method of dosing so that's what I'm going by tomorrow. Since I have horrible allergies and am always sneezing I refuse to put anything up my nose. (would hate to sneeze away money) Would this be just as affective if I just throw about 15 mg in a glass of juice and down it, or sit the 15 mg under the tongue? And how long is the duration normally with a small dose like 15 mg?

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