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The GHB/GBL Addiction & Withdrawal Thread

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I have been through some fucking horrific GBL withdrawals twice, and the best thing you can do for yourself is convert it to GHB straight off. Take doses Only when you need them and can't deal with the anxiety/racing heart etc.

Only dose enough to keep the w/d at a manageable level.

You have only been on it for 2 weeks, the withdrawals are bad, but they are short. I would use the etizolams for your attempts to sleep. 1-2 before sleep, and take GHB doses when Needed!

They will be over in a few days. Porpanalol or another beta blocker is good if the racing heart gives you a lot of anxiety. You will feel like you have no energy for a few days. Be sure to flush the rest of your GBL when you can deal without it as the withdrawals get worse and worse each time you get addicted!
^ Not my first time.. Last time (well over a year ago) I was using everyday all day for perhaps 3 - 4 weeks? Had a pack of diazepam 10mg to help me through and ALOT of alcohol.. i don't remember the days following ;)
Seeing as sodium hydroxide isn't a drug.. where can i get it? Is it available from any high street shops?

Also.. do withdrawals follow a sort of pattern? Meaning.. does it get worse for a few days then better? or does it start off at it's worst?
Seeing as sodium hydroxide isn't a drug.. where can i get it? Is it available from any high street shops?

Also.. do withdrawals follow a sort of pattern? Meaning.. does it get worse for a few days then better? or does it start off at it's worst?

Sure, you can buy it at any hardware shop - caustic soda.
Thought so :) thanks.. i'll try that tomorrow..

As it stands.. it's been almost 12 hours since my last dose of 4ml of GBL.. 9 hours since my last dose of 3000mg phenibut.. have drunk 12 units and am feeling ok.. anxiety levels are higher, as well as paranoid(?) thoughts are starting to occur.. noticing heart beat more than i should but nothing too much..

Lets hope i can sleep tonight without the aid of the etizolam (which im hoping to save for the end of phenibut)..
Be careful with switching from GBL to phenibut. Getting off of phnenibut is harder than GBL
fuck the phenibut, seriously!

a couple of weeks will not lead to w/d that are life threatening. Go to B+Q or wicks and get some caustic soda, own brand.
rickasnice- i wondered how your detox was going!

ok, so you plan on using phenibut for a day, then switching to gbl and back and forth while decreasing dosages and adding in alcohol when needed??that sounds complicated..why not just do a taper of phenibut, cut down 500 mgs every 2-3 days and let your body slowly adjust to it and the lower you get, slow the taper down even more...

btw the worst about about detoxing(from any rec drug really) is the bordom and general malaise you experience and increased anxiety..the anxiety can be controlled somewhat but the boredom and anhedonia really cannot unless you take another drug....its almost something you must go thru to come out on the other side..exercise helps in this area but you will go thru the workout like a zombie but it does help...

im just surprised after 9 hours of a 3 gram phenibut dosage that anxiety is increasing already...

another thing, are you completely ready to stop getting high altogether?ready to throw all the drugs away?
rickolai-it is also important to note that you had anxiety and racing thoughts prior to using drugs...so what you may be feeling is simply just your 'normal' state amplified by drug withdrawal...so if you try to medicate those racing thoughts away it is a never ending cycle if they were there to begin with....maybe im wrong?im just saying that some of us have been on drugs for so long we dont know what 'normal' feels like or if we were ever normal to begin with..lol..
Rick can't comment on the phenibut - G mix you've had going on there, but I'm not surprised to hear you're having withdrawals. It will be short lived no matter how hellish it may feel just now, it will pass.

Have you any access to diazepam or similar?

Pour the rest of the G down the toilet please.

More info here:-
The GHB/GBL Addiction & Withdrawal Thread
I've never taken either of the drugs you have been using but I can relate to trying to quit and going through withdrawl.
Just wanted to wish you all the best mate and that I hope you achieve what you want to achieve.Good luck with it mate.
I wouldn't wish them on anyone without chemicals to help. If you can get gabapentin and some valium that's a god send of a combination but I found that it made the withdrawals almost too bearable making relapsing a lot easier. I tackled the height of my addiction pretty much cold turkey and it was so horrendous I haven't used it since.
Dipenhydramine when used for sleep when kicking drugs like GBL and phenibut is a waste of time almost..ive tried large doses of it and the best i got out of it was a little drowsiness..never put me to sleep...
This guy must be out of it now, these W/D can't have been that bad especially with those etizolams!
Not much of a 'live' account mind...

Maybe I should get a liter, throw myself straight into the 24/7 dosing and make a w/d thread worth reading!

(just kidding rickolasnice, sure you are fine by now...)
^^umm phenibut/gbl/alcohol withdrawals are NOT going to be over in 3-4 days...not when you have been using for months, it just doesnt work that way..
I used to take GBL to sleep for a while. Then I took about 4ml a bit later than usual, about 2 or 3 in the morning. I woke up at 6 to go to work and realised I couldn't remember who I was or where I fucking worked.

Took me about 45 minutes for my memory to come back. After that I just take a couple of mls every week or two. Fucking rubbish drug - no high from it all. Just a weak alcohol high.
You're in for a tough ride.

If you want to continue using G to taper, you should convert to GHB using food safe sodium bicarbonate, not hardware store caustic soda. Let's not make this worse than it needs to be.
Hello again :)

Sorry for the "non live" report..

I've managed to stop GBL and already have cut my phenibut down to 2100mgs.. taken all the etizolam (stupidly.. was more out of boredom than needin it)..

I'm experiencing no withdrawals tbh.. Phenibut is where my addiction lies.. been on it for months and months.. GBL just allowed me to not feel the withdrawal for a few days..

But i've taken a couple of doses of GBL today.. nothin too much and wont be taking anymore for atleast another few days.. havn't managed to get some sodium hydroxide yet but will probably go out and get some tomorrow.. Tryin to think the closest place to me i could buy it.. what kinda shops do it? I know hardware store but tbh im not exactly sure what that is :D

But yeah.. im sleeping fine, anxiety is fine and am not experiencing any signs of that OVERLY bored feeling..

Will cut down my dose of phenibut again tomorrow.. making it 1800mgs.. then again the next day to 1500mgs etc etc.. Then i plan on switching it for GHB for a few days then back to phenibut at a much lower dose and see where that leaves me.

Thanks for the well wishes.

And sorry i didn't reply to your PMs belfort.. i meant to.. i read them a while a go when i didn't have time to reply then forgot about it :/ Sorry!

Transform.. i was under the impression i needed sodium hydroxide.. which caustic soda is just another name for?

Also.. didn't get the diphenhydramine.. chemist was out when i went so the cashier wouldn't sell me them.. havn't needed them so havn't bothered.
Yes, it is another name for it but it's not going to be particularly pure if you buy it from a hardware store as drain cleaner. Soudium bicarb will do the same job and is approved for food use, probably a lot easier to get too.

Have you been taking the phenibut all at once?

Have you considered taking it through the day to give lower peak plasma levels?
GABA withdrawals are filth, and out of your drug phenibut is the longest acting one. Cut out the GHB, dose the phenibut as low as you can and you will be out off the woods the quickest.

I highly recommend a beta blocker. Unlike the other GABA drugs you have there, it will not prolong or worsen the withdrawals; it will just make them easier to manage.
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