• Bluelight

    A memorial
    to Bluelighters
    who have passed away

RIP Melange <3

damn man this shit sucks..whats eerie is the first thing i looked at today was the shrine and then i come here and see yet anothe addition..this is like the 4th person ive know and talked to on here in the past 2months if that..it might be even more then 4 it could be 5...did he die of an OD? or i should say are we 100% sure thats what it was and not just speculating?

RIP bro this cups for you
no forreal like why aren't we doing blacklight right now. and they didn't do that for tally either. this is bullshit. do loungerats not get the same mourning? like wth.
From all reports the code hasn't been written to allow the new update to be changed. It isn't that Melange or any one else is unworthy. Best more now to change your avatar in support.
I'll try to explain the blacklight situation very briefly because I don't want to take away from the spirit of this thread. And, it is something we have seen in the past and we would like to see this same tribute to our recently departed.

We have recently upgraded the site software to the latest version. To turn the skin black will require extensive modifications to re-color the icons and all the border formats of the skin. this is something that has not yet been done on the version we are using. It can't be done at the click of a mouse. All the senior staff is aware of the Blacklight format concern. For now, let's let these memorial threads that we have created and posted in, be the tribute to our departed loved ones. These threads will live forever and will be a much more worthy tribute than just blacking the site skin for a few days..
I'm sorry I didn't respond to your last post on my wall about us getting married, lol. RIP bud, you were a top bloke, I'll cup it out for ya. And lastly, G'DAY MATE! From an Aussie sheila.
goddamn this is fucking sad. Stay safe out there ladies and gentlemen! These threads are getting terribly too common. Im gonna go get my cup on too, Tom. I never knew you or talked to you personally, but i do hope that you can now rest from whatever life has thrown at you. Rest In Peace my friend<3<3:(:(
im assembling team h for us buddy. i tossed a bag of h and poured some box wine into the creek by my house in your honor. (its a very
serene and picturesque creek)

RIP mang. <3

damn this is too much. too too much
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A year ago melange had sent me a message, pretty fucking serious. I'm pretty sure he was going to do something he thought was best considering the pain and bullshit he was going through but I managed to talk him down. There were times after that where I would be on the edge and he always managed to get me to stop from relapsing or poisoning myself.

This forum is a beacon of hope in the other wise mundane and shitty life a lot of us live. It isn't easy living life in a world where you are demonized for putting substances in your body that make you happy.

I might not post as much as I do but I am in this forum everyday reading and laughing. My girlfriend recently left me for no reason and I remain sober and alive right now because of this forum. That's why everyone posts here; Because they can forget their troubles to some degree, enjoy a laugh, and not have to worry about being called out for being under the influence. Everyone can be themselves here. That's why melange posted here, I posted here, Tally posted here, it's why everyone posts here.

One of my few regrets was not being able to kick back with melange or Tally. I wouldn't of been able to get high but I could of had a few wine coolers, took my methadone dose, popped a benadryl, and smoked a few Parliament Lights. Melange was a fucking bro and knew how to make everyone laugh.
Fucking leave then. You shouldn't be disgusted. The posts here never glorified irresponsible behavior, this forum serves as an outlet for people to cry out whatever is on their mind without fear of judgement. It one the few refuges for drug user where he doesn't have to worry about being called a junkie, a crackhead, a tweeker, a drunk, or a fucking bum.

I guarantee you if The Lounge wasn't here our fellow Lounge Rat might of took his life much sooner.

Guido... let me just say out of respect that I have never agreed with you more in a poast of yours
fuck feels like this some sort of gang with two well liked guys dying long before their time in a short period.

You motherfuckers will always be my brothers any of you OD's I will kill you so hard you will die to death.
Death is at your doorstep,
It will steal your innocence,
But, it will not steal your substance,
You are not alone in this,
As brothers we will stand and we will hold your hand.
Fucking leave then. You shouldn't be disgusted. The posts here never glorified irresponsible behavior, this forum serves as an outlet for people to cry out whatever is on their mind without fear of judgement. It one the few refuges for drug user where he doesn't have to worry about being called a junkie, a crackhead, a tweeker, a drunk, or a fucking bum.

I guarantee you if The Lounge wasn't here our fellow Lounge Rat might of took his life much sooner.

Yeah, well, it's an easy scapegoat when you're pissed off.
2011: The year half the Loungers die. This sucks. I didn't know him, but he brought the lulz on the Lounge.

Stop dying, assholes. Some of us modfags come here to enjoy your lulz and you are RUINING IT BY DYING.
