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The Big & Dandy 25C-NBOMe Thread (part 2) ver. "My skin feels like lightning"

What [b]in your experience[/b] would be a maximum responsible buccal dose for 25C?

  • up to 400 μg

    Votes: 4 6.3%
  • up to 600 μg

    Votes: 11 17.5%
  • up to 900 μg

    Votes: 9 14.3%
  • up to 1200 μg

    Votes: 25 39.7%
  • up to 1500 μg

    Votes: 9 14.3%
  • a dose higher than 1500 μg

    Votes: 5 7.9%

  • Total voters
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I did 25c before but at lower doses. Spent the previous two weeks experimenting with 25i, now this week is 25c.

waited a week to clear my system.

day 1: 1200ug buccaly. Set the tab on my top gum, and pressed my lip against it. Held saliva for 15 mins and then discarded saliva and tab into the sink. Numb top gum like local anesthetic. At 20 mins after it touched my gums, the hallucinations began. This is *way* faster then 25i had hit me. Carpet was morphing into it self, colours were enhanced, walls were wavy and breathing. Sat down to a movie and some TV. Peoples faces looked really morphed, sort of alien like. I got scared at first because I haven't seen this much visual distortion on an NBOMe before, but that fear was really brief. I switched the movie off because I didn't want to waste a trip on it. I put some Derren Brown TV on instead. Again, faces looked morphed an alien like. I watched for a while and decied to walk around the neighborhood. I didn't venture too far from home in case I got lost. Avoided crossing too many roads also. Stood at an overpass and watched the traffic pass under me. That was really nice. Anyways I'll cut it short, and just say it was a *fantastic* trip lasting a few hours at peak and a nice steady gradual comedown.

Day 2: 800ug 25c. re-dose at t+1 with 400ug. re-dose at t+2 with 400ug. t+2.5 400ug. t+3 400ug. Over the course of the day it was 3000ug total. I never did reach the visual effect of the previous day. I guess tollerance has set in. It was a nice day though. Nice euphoria, stimulation, visual effects all day long. I studied almost all day too. Its a great study chem.

Day 3: slight hangover of tiredness when I woke up after a good night sleep. I note with 25i and 25c if you do it more than 2 days in a row, then it leaves a lethargic feeling each morning for the next few days. Takes up to a week to lose the tollerance I think.
getting 20mgs of this, i want to dilute it in water, how much water should i put? i will buy a needle to dose the water correctly, can you help me, i want to have 1mg doses

Seriously, it's not that fucking hard.

If you have 20mg, decide what concentration you want it. 1mg is a strong, strong dose, by the way. If you wanted 1mg per 0.5mL, then add 10mL of water to your 20mg. I'm sure you can work out other dilution factors.
People don't seem to want to put in even the most marginal of effort, which is not a redeeming feature when in the context of [ab]using experimental psychedelic compounds.
ok, thanks, sorry for my ignorance, i've never mixed a substance wwih water to dilute it for precise dosing, but i thought this time it would be important
Will it lose potency in time if you dilute it in water and keep it in that bottle?
ok, thanks, sorry for my ignorance, i've never mixed a substance wwih water to dilute it for precise dosing, but i thought this time it would be important

Don't worry, in the past BL used to encourage ignorant users to ask for harm reduction advice at appropriate times (such as dealing with ultra potent psychedelics like 25c). Now such users get scorned for even daring to ask more knowledgeable users for advice. It's pathetic on the part of the community here.
Okay, then here's a dilution calculation for all those who can't figure out the math on their own:

mL of solvent to add to substance = [[total amount of substance desired to be dissolved] / [desired amount of substance per dose]] x [desired concentration ie. how many mL per full dose]

You must use the same unit for mass throughout. There is 1000 micrograms per 1 milligram. Safest to stick with milligrams. So if you want a 350 microgram dose that is 0.35 mg.

Say you have 10mg of 25C to dissolve,and you want 0.2 mL to be one full dose.
Putting this in the above form: (10 / 0.35) x 0.2 = 5.71 mL, which is 28.57 doses of 0.2mL (0.35mg or 350 micrograms).
Don't worry, in the past BL used to encourage ignorant users to ask for harm reduction advice at appropriate times (such as dealing with ultra potent psychedelics like 25c). Now such users get scorned for even daring to ask more knowledgeable users for advice. It's pathetic on the part of the community here.

right on. this is a harm reduction community after all.
I have the opportunity to sample 25C-NBOMe and 25D-NBOMe, but I am opting for the 25D instead based on previous experience that I've had with DOC. Loved the experience --supernova energy with ultra fine resolution visuals, but days after my whole body would feel tingly (the tingly you get when your foot falls asleep) so it wasn't worth it. I only dosed moderately on DOC too, 4mgs tops and never in combo, and have explored DOB at higher dose ranges and not had similar issues.

Having experience with 2c-b/e/i/p and DOB, my conclusion was that my body has an idiosyncratic reaction to chlorinated compounds and while the TRs I've seen of this one make it seem appealing and there's more bang for your buck than with 25D, even the title of this thread "my skin feels like lightning" perhaps suggests that my body reaction to chlorinated compounds isn't so unique...Does anyone have experience with DOC or 2c-C that they could compare the tactile? I really would like to experience this compound, but not at the expense of my body going painfully numb for days on end afterwards.
1mg is a strong, strong dose, by the way.

So true. 1mg is my upper limit of a pleasant trip on 25c and thats buccally, so I think 1mg intranasal would be insane. I'm setting my new personal limit to 800ug bucal from now on. I get nice wavy visual field, sparkly texture etc, zero body load at 800ug. This is my fave nbome so far for visuals and nice clean body and mind. If I take enough to get a head-fuck feeling its no longer nice. I like 25i for headfuckiness. I did a bucal of 25c at 800ug then at t+2hours I did 550ug more and it was as if I took it all at the same time (i was expecting it to be just a duration extender, but just took me a little too deep). For me I know I had too much when the wavy patterns stop, and instead thinks get blurry ( I think maybe the wavy sped up too fast to a blur???).

Insanely beautiful chem if respected though.. I've had some amazing all day visuals with some nice warm body high etc (all day means re-dosing with 200ug each hour or 2 when the comedown starts.. not had any bad after effects from that). Also.. this is a great chem for doing your school or college essays. So lucid and creative and focusing.. all assuming the dose is right.
Don't worry, in the past BL used to encourage ignorant users to ask for harm reduction advice at appropriate times (such as dealing with ultra potent psychedelics like 25c). Now such users get scorned for even daring to ask more knowledgeable users for advice. It's pathetic on the part of the community here.

QFT, so bad these days. If you can't be nice in the psychedelic section what is the world coming to?
Got 25 mg 25C today. Also picked up a bottle of enteric coated omega 3 fish oil capsules. To make it practical to measure out doses I plan to mix the 25C with 9x as much inositol, so 5 mg of the mixture will be 500 mcg 25C. Then I plan to mix a dose with a little water and lecithin and inject it into the capsule, extracting some of the oil first if necessary to make room, and then scrape the coating over the needle hole to seal it, or whatever seems to work. Hopefully it will be active after bypassing the stomach and then dissolving in the small intestine. Maybe not, but it's worth a try. Probably have to wait til the weekend to take it though. Don't really have time for tripping during the week.

Somebody mentioned smoking it with Cannabis. It would just burn up under those conditions. You want to vaporize it, not burn it, which would cause it to decompose into possibly toxic compounds. Being such a small amount, the toxins probably wouldn't cause much harm but you still don't want to burn your 25C up. It's like vaping meth, not that I've done it. Supposedly, the HCL salt will sublimate from solid directly to vapor without decomp, at least in the case of meth. If it decomposed there would be a lot more dead meth heads right now, or at least lung damaged, so I guess it must be true that it sublimes without decomp. Of course you would need a glass meth pipe type thing to separate the product from the flame. I'm wondering how such a small amount of material (100 mikes or whatever) is going to make it through the pipe before it condenses on it though. It would be like one hit. I guess you'd have to use a very short pipe. Anyway, I hope the enteric thing works. Oral administration is so convenient.
Vapourising it in a glass pipe works just fine, even with as little as 50 micrograms. Trust me on this. Yes, even with a long stem pipe.

I have smoked it with cannabis in a joint and the effects were barely noticeable, significant pyrolysis is apparent.
I didn't think 1mg rectally was that strong. I mean, it was strong but not THAT strong. 5 min come up was intense thoug.
Here's how I diluted it. I put the 25 mg 25C in a very small glass bowl and added 225 mg inositol. I chose that because I did a search on cutting agents and that seemed to be the best one and readily obtainable. I got some 500 mg capsules of inositol. I just crack one end open and pour them out. I investigated inositol itself and it doesn't seem to have any negatives. It's a type of sugar, so pretty inert, though it does actually have beneficial effects in large doses. So if anything, it would be good for you.

To make sure the 25C was well dispersed I added a few mils 99% IPA and a few drops of water. Ideally I should have added more water to fully dissolve the inositol but I wanted it to dry out fast. When it dried out I "mortar and pestled" it in the bowl with the end of a 1 gram glass vial. Worked real nice. The idea with the alcohol and the pestling is to make sure there are no chunks of 25C in there. Wouldn't be nice to get a "hot shot" from one of those chunks.

So I got a nice powder out of it. It doesn't clump up like the pure 25C. Nice consistency to it. There was a slight amount adhering to the end of the pestle vial so I stuck it on my tongue. I didn't want enough to trip but just to see if I could feel something, to know if it was real or not (first purchase). It made that part of my tongue feel somewhat numb. I'm pretty sure I got a slight effect from it. Hard to tell for sure because I also smoked some hash but I do feel spacier than normal and plus I got a shiver up my spine and there's kind of a weird feeling in my belly. I can totally tell it's real. Dispersing it on a carrier like I did also makes it more absorbable. I could probably just snort that powder and get good effects.
I actually got significant effects just from that tongue dusting. Dispersing on inositol seems to be effective. Anderson Cooper has a corona around his white hair right now. I'm like on the verge of tripping just from a slight taste of it.
Got 25 mg 25C today. Also picked up a bottle of enteric coated omega 3 fish oil capsules. To make it practical to measure out doses I plan to mix the 25C with 9x as much inositol, so 5 mg of the mixture will be 500 mcg 25C. Then I plan to mix a dose with a little water and lecithin and inject it into the capsule, extracting some of the oil first if necessary to make room, and then scrape the coating over the needle hole to seal it, or whatever seems to work. Hopefully it will be active after bypassing the stomach and then dissolving in the small intestine. Maybe not, but it's worth a try. Probably have to wait til the weekend to take it though. Don't really have time for tripping during the week.

Somebody mentioned smoking it with Cannabis. It would just burn up under those conditions. You want to vaporize it, not burn it, which would cause it to decompose into possibly toxic compounds. Being such a small amount, the toxins probably wouldn't cause much harm but you still don't want to burn your 25C up. It's like vaping meth, not that I've done it. Supposedly, the HCL salt will sublimate from solid directly to vapor without decomp, at least in the case of meth. If it decomposed there would be a lot more dead meth heads right now, or at least lung damaged, so I guess it must be true that it sublimes without decomp. Of course you would need a glass meth pipe type thing to separate the product from the flame. I'm wondering how such a small amount of material (100 mikes or whatever) is going to make it through the pipe before it condenses on it though. It would be like one hit. I guess you'd have to use a very short pipe. Anyway, I hope the enteric thing works. Oral administration is so convenient.

Interesting. How will an omega 3 capsule make it through your stomach intact though?
Here's how I diluted it. I put the 25 mg 25C in a very small glass bowl and added 225 mg inositol. I chose that because I did a search on cutting agents and that seemed to be the best one and readily obtainable. I got some 500 mg capsules of inositol. I just crack one end open and pour them out. I investigated inositol itself and it doesn't seem to have any negatives. It's a type of sugar, so pretty inert, though it does actually have beneficial effects in large doses. So if anything, it would be good for you.

Cutting highly potent drugs with large amounts of inert powder... I don't really trust it. If one of the compounds is dissolved, it can be concentrated on the surface of the pile (as solvent evaporates, more replaces it at the surface via capillary action, concentrating the compound dissolved in it at the surface). If both are dissolved, they may crystalize separately (in fact, they likely will each form their own crystals, which you hope are well mixed) - and since the substances have different physical properties, could begin to separate mechanically (via brazil nut effect). These effects may not be significant with the specific compounds you're using, but you don't really know either way. That's why I recommend against measuring doses in that way.

Why not dissolve it in 20% alcohol (50:50 water/vodka mixture) and use a nasal spray bottle? You can buy empty nasal spray bottles online, and in a liquid solution, you KNOW that the solute is evenly distributed, or you can buy and repurpose nasal sprayers from your local pharmacy...
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