Training Log e92's Cycle Log

ok so when am i gonna start to SEE real results? today marks exactly 2 weeks of me being on, and i still havent seen anything major. call me impatient, but i expected to see a lot more by this time. am i doing something wrong? i wanna take it to the next level.

dude if ur not seeing any results your not eating enough also steroids aren't magic your not gonna just get super huge in a few weeks eat more food and train harder.
also, im pretty sure my natural test production hasn't shut down yet. my nuts barely shrunk

That's hardly an indicator...that's like saying you have high test levels because you have a hairy chest.

Your diet must be atrocious. First cycle you should be BLOWING up. Not enough cals coming in. I've said this in my previous post to you. Others have said this to you. Think i'm just going to wash my hands of this thread. Read through. You've gotten some good advice. Come off the gear and utilize the knowledge you've been given.
That's hardly an indicator...that's like saying you have high test levels because you have a hairy chest.

Your diet must be atrocious. First cycle you should be BLOWING up. Not enough cals coming in. I've said this in my previous post to you. Others have said this to you. Think i'm just going to wash my hands of this thread. Read through. You've gotten some good advice. Come off the gear and utilize the knowledge you've been given.

Forget the thread, I'm washing my hands of giving advice to people like this, period. This thread is a textbook reason why steroids (and all other drugs for that matter) are illegal. Because they're just so damn easy to misuse once they get into the wrong hands.
Forget the thread, I'm washing my hands of giving advice to people like this, period. This thread is a textbook reason why steroids (and all other drugs for that matter) are illegal. Because they're just so damn easy to misuse once they get into the wrong hands.

Too true. Lack of education and impatience are the only reason steroids have a bad wrap.
all is well with the cycle. enjoying the entire experience, not just the muscle gaining part. i gained 6lbs so far, im bigger than ever, veinier than ever, and i slay bishes like halo.

strength is up but nothing insane. my skin is 90% clear, cleaning my face like 3x a day helps a lot too. i think it's time to break up with my training partner/good friend too. he's very into it when on task, but after we're done with our 'schedule' he wants to go home when i know i can go longer.
Yeah definitely ditch the partner if he is slacking. I really like having lifting partners if they are knowledgeable and as dedicated as I am. It sucks though if you have someone nagging you after 45 minutes wanting to quit. I'm in the gym for an hour and a half a day about 6 days a week, anything less than that I feel like I could be doing more.
all is well with the cycle. enjoying the entire experience, not just the muscle gaining part. i gained 6lbs so far, im bigger than ever, veinier than ever, and i slay bishes like halo.

strength is up but nothing insane. my skin is 90% clear, cleaning my face like 3x a day helps a lot too. i think it's time to break up with my training partner/good friend too. he's very into it when on task, but after we're done with our 'schedule' he wants to go home when i know i can go longer.

Personally, I don't like working out with anyone. I'm able to get into a zone much better when I'm lifting alone.

Your going to get bigger on cycle. You'll put on lots of water weight. Just remember once your off cycle, you lose all that water weight which makes you look bigger than you actually are.

Anywho, I'm pretty sure what's keeping you back more than any thing is your diet. Since your on cycle, mite as well get the most out of it. Without a good diet, you won't get anywhere. Research "gallon a milk a day." I've given that advice to people who want to get big, but haven't been able to. And the ones who've tried it consistently for at least a month have all had positive experiences.
Ouch! The first IM injection I did (not steroids, 2c-E) was in my triceps. It worked pretty well. %)

i love bi and tri injects, i use TNE though 2 hours pre-work.

Forget the thread, I'm washing my hands of giving advice to people like this, period. This thread is a textbook reason why steroids (and all other drugs for that matter) are illegal. Because they're just so damn easy to misuse once they get into the wrong hands.

Do i agree he is young to be using AAS? yes. But i do respect the fact that its a test only cycle. Prop for 8 weeks at 125 mg eod should create some nice gains. If you are not gaining tho buddy, your diet needs to be looked at. At 18 your metabolism is a furnace as it is, so the cals need to be up there.

Voxide no need to wash your hands of it, give him the best advice to your knowledge, and see if he follows it. What he is doing is obviously not working, so it would be in his best interest to listen.

And to say that he will never recover and screwed himself up for life is a irresponsible thing to say. He can recover just fine with an eight weeker of test prop. Its not like he is on a gram of test e year round, plus he is very young so.. Just my opinion.
But i 100% agree that his is to young,and could make these gains he is looking for naturally with a good diet and program. Instant gratification is something i suffered with as a young man, hell i'm still that way at time lol.
sup guys havent updated in a while. so far i gained a total of 10lbs, god damn its crazy just typing it out. my parents noticed i'm bigger, my peers are asking me what supplements i'm taking (lol), and the bitches cant seem to stop touching me and looking at my arms. im bigger than ever, stronger than ever, and i am a bit leaner which is weird. my abs are showing more than they normally do.

nothing crazy with the side effects aside from a pimple at a time on my face. my delts and traps are blowing up it seems to be the first thing people notice about me. i'm consuming >3000 cals a day right now. i really upped the cals, fitting in that extra meal or two a day. i can tell the usual crowd i see at the gym are getting suspicious. i'm already thinking about running another cycle at the end of the winter based on how well i recover from this one. thank you god for steroids!

question: being that i have messed around with insulin in the past and i know the ins and outs, should i integrate it into my PCT to retain gains? i know the fucking risks/i've used it before/i'm not your average 18 year old. should i use the standard protocol i've used in the past? like ramping up from 3iu-15iu PWO? slin is soo sick
This thread is a textbook reason why steroids (and all other drugs for that matter) are illegal. Because they're just so damn easy to misuse once they get into the wrong hands.

Yup. The I can tell by the way this kid is talking that he is just an another immature and insecure youth that thinks steroids are the answer to him becoming someone important and getting laid. He shows that he lacks patience and can't take advice from experienced steroid users. He also shows he has no respect for his body. Anabolic Androgenic Steroids at 18 years of age and insulin as well? Foolish. Nothing but nothing but foolish.
Yup. The I can tell by the way this kid is talking that he is just an another immature and insecure youth that thinks steroids are the answer to him becoming someone important and getting laid. He shows that he lacks patience and can't take advice from experienced steroid users. He also shows he has no respect for his body. Anabolic Androgenic Steroids at 18 years of age and insulin as well? Foolish. Nothing but nothing but foolish.
i dont understand how you can judge me based on this log.. you have no idea who i am so why are you talking out of your ass? of course if everyone PROPERLY USED DRUGS and were highly knowledgeable on it, mistakes wouldnt be made.

it really doesnt take a genius to use steroids or insulin. what makes you more qualified than me to use these drugs?? you might be bigger than me but i dont see why that matters in regards to using aas, we both use them for the same reason. you're just mad bitches be mirin my ripe 18 year old aesthetics. yea u mad
Mad that you're suppresing your natural testosterone levels at 18 by injecting exogenous testosterone? I think not.
Mad that at 30 you'll have erectile dysfunction, bad cholestoral, etc?

Everyone's just looking out for your health and well being, don't get so offended. You've gotten some good advice and guidance here, but I believe the general consensus here is that you shouldn't be juicing. Making the jump to AAS use isn't like smoking a joint or popping an x tab. It's an educated decision that requires maturity and commitment. I do hope you understand this. Good luck to you sir, but I assure you none of us are mad or envious of you. If anything, you've created a very bad atmosphere for your body. I do hope you follow proper PCT protocol, boost your natural test levels back up, and get back to the basics.
i dont understand how you can judge me based on this log.. you have no idea who i am so why are you talking out of your ass? of course if everyone PROPERLY USED DRUGS and were highly knowledgeable on it, mistakes wouldnt be made.

it really doesnt take a genius to use steroids or insulin. what makes you more qualified than me to use these drugs?? you might be bigger than me but i dont see why that matters in regards to using aas, we both use them for the same reason. you're just mad bitches be mirin my ripe 18 year old aesthetics. yea u mad

I was bigger than you at 18, natty, too. Your PR's were my warm up weight back in the day. How do you feel now?

I don't think anyone in here is mad because they don't look like a middle schooler. We're laughing at you because you can't even hit 170 without resorting to AAS, which is laughably pathetic.
haters gonna hate, mirers gonna mire, gangas gonna gang

I knew you were a Zyzz follower/admirer. You wil not look like him after doing 1 cycle, I am pretty sure he used Clen and the likes to lower his bodyfat. We all saw what happened to him. I really hope your body does not make you regret this later down the road. But goddamn, doing a cycle at 165lbs? Goddamn. At least show us your diet and your routine/how much you lift.

And stop with the memes, they have been and will always be stupid.
just a quick note: i've actually grown taller since i've been on. went to the doctors for a checkup and bloodwork few days before i started and unless the nurse measured my height wrong, i grew. i feel a bit taller when i'm around my usual group of friends too.
just a quick note: i've actually grown taller since i've been on. went to the doctors for a checkup and bloodwork few days before i started and unless the nurse measured my height wrong, i grew. i feel a bit taller when i'm around my usual group of friends too.

most likely you are walking taller with head held high from self-confidence and feel taller. There is no way your bone structure has been affected in a month and a few days from this cycle
whats up guise? im nearing 180lbs right now with a little fat gain, i dont really mind it right now though. starting to get random white heads on my body. how bad is it gonna be when i come off? i've gotten really used to the way things are now and cant remember how it was before. people say its all placebo but i think not.