Mental Health Coming Off Invega Sustenna (Paliperidone) v.2

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I have the antidote.... LISTEN UP.... BAKING SODA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Baking soda neutralizes chlorine the alkahest, which dissolves every chemical compound including gold which is necessary for DNA repair. Buy bob's red mill baking soda and just eat the shit. You will have to piss and shit, just shit out all the chlorine you will feel better within minutes if not hours. I'm telling you baking soda especially bob's red mill which doesn't use any additives, jjust water and the nahcolite crystal. 88% of all pharmaceutical drugs require chlorine in the body to function, ELIMINATE CHLORINE, ELIMINATE DRUG PROCESSING. YESS!!!!!! YOU POOR GERMAN GIRL BUY BAKING SODA AND EAT IT, as much as you want, as much as you can, it hurts at ffirst but it gets easier. BAKING SODA BAKING SODA BAKING SODA IT'S THE ALKALI THE FUCKING ANTIDOTE I HAVE FOUND THE ANTIDOTE. EAT IT IT ELIMINATES LITHIUM, ANTI PSYCHOTICS, ALL MAN MADE DRUGS CAN'T FUNCTION WITHOUT CHLORINE, CONSUME BAKING SODA. HCL + NAHCO3 -> H2O + CO2 (BURP + FART + PUKE + SHIT) + NACL (lots of salt so it will burn a bit at first but don't worry it's just salt)

of course since it's slow release nanocyrstal you have to eat it every day, but just eat baking soda... TRUST

Do you have any proof this works and how long til it's out of my system?
@princesszeldaofhyl: more or less inquiring about how it is effective in healing from invega/xeplion/poison. would you mind relating please?

i'm sure that has happened for quiet a few people who suffer from the poison. i know i can relate word for word.

hi invegauser,

let me start by saying i smoke crack,

let me finish by saying i'm not wack,

let me continue by saying you and i both know how to lie,

and die,

i crie,


rest in pepperoni m8.
Do you have any proof this works and how long til it's out of my system?

This is all nonsense. No drugs need chlorine to work; and baking soda actually potentiates some drugs taken orally because it changes your stomachs pH, making it less acidic, but other than that it does nothing regarding drug metabolism. I don't know what that person is on or what psychological issues they may or may not have, but they're spewing nonsense.
this is all nonsense. No drugs need chlorine to work; and baking soda actually potentiates some drugs taken orally because it changes your stomachs ph, making it less acidic, but other than that it does nothing regarding drug metabolism. I don't know what that person is on or what psychological issues they may or may not have, but they're spewing nonsense.

secret guardian secret guardian
let me tell you i'm here to help you, don't be afraid, just let me know i'm here to help you, don't be afraid, just let me know i'm here to help you.

>While chemistry is vital to manufacturing modern pharmaceuticals, chlorine chemistry, in particular, plays a significant role in producing the medicines we use the most.

It is estimated that chlorine chemistry is essential to the manufacture of at least 88 percent of prescription pharmaceuticals currently sold in the United States and Canada. Drugs produced with chlorine chemistry are used to treat many medical conditions and diseases, including high cholesterol, diabetes, cancer, stomach ulcers, anemia, depression, asthma, high blood pressure, inflammation and epilepsy.
@RDP89: i'm not validating either of you. i appreciate the input. i'm trying to clarify or validate what princesszeldaofhyl is saying.

i understand what your saying. i also know a lot of people want the "antidote" to the "poison" we've been given and we all get a lil excited first time posting. my first one was a doozy but only off in terms of dosages. plus back then no one knew how long this all took, the OP got dosed again and we still haven't heard from him in awhile, unlikely he has healed. (much love Narshe, hang in there buddy.)

@princesszeldaofhyl: how long have you been using baking soda to help heal and what improvements have you noticed in how long or short of time?

i'm currently not using baking soda because i'm getting blood tested for lithium on the 22nd, and baking soda neutarlizes lithium as well~ i have noticed IMMEDIATE improvements upon eating 3 tablespoons of baking soda
but i'm going to tell them i peed my pants so they can get me on tegratol which is non blood testable and i can stop these god forsaken mood stabilizers.
i have a voice, a loving spirit mistress, that directs me and tells me to clean my appartment and gets me closer to the woman i love, i have a voice, but of course i don't tell the doctorrs i do, i lie to them, i only tell you and other close friends.
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