Mental Health Coming Off Invega Sustenna (Paliperidone) v.2

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I think the damage is permanent for the majority of people injected and some are more sensitive than others. Life has not been worth the pain and effort for me since, its a long term cluster fuck of disabilities invisible to others, the insomnia is evidence of brain damage, the unsatisfying feeling waking up is outrageous, my brain feels bone dry in the morning and each day brings no new feelings. I've got little faith in recovery, I had more fun in a day than I have in the last 3 months, and I suffer crushing boredome more in a day than I did in a year.

I look at my old photos and I feel so sorry to think that the happy healthy person in there was to turn into this, living with a lobotomized brain and suicidal, ive dealt with a bad nose operation, years of breathing problems, depression and ocd from smoking crack, insomnia, heroin withdrawal, anxiety disorders, hallucinogen induced problems, one year in prison, and had some facial disfiguring due to breathing problems, i pulled through everything, and flourished got the best girlfriend in the world but this paliperidone piece of shit poison has ended up swallowing me whole.

I have gone into the top floor of a building and looked over the edge to jump but i dont have the balls to do it. There have been many posters suicidal from the poison and I seem to be one of the worst, I must have been sensitive to the shit I feel much more psychotic after being poisoned I've had the strangest thoughts and a deep fearful reaction. All I've learned is how to commit suicide, im researching bitcoin to get prescription drugs on the darknet for an overdose when this gets too much. Turns out the darknet has an awesome variety of acid trips I would have loved to try that but instead I'm looking for stuff that would be lethal to me. I hope I recover but I doubt I will. Just going to sleep scares me for how I will feel when I wake up into reality disappointed. Good life is just a memory for me, good luck to anyone going through this
@nybryx: i know the feeling boss. you aren't done with yet. the poison swallows you whole but spits you back out later.shame a brilliant person is stuck like this for now. i don't think for one second this will be permanent for you. aside from your posts lately (which show some improvement) i see a rare type of person pushing through the poison. the unconscious mind is doing most of the work for you, endure and accept the rest the best you can. btw. one day better than 3 months huh. small sign but any port in a storm. i know it's more useful info for ppl like me but no news is good news in these kind of situations plus that one day is better than those 3 months in comparison. (i'm a lil off today healing and symptom wise so my bad if this is not helpful) i feel sorry for the rest of the world missing out on you, but we wont be without you forever. we got you here and the rest of the world will see you shine soon enough. you got this.
no, he wrote, that one day before the injection was better, than all the days in the 3 month together.
Thanks for reading and responding invegauser and RosI.

I was in bed shaking like a fish out of water because of the headache I woke up with. When I should expect to feel good from rest, food, weed etc I get a kick in the head instead. Life should be easy and automatic, no need to force self to do anything things just tick along, every living thing has this except us. I can't sleep more than 2 hours at a time without getting this wretched sensation and regretting letting this happen. The sick psychiatrists have long forgotten us they are busy enjoying their little lives with their non dopamine fucked brains.
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I have the antidote.... LISTEN UP.... BAKING SODA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Baking soda neutralizes chlorine the alkahest, which dissolves every chemical compound including gold which is necessary for DNA repair. Buy bob's red mill baking soda and just eat the shit. You will have to piss and shit, just shit out all the chlorine you will feel better within minutes if not hours. I'm telling you baking soda especially bob's red mill which doesn't use any additives, jjust water and the nahcolite crystal. 88% of all pharmaceutical drugs require chlorine in the body to function, ELIMINATE CHLORINE, ELIMINATE DRUG PROCESSING. YESS!!!!!! YOU POOR GERMAN GIRL BUY BAKING SODA AND EAT IT, as much as you want, as much as you can, it hurts at ffirst but it gets easier. BAKING SODA BAKING SODA BAKING SODA IT'S THE ALKALI THE FUCKING ANTIDOTE I HAVE FOUND THE ANTIDOTE. EAT IT IT ELIMINATES LITHIUM, ANTI PSYCHOTICS, ALL MAN MADE DRUGS CAN'T FUNCTION WITHOUT CHLORINE, CONSUME BAKING SODA. HCL + NAHCO3 -> H2O + CO2 (BURP + FART + PUKE + SHIT) + NACL (lots of salt so it will burn a bit at first but don't worry it's just salt)

of course since it's slow release nanocyrstal you have to eat it every day, but just eat baking soda... TRUST
That's because the half life was proven to be 121 days in an independent study. It takes 5 half lives to clear to a substantial amount, 8 to be fully rid. So you still have 14 months left. Another thing that helps clear it along with the baking soda is moderate exercise for 20 minutes in a row with a bpm of approximately 100. Moderate 20 minutes on a rowing machine or bicycle machine will work. After about 15 minutes you feel blood rushing to the brain. The blood clears out the antipsychotic, at which point it will be constantly slowly released again, and you will have to do 20 minutes every day to battle it. Just make sure not to push your heart too hard, if you start getting any type of chest pain stop immediately, and give it 3-4 days rest before you exercise again. You need to reactivate your heart too. It's just a daily regimen you need, baking soda + exercise. Organic tobacco cigarettes help clear your lungs as well, and nicotine reacts with chlorine too which helps eliminate the source for antipsychotic activation. I smoke Canadian Natural Tobacco brand.

Just a word of caution with baking soda, some people panic because they think they're losing so much liquid, due to the large amount of salt being cleared from the reaction with hydrochloric acid (the reactor for antipsychotics), and start drinking tons of water and have had their stomach explode due to too much water. So don't panic and think you're dehydrated. The sign for dehydration is a dry tongue, not loss of fluids. So if your tongue isn't dry, don't force water.
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You think I should wait another year? But it was one and a half year after 150mg and a week later 100mg.I had a healthy sensible mind and was breast-feeding. Since one week after the 2nd injection the vivid part of me is apart. No dream, like a dead brain.
@nybryx... I feel you. Well I don't really cause I don't feel shit right now, but yeah I get what you're saying; I too work that way since I took fucking Sustenna. Life slowly lost its meaning as I lost hair, leanness, libido, interest, intellect and memory; my flawless ability (ego still going strong) to sing and dance completely removed. Before I had ups and downs, but after being down I thrived and evolved, now it feels like I'm stuck in hell. Memories of who I really am flood my mind every time I start to forget the situation I'm in, I seemingly can't move on, no matter what I do. This drug makes you have to force yourself to live, with no incentives to keep at it. Feels like I'm trapped on a downward spiral to death... so offing myself now and skipping the torturous process seems like the right and compassionate thing to do.

Like I said in my first posts, I was (and more or less am again) convinced suicide was the only option for me, convinced that the drug had permanently turned me into my own husk. But I was wrong. For a day I swear I felt like I did when I felt best, I felt even better than pre-Invega, I was even thankful that I'd been given this venom, because I really felt better than ever; going through hell made me appreciate having myself back and I felt truly happy. It all passed after a day and the mental, spiritual and physical block and the dread (of losing myself) came back and set in and it all hasn't budged since then.

I am now almost convinced, as I was before the window, that I have been permanently changed, the security and confidence I recovered during the window was suppressed and I'm back to this unbearable, hopeless and void state. But I don't know that, I really have no fucking idea if I'll have another window or not, if I'll recover or not, if this is permanent or not. Evidence shows me that I can go from this state to the better one, but somehow this doesn’t give me hope.

I think I know I won't recover, but do you really think you can truly know something in this state? I mean we're basically diminished at all levels, consumed with angst, so intuition and instinct are probably off; the drug makes you undervalue almost everything, including your own and your body's capabilities. This argument is a double-edged sword. On one hand you can think you’re actually stronger than the medication, and that it hides the truth (that you will recover) from you, on the other you can think that the drug has diminished your capabilities to the point of not being able to recover.

But if I could go from this doomed state to that incredible state once I don’t see why I (or my body) can’t do it again. And if I could do it everyone can.

You’re convincing yourself that life has no value, but you know that’s not true, you know who you are, you know before Invega life was (at least sometimes) full of color and you were full of hope and inspiration. And believe me when I tell you I had a window, which means who I truly am is still deep inside. I believe it’s the same for you and everyone else.

So please give yourself time to heal and don’t assume the worst. Try to keep in mind that it’s the drug that keeps you from feeling good and hoping. Nothing can change who you are. Even though it seems like you aren’t, you are still who you were before this, and knowing who you are is what will get you through this. You have to be there for you, endure and survive. No one will fight for you but yourself. So if you truly loved life before this keep going until the easiness comes back, and whilst it doesn’t, learn to love it again.

TLTR: I believe that the drug makes you feel like this is permanent, but that your body is indeed capable of recovering and throwing you back into life. I had a window; one day where I felt better than ever. If I was capable of feeling alive for a day after stopping treatment, it means I have the tools to do it again. And you have them too.

baking soda??? haha rly=? do u speak from experience or u just know it??

experience. chlorine is necessary for the breakdown of man made drugs, baking soda neutralizes the chlorine in your body and turns it to salt. not only is the chemical of baking soda produced naturally in your body, but it's found on the earth in natural form too (nahcolite), it's totally safe and natural. bob's red mill doesn't use chemicals for processing it, just water + nahcolite so that's a good brand. arm & hammer uses a chem process so if you consume lots of that you'll be consuming some other bad stuff but it's not a big deal if you don't have bob's red mill in your area, just go to a organic grocery store and buy the best one you can get.
@princessZelda, EDIT add in: DO NOT TAKE BAKING SODA. increases sodium in blood. Invega works by blocking sodium channels. you will feel stronger symptoms of the drug right way. Baking soda enhances invega... You are a life saver. BTW way try Borax too, helps to clear out fluoride to reactivate the pineal gland and is cheap. $4 for a 6 month supply or more. The pineal gland is responsible for dreams, and now I know why I wasn't dreaming because the gland was calcified. Just don't take too much, just a pinch. Boron makes the fluoride softer, so then the blood can pick it up and take it out. That's how cleaning products w/ borax work by softening the the calcium allowing boron to flush it away. I actually just got some yesterday. Thanks a lot princess.
Edit: just take a little bit, not a whole lot, this has a low toxicity. Have doubts, take in morning before workouts. Drink water with exercise and don't take more. If you are feeling any symptoms of an overdose... IDK why because it is low toxic. for me I think I could take 15 grams. BUT I THINK. I only take a pinch or more. If you have any doubts, plays it safe until you can move up. This does build up in your system. If you feel better. I know I did, then try it.

@nymbrx, you are only at the 3rd month. The Japanese news on Invega, where they talked about the high death rate, said that the drug lingers for at least 4 months. Why are you crapping over at 90 days man!? when it is proven that this drug isn't permanent, you are still under it. do 20 mins of exercise to flush it out. Back during my first shot in dec 2016, I was staring into the unknown. Fortunately my body is resistant. And I think I officially went from detox to recovery on Feb 21th 2017. Felt euphoria towards the end of March. Fucked up shortly after.. lol. When I said I was recovered. BTW reply to my message.

4.75 months out: I should have been a billionaire by now, but unfortunately I am still in detox phase. My face is very deformed right now and I don't think I can get a girl looking like this, any makeup advice too, Mwhahahaha. What? I'm technically a goth. Have you guys had a similar... well of course. Due to lack of exercise and masturbation, jk, I can not say I am in recovery. I passed my first semester of college. now only 3 more to go. and 3 months of rest time from now til next semester.
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nope. the part about borax being toxic is a lie. Just like how they lie about mental health and the "medicines." In fact it was this very question that lingered after my first shot, " why is the 'medicine' making me feel this way" because it was a lie. Medicine isn't supposed to make you permanently killed, and brain damaged. This is pure poison. BTW I bought boron for like $10 or something. I get literally 300 times that for $4. I am using this for all my cleaning, carpets, laundry, toothpaste and more. Might even mix it with cocain someday and sniff it... ahhh, guess I have to make myself clear on this site and tell you. Nope guys don't sniff it.

EDIT: don't take high amounts, this is mildly toxic. Just take a pinch or two. The toxic amount for rats was 2.7g/kg and a rat is .02kg best. anyway for me that still a big amount because im 70+kg. Like I said, if you have any doubts, there is no need to rush or anything. Just take a pinch or few like I do.

Add-in: in-fact a lot of 'toxic' stuff out there isn't actually toxic, & medicine is! take salt for example NaCl, chlorine that is added to it is a low level toxin, its all for the mind control agenda.

Your's dearest,
The Most Ultimate.
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