Mental Health Coming Off Invega Sustenna (Paliperidone) v.2

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For those who are having a hard time understanding what im saying due to the loud music, in the comments section I had provided the lyrics to the video. Sorry for the inconvenience!
@ Ammarishot wow, and lol... :) sorry to hear that you got shot up with invega, I hope it get betters.

And there you go, don't do Loranzapan, or Ativan as it is called, kids.
@ Ammarishot wow, and lol... :) sorry to hear that you got shot up with invega, I hope it gets better, and don't worry it will with a lot of time, dedication to exercise, and patience. Look over this forum for good advice, if you find something that an older member said, start using it.

Also there you go, this is why you don't do Loranzapan, aka Ativan as it is called, kids. HAHAHAHaaaaaaaa. no-offence of course my little bro.

BTW are the rest of you here with similar stories?

I havn't shared mine, but here it is. My family was pushing phychiatric drugs on me bc they thought they were some kind of magic "limitless" types of pills that would make me nicer to them and forget about my problems. Those started causing breathing problems w high blood pressure, so then at the ER they admitted me to the hospital with a panic disorder, and then my parents made up things about me. The psychs really did a good job of fooling those old shits over the years. I would be interesting to see just what happens to them in their old age, cuz I am definitely not going to be there to protect them. Anyway, in short, the more drugs they gave me, the worse my health got, so I complained more and got irritated, refused drugs, and fought they crazies who were trying to punch me. That was the first time. Everyone involved in the fight got a shot. The other guy went long term. Second time was because I needed a place to crash while looking for a new room, but 1 day after getting home bc I was dissatisfied with my current roomsharing, my mother ran out of the house screaming. Next day the cops were sitting outside in there car when I got up to go out of the house. They said I was threatening to kill my mother, which isn't true. If it was ... she would have been dead a long time ago. 2 shots then. Anyway, I wished I handled the situation better. Still over the 10 police calls made, I was in the right state of mind and minding my own business, and had not done anything. The only ones who are not are my family and the doctors.

Losing to invega does cripple you, but doesn't kill you. And I know I will bounce back, even if I sustained some TEMPORARY damage that holds me down for a little while and tries its best to crush my will-power.

Be brave my friends... slither on.

Just thought I'd share this, I decided to keep on fighting after getting a new place. And those nights I felt like if I closed my eyes I would die. So I exercised a bit. But I accepted death. If I didn't wake up, that was okay, I wasn't scared. Still I did wake up. The thing is, the more invega hurts me, the more confident I get after its all over. Seriously I do, my confidence if peaked. It really is. I felt invincible the first time around I got better. ...Soon
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I had 2 experiences with amsterdam 2005. I severely under estimated their power ate a whole box after loads of beers and spliffs in a place i have never been. The experiences have never left me and terrified me to the absolute point of still being so fresh i have never forgot the things i see.?

There is a history of mental illness in my family i have never worked out if it is that or the fact i was out of it in a strange place when i ate them that gave me the experience they did. It was so powerful ever since i have sort of realised how futile the 9 to 5 is and i know there is something else. I know because i see it.?

I am a normal 9 to 5 2 kids and mortgage life now but i have always wondered if now i am older i could tap into what i see and the feeling again.?

But this time without the fear and worry and earth shattering realisations. Maybe i could enjoy it?

Any advice welcome.
@Stevethecunt, why don't you go hang out with your weirdo friends, this is not the place, this forum is for discussing how to improve from the poison Invega that was forcefully injected into the people here.

BTW just ask your cunt about how to deal with fear.
I am, but it would have to be with a trusted and worthy agency and lawyer(s). Those guys on TV just want to get Invega's formula changed so that other countries that are licensed to it can not sell them. I never got gyno from this drug because I'm a fit person and I work out. Though I have lost 50lbs of muscle and grained 60 lbs of fat. Yes, I will try to get a lawyer for myself later on, or better I would just represent myself. It would be a hard win for them. I have picked up a few debating skills by watching CNN.

BTW if you guys are struggling with anxiety, what Invega does is that it targets the GABA receptors am I correct? These receptors downgrade, and eventually you are left with hyper confidence. That's my thought on it.
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Scary list there @invegauser

I made a serious attempt at taking my life on Friday, I said goodbyes and kissed my loved ones photos for the last time and tried to kill myself with an exit bag. I recorded it and found out later i was in the bag for a minute and rather than going unconscious as I hoped, i ended up ripping the bag off gasping for air, terribly scared of death, but disappointed and scared I would have to face years more of pain, and also scared to go with that method again but I'm facing this torture that will probably push me to try it again. I can't think of a more miserable end of life situation, all from two lobotomy injections, nothing in the natural world could bring about this kind of discomfort except the most extreme and rare disorders. Every thought I have reminds me of what I have lost.The sense that my condition is incurable is so strong, i am not recovering at any acceptable or even perceivable rate. I'm even considering taking antipsychotics to curb my suicidal feelings and make me sleep more and not care any more but that means my life will become an official waste I can't achieve anything or feel right on antipsychotics, ill be living solely because I'm afraid to die. I can't believe this hell it's a sin against humanity to give this drug to us
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I am going to order some dietary supplement. Any ideas ?

Maybe I will start with spirulina
Try chollorea, SJW, ashwaganda, maca root. I got SJW, ashwaghanda, and iodine for supplements recently. The iodine is helping me get my dreams back.
@we flew over I definitely feel better per se than I did a few months ago. Mind you I have been off invega for 8 months. I still have the adenhonia and lack of motivation. I use to have incredible drive. Not so much after invega. My physical body is getting back in balance, meaning my menstruel cycle. Which was stopped completely for about a year all from invega. Just now have my periods come back. I?ve been taking medication to induce the periods. I finally just now am loosing weight. It took about 8 months of me being off invega to finally start loosing weight again. I gained 80lbs on the injection.
Dont give up hope. It does get better with time and I?m hoping in over a years time I will have my drive and motivation back.
Writing this to the doctor on the ward that poisoned me

Dr Fox,

I was on the ward from 18/01/18 to 12/02/18 and you had me diagnosed as been too mentally ill to be released without taking an antipsychotic depot. You said the depot "would not blunt your creativity", and "we are not in the business of making people worse". I behaved myself perfectly on the ward and proved I had witnesses for the claims of noise I made that somehow got me sectioned, yet you wanted to enforce treatment on me. 3 months have passed and since taking the depot, which I discontinued immediately after release, I have had the following experience and "side effects" persist:

Headaches every time I wake up
No motivation to get out of bed
No more engagement in exercise, cooking, hobbies, or anything productive that I used to do everyday
Difficulty processing simple thoughts
Severe depression
Sexual dysfunction
Restlessness and inability to ever feel calm
No more career prospects
Suicidal feelings as a result of the above

I took the initial doses of paliperidone just to get myself out as you created such a damning profile on me and you made the medication seem safe and the only option for me. I dont see any accountability on your part for what you have done to me and my family with your needless pushing of antipsychotics.

I am maimed beyond recognition, yet you will get to enjoy your life in full, I will suffer intensely while you go on aloof without giving your innocent victims of psychiatric butchery a second thought, maybe it will make you feel even better about yourself that you are able to flaunt feelings of guilt and responsibility with ease. I hope karma sees that you suffer for what you have done to me and others soon.
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