• N&PD Moderators: Skorpio | thegreenhand

2-methyl-2-butanol (2M2B) "Vodka"

Nobody seems to know how toxic it is relative to ethanol. AFAIK, we'd need to know the toxicity of all metabolites of the chemical (assuming that it IS metabolized? someone said earlier that it isn't metabolized in the liver...), and even without metabolites, its impossible to know if the 2-methyl-2-butanol itself is toxic without there being research done on it.

about toxicity and metabolites: http://toxsci.oxfordjournals.org/content/49/1/15.full.pdf

paper suggests that it is metabolized to 2,3-dihydroxy-2-methylbutane via p450 oxidation (~35%) and gluconoridation (~23%) and the 2,3-dihydroxy-2-methylbutane being further metabolized via gluconoridation but they dont give a conclusion about toxicity for humans.
Okay I checked the stuff out 99%+ reagent grade was aquiered from Sigma.

I started low with 0.25mL in a Gelcap: could feel the effects within a few minutes slightliy intoxicated like after 2 beers also reminded me of benzos

after arround 1h I added another 0.25mL now the effects are stronger I feel drunk now its very much like ethanol, I feel a bit more dizzy maybe (again a bit like drinking 2 beer + benzos)

2h later: the effects are already getting a bit weaker but I dont redose since I just stay at home and play a bit computer so I dont want to be completly drunk :) If there is no hangover next day then it is quiet fun at low doses but I must admit I could also drink a few beers or wine for the same effect ^^

I think I could take the double dose but I think more would be too much for me (like I posted above Im very sensitive to ethanol too, 4-5 0.5L beer and Im really drunk) for comparison Im male and weight 65kg.

EDIT: So next day I feel completely sober again (after around 8h sleep) maybe a bit dizzy but after a shower and a cup of coffee Im at baseline without a hangover but still this is nothing special to much like ethanol, I may try to mix 0.25mL with beer next time and see where it goes or go a bit higher with the substance itself, will report back.
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jesus 0.5ml to get trashed!

I trialed this and found 5-7ml a nice feeling. Well... nice enough to keep away GBL W/D. Will report back if I ever actually try this w/out anything else in the system!
Torabora has fairly pure stuff, as sigma is a premier chemical company. Probably paid an arm and a leg for it, but I think it will be worth the sheer amount of doses that you get from a reliably small amount.
Could a breathalyzer test reveal 2M2B usage? What I mean is, will this compound trigger a positive result on a breathalyzer test in the same way that ethanol does?
Depends what type of Breathalyzer, it's a tertiary alcohol though (ethanol is 1') so I don't think it should as it neither reduces chromate nor has the same IR signature as ethanol.

Disclaimer: I haven't actually tried/verified this information.
Could a breathalyzer test reveal 2M2B usage? What I mean is, will this compound trigger a positive result on a breathalyzer test in the same way that ethanol does?

I would say no. It is not as nearly volatile as ethanol.
Sekio, and Psychedelic Jay, thank you for your responses. If I find a definitive answer to this question (probably by just testing it myself) I'll be sure to report back.
well I think it is not much more purer than other stuff maybe 1-2% percent its more because Im so fucking sensible to downers ^^
I think this stuff sounds dangerous, I mean, really just too risky, even moreso than all the shit out there... there will be teen deaths, lots of 'em.
ähh no?

the biggest shop in uk sells this for arround half a year and I havent heared about any accident or sth. also there are some studys about toxicity which couldnt find any drastic problems as it is a metabolite of some industrie used solvents.

Im sure you can harm yourself with it also combining it with benzos or opiates could be very dangerous but not more then with a bottle of real vodka.
Not sure about in other parts of the world, but in the US almost all breathalyzers measure the amount of CO2 you exhale, as that is apparently a metabolite of ethanol. No idea if you'd breathe out more CO2 from this though. In any event, do not drive after drinking this stuff
Its an old thread but to get it back ontopic: its important that you dilute the 2M2B with water or juice before drinking. Dont drink it neat, its a solvent that way. I get best results with a 2.5% solution in water, and volume for volume, would equate that to "vodka". 100ml vodka puts me on the path fairly well, so does 100ml 2.5% 2M2B, double that is proper. At this dilution it wont really have a sharp bite or intolerably strong taste. To dilute, put in a bottle, close it and shake vigorously twice, so no oil floats on the water or juice. Never drink it pure!
Not a significant amount, no. It's not metabolised to acetate and can't contribute to your body's carbon sources.
Not a significant amount, no. It's not metabolised to acetate and can't contribute to your body's carbon sources.

So why is this stuff not more mainstream?

In other words, why do we hear so much bullshit about 'spice' and 'bath salts' when we have this RC mimicking our societies most beloved and socially adorned chemical?
Because ethanol is considered more palatable (doesn't taste like minty @$$) and is easier to obtain by nearly everyone. 2-m-2-b isn't easily produced via fermentation.

It's not easily marketed, is the main problem... it sounds like a Mickey Finn if you try to describe it to your mates! "Here's a chemical that tastes like utter ass but will get you fucked if you drink a teaspoon! It's totally not an industrial solvent!" Compare that to the appeal of cocktails/beer/even straight whisky.

"More potent" ethanol analogs are generally frowned upon anyway, look at barbiturates, all the wacky-ass GABAergic sedatives (methylpentynol, etc), and clomethiazole. Most of those have been implicated in overdose situations esp. when combined with alcohol. Do we really need another potentially lethal GABAergic?

I think that for the vast majority of people will have access to GHB before they find someone selling 2m2b.
I think that for the vast majority of people will have access to GHB before they find someone selling 2m2b.

Interesting. I thought that it was completely unscheduled and regularly available as a RC here in the states...is this not the case?
It's a lot less availiable than ethanol or GHB.

2m2b is a really niche alcohol, it's not really used i8ndustrially.
I don't know, I know a lot of people that would love to buy a more potent version of alcohol, even if they don't do drugs. It has it's advantages.

It seems like it's main use was in the sedative/anesthetic Avertin. Avertin was a mixture of tert-pentanol and tribromoethanol, which is similar to chloral hydrate. In humans it was used, in Bluelight's favorite ROA, rectally. It also saw veterinary use. It's hard to keep tribromoethanol stable and it breaks down into something toxic. AFAIK it's no longer made by any pharm co. However it's still used to anesthetize lab rats for experiments. The researchers prepares it themselves.

I'm not so worried about lethal overdoses so much as people doing stupid shit on it, like getting into fights or car crashes.

I do wonder what the nitrite ester would be like. Probably not potent enough to notice.