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  • Film & TV Moderators: ghostfreak

Your most HATED (Worthless/Waste of time) Movies (merged)

finally saw FIGHT CLUB.....aaaarrrggghh!! I can't believe adults actually made this purile, pseudo-intellectual pap. A movie for people who find Oliver Stone too subtle. This sub comic book crapola is how a teenage nebbishy dweeb thinks men act. Its almost as if someone let that dumbass Henry Rollins make a movie. One of the top 10 most worthless films of the 1990s.
Rocky 5...its so bad it doesnt need explaining. And now there is talks about a new Rocky...who the fuck is he going to fight now!!!
EternalX said:
i would say too wong foo and thanks for everything
that movie was so horrible i wanted to die

OMG! lol that is my ALL time favorite movie! =D Cant believe you said its the worst!! lol (ill forgive u this time hehe) :p
I'm not really big into drag queens, but i thought that movie was off the hook!!! I've probally watched it at least 150 times so far in my life. And i have EVERY word in it memorized... lol yah im pathetic!! Buy yahs...

Worst movies would prob have to be...
Little Nicky - i wanted to slit my wrist watching that one haha
Ghost Ship - anyone whos seen it knows how bad a movie can be
Any John Wayne movie - i dunno my mom watched ALL his movies while growing up and just couldnt stand him or his movies
Hellraiser Movies - well the first 2 were good, but the next 4 or howeva many there were were just wrong to make!

Poorest movies iv seen recently are: Freddy got fingered and tripple X,
Phone Booth on the other hand was fairly good i thought.
Queen of the Damned (could they have done any worse?)
MOST any movie with Ben Affleck, namely chasing amy, that movie was horrible. Dogma was good
XXX was ok the first time, now it sucks
Lost in Space

there's more i've forgotten, and hope not to remember
I just rented the DVD of LIQUID SKY (1982), & its easy to see why this early 1980s relic remains so obscure & why it did poorly here in New York City: it's sub-amateur CRAP!!! This is one of the most irritating movies I've ever seen & the #1 source of irritation is the AWFUL & tinny pseudo new wave synth score which repeats the same 4 notes over & over & over for the nearly 2 hour running time. In attempting to make a statement about 1980s American nihlism the Russian emigre filmmakers (perhaps the Iron Curtain was a good thing) make the fatal error of not knowing a thing about NY where their low brow & low rent scifi/comedy/sociological screed takes place. Streets & landmarks are misidentified, the New Yawk accents are straight out of a bad cartoon (someone unironically says "boids") & their depiction of the early 1980s NYC club scene is so laughably way, way WAY off the mark that it seems as if the filmmakers had never set foot in North America, let alone NYC. The acting is sub-porno, the grainy cinematography is just above 7-11 security cam video, the sound is muddly & apparently the budget was so low that they couldn't afford an editor. I say that because this tedious & grating turd not only drags itself to nearly 2 agonizing hours, it also includes actors just about to hit their marks & looking off camera to get direction. The cast is ugly & uninspired, the movie looks like a 1970s education flick & its easy to see why nobody connected with this overblown freshman film student mess has ever worked on another film.
For newer movies, the hot chick was absolutely terrible... so was jeepers creepers, i think they realized how terrible it was and saved some money by not including an ending... I had to sit through an east german film for class called Paul and Paula... it was awful, but is one of the most critically aclaimed east german films ever...
I love Home Alone. For me, there is nothing better than being snowed in your apt with no school, no work, a few cases of beer or some hot chocolate or some oxy, and Home Alone. It's a great way to spend an afternoon.

I didn't like Waterworld.
Unless, I missed certain key elements of that movie (Home Alone), there was no beer, there was no oxy or anything of the sort, if there had been, maybe that flick wouldn't have left such a bad taste in my mouth.
No pun intended

well it's a lot more fun to watch when you're 10. I could've put Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles up here too, because really it's a pretty bad movie, but as a child, I was all about it. Of course, somehow I liked the second one better than the first.

If I watched them for the first time now, I'd be pretty mad at myself for wasting my time.
Donnie Darko - It was a low-budget rip-off!
And a waste of time!
I was seeing Cliche's left and right throughout the film.
I also didn't like the fact that Patrick Swayze and Drew Barrymore were used to hype up the film, because they served no relevant purpose to the main storyline.
Tech Kinetics said:

The Shining

Totally disagree. Not only was this movie not a remake (It was actually Stephen King putting his book to film because he was so disapointed with the piss poor job Kubrick did), the Kubrick film was a piece of shit and totally lacking in any of the suspense that made the book so great.

My most hated film at the moment would probably be The Two Towers, mainly because of the year of anticipation I had before seeing it.
Jeepers Creepers
The Hulk
Bridget Jones' Diary (though I loved the book)
Anaconda (and almost everything starring J-Lo)
Blair Witch 2
Lost in Space

(I tend to go see a lot of movies which I KNOW are going to be bad... but end up seeing them anyway)

I should've known SHANGHAI KNIGHTS (2003) would be a pile of crap BUT the reviews did say it was better than SHANGHAI NOON (2001) & I am a fan of Jackie Chan's Hong Kong flicks (his American releases like the RUSH HOUR flicks, TUXEDO & SN are all dogs). Not only is SHANGHAI KNIGHTS the worst film of 2003 so far, it is perhaps the worst martial arts film of all time & this is coming from a guy who saw BLACK MASK 2 & it marks a career low for Jackie Chan who is obviously too old to chop the suey anymore. The whole point of a Jackie flick is the fighting & stunts & it is painfully obvious via bad directing & editing that Jackie isn't the one doing the poorly choreographed & lameass fights & stunts.

Jackie's HK flicks were deleriously over the top but fun. SHANGHAI NOON is a mirthless & plodding buddy flick complete with stupid anachronisms (1960s Brit invasion tunes blare from the soundtrack even though it takes place in 1897), lame sight gags that wouldn't make the cut in a Troma release & a complete lack of chemistry between Jackie & the increasingly annoying & one note Owen Wilson. The 2 of them appear to be reading their lines off of billboards a mile away & Wilson looks especially embarassed by the idiotic dialogue he's forces to spew. Just when the movie couldn't get any more non-sensical the "action" grinds to a screeching halt for a massive pillow fight that has absolutley NOTHING to do with the rest of the film.

If you want to have a lot of fun with dopey but fun martial arts flicks check out any of Jackie's HK flicks released between 1983 & 1998 (ie SUPERCOP, PROJECT A, FIRST STRIKE, MR NICE GUY, WHO AM I, THE PRISONER, RUMBLE IN THE BRONX, THE POLICE STORY series, TWIN DRAGONS, OPERATION CONDOR 1 & 2), but pass on any of his US or current releases. They are mirror images of the lousy late 1970s/early 1980s cheapo chop socky flicks that gave the genre such a bad name for so long.
Alien Resurrection (omg what where they thinking!!!)
Mystery Men
The Thin Red Line (so fucking boring!!)

grrr....oh and the worst movie ever was that one movie with Owen Wilson and Ben Stiller and they were both super model, super heroes...holy fuck that movie fucking sucks!!!!!!!!! I can't remember the name of it tho.