Your favorite opiate withdrawal symptom??

The only good thing about detox is that you can orgasm helllllla! Where as on dope I cant even get wet, let alone orgasm. And guys usually cant orgasm. I have reached orgasm like twice ever on dope. Sex on heroin is lammme
The only good thing about detox is that you can orgasm helllllla! Where as on dope I cant even get wet, let alone orgasm. And guys usually cant orgasm. I have reached orgasm like twice ever on dope. Sex on heroin is lammme

Well this is true for guys too except that it happens after like 5.275 seconds, so it sucks. :p
My skin was super sensative while withdrawing. It felt like every part of my body was being scraped with sandpaper. I've mentioned this to fellow opiate abusers and no one gets what I'm talking about.
Also the rage I experienced. I was mad at everyone and everything. My husband would just leave the house because I would turn into the most vile human being on the face of this earth. It's 17 months later and I still crave it and get moody about not having any.
Yeah, I've been on MMT for almost 4 years now, and they just got cheap and as of January 1, 2015 Manitoba no longer dispenses methadone powdersol'n, it's all fucking methadose 10mg/ml, and I have been stable for 2 on a steady dose, then over New Years it was like I went right back to dose adjustment. Wretched chills and sweats, and that fucking IMPOSSIBILITY TO SLEEP!! I find myself taking 200ug of clonidine, 100/150mg diphenhydramine (this was worked up due to tolerance; as if my stupid ass let myself become dependent/addicted to diphenhydramine of all things), as well as my prescribed 10mg diazepam 3x daily (usually take 20mg in the morning 10 at night to stave off anxiety), lately have been having to take alprazolam (1-2mg) for the anxiety as well and still no sleep. I've thrown 30mg temazepam in there now and then to try to get a decent nights rest, I can't decide if I "love" the insomnia, the anxiety (I can barely fucking talk to my loved ones, I've developed a stutter), and THE DAMN TREMORS!! I don't know if I'm the only one taking methadone that experiences this, but I have tremors so bad pre-dose that I have to have someone make my morning coffee, lest I drop it twice or shake all the sugar/whitener off the damn spoon between the jar and cup.
I know it's a little long..but there isn't one symptom I can pinpoint as the worst, as the ones I've mentioned here are all equally debilitating and pushing me over the edge to get myself a fit and at least try to reduce w/ds with a little hydromorphone.
I remember w/ding from a very long methadone addiction, In addition to the nasty sweaty, freezing cold feelings, insomnia, headaches, feeling like doing nothing, but cannot get comfortable no matter what you try...the worst imo, was this really nasty smell, kind of a metallic, furnace kind of smell, I would smell it everywhere, all the time, it got to the point of making me want to puke, I think it was the hypersensitivity though, but Ive never really experienced this on any other drug.
Goddamnit yes, the hypersensitivity to literally everything, and what almost tastes like sucking on a penny? I don't even know how else to describe it, but I know exactly what you mean; the best way I can describe it is being a raw nerve, no matter what I do it still loves to sneak up on me. The only other drug that did anything remotely similar to me was fentanyl, or 3MF, whatever the hell this carnie I worked with had at the given time, it was fentanyl and an analogue but that's all I really know.
Cravings... That shit will have you for a least 6 months after you quit. - Least favorite because it causes the potential for relapse.
Another one was the sleeping issue. Sleep deprivation in general will slow down recovery, because your brain needs the sleep to rebuild the damage you've done, etc... Insomnia sticks for awhile if you were heavy into your addiction.

This is the correct answer right here

Its easy getting off but staying off is another story. The insomnia always gets me in the end
Its easy getting off but staying off is another story.
hear hear

what scares me most is for days/weeks i don't have the slightest craving, then i can just be doing the most routine activity with nothing to trigger a craving and suddenly i feel it come over me. no matter what, i always give in and end up using again (like today) :\
I hate the crampy leg thing because you want to run as fast as you can in your bed, jump out, then take a hot shower or hot bath for any relief every hour or 2. My other (I've been told a bit unique thing) is having taste bud hallucinations where nearly all food tastes bizarre and gross to me. The only thing I can eat is usually chicken soup because everything smells terrible and tastes terrible, plus I have no appetite. This also happens when I go on Suboxone as well. I do not understand why SUB causes this weird flavor attack on food but it does and takes 3 days before I have a normal appetite and food tastes normal again. Any ideas on what this is about?
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id rather be dope sick than liquor sick. favorite part of wd's is the amount of emotions u feel and personally for me watching cooking shows makes me happy for some reason. probably from the lack of eating.
Nice, someone actually answered this thread non-sarcastically. Actually that's my favorite part of withdrawals too. The intensity of emotions when before they had been muted. I remember having moments (brief moments, but moments nonetheless) of powerfully beautiful, sublime feelings of beauty or inspiration in the midst of the horror.
The one thing, is feeling music again. Spent my 20s playing music and touring, was always a big part of my life until getting hooked. So when the depression hits I can feel/be moved by music again.
My favorite albeit..the the pain at the bottom/pit of your always lasts 1 full day and night...will not go away...the other stuff I can tolerate ok..
I actually have a symptom I like for real - having sex was never as good as it was in opiate withdrawal. Every inch of the body was so sensitive.
I actually have a symptom I like for real - having sex was never as good as it was in opiate withdrawal. Every inch of the body was so sensitive.

No shit right? That's one of a couple things I do dig about it. That and hitting the laughter phase where movies and stuff became insanely funny. It doesn't last but it's fun when you get there for a little while.
The restless leg thing , except it wasn't just my legs it was my whole body head to toe.
Awake the whole time .
Yeah the restless body is the worst feeling ever. Seriously, of all the shitty feelings associated with opiate withdrawal or any other negative physical thing I've felt, severe restless legs/body is the absolute worst. It's pure torture. I haven't heard of many getting the whole body restlessness, if I had to live like that permanently I might just end it. People who haven't experienced it don't understand, when you describe it, it doesn't sound like a big deal but it's an insanity-maker.

Did you get restless legs as a kid? I had them really bad as a kid.
^ nope . Not as a kid . Just from the WD. Insanity-maker. Yup.
No shit right? That's one of a couple things I do dig about it. That and hitting the laughter phase where movies and stuff became insanely funny. It doesn't last but it's fun when you get there for a little while.

Wow thought I was crazy. Been manically alternating between laughing and crying. Maybe still crazy.
Wow thought I was crazy. Been manically alternating between laughing and crying. Maybe still crazy.

Yes, the flood of emotions both good and bad can actually be quite exhausting at times. Like you said, laughing one second and crying the next, ouch! My wife isn't too tuned into these kinds of things but I have gotten comments on some of my crying during a TV show or movie. I hate trying to hide stuff like that but I really do dislike those questions and comments. Hell, I've always been on the emotional side, I guess she's gotten used to them being sort of muted since I've been on my pain medication these days. Oh well, such fun.

BTW, back when I have experienced WD's, I would really hate the restless leg thing. I would lay down for a few minutes trying to rest and then have to walk around the house for 5 or 10 minutes to try and ease the restlessness. I'd then lay back down to try to get some rest. Never seemed to do much good but I needed to feel like I was actually doing something to help matters along. There are other symptoms I used to really hate but they're too numerous to get into right now and I really need to eat something right now. God bless all!