Your favorite opiate withdrawal symptom??

Yeah wd really fucks your emotions, I remember feeling like I wanted to die one second then laughing at absolutely anything the next, is a very odd feeling.
Worst- Restless legs/body and insomnia. The only thing that helped were long hot baths and a weighted blanket .
Best - Introspection and increased libido
Most hated: restless legs, as others have said. This is what generally leads to my insomnia. It is the one thing that I feel if it would go away, I could get some sleep.

Most liked: out-of-nowhere intense emotions. This is most often felt for me while listening to music and in some ways I almost feel like I appreciate it more during WDs.
my favorite would be increased awareness of music. Good songs will send a tingle down my spine.

worst is restlessness and inability to sleep.
Would weed help the saliva thing?

For myself, it is the sensation of my muscles burning alive from the inside out. Seems like I can feel my bones. It is the absolute worst in my upper arms. I take magnesium for it, muscle relaxers, benzos, and I think staying hydrated helps too.

Then there are the suicidal thoughts, but too lazy to get up for a glass of water and probably did all your pills so there isn't much of an easy way out.

Relapse is hell on earth.
Flashbacks to movie worthy memories of going on 3 day burners on the streets, coming back to my "regular" life for 4 days to work to fund the habit, and repeating. Flashbacks to each rock bottom moment where I made a mental note to myself "It can't get any worse, why are you here"

Would weed help the saliva thing?

Weed will help with many many things. It can help dry your mouth out, or it can make Arizona iced tea seem like the greatest most bestest thing in the world, so you make it a mission to get a Mucho Mango and halfway through drinking it you realize your mouth dryness has been solved. For me, I got so stoned throughout my acute (2 month long) withdrawal period the whole thing was a breeze.
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I have horrendous rebound pain in my bones and muscles that make me seriously consider suicide. That for me is the worst hands down.
The restless leg thing , except it wasn't just my legs it was my whole body head to toe.
Awake the whole time .
Yes. the Fentanyl WD RLS for me is arms, legs, everything. I call it the mr bojangles stage. Cannot stop moving for days...
Wow, there are so many fantastic Heroin withdrawal symptoms to chose from. Yeah, the profuse diarrhoea is delightful. The mega vomiting is a treat. The aching and shivering are quite alluring, but the Restless Legs would have to be my favourite WD symptom - sarcastically. I always keep a gram in advance in case there is a problem acquiring Vitamin H, because the thought of WD's, sends me into panic mode. There have been a few major Heroin busts in my part of the world and this is going to impact the cost of Vitamin H and the means a lot of people are going to use to obtain money. This is not harm reduction If legalisation were possible, it could be the best political and medical solution to eradicate WD's. But back to reality...
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Mine was the terrible nausea. I would make myself throw up even with nothing in my stomach to feel the euphoria that you get after throwing up. Was the only break I got from the wanting to claw my skin off. It started to turn into bulimia because was the only time I could take a deep breath. started being very self destructive. It did pass but was the worst for me.
The cold. Oh my god, the cold. As warm as heroin is, that?s how cold dopesickness is for me. Like I?m freezing from the inside out. There is this pit deep inside of me that I didn?t even know was there until I tried opiates for the first time. Two things can reach that pit: heroin warms it in the most beautiful way, and dopesickness ices it over. I have never been so cold in my life. The cold alone could drive me to relapse. Last time I was dopesick, I was locked in a detox center. That?s the only reason I got through it.

Up there with the cold would be the ducking cravings. Going on six months now, 24 mg of subs a day, and the cravings are still crushing me. It?s 4 am here right now, and I can?t sleep because I?m thinking about dope. I wouldn?t wish these cravings on anyone.
Yeah I hate the coldness too.

Plenty of hot showers. Hot showers are the best medicine with opiate withdrawal. When I would be withdrawing, I'd take 4 of them a day and for the time it took for the hot water to run out, I'd feel reasonably good and not restless. I once imagined a device for sleeping during and soothing withdrawal, a body capsule that continually showers your body with hot water.
That is the most amazing idea ever. Patent that, haha. But make sure it can quickly switch to cold water for when those rare but almost-as-awful hot flashes start, amiright?
Yeah, I guess you could hook it up to your water supply. :) Maybe with opiate addiction levels as high as they are, it would actually work out to go through all the expenses necessary to get a working production and promotion of such a device. Not that opiate addicts could generally afford such a thing.

...I'll file it in the list of ideas that would probably pan out, but that I don't have the time or focus to make happen. =D
^ Ooohhh my spa at 102-104*mmmm- not too much chlorine/ bromine and just the right pH..though walking afterward is taxing and haphazard. A lady friend to hold your head up in aforementioned spa, so you can take mini naps is better than gabapentin imo.

Geez I can't seem to pin point the exact time it happens but in certain points of poly drug W/D (Benzos/ Oxy/ MS all at varying mild rates) I nearly piss myself with the laughing fits. I know this is not a long lasting stage and the music appreciation stage and the movie trance with weepiness stage are easier to pinpoint, but laughing so hard I nearly fall out of my chair at work because of a Sasha Baron Cohen video is almost...suspicious.
Being cold all the time while at the same time constantly sweating. The night sweats w/ hot flashes are fun, waking up in a pool of sweat (pillow included) and trying to fall back asleep on cold wet sheets is always great.
1. Depression. Worse than any of the physical symptoms. Somewhat related are the distressing thoughts constantly passing through your head.
2. RLS.
3. Lethargy, especially coupled with the insomnia. More tired than you ever thought possible but only able to toss and turn until the sun starts rising (after which you have to put something over your eyes which are currently extra-sensitive to light).
4. Sweating.
5. Spitting. Too tired to move (except to toss and turn) and unsuccessfully trying to sleep and now on top of that you have to get up every minute to spit in a cup.

The depression is horrible and what pulled me back in the first time but for some reason it hasn't really shown up as a symptom after that. The lethargy, though, has been enough to get me to drag myself across the city in an Uber in order to be able to get up and function again. I actually welcome the vomiting/heaving sometimes because it is exhausting enough to allow me to forget about the insomnia and restlessness and rest for a few minutes.
The longer I went through withdrawal the more I inexplicably started to appreciate some of the withdrawal symptoms. The last time I got clean was tapering with loperamide over a three month period - one pill less a day. So I started with 90 pills and worked down to 0. It was Perhaps the only time I ever got clean on my own. So the only symptoms I had to deal with was irritableness and hot flashes / constantly very sweaty. Whenever a hot flash would occur at work, I'd be drenched in sweat doing manual labor. I thoroughly enjoyed the feeling of putting on a dry t shirt, I always brought two with me to work every day. Also, when a hot flash hit at night, I would really enjoy when it broke and I'd feel very cool and comfortable just like when a fever breaks. I also really enjoyed speaking my mind, and normally I'm totally the opposite - agreeable and kind to the point that other laborers would make fun of me. So I started to earn the nickname dark vader or "sprinkles", and I liked it. People talked shit to me and I'd talk shit right back, happily punishing them for giving me shit. I have above average intelligence and normally I work with computers, so it wasn't very hard to make a snappy come back for the relatively brain dead manual laborers I worked with. One in particular had a short man complex, and really wanted to act like a supervisor as if we didn't know what to do. One day I had to hit a touch up spot with paint, so I just dipped my brush in the can and walked it upstairs holding a rag under it in cas it dripped. He of course had to say something about it.... "that's just STOO-PIT man, just STOO-PIT". So I said, "Man whenever you talk all I hear is "STOO-PIT", repeating his ignorant sounding accent. This came to a head one day when the boss sent me into a small room to paint. He came in there with a ladder, and accused me of bouncing around, etc. I said "I'm just in here painting". He kept up with it, got in my face, and started throwing punches. (I know I'm getting way off track here, but overall it's relevant). I didn't throw a single punch, but tackled him to the ground when he came at me again, this time in front of the supervisor (boss's son). He was hitting me over and over on the top of my head and I just had a big smile on my face, with blood almost gushing from my lip. I guess I looked too crazed because they fired us both (I hope they fired him), even though I didn't throw a single punch out of fear of being fired. Afterwards, the boss pulled us apart - I was totally calm while he was as nervous and jumpy as a bag of cats. Considering I got fired, I wish I had unleashed on him. So withdrawal can present you with totally new things that can give you a good feeling, but create risks as well if you pursue them with unbridled focus. it's such a tedious endeavor to wean that slowly, but I worked from day one and not a single day in bed with withdrawal. The method worked that time because it came on the heels of very bad withdrawals and so many failed attempts I was desperate. I hope to God things won't have to become desperate again for me to find a successful method, or have to drop everything for a 90 day rehab. I've relapsed so many times - I've been determined to quit every week for the past few months. I have one friend left who always asks how I'm doing, where I'm at, etc. I tell him every time I'm motivated to quit, and every time I slip 2 to 5 days later. Today he got angry and said "dude, why don't you jsut quit". That's another topic. Yeah, post hot flash is my favorite wd symptom, blurry vision, vomiting, diahhrea and mailaise come in a close second to my least favorite which is depression.