Your favorite opiate withdrawal symptom??

Actually not being able to eat for quite a few days was unbearable… I remember it was like the 6th or 7th day I started eating and ate sooo much, as if a weeks worth of food. I had lost like 15 lbs, so it was needed… I was severely depleted of vitamins minerals, as well as dehydrated.
I would say that my favorite withdrawl symptom would be the rageing libido experienced after months or years of suppression (premature ejaculation not withstanding) when kicking dope.

My least favorite wd symptom of all for some reason was this nagging unpleasant irritation I would get at the back of my throat that would anoy me so much sometimes I felt like I was going to lose my mind.

And the greatest challenge of all was that with the chills, nausea/ diarrhea ,hot/cold flashes, rhinorea, deep bone pain, muscle pain and weakness, extreemly vexing inability to get comfortable, apocalyptic depression, anxiety bordering on panic, all of which has to be experienced in all it's satanic glory because your completely unable to get any sleep and time stretches slowly, painfully into a hopeless eternity...
...was the obsession, that intense craving that seems to really ignite after the peak symptoms are over involving the fixed thought that just one more little teeny tinny piece of dope won't only completely annihilate the horrific, unspeakable torture your enduring
but let you taste sweet heaven itself...that feeling of pure bliss like floating on a cloud of tities.
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Usually its the stomach churning having to go the bathroom but tryna hold it in because thats a horrible experience of its own.

Next is you better not try no talk to me when im in WDs cuz ill pay you no attention.

Then even though i have no energy I'll look in my room for extra money or any drugs anywhere even though i know ill come up empty.

And finally no sleep

Currently going through that the last 48hrs. Took 1mg suboxone film 35 minutes ago and dont feel any better yet
I'm a fan of when you feel so low you want to top yourself. The endless malaise stretching out in to the future...

yeah the long lasting anhedonia is a nightmare, as is the fatigue and overall dysphoria that lasts forever...
I didn't understand your thread's purpose from only the title.

"Favorite" (most troublesome) had to be the feeling of metal shards coming out of my nerves.....

On the actual, real and tangible list of favs was the diarrhea and intestinal cramps. I know it sounds "odd" or "fucked up" but, after a couple months of "Pea Soup projectile vomiting" style (I kept asking "Does my head start spinning at some point?") from my (bad?) reaction to methadone therapy (pain pills) it was actually a very "welcome" change, indeed!
I don't think I've ever seen anyone post about that. This happens to me. When using heroin my lungs seem to get congested and during WD and/or days switching back to sub I'm frequently spitting out mucus. I end up swallowing some during the crappy sleep I get. My stomach is sensitive and has bothered me since I was a kid, so swallowing this mucus makes me feel really nauseated and I end up throwing up bile a number of times. The stomach pain is really brutal for me and it's the thing that will make me cave if it doesn't go away. I can only put up with it for so long. It feels like my stomach is inflamed and has swollen up so much that it's making my stomach feel as if it is too big for the area it has inside my body. Putting pressure on it slightly reduces the pain. When I put pressure on it I can feel the specific areas where it is sore. Almost like when you rub a sore muscle. I just can't stand that pain. It's that much harder when I know that one shot and it's gone instantly.

For some reason I've noticed that even if it hurts the pain disappears if I take a hot bath. Of course 30-40 minutes later the water starts to cool and then the pain starts coming back and will come back when I get out. If I'm lucky the bath will make it disappear and it won't come back. I've heard of pregnant mothers having "tub births" in their homes and supposedly the pain is significantly reduced. Of course it probably looks like the tide of Omaha Beach on D-Day, but there seems to be something to that.

Aside from that stomach/mucus situation, another symptom I really hate is feeling constantly cold. It gives me goosebumps for hours. It isn't a symptom that makes me cave, but it makes the cold weather outside almost unbearable. Getting outside and moving around is important for my recovery, but the cold makes me feel like just staying inside and only being cold, instead of freezing cold.

YES! EXACTLY! THE MUCUS, I FUCKING HATE THIS SO MUCH!! Like I don't get it! I wonder if I force myself to have something in my stomach it will quell it a bit? Like bread or oatmeal? I think that may help so then the belly isn't empty, cause the worst part is the bile then dry heaving and then you start choking out of anxiety and freaking out and it's a mess and your body drenches you in a cold sweat that afterwards it's like you went swimming! So I'm going to start detoxing tomorrow (finally got 3+ days off in a row) and I'm going to eat some food to hopefully! MAYBE help with this? IDK try to keep my acidic level down, something that has helped me in the past is sucking on hard candies or gum or something flavored to keep in my mouth (in b4: any gay jokes) so that it distracts me from the thick, mucus-y, saliva. It was the worst when I was with my girlfriend cause I'd be horny and she'd want to make out and I did too but the saliva and the nausea... it's the fucking shits... the rest I know how to kind of remedy, (with the aide of benzos... and I got suboxone.. but you get what I mean) anyway...

My least favorite withdrawal that makes it so easy to cave in is the dry heaves and almost throwing up an occasionally throwing up my lunch or nothing in my stomach, when i start to feel that and that pain in my stomach it makes me call my boy mad fast to get shit, if it wasnt for that id make it thru a few days before caving due to cravings, but my favorite symtom which i thought thats what u meant is suprisingly diareaha, since ill be constipated for 3 weeks without going once while on dope, i can atleast get rid of that build up that eventually hurts, that makes withdrawaing more annoying when your out an u might shit everywhere, if i withrew with nothing in my stomach thats also easy to get thru, anyone feel the same
Cravings... That shit will have you for a least 6 months after you quit. - Least favorite because it causes the potential for relapse.
Another one was the sleeping issue. Sleep deprivation in general will slow down recovery, because your brain needs the sleep to rebuild the damage you've done, etc... Insomnia sticks for awhile if you were heavy into your addiction.
For sure RLS is the worst...w/d would be much easier without this...SWIM took his last fent strip on Monday and he's still w/d. Anyone can advise SWIM on what o/c meds that can help RLS?
This may sound super weird but
sometimes I purposely put myself in withdrawal because I feel like I'm actually mentally touching on the fringes of universal truth. I write better, I think better, even if it is hell
Anyone still have restless legs or at least 'feet' a little after a few months? Almost 5 months, and it's the last thing to go… late at night… I find myself moving my feet around.
Wont be off the hydromorph anytime soon, but expecting it to be a real shit storm. Had the WD from alcohol once it wasn't pretty. Flu like symptoms turned to full blown hallucinations at night lasted three or four days of tripping real hard. Not a good memory was travelling at the time and sleeping in a beatup old hostel to boot. Too much mescal makes for a real living walking nightmare. I really hope coming off the narcotics isnt going to be as bad!!
This may sound super weird but
sometimes I purposely put myself in withdrawal because I feel like I'm actually mentally touching on the fringes of universal truth. I write better, I think better, even if it is hell

I think I know what you mean, like true enlightenment comes from suffering; endless, unrelenting, sleepless suffering...
Anyone still have restless legs or at least 'feet' a little after a few months? Almost 5 months, and it's the last thing to go… late at night… I find myself moving my feet around.

Yeah I had nervous twitches for about 6 months after I stopped, and I sweated uncomfortably for like a year...

Wont be off the hydromorph anytime soon, but expecting it to be a real shit storm. Had the WD from alcohol once it wasn't pretty. Flu like symptoms turned to full blown hallucinations at night lasted three or four days of tripping real hard. Not a good memory was travelling at the time and sleeping in a beatup old hostel to boot. Too much mescal makes for a real living walking nightmare. I really hope coming off the narcotics isnt going to be as bad!!

Apparently it isn't as bad as alcohol withdrawals but it is just as annoying and it's always easier to score and get high then stick it out...
Good to hear I'm not alone, thank you…. It's been bothering me :\
Hot. Cold. Hot. Cold. Goosebumps. Sweat. Goosebumps. Sweat. Pleaseee any advice,? This is day 2 off it. I was my op30s but I caaaaant let myself do it. Its terrible. I think the mental aspect of wanting wanti g wanting is super bad too. And the lethargy....but the hot cold hot cold...GAHHH!
My skin was super sensative while withdrawing. It felt like every part of my body was being scraped with sandpaper. I've mentioned this to fellow opiate abusers and no one gets what I'm talking about.
Also the rage I experienced. I was mad at everyone and everything. My husband would just leave the house because I would turn into the most vile human being on the face of this earth. It's 17 months later and I still crave it and get moody about not having any.
My skin was super sensative while withdrawing. It felt like every part of my body was being scraped with sandpaper. I've mentioned this to fellow opiate abusers and no one gets what I'm talking about.
Also the rage I experienced. I was mad at everyone and everything. My husband would just leave the house because I would turn into the most vile human being on the face of this earth. It's 17 months later and I still crave it and get moody about not having any.

Cant speak to the sandpaper skin (sounds terrible) but I do leave some rank nasty scratches on my skin while sleeping (when I can get it) the antihistamines don't do shit for this either, its a straight up Clarence the Crack Head scratch.
Restless legs and leg pains are the worst, except for the insomnia, which just lets you lie in torture 24/7. Insomnia always lasts for many days with me too.

I also hate the depression and anxiety. Withdrawing for me has of course happened when my life is in a wreck, so I have this to worry about, at the same time I am feeling bad and guilty about all the fucked up things I did when I was using. Mental obsession 24/7, ugh.