Your favorite opiate withdrawal symptom??

The worst w/ds i had, I physically had to struggle to swallow anything. I empathize with the spit thing OP. I filled up a few bottles myself.

I actually ended up at the hospital and they gave me crushed up methadone (after hours of waiting), i sloshed it around in my mouth unable to swallow it for a long fucking time. Had to close my nose to force myself to drink it.

Just extreme muscle tension i thought, more than thick saliva.

I also had huge tension in my neck, made looking around difficult, i would default to looking 'up', like the ceiling or the headboard of my bed.

Thats the first real w/d i had, and last. Every other w/d has been a background discomfort of varying intensity where i was still functioning. This time i was damn near not capable of doing anything.

Sometimes i wonder if there was something more to it than just opiate w/d, because many opiate users say im exaggerating when i describe it in detail. But, I don't think so, I would buy larger qunatites of down from multiple sources, and it was always good enough to add 10-20% of the wight again in cut before turning it around. I was doing about a half ball after cut, every two days plus 65mg of methadone at least every 3 days (they would kick you off if you didnt show for 4). Cuts were always inactive things like MSM on my end, but I wonder if somewhere higher up the chain they put some fucked up shit in the last few batches i got my hands on.

Maybe thats just how bad regular old opi w/d can get.
I couldn't swallow a sip of water for the first 3 or 4 days let alone eat. (This was cold turkey stop)
*** the DMT is a great idea. Not sure how you'll make use of it but I think next time I kick ill plan some sort of trip for just prior to the detox. -to help get me where I need to be consciously ya know?

THAT IS SUCH A GOOD IDEA! Right before... GENIUS!!!!
I'm confused...favorite??

I got huge boners for no reason.

But the worst? The restless legs. I cannot even handle that shit. Things that can help with that symptom: Hylands Restless Legs, dipenhydramine, Nerontin (gabapentin), Valerian Root.

The word "Love" is suppose to be in jest but it's open to interpretation. Like I don't love anything about withdrawals... I don't think anyone does lol...
I always hated the fact that when I WD and smoke a cig it makes me throw up, that and not being able to sleep but being so tired.
^yea your not kiddin... i can get like a hit or two in and then i just feel it comming up.... but its weird smoking weed never does it to me, jus cigs
I remember w/ding from a very long methadone addiction, In addition to the nasty sweaty, freezing cold feelings, insomnia, headaches, feeling like doing nothing, but cannot get comfortable no matter what you try...the worst imo, was this really nasty smell, kind of a metallic, furnace kind of smell, I would smell it everywhere, all the time, it got to the point of making me want to puke, I think it was the hypersensitivity though, but Ive never really experienced this on any other drug.
I remember w/ding from a very long methadone addiction, In addition to the nasty sweaty, freezing cold feelings, insomnia, headaches, feeling like doing nothing, but cannot get comfortable no matter what you try...the worst imo, was this really nasty smell, kind of a metallic, furnace kind of smell, I would smell it everywhere, all the time, it got to the point of making me want to puke, I think it was the hypersensitivity though, but Ive never really experienced this on any other drug.

Yeah, def hypersensitivity, cause opiates numb you so when you're withdrawaling you're feeling everything again 10 fold and in an uncomfortable state so it's uncomfortable too... Kicking in jail was the worst... the smell of bums, piss, bo and oranges... ew..
Worst: RLS, Diharrea
Best: knowing you deserve this pain for the stupidity then when you finally start to feel better you get a call from your guy and then your mind starts running into pickup mode, I don't think this counts as an answer.
^yea your not kiddin... i can get like a hit or two in and then i just feel it comming up.... but its weird smoking weed never does it to me, jus cigs

it's because of the nicotin and bcause cigs are made of reconstituted tobaccoe and additives, just research it. weed is more gentle and natural (medicine), while nicotin is poisonous shiiiiite! :)

and, while on opiates your nicotin-receptors are blocked, so you can smoke tons of cigs without getting sick. what I just don't know is, why cigs taste like candy when on opiates.
I posted a thread a week ago. I quit methodone and crystal 31 days ago cold turkey from 105 mg a day. A 20 year addiction 3 years methodone 17 oxycontin was my choice but any narcotic was my buddy. I never knew a withdraw till i experienced methodone wds cause quick acting opiates its hell we all know but it hits you hard and goes away but drugs like methodone or suboxone it takes its time wants to get to know you and hang out and ask does this hurt how bout this. Best description is i was dying maybe? Restless legs, chills, freaking sneezing still, no sleep forget about that for 2 weeks so i seeing colors melt on the wall and god only knows like i ate lsd. These chills will be the death of me. I liked this question.
My routine was bathroom, couch.....cant sit still, bathroom, fetal position. Do not pass go do not collect 200
Id like to talk to you about methodone withdraws im on day 31 when does the freezing and sneezing stop. Im sleeping now but these chills are horrible
my favorite opiate withdrawal symptom? umm.. insomnia? just because i was able to get shit done.

worst was the chills and cravings.
So for all us opiate addicts, we all know the list of withdrawal symptoms so I won't type it out but talking with other addicts I've realized everyone goes through similar things but usually for each individual there is that ONE symptom that REALLY bugs them.. I was thinking we could make a thread were we talk about that ONE symptom that drives you bonkers and usually is what makes you cave (at least for me) and maybe someone else will have an answer on how to combat it.

For me it's my saliva build up, I know it sounds weird and everyone looks at me funny, but when I'm kicking my saliva gets super thick and nasty tasting and I have to constantly spit otherwise I get extremely nauseous. I hate it, I usually have a trash can next to me FILLED with almost a couple gallons of spit because if I swallow my saliva I risk going into bile dry heaves :(

If anyone can help me figure something out, sucking on hard candies or chewing gum helps but not much.. if anyone else has any answers I'd appreciate it, and post your worse withdrawal symptom and maybe somebody will have a remedy.

I don't think I've ever seen anyone post about that. This happens to me. When using heroin my lungs seem to get congested and during WD and/or days switching back to sub I'm frequently spitting out mucus. I end up swallowing some during the crappy sleep I get. My stomach is sensitive and has bothered me since I was a kid, so swallowing this mucus makes me feel really nauseated and I end up throwing up bile a number of times. The stomach pain is really brutal for me and it's the thing that will make me cave if it doesn't go away. I can only put up with it for so long. It feels like my stomach is inflamed and has swollen up so much that it's making my stomach feel as if it is too big for the area it has inside my body. Putting pressure on it slightly reduces the pain. When I put pressure on it I can feel the specific areas where it is sore. Almost like when you rub a sore muscle. I just can't stand that pain. It's that much harder when I know that one shot and it's gone instantly.

For some reason I've noticed that even if it hurts the pain disappears if I take a hot bath. Of course 30-40 minutes later the water starts to cool and then the pain starts coming back and will come back when I get out. If I'm lucky the bath will make it disappear and it won't come back. I've heard of pregnant mothers having "tub births" in their homes and supposedly the pain is significantly reduced. Of course it probably looks like the tide of Omaha Beach on D-Day, but there seems to be something to that.

Aside from that stomach/mucus situation, another symptom I really hate is feeling constantly cold. It gives me goosebumps for hours. It isn't a symptom that makes me cave, but it makes the cold weather outside almost unbearable. Getting outside and moving around is important for my recovery, but the cold makes me feel like just staying inside and only being cold, instead of freezing cold.
Hardest for me were the nights, not being able to sleep, while being dead tired, with the sweat dripping from my chest, forehead and handpalms, feeling like having fever.
Hated it.
For me it's the restlessness or the stomach pain/cramps and inability to eat anything. It leaves me feeling completely off, all the while knowing that just a few bags of dope would have me feeling 100% normal within seconds.
The restlessness was always the worst for me. I naturally have restless legs syndrome sometimes, it was actually really bad when I was a kid. So it hits me hard. Sometimes I would even get restless arms. The restlessness made sleeping entirely impossible, so I'd go 4 or 5 days with no real sleep and by then I'd be so crushed from the lack of sleep that I couldn't even function and I'd just be a weepy, depressed, anxious, miserable mess.