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Why is meth use looked down upon?

Snorting, IME, actually makes your mouth fouler than smoking. I doubt as far as decay. Just taste and dryness/feel.
When I used I'd brush my teeth like mad, force myself to drink water or Gatorade(as opposed to the tweeker's favorite Mt. Dew; fuckin disgusting) and I'd rinse with Biotene like 50 times a day.
Not gonna save you, mouth-wise, if you use for too long. But it can't hurt.
Snorting, IME, actually makes your mouth fouler than smoking. I doubt as far as decay. Just taste and dryness/feel.
When I used I'd brush my teeth like mad, force myself to drink water or Gatorade(as opposed to the tweeker's favorite Mt. Dew; fuckin disgusting) and I'd rinse with Biotene like 50 times a day.
Not gonna save you, mouth-wise, if you use for too long. But it can't hurt.
Yea I think it's from the drip and I heard every ROA effects the teeth so I guess it's not just smoking
I haven't snorted it much; when I do it's for convenience because I can't really flick a lighter just anywhere... I am primarily a smoker, but I've found if I want to function among regular humans, ingestion is the best way to go for both the lasting power and the less TWANGGGGGy high. Of course, I tend to supplement my morning parachute with a couple bumps or twists..

I think dry mouth contributes to tooth decay?
It's weird that the smoke tastes fairly good but the drip from snorting tastes absolutely awful.
Regardless, yeah all the ROA's are really bad for your mouth.
A big part of it is that it stems the production of saliva/causes dry mouth.
It's why if you're gonna use, I'd recommend trying real hard to stay somewhere near hydrated and use something like Biotene. It's fights/prevents dry mouth.
Still, the best thing by far is to quit. But we all know that already.
Op, I often wonder the same thing.

Meth, MDMA, cocaine, heroin. They all be equal. There's no such thing as a 'bad drug'.
Regardless, yeah all the ROA's are really bad for your mouth.

I actually read that the shit in diet soda is just as bad for your teeth technically. It's just that diet soda drinkers are more likely to brush after..
I believe that the people that down 5-6 cans of Aspartame soup every day will soon find out that tooth decay is the least of their worries.
Everything's bad for your teeth. At least there's good old city water with lots of fluoride.

OP- You can get Biotene rinse and gel at the supermarket or pharm. It's usually right near the mouthwash.
OP- You can get Biotene rinse and gel at the supermarket or pharm. It's usually right near the mouthwash.

Good look thanks. I'm sippin on that well water and prob need the fluoride, I'll check that out too.
Methamphetamine is not significantly more dangerous than dextroamphetamine, which is dolled out like candy to millions of kids and adults worldwide. The problem is that people who use the former often use it for purposes of getting high (i.e., using more addictive ROAs), usually for multiple days, all while neglecting personal health. Understandably it gets a bad reputation.

Seconded. If people were injecting adderall and dexedrine, things would be just as bad.
To me it would probably have something to do with the state it puts you in mentally. As has been said, people neglect their personal health often when they regularly use meth. Hell, when I was using speed I neglected a lot for several days sometimes and I'm sure it only gets worse with meth.

Is meth in it of itself that horrible? I don't think so, I KNOW there are much worse drugs for you. However in my experience, the people that I've seen the most horribly affected by addiction to a substance are meth users. People are partially more accepting of opiates I think because of the way you see the junkies. If they hit rock bottom they at least have something to fall back on - they have kratom they can easily purchase online, they can get subs or methadone if they can go to a clinic...with meth addicts, I've never seen the equivalent of that. When you finally make that last crash, you crash fucking hard. End of story.

As for the coke users...I think that's a matter of circumstance. I don't think the vast majority of people will end up in as horrible of a situation with coke simply because it's way too damn fucking expensive. Also it's shitty and why anyone would want a coke high that lasts 45 minutes at most before you feel like shit over a somewhat less euphoric but more consistent speed high that lasts 4-5 hours before it makes you feel like shit is beyond me. Someone could offer me a drug that produces the greatest feeling in the world, but if it lasted for 10 seconds I wouldn't waste my money on it. That's what coke seems like to me, and it would be fine if you could buy a shitload and keep doing it to keep the high going but the price makes that a stupid decision unless you're loaded.

So I understand the reputation meth has. Personally, I will never try it. I don't plan on even doing speed again because the comedown is just too much, and it results in me feeling way worse than I did while high or essentially wasting some of my hydros to feel normal. It's not worth it.
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Anyone thnk using alcohol free mouthwash would help the mouth from meth

Yeah, and they make alcohol free mouthwash with fluoride added too.

Also, u might already know this, but brushing the gums really hard helps as your gums absorb some meth byproducts when smoked and then it slowly releases while doing damage to your gums. Don't quote me on all that, but it was in a health article I read.
The only problem with that is my gums on my bottom teeth are receding from brushing to hard so now I gotta brush softly
Using one of those extra soft bristle brushes might help than if you're not already...
Sonicare ftw...but really, you need to cut down your doses if you're getting dry mouth that regular hydration (perhaps coupled with xylitol bearing gum) can't ameliorate.

Anyone thnk using alcohol free mouthwash would help the mouth from meth
It could help, the main thing is making sure you are keeping hydrated while you are smoking.
Regardless some tooth decay will happen from smoking it, but you can slow down the process a lot by taking care of your mouth.