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who's an amateur photographer here?? show your wares!!

Not sure what kind of flower it is, the background was a black bit of cloth, got the idea from some of my mothers work.
Got her to clean it up in photoimpact as I cannot use it for the life of me lol

Took the pic of this tree in Queenstown NZ, it really reminded me of Future Sound Of London - Lifeforms for some reason :|

Some random lightpole sitting pelican for Kittymeow :) (the rest looked worse)
rm2x said:
Not sure what kind of flower it is, the background was a black bit of cloth, got the idea from some of my mothers work.
Got her to clean it up in photoimpact as I cannot use it for the life of me lol

I'm not usually a fan of flower shots, but that's pretty sweet :) The black background is really effective.
oh, i love photography threads, you guys are all so talented and there are some damn gorgeous pics in here.

personally i love nature pics.. like animals or sky / weather pics

and definately my favs are sunrises...
from my back door...

and this is my view at work...
Beautiful photos! Sunset/sunrise/sky/storm photos are by far my favourite, and i'm so jealouse that you have that backdrop at your doorstep! I'd be out there every afternoon.
yeah i am out there almost every morning, the sunrises are better than sunsets at my place.


but we usually go to the beach to toke and watch the sunsets.

i seriously know nothing about photography, but i would love to do a course on it, even just a short one.

i'd also love a better camera :( one that i can mess about with all the settings on for different effects... instead of just a cheap digi cam.

but i'm getting about $5000 back from tax this year so it's going to be one of the things i buy.

anyone have any suggestions on what would be good to get? pm's are fine if it's too off topic to discuss here.
^ If you have a look back through the thread, there's a bit of a discussion about various DSLRs early on.

Nice shots :) Where abouts do you live?
oh sweet, i'll have a read...

yes i'm guilty of looking at the pics only... because i was too stoned to concentrate on reading <.<;

and i live near perth.
^if you can afford it, get a full frame sensor, not a 1.6 crop, and spend decent money on lens'. You'll only end up replacing them down the line when you're not happy with the results from cheapies.
Mr. Horse said:
^if you can afford it, get a full frame sensor, not a 1.6 crop, and spend decent money on lens'. You'll only end up replacing them down the line when you're not happy with the results from cheapies.

A canon 5D is a decent unit. But it doesn't have things like sensor cleaning that are available in many other new cameras models that are cropped at around 1.6. The lens purchases is far more important than the camera body. Canon and Nikon both offer awesome lenses. I am looking to buy a big lens for when I go on safari, along with loaning another camera for the journey. It's going to be quite a pricey affair.
I don't think I've posted this one yet. It's Cottesloe, at sunset.

love it katmeow.

You should have gone down to the beach and asked them to move slightly to the right ;)

From the recent Dalai Lama school's event @ Rod Laver.



Believe it or not, none of the pics were touched up in photoshop. My new 50mm 1.4 prime is so colourful, I usually have to tone it down a bit.
Mr. Horse said:
You should have gone down to the beach and asked them to move slightly to the right ;)

Goddamn people, they must've thought it was a public beach, or something ;)
Okay, so these are by no means "artistic" or anything even close, but i just bought a canon S5 IS (i really want a good quality digi SLR, but i'm not that good yet and i can't afford the $2000 to set myself up). I've owned a canon S1 IS and it took beautiful photos all through Thailand and Cambodia, and i just really like Canon...

Here are the first 3 pics i've taken.... the camera is 8mp 12x optical zoom.

Out the back of my dad's place (the 2 lights in the sky are the moon and a star above it)


2 photos of some of our fish. I love that in the photo with the large fish, it's that clear that it seems the fish is suspended in thin air!



I seriously can't wait to get out and about on the weekend and take some photos. I've been without a good camera since xmas and it's been killing me.
Neons are lovely, aren't they? We have neons, but these are cardinal tetras (the belly is completely red, as opposed to neons who only have 1/2 a red belly).

We've also got gouramis, a 5 year old bristle nosed pleco, 2 x kuhli loaches and another fish... the name escapes me... it's in the last photo.

We're waiting for them to all die so we can get an oscar. :)
Oscars are nasty, or was that frontosas... which ever one has the big boulbus boney head, they'd be your nasty fellas

I used to have kuhlis but never seen the point, could never ever see the suckers they where always in the gravel

I have pleco and he is about 22 - 25cm long, he is the purveyor of fine zucchini