Which Bluelighter are you!!!?!?!?!?

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haha...i am CMB.
hes one of my favorites too...
[ 20 February 2002: Message edited by: Shuddr2Think ]
You have a keen sense of observation and like to be noticed and flattered. It is not easy to fool you and you make a good troubleshooter. You are conscious of your appearance and what you wear.
Funny, witty, brave, enthusiastic, efficient and honest. You are intelligent, entertaining and strong-willed but generous to friends.
You are clever at finance, confident and an outstanding performer.
You make a great host and enjoy entertainment. You always keep your promises!
i got some other dude before.. but i dont think i answered al the questions accuratly.. haha
[ 20 February 2002: Message edited by: *Dr. MaRiO-420* Rx ]
fuck that tho.......
you are disciple -- a dorky, enigmatic bluelighter who is feared and despised by half the board, and commonly sought for advice by the other half. your AIM is constantly blowing up with people asking "is it safe to drink ______ brand cough syrup? really?! how about ______ brand?!" you are the founder of the tussin crew, who some [cough-phreex-cough] believe to be a rival faction bent on domination of OD/PD. but you know the truth -- the tussin crew is just a group of friends who like to talk about robotripping. you have a close, tight group of bl friends who you consider your chosen family, and would stop at nothing to protect. you are also one goofy motherfucker -- deal with it.
[ 20 February 2002: Message edited by: MDMA desciple ]
You are intelligent, quick-witted and resourceful. You are fun loving, full of enery, fantasy and plans. You are clever, cunning, agile and lively. You are a good problem solver. You love your food and drink and like to stay in your luxurious home. You are a good listener, are systematic and like convention and tradition. You are also highly principled, strong and determined. You are intelligent and adapatable and sociable. At parties you are the center of attention due to your charm and humour. You don't hide their emotions, like jokes but are restless. You are immune to insults.
You value honour and enjoy helping other people. You are loyal, honest and affectionate and have a deep sense of justice and fair play. You are willing to fight for principles. You have great respect for tradition, moral and are very honest and straightforward. You are warm and a good active worker. You are also intelligent, intuitive, a good listener and have good judgement.
I guess im the only one that is similar to him right now! i wanna know this guy damn!

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You are charming and ambitious. You are always busy and seldom able to relax fully. If not, you get bored easily or get bad-tempered. You enjoy going to parties or having a quick round of chat. You like to reach your goals by fair play. You are shrewd and not easy to be fooled. You are lively, sociable and easy to get along. You are ambitious and like to see others put in an honest day's work. You are a real family person and devoted to your loved ones and family. At home, you do not reveal any of the mean personality traits. You make a good advisor to others but not to yourself and are generous to those you truly love even if not loved back. You are also hardworking and thrifty and able to sense danger. You are honest and meticulous.
I agree with GTi Kid's post :) Without taking the test, we know that he is me and I am him (and this makes no sense to anyone but he and I but oh well). So I guess that makes me GTi Kid. :D

You value honour and enjoy helping other people. You are loyal, honest and affectionate and have a deep sense of justice and fair play. You are willing to fight for principles. You have great respect for tradition, moral and are very honest and straightforward. You are warm and a good active worker. You are also intelligent, intuitive, a good listener and have good judgement.
^^^Hey! That should be MY icon dammit! ;)

LOL!!! I'm not me! :D I'm happy with the answer though. :D
and WALT r0x0rs for makin this test. fucking great.
I am FutureAeons
You are a genuine asshole and don't give a fuck about much other than spinning records and enjoying a good Drum n Bass tune. People stay distant from you because basically they don't give a fuck about you. You like sex and a good smoke. Doing well in your classes is not your specialty and you would give anything to have a dollar in your pocket right now. You are lazy, unemployed, and havn't taken a shower today.
You value honour and enjoy helping other people. You are loyal, honest and affectionate and have a deep sense of justice and fair play. You are willing to fight for principles. You have great respect for tradition, moral and are very honest and straightforward. You are warm and a good active worker. You are also intelligent, intuitive, a good listener and have good judgement.
thats funny because thats how i really am!
- herm
you are EvilKoreKlown666,
you take sick pleasure in watching other people squirm in disgust....in this medium you use music, movies, mental images, words,images thoughts and drugs...you watch entirely too much anime and science fiction...you have little toy men in your room that you swear walk around when you sleep and re-arange the furniture and towels...you smoke enough weed to floor a herd of cattle, and eat xanax like tic-tacs...you used to go to a lot more parties than you do now....simply for the fact that their isnt enough hardkore in the scene anymore (in ohio at least) you love your friends very much and are very protective of them...and hate it when they fight...but sometimes are overcome with the urge to grab the back of their heads and slam into the wall repatedly...you have a sick obsession with clowns...simply for the fact that they scare the living shit out of EVERYONE....oh...and you make bagels...
[ 21 February 2002: Message edited by: EvilKoreKlown666 ]
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