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What's the most boring recreational drug?

Weed by far, benzo's are fucking funner, all I use weed for is getting a buzz and a good nights sleep.

Anybody who says opiates are only fun when your doing something is crazy, even in brick shitting situations my mood is always elevated when I'm almost nodding.
Can't answer this question because as many are saying weed, you have to remember weed doesn't really come with all the harmful and negative / potentially deadly properties other drugs come with..... so with that being said ill have to say weed : P
lol at you classing morphine as one of the bad opiates! :p idiot!

Morphine's only good when IV'd.

On topic:


....If I could remember shit, then yeah, they MIGHT be fun.
Alcohol and Concerta :(

Both have caused me too many headaches and caused to many fights, but on a boring level, puking gets boring on alcohol and concerta, when take as prescribed, is like a giant headache for 8 hours
Cocaine. I get so bored on it that I have to take another bump;)

It doesn't make me more social, and thats what I look for in a drug. If I am not being social, I get bored.
Alcohol and opiates (i'm one of those people who doesn't get any euphoria off of opiates, just drowsiness and nausea)

that's what I thought about opiates when I first tried snorting oxy's and roxies. I never got euphoria from them, only tiredness and nausea. But then I shot them up...
I don't understand the question...if the drug is boring then why would one consider it 'recreational' ?

that was my first reaction to this question.

I'd say Alcohol, unless it's combined with Dexedrine or Vicodin or something, I don't enjoy alcohol at all anymore.

I don't think Weed is boring when it hits me right, which it hasn't in years, it makes music sound amazing all kinds of things interesting in ways I don't notice not stoned.

I love Opiates but I guess I could see why people think of them as boring, but when you feel that good who really cares?

Benzos are boring but lifesavers when you're an anxiety ridden neurotic depressive such as myself.

If I didn't have anxiety/depression issues I don't even think I'd find drugs all that appealing, except for weed and an occasional psychadelic, but I don't feel the need to do psychadelics at all anymore, the LSD trips I took gave me lifetimes worth of things to think about, the most valuable thing LSD taught me was probably the value of not thinking and just being.
Don't see what's up with all the hate for the herb, but to each his own. Benzos are pretty boring but I far prefer them to alcohol, which is probably my least favorite recreational drug. Diazepam is crap though, and I find it a bit strange others would consider it euphoric. Nicotine is even more boring, but that hardly counts. Cocaine is also shite.
I feel like nicotine and caffiene are should just be taken for granted as being boring. they should be banned from the discussion.
nicotine if allowed, other than that i dont really see the point of opiates or benzos that much for recreation...

i think a lot of people find weed boring just because they have overdone it and it s lost some flavor... i think something like that can happen with everything right? just take yourself off it for a few months see how well you ll feel when reunited ;)
yeah i think benzos a really boring. all that happens for me is i turn into a useless moron. its not like i can chill out and watch a film because, the next day, i wont remember anything which makes the whole thing totally pointless.
The opes that I've tried (codeine and hydrocodone) never really did much for me. Just made me itchy and tired, nothing making them worth taking again. So I'll say opes.

I find weed to be boring if I'm just laying around toking, but if I've got a friend or something to do, boring is the last word I'd use.
I feel like you have to have some kind of hole in your soul to really enjoy the effects of opiates. I don't think they would appeal to me as much if I wasn't trying to constantly fix the way I feel. I guess it's the same with all drugs to a degree, but I can also see someone getting addicted to stimulants because they like to stay up and get a lot done.

I would say weed isn't really boring, it's actually a pretty crazy high, I just personally don't like it because I get bad anxiety.
Weed is not and will never be boring. U guys are weird. And opiates are an acquirred taste. You probably won't like your first strong opiate experiences.
The opes that I've tried (codeine and hydrocodone) never really did much for me. Just made me itchy and tired, nothing making them worth taking again. So I'll say opes.

I find weed to be boring if I'm just laying around toking, but if I've got a friend or something to do, boring is the last word I'd use.

You haven't had enough experiences with them.

I'm going to recommend you keep it that way.

I feel like you have to have some kind of hole in your soul to really enjoy the effects of opiates. I don't think they would appeal to me as much if I wasn't trying to constantly fix the way I feel. I guess it's the same with all drugs to a degree, but I can also see someone getting addicted to stimulants because they like to stay up and get a lot done.

I would say weed isn't really boring, it's actually a pretty crazy high, I just personally don't like it because I get bad anxiety.

Maybe there is some truth to that when you're on your way to being addicted or are addicted, but I completely disagree if you're talking about just getting high.

I'd say an alcoholic has soulless points and is trying to cover up something, but I wouldn't say that of someone who is getting buzzed/tipsy off of a few drinks.

Opiates can be really great for getting things done and a number of them have a stimulating buzz. It's not all nodding out and distancing yourself from the world.

Like the previous poster, you most likely haven't had enough experiences with them, but consider that a good thing. I used opiates/opioids in combination with alcohol or weed to maximize the buzz the first 10 or so times I used them. Then one time I used them and the buzz just 'clicked' and I could feel what everyone was always talking about as far as a high. I can't tell you how much that high has costed me, and I'm talking about a lot more than just money-wise.

Weed is not and will never be boring. U guys are weird. And opiates are an acquirred taste. You probably won't like your first strong opiate experiences.


I love weed too. I've literally vaporized and smoked thousands of bowls. I don't get tired of it! :)

Benzos I find to be the most boring. Aside from a one time ativan experience, I've only had experience with xanax. Out of at least 20 different times that I used it, I still find it boring.