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What was your first time trying meth like??

I tried it for the first time three days ago. I'm laying in my bed here googling others first time experiences so this is where I ended up and joined this forum site.

Basically I had this rule when it came to drugs. I'd never try heroin crack or meth because when you see addicts of those things it was despicable and disgusting. There was no way I ever wanted to be that. I have done ounces of coke and love MDMA but I kept it to that always.

So three days ago now I was drinking with three friends. One of them was selling blow and we did a rail. After that he said he couldn't do anymore to break even but told me about trying "pint" the other day and how crazy it was. I had always been an avid hater of meth but at this point I was drunk and kinda in a bad mood so... He offered to try and buy some- the dealer texts back. This guy my sorta kinda friend buys 20 bucks worth off him. Enough for like 4-6 small rails.

I did it and didn't really register what I was doing. We ended up buying two more of those twenty bags and chilling with this sketchy meth dealer and his sketchy woman, who had sores all over there face and acted trippy and paranoid as fuck smoking the shit. I was acting like they were my best friends and tryed to get them to smoke some with me but they said stick to the lines of it... Telling me I shouldn't be doing this and I should be really careful... But I kept insisting no ill be fine let me try it and they didn't. Thank god

I don't remember specifically feeling amazing. I did many small rails all night- it was mostly like a buzzing kind of molly and coke mix high, that lasted a long time. I was incredibly uppy horny and happy... Did and said some shit I would never do honestly.. Feel extremely embarrassed three days later. I hope I never see those people again.

About the next day at like 2-3pm we run out. At that point I was feeling pretty low and kinda got a mild re-up every little rail but it didn't last as long. I started slammmming beers and eventually made my way home. When I got home I felt absolutely one hundred percent disgusted with myself and sketchy as fuck- I couldn't be around anybody. I went straight to my room, slammed four more beers I took from my buddy and passed out for like 2 hours. Woke up feeling wide eyed awake, extemely sketchy and sweaty. Everything had this pixilated look to it... i felt so out of it..Just dreading life and feeling absolutely devastated by my actions. Since that 2 hour drunken nap I've been literally just laying in my bed haven't left my room for shit. I've been up for 72+hours and am really worried about My health..My heart rate my reputation.. Even though no one who was there that night would say anything and no one in my real circle of friends probably knows I just keep sketching out over my whole life what I've done and can't sleep. I've ate I drank water but I still feel fuzzy as fuck and very emotionally distressed.

I guess to summarize this you could say I don't really remember feeling to amazing and am truly disappointed in myself not to mention feeling the worst and sketchiest I ever have in my life-I've done 13 grams of blow in one night and the comedown wasn't nearly equivalent to this-
I do not ever! want to do this again. Seriously. I need to get help... I shouldn't be so weak minded to do the worst drug on planet earth that has devastated so many lives. I'm bad enough with coke...

I hope I feel better soon I'm starting to get scared. Tossing and turning to no end. Venting this story kinda helps I guess...
Peace from Alberta Canada
i gave my brother some money to get us some beer and he came back with some fucking meth instead. i was pissed but figured fuck it, i paid for it so i might as well try it. i thought it would be like coke so i snorted a fat ass line and at first i absolutely loved it. i was even licking the bill that i used to snort it with to get all of the residue that i could and was already thinking i am going to start doing this every weekend at least, but then it hit me really fucking hard and i called my ex like 30 times late at night telling her the cops were coming to get me and all kinds of weird shit, and i couldnt stop pacing the floor. i was looking at the couch and thinking if i dont sit down my heart will explode but i couldnt make myself sit, and i started freaking out more, my heart rate was like a woodpecker and the next day i felt absolutely terrible, and i had to go out to dinner with my parents in the morning while i was still kind of tweeking and acting weird as fuck. im glad my first experience was bad because at first i had already pretty much decided that im going to be an addict from now on
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Discounting all the times I took it with MDMA, the first time I properly got to experience a meth high by itself (more or less) was pretty intense. I was hanging out at a club a friend worked at, I had a few points left in my pocket from the last weekend (when I'd taken it with pills, as I usually did back then), but he was working and the club was dead, so I just sat at the bar getting drunk on cheap drinks.

I eventually left because the place was dead, the music sucked and the owner was starting to glare at me for drinking his booze, so I walked 5 minutes to another club which I hoped would be a bit more active. On the way I stopped off in a carpark just outside the second club, poured what looked like a decent amount out of the baggie of meth onto a plastic card, snorted it with a rolled up note. I get to the club, walk in, it's only moderately active, but there are people to talk to and better music to dance to. I walk downstairs to take a piss, do so, look in the mirror and notice my pupils are really huge, then I leave the bathroom and as I'm walking down the corridor, a huge tingling surge runs through my body all at once, kinda like the rushing from a good MDMA pill, but less empathic and more forceful. I realize I suddenly feel amazing, almost like a decent dose of MDMA.

I find myself sprinting up the steps to get to the dancefloor, only to be intercepted by a chubby balding man in his 40's, wearing slacks, checkered shirt and leather jacket, looking as out of place as a cliche in a cliche. I'm completely twacked for the first time in my life and fairly drunk at this stage, but not so fucked that I don't know what's happening, luckily, so we did the usual routine,

''hey mate hows your night,''

'' yeah good, you?''

''you're having a good time hey,''

''yeah pretty awesome, ''

''pretty messy, what you had?''

'' just some speed man''

''got any left?''

nah sorry man''

'' able to get me any?''

nah sorry man, I'm gonna go dance, have a good one.''

I'm feeling like a pretty awesome dude right about then, so I pat the scumbag on the back for effort, jog to the dancefloor and proceed to dance (messily) on a half empty dance floor to what I think was hard trance for 5 hours, trying to keep up with the surge of energy and euphoria. Don't think I spoke to anyone for several hours except to order drinks - which I kept doing pretty steadily, alternating between vodka and water (I suspect that had I not been drunk enough to keep the edge off, I would have felt rather overstimulated and nowhere near as good). About 20 minutes before the club shuts, a girl comes up to me and compliments me on my dancing (which I found somewhat funny the next morning, as I was doing it atrociously) then joins me. I end up dancing with her till close, then we leave together. She says she wants to pick up her roommate then we'll go back to her place, so we end up 5 minutes down the road, sitting at a table outside a very sketchy bar with her (very sketchy looking) roommate.

The sun has been up for about half an hour at this stage, and suddenly out of nowhere the tail end of the meth high drops off and I realize where I am and who I'm with (the girl is substantially less appealing without the haze of club lighting and excess dopamine, and her room mate wasn't giving off good vibes) and my general surroundings (also substantially less appealing, the dodgy part of the main party strip in my city, with the cleaners scraping up the vomit and fast food containers off gutter) in the light of day.

This all strikes me at once and I quickly find I'm feeling a whole lot more uncomfortable, so I make my excuses (''hey I just realized I gotta go meet someone, call me sometime'' ''but you didn't give me your..'' ''nice meeting you!''), bail as quickly as I can in my drunken/coming down state and head towards the train station to meet my friend from the beginning of the night, go back to his place, curl up on the couch and drink vodka and OJ till I manage to pass out into some semblance of sleep. Wake up sometime just prior to sunset feeling like 10 different kinds of hell, my friend is passed out too, but friend's mum is kind enough to make me coffee and food of some sort. I feel mildly better after consuming both, then begin the long trudging train journey to my house at the other side of the city (there's nothing worse than 90 minutes over two separate trains full of people just getting ready to party when you're still recovering from the night before and feel like trash).

And that, ladies and gentlemen, is the first time Crankinit got high on meth. My later experiences were usually extended and more extreme variations on the same theme (more booze, made the switch to smoking, benzos got into the mix), and eventually I realized that the drug just wasn't for me. This realization happened pretty much around the same time I found regular opiate hookups, and I dumped the psychotic headcase for the beautiful on again/off again love of my (drug) life.
I am new in Dallas and can't find any meth here...trying to look on internet about the places but its not possible..
I am new in Dallas and can't find any meth here...trying to look on internet about the places but its not possible..

1400 S Lamar St
Dallas, TX 75215
United States

It might look like a Police Department, but it's really a meth lab. Just go up to the front desk, and say the code word (piggy), and they'll sort you out.
I did it in college with about 5 other kids. It was like MDMA, we all just chatted it up nonstop for hours. I felt great for 24 hours. There was no crash. I never did it again knowingly because of how good it felt. I felt like it was too good. I could get really used to it. I got it form a dead sexy asian girl who was from california. I was, and still am in the northeast US. If I was offered it the next weekend, I might've done meth instead of eventually becoming a heroin addict over the next 5 years from that first meth usage.

I also most definetly did meth in ecstasy pills between 2004 and 2009, and then ecstasy pills disappeared
Can anyone tell me if oral meth hits faster than oral MDMA? Is there a big difference in the way they feel as they set in?

I ask because I'm sure some of the E and molly I've had in the past has had some level of meth in it, and I occasionally notice the 'come-up' can feel like two different drugs especially before I bought a test kit. One particular batch I had that I rolled on ~4 or 5 times, I would notice the first feelings I would get is an extremely awake, alert and "Wow, I feel amazing!" type feeling, which felt like I was actually super-sober but enjoying the hell out of it. Then, not long after, the more trippy, intoxicating, loved-up, typical roller-coaster-of-rushes ecstasy feeling would start to manifest, resulting in pretty much the best state imaginable. I also noticed that with this particular batch, after the loved-up buzz would fade away, I would be left with gigantic pupils until the next morning, inability to eat, insomnia, and a headache that would stick with me until I could drink/smoke myself to sleep.

I also notice that when I think back to these particular rolls, the parts of the night that stick out the most in my memory are the "super-sober" parts of the night where I can remember things in detail and remember feeling very "able minded" and invincible, whereas the loved-up, intoxicated parts seem to just melt together into one glowing experience.

Sound like there was meth in my molly? It was being sold as "MDA", and I can certainly attest that there were STRONG visuals on this stuff once the loved-up part began, but the very beginnings of these rolls always felt particularly speedy, pretty much exactly how I'd imagine meth to be.
Not that impressive. At least my first experience with street meth. my first time trying Desoxyn was just ridiculously euphoric.
Over here(not America) we get this crap they call base or gas. Its a badly synthesized form of racemic methamphetamine. Its rarely smokeable butpeople still shoot it or eat it usually. My first experience would have been eating this crap and it was just speedy, not euphoric but tweaky and even though ive never had crystal orally before id think it would feel what oral crystal feels like but much dirtier. As a noob though id say I probably enjoyed it.

Now, the firt time I tried crystal I only had a point and I IV'd 50mg & smoked 50mg and felt amazing! Tingly, motivated, confident, sociable, my thought pattern was level if you can say that. I wasnt all over the place.
Now almost 10 years later I inject crystal meth almost daily. The minimum size shot id have would be 100mg unless someones shouting me half a point or something, highest would be maybe 300mg. Im so mentally addicted to the stuff and changed from it that im scared ill never be able to escape it because its every where, most people I see regularly are on it and there are so many dealers. The stuff forces me to lie constantly because I have to tell people very close to me that im sober because ill lose them if they knew I was getting high. I had a oint shot this morning and a shot just before and reading this im starting to hate the stuff even more. Im booking in to detox to get off it so lets hope it helps me. Ive been to rehabs, Im going the NA route this time.
Stayed up shooting it alll night, had went to go get some rigs from a dealer & this guy was buggin me that stole on my other friends pills so on the second day I was hiding in the bathroom because that guy was bugging trying to sell me stuff that he had stolen and I kinda just hit the gas and knocked him down(lol), then he showed back up and I was hiding in the bathroom and my friend had a gun and another peroson was driving him off but he had tried to steal again so friend got a loaded gun, shot it towards him, and they went flying off. I was in the bathroom getting ready for work(also hiding from the guy I ran over with my truck, though I don't think he remembered anyway's,takes a lot of xanax) then I went to work.
My first time wasn't impressive but nothing negative I'm just not into stimulants. To me it felt like super speedy MDMA but still different of course. The first handful of puff and the following hour is the best part of it ime/o.

Was up for two days even on hydrocodone, codeine, methadone and lots of alprazolam /cannabis.
I was out of high school, working at a national pet store chain. I was "dating" a coworker who was into coke. I was so naive and rather pathetic that I volunteered to buy it but also, drive 60 miles to go get it from this guys smoking hot ex girlfriend. And the high sucked. One day, at work, the lesbian groomer and I were smoking cigarettes on a break when I confessed my recent lame coke experiences. She asked me if I had ever tried crystal and I had very, very little drug knowledge. She asked me if I wanted to try right then. I honestly don't think I hesitated in saying okay and we met up in the store bathroom. She made me my very 1st line on the paper towel holder and she had a certain sadistic gaze as I leaned down to snort it up. I can't remember what the pain was like but I know it was pure ice and have PTSD from how much it hurt lol. We dispersed and met back outside. I remember saying that I don't know if it was working and she whisked me back for a 2nd line! In retrospect, that was pretty badass of her, not stingy!! Well, I distinctively recall saying my doubts that I felt anything and as the words left my mouth , my tongue went on full throttle and my brain lit up like atomic bombs!! I was high for 4 days straight with no comedown. I was sold.
It was pink, and looked shiny.
I had a much better time doing crack. Everyone laughed at me cuz I didn't know wtf I was doing. "No you have to keep the lighter on it,suck suck suck"
First time I tried proper crystal a friend gave me a point . I IV'd 50mg & got tingles all over my head and just felt purely euphoric then smoked the other half for the effects to intensify.

Now I am smoking the residue from the pipe, no euphoria, all cravings & I just want to die!(I won't kill myself)
First time (insufflated): traded a faded tweaker a fifty bag of meth for a bottle of liquor.

First time (smoked): hit the tweak pipe with a bunch of homeless people in a squatted, run-down trailer. Pretty appropriate for the drug, really.
I tried it for the first time three days ago. I'm laying in my bed here googling others first time experiences so this is where I ended up and joined this forum site.

Basically I had this rule when it came to drugs. I'd never try heroin crack or meth because when you see addicts of those things it was despicable and disgusting. There was no way I ever wanted to be that. I have done ounces of coke and love MDMA but I kept it to that always.

So three days ago now I was drinking with three friends. One of them was selling blow and we did a rail. After that he said he couldn't do anymore to break even but told me about trying "pint" the other day and how crazy it was. I had always been an avid hater of meth but at this point I was drunk and kinda in a bad mood so... He offered to try and buy some- the dealer texts back. This guy my sorta kinda friend buys 20 bucks worth off him. Enough for like 4-6 small rails.

I did it and didn't really register what I was doing. We ended up buying two more of those twenty bags and chilling with this sketchy meth dealer and his sketchy woman, who had sores all over there face and acted trippy and paranoid as fuck smoking the shit. I was acting like they were my best friends and tryed to get them to smoke some with me but they said stick to the lines of it... Telling me I shouldn't be doing this and I should be really careful... But I kept insisting no ill be fine let me try it and they didn't. Thank god

I don't remember specifically feeling amazing. I did many small rails all night- it was mostly like a buzzing kind of molly and coke mix high, that lasted a long time. I was incredibly uppy horny and happy... Did and said some shit I would never do honestly.. Feel extremely embarrassed three days later. I hope I never see those people again.

About the next day at like 2-3pm we run out. At that point I was feeling pretty low and kinda got a mild re-up every little rail but it didn't last as long. I started slammmming beers and eventually made my way home. When I got home I felt absolutely one hundred percent disgusted with myself and sketchy as fuck- I couldn't be around anybody. I went straight to my room, slammed four more beers I took from my buddy and passed out for like 2 hours. Woke up feeling wide eyed awake, extemely sketchy and sweaty. Everything had this pixilated look to it... i felt so out of it..Just dreading life and feeling absolutely devastated by my actions. Since that 2 hour drunken nap I've been literally just laying in my bed haven't left my room for shit. I've been up for 72+hours and am really worried about My health..My heart rate my reputation.. Even though no one who was there that night would say anything and no one in my real circle of friends probably knows I just keep sketching out over my whole life what I've done and can't sleep. I've ate I drank water but I still feel fuzzy as fuck and very emotionally distressed.

I guess to summarize this you could say I don't really remember feeling to amazing and am truly disappointed in myself not to mention feeling the worst and sketchiest I ever have in my life-I've done 13 grams of blow in one night and the comedown wasn't nearly equivalent to this-
I do not ever! want to do this again. Seriously. I need to get help... I shouldn't be so weak minded to do the worst drug on planet earth that has devastated so many lives. I'm bad enough with coke...

I hope I feel better soon I'm starting to get scared. Tossing and turning to no end. Venting this story kinda helps I guess...
Peace from Alberta Canada

hey mate, I just read your description in your first post on this site. I hope you pulled up alright in the end! what you described about feeling disappointed in yourself and heaps sketched out is pretty much exactly how I feel every single time I go out on a massive bender=/ I reckon those self-appraisal thoughts ultimately demonstrate that you *do* in fact have a good head on your shoulders.

I could also relate to the gross part about being with those dodgy people - I once found myself drunk at a macca's in the crowded clubbing district sitting with a gross prostitute covered in sores on her emaciated body and this idiot former mate of mine was trying to negotiate pills from her for us to fuel our night of stupity. auuuccccggghhhh...I have a few more even worse stories like that, in fact.

Anyway mate, honestly - the good part is that we lived to tell about these experiences ayeee...And when you are certain about what you like and what you don't like, you don't need to worry about finding yourself in such a bad situation as that ever again...on the account of the aforementioned good head on your shoulders;)

Hope you pulled up alright champ!

Peace from Toronto, Canada
First time was celestial, last time was six days without sleep that drove me to the very edge of insanity. Haven't touched meth in 21 years and won't ever again. I still feel extremely repulsed just thinking about the smell of the smoke, the icky raunchy taste, the paraphernalia sprawled all over the place. Slavery.
loved it! my bf at the time uses it and at first i didn't take a whole lot of notice of it...whenever he had a hit it didn't appear to do much...i didn't know at the time he had been using for years so had built up a lot of tolerance, I wanted to know what it was like so he gave me a massive hit of 2 points and half mdma pill. wow almost better than sex nearly blew my head off never known anything like it before I was flying and awake for days, had incredible sex all night and into most of the next day too. I guess you only ever get one first time and nothing has ever come close to the first time i tried it