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What prescriptions are you Rx'ed?

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Thanks PTC! This info may actually get me through the holidays!


I Mean.... no
I the mean time.... no
I must.... no
I'm stumped. I'll keep thinking on it though.


IMO means that "Man, I've really enjoyed this conversation!" Uh? Am I right? I'm right. I know it! :)

That was just 2mg of Valium... nothing much. I don't have a regular prescription anymore but I have about 50 tabs left of this RX and I don't want them to go to waste.

"Let's have a SPELLING CONTEST!"
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im prescribed
42-8mg subutex for like 70 days doc wants to taper(against my will )
90-2mg ativan-for same time period
30-15mg-temazapam for same time period
30-20mg adderrall monthly

i usually take 2-4 mg xanax daily and buy extra bupe(in the form of suboxone) also usually buy a few extra addies to make it through. sucks my doc wont just give me enough benzo's and subutex but idk
at least he gives mewhat i get.
Past prescriptions.

-Atomoxetine (Strattera)
-Adderall/XR 20-30mgs
-Vyvanse 70mgs
-Focalin 10mgs
-Dexedrine 10mgs

Currently prescribed;

Desoxyn 5mgs (However I don't take it)
IMO = in my opinion. In older days of the net IMHO or "in my honest opinion" was more popular.

I've been prescribed lorazepam, clonazepam, mirtazepine, citalopram and buproprion in the past. None of the scripts lasted more than a couple months though, as I took myself off 'em all. Pretty much the only thing I'd accept/try nowadays is something like lyrica...
Triazolam/Halcion .25 2 @ hs#60
Topamax 200 2 bid #60
Ativan 5 1 bid #90
Adderal/D-Amphetamine Salt combo 20 1 at 7 1 at noon 1 at 3 #90
Phenergan/Promethezine 25 mg IM I shot q4-6 hours prn, #1box, Suppositories #30, pills # 60 3rf (same instructions) all PRN
{the Halcion is new I'm used to taking restoril and a bit nervous not sure what to expect.}

I also was switched from Wellbutrin xl 300 to ViIbryd starting at 10 mg building to 4o mg maintain dose
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90-30mg oxycodone (roxys) my fav :)
240-10/325 mg hydrocodone (norcos)
60-1mg xannax (blue footballs)
And the kicker is I'm only 20!!!!
You know what that means ladys and dollars $$$ I love my life!!! :)

Let me also SAY I broke my sternum at 16 so I do have some phantom pains. My doctor is very understanding. :)

Wonder why this thread isn't going into my recent threads :( I like this thread and think it is a very good thread!! Big props to the OP of this tread!! :)
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Flouexetine 60 mg anxiety
diazepam 10 mg 2x day
diazepam 5mg 1xday
concerta xl 18 mg
zolpidem 10 mg sleep
dihydrocodeine 30 mg 84 tablets back pain
qutiapine 200 mg mood leveler 1 x a day
pheneghan 50 mg sleep

On a weekly basis
2 x 1mg lorazepam / day
2 x 10mg morphine / day

Now 2 x 2mg lorazepam / day for the past three weeks or so.
Gonna go talk to my doctor about a taper this week or next... Though it's usually recommended to first switch to an equivalent dose of diazepam and then start gradually reducing, I don't think she'll be willing to put me on 40mg diazepam per day... Nor do I believe it to be strictly necessary, I think I'll get by fine starting off around 25-30mg, without very severe withdrawal symptoms.

Withdrawal from lorazepam without tapering is benzo hell. Worse than anything else I've experienced; I felt worse coming off 2mg/day for 4 weeks than I did off 3-4mg clonazepam for over 3 months.
1 x 50mg vyvanse daily
1 x 10mg ambien at night

about to get suboxone on monday - so happy=]
per day:
3x 20mg IR Ritalin (methylphenidate)
1x 1mg Klonopin (clonazepam)
1x 10mg Lexapro (escitalopram)
1x 2mg Abilify (aripiprazole)
1x Lidocaine patch for back pain
Same as before I just want to post I'm amped as fuck although lack of money has been affecting my scripts haha 20 mg dextrostat 4x daily for impulsive ADHD ... 24 mg subutex daily (been out of mainly the money issue is the buprenorphine) and obviously for opiate dependency . Plus 2mg morning and night of klonopin for anxiety ... Been out of for a week missing it right now as we speak ..
per month:
90x200mg tramadol
100x10mg diazepam
60x150mg tilidine retard
50x2mg lormetazepam

Gonna try to swap these
100x10mg diazepam for Clonazepam 100x2mg (I can get dia's back when I'm tired of clonaze, but the diazepam isn't working too well anymore)
50x2mg lormetazepam for 50x12mg Bromazepam (2 boxes), that'd be nice. I wouldn't use it daily and it's the nicest benzo for opiate potentiation IMO. Then I'd just use the kpins as backup. Gonna try for that soon, shouldn't be too hard.
8mg suboxone x 1 (i only take 4mg as i feel better on that dose)
10mg ambien before bed
50mg vyvanse daily - i need a higher dose i can easily sleep on that dose and dont even feel focused or anything anymore
100 mg bupropion SR 2x daily (depression/adhd)
5 mg adderall XR 3x daily, 10 mg in morning, 5 mg about five hours later (adhd)

i keep kava or valerian on hand for anxiety/chillin out/coming down.

have any of you ever taken beta-blockers for anxiety? i've had some propranolol from a friend before, and from my short experience it works well and works quickly (as far as the physical symptoms of anxiety go) without any ill effects. doesn't get you high, but sometimes that's the better option!
My anxiety gets so bad it causes atrial fibrillation and I have been hospitalised 3 times since my 20s so have been given Nebivolol for it but only until my heart beat returned to normal rhythm. Didn't know that beta blockers help with anxiety.
Tx for that.
60x OC 40 mgs which i used up in the first 2 weeks of this month............dasjhdl;djkld;dk;' lol
Betablockers as well funny enough ^
Betablockers as well funny enough ^

Were they prescribed for anxiety? I'm really green around the ears when it came to finding out that they were also used for anxiety.
I'm keen to find out cos I want to raise it with my shrink when I meet next.
Did you find a huge difference when you started using them?
Merci buckets
Were they prescribed for anxiety? I'm really green around the ears when it came to finding out that they were also used for anxiety.
I'm keen to find out cos I want to raise it with my shrink when I meet next.
Did you find a huge difference when you started using them?
Merci buckets

Yeah they actually help with the anxiety, without altering your consciousness. Also dirt cheap which is a plus.
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