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What Jesus Said

Who's Miriam?
^^^Miriam, according to the Hebrew Bible or Old Testament, was the elder sister of Moses by seven years and Aaron by four years, and the only daughter of Amram and Jochebed. She was a prophet and first appears in the Book of Exodus. -Wiki
Great post, Ninae! Made me think.. Simple truths we always feel and hear inside but very often, sometimes always for some people, we close our Eye and we fill ourselves with more ego-affirming thoughts - "But lo, you evil and adulterous scribes and Pharisees, you cannot see a spirit sign, because your spirit eyes are full of carnal self."
Im not a Christian officially but strongly believe in Jesus. A realized man who really lived on Earth and saw the Truth as raw as it gets and truly wanted to share his discoveries and love.
A bit offtopic: Reading the post made me think of Nietzsche's Übermensch (Thus Spoke Zarathustra) and reminded me of the book by Richard Bach - "Illusions: The Adventures of a Reluctant Messiah" - I highly recommend both of this books as a thought food (the second one is very easy to read but full of insights).
Who's Miriam?

I think that's the girl they tried to seduce him with in the beauty parlors. He said their paths won't be separate on Earth and he saw her as a minister of love among men.
Im not a Christian officially but strongly believe in Jesus. A realized man who really lived on Earth and saw the Truth as raw as it gets and truly wanted to share his discoveries and love.

Yes, well said. I see him as the prime example of an enlightened person.

There's no one who can really compare, but because of that the EGO also hates him with a passion. The ego hates and fears any threat to its survival. I think it can sometimes be as simple as that, but you'll be reluctant to see it like that as long as you identify with the ego.

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NOW, after they had dined, the guests and Jesus all were in a spacious hall in Mary's home.
2) And then Lamaas said,
Pray, tell us Lord, is this the dawn of peace?
3) Have we come forth unto the time when men will war no more?
4) Are you, indeed, the Prince of Peace that holy men said would come?
5) And Jesus said,
Peace reigns today; it is the peace of death.
6) A stagnant pool abides in peace. When waters cease to move they soon are ladened with the seeds of death; corruption dwells in every drop.
7) The living waters always leap and skip about like lambs in Spring.
8 ) The nations are corrupt; they sleep within the arms of death and they must be aroused before it is too late.
9) In life we find antagonists at work. God sent me here to stir unto its depths the waters of the sea of life.
10) Peace follows strife; I come to slay this peace of death. The prince of peace must first be prince of strife.
11) This leaven of truth which I have brought to men will stir the demons up, and nations, cities, families will be at war within themselves.
12) The five that have been dwelling in a home of peace will be divided now, and two shall war with three;
13) The son will stand against his sire; the mother and the daughter will contend; yea, strife will reign in every home.
14) The self and greed and doubt will rage into a fever heat, and then, because of me, the earth will be baptized in human blood.
15) But right is king; and when the smoke is cleared away the nations will learn war no more; the Prince of Peace will come to reign.
16) Behold, the signs of what I say are in the sky; but men can see them not.
17) When men behold a cloud rise in the west they say, A shower of rain will come, and so it does; and when the wind blows from the south they say, The weather will be hot; and it is so.
18 ) Lo, men can read the signs of earth and sky, but they cannot discern the signs of Holy Breath; but you shall know.
19) The storm of wrath comes on; the carnal man will seek a cause to hale you into court, and cast you into prison cells.
20) And when these times shall come let wisdom guide; do not resent. Resentment makes more strong the wrath of evil men.
21) There is a little sense of justice and of mercy in the vilest men of earth.
22) By taking heed to what you do and say and trusting in the guidance of the Holy Breath, you may inspire this sense to grow.
23) You thus may make the wrath of men to praise the Lord.
24) The Christines went their way, and came unto Bethsaida and taught.
He always says something unpredictable, doesn't he? I like the freshness of it and the way he uses metaphors.

But he's right in that humanity doesn't have the maturity to apply his teachings yet. It still doesn't, but I also believe it will come. There's nothing that says we necessarily have to continue like we have for the past thousand years.
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I think it is a matter of an individual, personal development. People are lazy and needy in their majority and they want a "spiritual fix" to be applied immediately and to all. It doesnt work that way. That's the reason behind a story of Shakyamuni Buddha not revealing his realizations at first, and just allowing a very few individuals to come in contact with his teachings and after some time has passed. The Tibetan Book Of Dead was hidden for ages for the very same reason. People are always misinterpret everything to fit their personal needs. People always complain about everything because it is one way (very pathetic) to validate their ego, and people always need someone to judge and blame so that they don't look at themselves.

I believe there are no secrets to living, we are all very much aware of The Truth but we still choose the ignorance, 'cause, hey, ignorance is bliss and that's what "everybody" does!... Thats why we are still living in that viscous world of lies and pretense imo.

Simple truths:
-The Higher Knowledge is accessible to everyone but requires self-work. The way we are wired as species is to save energy because of the scarcity of food in our dark past, so laziness is in our DNA, but now this situation has changed a lot for most of the human population - we have enough food to throw it away because we "didnt really like how it tastes", c'mon people, it's time to wake our brains up and give them some work - that's what will bring the change around, and each individual needs to do it on his own, the spiritual teacher will appear automatically if you've chosen that path.
-If you can help others, you should.

I apologize if it is derailing the thread...
No, all this is very true. You're right that it's too much work for most people, and they have no faith in it, and need something that will immediately make a difference on the level of the lower nature.

I like his attitude. It's true you can't force these truths on anyone and they have to seek it out of their own volition. He didn't even try and just spoke for those who came to hear him. He was cool that way.

Very different to the approach of religion which tries to force these difficult and high-level truths on us before we are old enough to be able to understand or see any value in it. It can just make the ego revolt when it's forced upon you in those years it goes through its strongest development.

And most never seem to get over this or learn to see it any differently. It just doesn't foster spiritual or religios feelings, and I think this must be well known.
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Well i'm new here. I have been reading some of the posts here and I thought I would post something Jesus said. "But what about you?" he asked. "Who do you say I am?" .I believe this one sentence cuts to the core of spirituality. Because it doesn't really matter what someone else thinks about this, it only matters what I think about this. I believe Jesus wants us to decide for ourselves who he is. Sorry if someone already posted this but I didn't read every post.
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Welcome to the board! I think you can see him as meaning many things.

Some would say he brought a great light to the planet. Others would say he sacrificed himself for our sins. I don't believe was a sacrfice for our sins as much but that he came to show us a new way or set a new pattern for humanity. Because of him it would be easier for humans to rise up on the spiritual path.

There's nothing I've seen in any of the writings of the spiritual teachers that compares to Jesus. I think Buddha was more an example of the typical Eastern teacher of enlightenment but Jesus was something more than that. I think he attained a higher level of enlightenment.

But it's wrong to expect this of most people, which is the problem with the Christian religion. It wants you to imitate Jesus, when in reality this is a very advanced state and something that needs to come on its own. If it was presented to us as the ultimate goal at the end of a very long journey it would be better.

Well, that's how I see it.
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I also think Buddha taught through the Mind principle, and Jesus taught the Love principle. But it's far too much to ask of humans to live so much by the love principle. They want to be free to live with a lack of love, or even hatred, without feeling guilty about it. And because of this they often come to resent even the idea of Jesus.
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Oh, and...



I also think Buddha taught through the Mind principle, and Jesus taught the Love principle. But it's far too much to ask of humans to live so much by the love principle. They want to be free to live with a lack of love, or even hatred, without feeling guilty about it. And because of this they often come to resent even the idea of Jesus.
^^^ I like that... Personally, I do need to work more on my heart chakra and practice Love and Compassion. I've been so taken with the Mind and intellectual insights, but Love is just as important, sometimes even more important... Feeling of guilt is yet another reminder for us to start practicing Love and Compassion, towards ourselves first and then others.

I believe Jesus wants us to decide for ourselves who he is.
^^^ That's how He makes us think for ourselves and ponder on His insights imo, it's brilliant!

As for lack of belief nowadays: spirituality is being pushed down by consumerism and nihilism way too strong imo, people have no faith for spiritual world, for afterdeath, for God. Simply put, being spiritual is not popular nowadays, which is the same with helping others, unfortunately. It's easy to pick up a dirty example of monetary "success" and exploiting the "system" for most and then there is just "no time" for anything else, because all the attention is being sucked to propelling an ego "on top" of everyone else. We need more people like Buddha and Jesus who make things clear and who "popularize" spiritual belief by just simply being alive and glowing with understanding and charging us with ideas and we also need people who would recognize those enlightened and protect them from the "system".

Ninae, thank you for Adyashanti's book, appears to be full of insights!
I think he sees it more in the context of Zen/Buddhism, but any look at Jesus as a mystic is interesting.

I do think many into spiritual development are mostly into it with the mind. They want to learn and think, but not feel obliged to act with love all the time. They just find it depressing that they shouldn't be able to act with hostility, etc. without being judged or feeling guilty about it. Also the idea of a judgement side of God and consequences for your actions can be hard to swallow.

So Buddhism will appeal more to them. Christianity not so much. Esoteric/mystical Christianity contains elements of the Eastern religions, though, and I think it's one of the most beautiful forms of spirituality.
Christianity is the shit. It isn't all love you forget. Christ said "If you do not hate your mother and father you are not a follower of mine". He went to the cross sober they offered him wine but he went awake and was crucified over the skull of Adam at Golgatha while the priests took the chalice of his still spilling blood and filled it to the brim. This is the revolutionary act of affirming life while carrying a cross. Christian Theology is pretty revolutionary. Christ is very much like the Buddha saying "Me and The Father are One" -- the Muslims say the same "God is One" Buddha goes even further and stops at "I am".
I've never been too keen on mainstream Christianity. It just doesn't explain things in a way that resonates. It's more for the person who's already very spiritually evolved, I think.

And I don't really enjoy reading the Bible. It just has the most judgemental and impossible of Jesus' quotes. And they're all rewritten by the church fathers and taken out of context. It's hard to understand and just comes across as "How come you're not as enlightened?" It's too inaccessible.

Another thing people can find a problem is the impossibly high moral standards of Chrstianity. Buddhism also has high moral standards. But it's not as explicit about it and you can choose to look away from that.
AS Jesus taught, a man stood forth and said,
Rabboni, may I speak?
2) And Jesus said,
Say on.
And then the man spoke out and said,
3) A storm upon the sea last night wrecked many fishing boats, and scores of men went down to death, and lo, their wives and children are in need;
4) What can be done to help them in their sore distress?
5) And Jesus said,
A worthy plea. You men of Galilee, take heed. We may not bring again to life these men, but we can succor those who looked to them for daily bread.
6) You stewards of the wealth of God, an opportunity has come; unlock your vaults; bring forth your hoarded gold; bestow it with a lavish hand.
7) This wealth was laid aside for just such times as these; when it was needed not, lo, it was yours to guard;
8 ) But now it is not yours, for it belongs to those who are in want, and if you give it not you simply bring upon your heads the wrath of God.
9) It is not charity to give to those who need; it is but honesty; it is but giving men their own.
10) Then Jesus turned to Judas, one of the twelve, who was the treasurer of the band, and said,
11) Bring forth our treasure box; the money is not ours now; turn every farthing to the help of those in such distress.
12) Now, Judas did not wish to give the money all to those in want, and so he talked with Peter, James and John.
13) He said,
Lo, I will save a certain part and give the rest; that surely is enough for us, for we are strangers to the ones in want; we do not even know their names.
14) But Peter said,
Why, Judas, man, how do you dare to think to trifle with the strength of right?
15) The Lord has spoken true; this wealth does not belong to us in face of this distress, and to refuse to give it is to steal.
16) You need not fear; we will not come to want.
17) Then Judas opened up the treasure box and gave the money all.
18 ) And there was gold and silver, food, and raiment in abundance for the needs of the bereaved.
19) A lawyer said,
Rabboni, if God rules the worlds and all that in them is, did he not bring about this storm? did he not slay these men?
20) Has he not brought this sore distress upon these people here? and was it done to punish them for crimes?
21) And we remember well when once a band of earnest Jews from Galilee were in Jerusalem, and at a feast and were, for fancied crimes against the Roman law,
22) Cut down within the very temple court by Pontius Pilate; and their blood became their sacrifice.
23) Did God bring on this slaughter all because these men were doubly vile?
24) And then we bring to mind that once a tower called Siloam graced the defenses of Jerusalem, and, seemingly, without a cause it tottered and it fell to earth and eighteen men were killed.
25) Were these men vile? and were they slain as punishment for some great crime?
26) And Jesus said,
We cannot look upon a single span of life and judge of anything.
27) There is a law that men must recognize: Result depends on cause.
28 ) Men are not motes to float about within the air of one short life, and then be lost in nothingness.
29) They are undying parts of the eternal whole that come and go, lo, many times into the air of earth and of the great beyond, just to unfold the God-like self.
30) A cause may be a part of one brief life; results may not be noted till another life.
31) The cause of your results cannot be found within my life, nor can the cause of my results be found in yours.
32) I cannot reap except I sow and I must reap whate'er I sow,
33) The law of all eternities is known to master minds:
34) Whatever men do unto other men the judge and executioner will do to them.
35) We do not note the execution of this law among the sons of men.
36) We note the weak dishonored, trampled on and slain by those men call the strong.
37) We note that men with wood-like heads are seated in the chairs of state;
38 ) Are kings and judges, senators and priests, while men with giant intellects are scavengers about the streets.
39) We note that women with a moiety of common sense, and not a whit of any other kind, are painted up and dressed as queens,
40) Becoming ladies of the courts of puppet kings, because they have the form of something beautiful; while God's own daughters are their slaves, or serve as common laborers in the field.
41) The sense of justice cries aloud: This is a travesty on right.
42) So when men see no further than one little span of life it is no wonder that they say, There is no God, or if there is a God he is a tyrant and should die.
43) If you would judge aright of human life, you must arise and stand upon the crest of time and note the thoughts and deeds of men as they have come up through the ages past;
44) For we must know that man is not a creature made of clay to turn again to clay and disappear.
45) He is a part of the eternal whole. There never was a time when he was not; a time will never come when he will not exist.
46) And now we look; the men who now are slaves were tyrants once; the men who now are tyrants have been slaves.
47) The men who suffer now once stood aloft and shouted with a fiend's delight while others suffered at their hands.
48 ) And men are sick, and halt, and lame, and blind because they once transgressed the laws of perfect life, and every law of God must be fulfilled.
49) Man may escape the punishment that seems but due for his mis-doings in this life; but every deed and word and thought has its own metes and bounds,
50) Is cause, and has its own results, and if a wrong be done, the doer of the wrong must make it right.
51) And when the wrongs have all been righted then will man arise and be at one with God.
That's a powerful statement about the law of karma. Of course Christianity early decided to take the doctrine of past lives and karma out of its teachings. Probably to disempower humanity and wield more power over us.
Good point. Which quote from Jesus are you referencing about Karma ?