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What Jesus Said

Care to expand on this?

God seperates good and evil by Believers in him vs who believes in Themselves only. Jesus is a portal between man's earth and the heavens.

God made our only Test in this life for the past 2000 years inorder to survive Death is believe Jesus died for us and was resurrected so that God can allow a messenger of himself in Human form to let our conciousness be in the proper place for heaven. Christ opened "collective conciousness" of the idea of not feeling guilty for your sins because he took them away for you, whereas before him, it is really unknown what were to happen.

The reason there is no direct obvious proof that appeals to atheists for God

(which in terms of Jesuses burial there IS proof that he was no where to be found in the tomb, admitted historically that the heavily guarding Romans of his tomb were in shock by his disappearance/escape).

So denying Jesus is being on the Side of Skeptiscim and suspicion in God's mind.

You can be saved still if you don't believe in Jesus because there's mercy for the ignorant! (Chosen people are allowed to be ignorant (Judiasm) . But I pity and feel sorry for the person directly standing to Argue against the Holy Spirit out of not ignorance, but spite.

There are many many atheists who God will save out of their ignorance, and God uses Many atheists (Right wing based ones like TheAmazingAtheist on YouTube to actually attack the corrupt Catholic Church and the mainstream sins. His plan for everybody and their role is ingenious.

God does not care for oral language and oral/written definitions just intent of the mind.
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God seperates good and evil by Believers in him vs who believes in Themselves only. Jesus is a portal between man's earth and the heavens.

God made our only Test in this life for the past 2000 years inorder to survive Death is believe Jesus died for us and was resurrected so that God can allow a messenger of himself in Human form to let our conciousness be in the proper place for heaven. Christ opened "collective conciousness" of the idea of not feeling guilty for your sins because he took them away for you, whereas before him, it is really unknown what were to happen.

The reason there is no direct obvious proof that appeals to atheists for God

(which in terms of Jesuses burial there IS proof that he was no where to be found in the tomb, admitted historically that the heavily guarding Romans of his tomb were in shock by his disappearance/escape).

So denying Jesus is being on the Side of Skeptiscim and suspicion in God's mind.

You can be saved still if you don't believe in Jesus because there's mercy for the ignorant! (Chosen people are allowed to be ignorant (Judiasm) . But I pity and feel sorry for the person directly standing to Argue against the Holy Spirit out of not ignorance, but spite.

There are many many atheists who God will save out of their ignorance, and God uses Many atheists (Right wing based ones like TheAmazingAtheist on YouTube to actually attack the corrupt Catholic Church and the mainstream sins. His plan for everybody and their role is ingenious.

God does not care for oral language and oral/written definitions just intent of the mind.

Can I have your thoughts on these?

As Ingersoll said; 'no man wouldbe fit for heaven who would consent that an innocent person should suffer forhis sin.'


Having another innocent person suffer for the wrongs youhave done, --- so that you might escape responsibility for having done them,--- is immoral.
Do you agree?

Christ opened "collective conciousness" of the idea of not feeling guilty for your sins because he took them away for you, whereas before him, it is really unknown what were to happen.

the fuck would he do that for? That's a very silly decision for an all knowing god to make dontchya think? The sensation of guilt is an essential tool for self growth.

If you want to fix a leaky faucet you can find a video online that shows you how. Probably 1000, why would anyone do that for you?

Standing on the accomplishments of giants (or using Mom's logic) happens daily when you start you car or turn on a light switch. (Personal thanks to the guy who did the microwave door repair with superglue and a butterknife). Why is spirituality separate in this endeavor? Doesn't it simply stand to reason? We don't each have to invent electricity or telecommunication yet we can use it. I can't see why this doesn't work spiritually. Use the 'tool' Jesus left if it works for you. It did for me, or I have a long dark night coming and don't understand much. I can honestly say I don't feel like I know much but I am experiencing a profound shift in my life when I took this path. It may not be yours please don't mistake my experience as somehow entrancing me into thinking it even applies to you.

I do realize there are not many spiritual accomplishments that have a DIY video we all seem to mistrust each other. If no money is changing hands and no one is taking power over you with their ideas why attack them? I've explored a few dead ends that people were pointing at, either it was not my path and only a dead end for me or perhaps it was nothing at all. For others that look there I shouldn't prejudice their search, if people still point there perhaps I was just wrong.

Discernment for your path and perhaps those close around you is useful but the obvious result is a world with as many religions as snowflakes. Maybe this is the challenge? Actually learn to get along while having opposing views.

Perhaps when we consider our oneness we can just for a second get enough compassion to help each other. If we think of Jesus as being able to hold that second while undergoing death it might shed some light on why the fuck he did.
THE Christines prayed in silence seven days; then Jesus called the twelve aside and said,
2) Behold, the multitudes have thronged about us everywhere; the people are bewildered; they wander here and there like sheep without a fold.
3) They need a shepherd's care; they want a loving hand to lead them to the light.
4) The grain is ripe; the harvest is abundant, but the harvesters are few.
5) The time is also ripe, and you must go alone through all the villages and towns of Galilee and teach and heal.
6) And then he breathed upon the twelve and said,
Receive the Holy Breath.
7) And then he gave them each the Word of power, and said,
By this Omnific Word you shall cast spirits out, shall heal the sick and bring the dead to life again.
8 ) And you shall go not in the way of the Assyrians, nor Greek; you shall not go into Samaria; go only to your brethren of the scattered tribes.
9) And as you go proclaim, The kingdom of Christ has come.
10) You have abundantly received, and freely you shall give.
11) But you must go in faith; provide yourselves no crutch to lean upon.
12) Give all your gold and silver to the poor; take not two coats, nor extra shoes; just take your wands.
13) You are God's husbandmen and he will never suffer you to want.
14) In every place you go search out the men of faith; with them abide until you go from hence.
15) You go for me; you act for me. They who receive and welcome you, receive and welcome me;
16) And they who shut their doors against your face, refuse to welcome me.
17) If you are not received in kindness in a town, bear not away an evil thought; do not resist.
18 ) An evil thought of any kind will do you harm; will dissipate your power.
19) When you are not received with favor, go your way, for there are multitudes of men who want the light.
20) Behold, I send you forth as sheep among a pack of wolves; and you must be as wise as serpents and as harmless as the doves.
21) In all your language be discreet, for Pharisees and scribes will seek a cause for your arrest in what you say.
22) And they will surely find a way by charges false to bring you into court.
23) And judges will declare that you are guilty of some crime, and sentence you to scourgings and to prison cells.
24) But when you come to stand before the judge, be not afraid; be not disturbed about the way to act, the words to speak.
25) The Holy Breath will guide you in that hour, and give the words that you shall speak.
26) Of this be full assured; It is not you who speaks; it is the Holy Breath that gives the words and moves the lips.
27) The gospel that you preach will not bring peace, but it will stir the multitudes to wrath.
28 ) The carnal man abhors the truth, and he would give his life to crush the tender plant before the harvest time.
29) And this will bring confusion in the homes that were the homes of stagnant peace.
30) And brother will give brother up to death; the father will stand by and see men execute his child; and in the courts the child will testify against the sire, and gladly see its mother put to death.
31) And men will hate you just because you speak the name of Christ.
32) Thrice blessed is the man who shall be faithful in this coming day of wrath!
33) Go now; when you are persecuted in a place, go seek another place.
34) And when you meet a foe too great for you, behold, the son of man is at your door, and he can speak, and all the hosts of heaven will stand in your defense.
35) But do not hold your present life in great esteem.
36) The time will come when men will take my life; you need not hope to be immune, for they will slay you in the name of God.
37) Men call me Beelzebub and they will call you imps.
38 ) Be not afraid of what men say and do; they have no power over soul; they may abuse and may destroy the body of the flesh; but that is all.
39) They do not know the God who holds the issues of the soul within his hands, who can destroy the soul.
40) The Christ is king today, and men must recognize his power.
41) He who loves not the Christ, which is the love of God, before all else, can never gain the prize of spirit consciousness.
42) And they who love their parents or their children more than they love the Christ can never wear the name of Christ.
43) And he who loves his life more than he loves the Christ cannot please God.
44) And he who clings to life shall lose his life, while he who gives his life for Christ will save his life.
45) When Jesus had thus said he sent the twelve away by twos, and bade them meet him in Capernaum.
46 And they went out through all the towns of Galilee and taught and healed in spirit and in power.
"The gospel you preach will not bring peace..."

Word Lord.

You know what doesn't bring peace? A guy dying on a cross as punishment for other peoples wrongdoings. I respect the words of Jesus but I wonder how much good comes from ideology that has punishment and atonement through blood at its inception. Jesus died in horrible violence despite being peaceful and gentle. I'm not sure that's a good precedent. If god would not protect his son, why imagine He will protect us? Evidently, God believes in violence as a teaching aid. That is scary to me.
I agree, I don't even believe in his death as an atonement for our sins. I don't think that is possible. I think he came as a teacher and to set a new pattern of consciousness for us to follow.

The idea that he died for our sins is kind of perverse. Like the old custom of having a whipping boy or killing or torturing someone else to take your sins in your place. I don't think it works like that, but Christians believe that.

But, yea, it also works as a scary example of what happens to someone like that in this world. Even in our days, there is no way someone like that would be allowed up and given any press. It's just not wanted in our world and I don't think a contemporary figure like that has ever been welcome.
"The gospel you preach will not bring peace..."

Word Lord.

You know what doesn't bring peace? A guy dying on a cross as punishment for other peoples wrongdoings. I respect the words of Jesus but I wonder how much good comes from ideology that has punishment and atonement through blood at its inception. Jesus died in horrible violence despite being peaceful and gentle. I'm not sure that's a good precedent. If god would not protect his son, why imagine He will protect us? Evidently, God believes in violence as a teaching aid. That is scary to me.

I never understood Christianities emphasis on cruxifixtion. The whole rigmarole about him dying for your sins and that latent anger at the Jews for killing one of their own and at Judas for betraying him gets emphasized while glancing over the whole emphasis about love. It's symptomatic of the disconnect. People don't learn effectively through guilt and fear. "The Course in Miracles" is quick to point out this flaw

A further point must be perfectly clear before any residual fear still associated with miracles can disappear. The crucifixion did not establish the Atonement; the resurrection did. Many sincere Christians have misunderstood this. No one who is free of the belief in scarcity could possibly make this mistake. If the crucifixion is seen from an upside-down point of view, it does appear as if God permitted and even encouraged one of His Sons to suffer because he was good. This particularly unfortunate interpretation, which arose out of projection, has led many people to be bitterly afraid of God. Such anti-religious concepts enter into many religions. Yet the real Christian should pause and ask, “How could this be?” Is it likely that God Himself would be capable of the kind of thinking which His Own words have clearly stated is unworthy of His Son?

the fuck would he do that for? That's a very silly decision for an all knowing god to make dontchya think? The sensation of guilt is an essential tool for self growth.


Like pain, it focuses the mind on a wrong that needs to be repaired.


"The gospel you preach will not bring peace..."

Word Lord.

You know what doesn't bring peace? A guy dying on a cross as punishment for other peoples wrongdoings. I respect the words of Jesus but I wonder how much good comes from ideology that has punishment and atonement through blood at its inception. Jesus died in horrible violence despite being peaceful and gentle. I'm not sure that's a good precedent. If god would not protect his son, why imagine He will protect us? Evidently, God believes in violence as a teaching aid. That is scary to me.

That, plus, the notion that punishing the innocent instead of the guilty is somehow good justice, is also scary, unless you are the guilty.

As Ingersoll said; 'no man wouldbe fit for heaven who would consent that an innocent person should suffer forhis sin.'

I can't understand how Christ died for my sins. What a system! I wasn't born yet I have the burden of guilt that an innocent died for me. Thanks but no thanks! Ill take responsibility for my wrongs only after committing them.
I can't understand how Christ died for my sins. What a system! I wasn't born yet I have the burden of guilt that an innocent died for me. Thanks but no thanks! Ill take responsibility for my wrongs only after committing them.

Wise and moral.

To believe as Christians do, you have to first corrupt your morals into thinking it just to let another suffer for your sins, and then you have to ignore a lot of scriptures.
Ezekiel 18:20 The soul that sinneth, it shall die. The sonshall not bear the iniquity of the father, neither shall the father bear theiniquity of the son: the righteousness of the righteous shall be upon him, andthe wickedness of the wicked shall be upon him.

Deuteronomy 24:16 (ESV) "Fathers shall not be put todeath because of their children, nor shall children be put to death because oftheir fathers. Each one shall be put to death for his own sin.

Ezekiel 18:20 (ESV) The soul who sins shall die. The sonshall not suffer for the iniquity of the father, nor the father suffer for theiniquity of the son. The righteousness of the righteous shall be upon himself,and the wickedness of the wicked shall be upon himself.

Christian delusions and brainwashing run so deep that they cannot read and understand their own scriptures.


THE Christine master spent a time in prayer and then he called the foreign masters, and he said to them,
2) Behold, I sent the twelve apostles unto Israel, but you are sent to all the world.
3) Our God is one, is Spirit, and is truth, and every man is dear to him.
4) He is the God of every child of India, and the farther east; of Persia, and the farther north; of Greece and Rome and of the farther west; of Egypt and the farther south, and of the mighty lands across the seas, and of the islands of the seas.
5) If God would send the bread of life to one and not to all who have arisen to the consciousness of life and can receive the bread of life, then he would be unjust and that would shake the very throne of heaven.
6) So he has called you from the seven centers of the world, and he has breathed the breath of wisdom and of power into your souls, and now he sends you forth as bearers of the light of life, apostles of the human race.
7) Go on your way, and as you go proclaim the gospel of the Christ.
8 ) And then he breathed upon the masters and he said, Receive the Holy Breath; and then he gave to each the Word of power.
9) And each went on his way, and every land was blest.
10) Then Jesus went alone across the hills of Galilee and after certain days he reached the coast of Tyre, and in the home of Rachel he abode.
11) He did not advertise his coming for he did not come to teach; he would commune with God where he could see the waters of the Mighty Sea.
12) But Rachel told the news and multitudes of people thronged her home to see the Lord.
13) A Grecian woman of Phenecia came; her daughter was obsessed. She said,
14) O Lord, have mercy on my home! My daughter is obsessed; but this I know, if you will speak the Word she will be free. Thou son of David, hear my prayer!
15) But Rachel said,
Good woman, trouble not the Lord. He did not come to Tyre to heal; he came to talk with God beside the sea.
16) And Jesus said,
Lo, I was sent not to the Greek, nor to Syro-phenicians; I come just to my people, Israel.
17) And then the woman fell down at his feet and said,
Lord, Jesus, I implore that you will save my child.
18 ) And Jesus said,
You know the common proverb well: It is not meet that one should give the children's bread to dogs.
19) And then the woman said,
Yea, Jesus, this I know, but dogs may eat the crumbs that fall down from their master's board.
20) And Jesus said,
Such faith I have not seen, no, not among the Jews; she is not serf, nor dog.
21) And then he said to her,
According to your faith so let it be.
22) The woman went her way and when she came unto her child, lo, she was healed.
23) And Jesus tarried many days in Tyre; and then he went his way and dwelt a time in Sidon by the sea.
24) And then he journeyed on. In Lebanon hills and vales, and in its groves he walked in silent thought.
25) His earthly mission fast was drawing to a close; he sought for strength, and what he sought he found.
26) Mount Hermon stood beyond, and Jesus fain would kneel beside that mountain famed in Hebrew song.
27) And then he stood upon Mount Hermon's lofty peaks, and lifting up his eyes to heaven he talked with God.
28 ) And masters of the olden times revealed themselves and long they talked about the kingdom of the Christ;
29) about the mighty works that had been done; about the coming conquest of the cross; about the victory over death.
30) Then Jesus journeyed on; he went to Caesarea-Philippi, and in Susanna's home he tarried certain days.
31) And then he went through all Decapolis to give encouragement to those who knew him as the Christ, and to prepare them for the day of Calvary.
32) And then he went to Gadara, and many friends were there, to welcome him.
33) And Chuzas, steward of the house of Herod Antipas, was there, and Jesus went aboard the royal ship with him and crossed the sea, and came unto Capernaum.
34) And when the people knew that Jesus was at home they came to welcome him.
35) In just a little while the twelve apostles came and told the master all about their journey over Galilee.
36) They said that by the sacred Word they had done many mighty works; and Jesus said to them,
Well done.
LB, I agree. I far prefer reading these texts to the Bible scriptures. They're all so judgemental, depressing, or impossible to live upto.

It's just sin, guilt, sin, guilt, and abomonation onto the Lord. Bla, bla. It's nothing loving or uplifting to read and mostly seves to create fear.

He had some of that, but it wasn't the heart of his message. It was more about bringing hope and love, and I guess that's why the people loved him.
That's the point it's not made to make YOU feel good like a pat on the back "everyone's" a winner or everyone makes their own idea of reality/subjective morality.

He brings up guilt/shame and Sins not to condemn but say literally that his purpose in the world was a removal of human guilt making one Damned.

Old Testament: If you feel guilty or are guilty, God will smite you.

New Testament: having guilt or commuting sin no longer brings you to hell, because Jesus already paid our price. Hence the only way you go to Hell is intact, opposing Jesus.

But it makes Total sense how people who don't believe in Jesus because their parents raised them with a different religion are also saved, or even people of no religion, because Jesus also forgave ignorance when he died on the cross.
Yes, I think most these days want that fuzzy, whatever makes you feel good, thing.
THE news soon spread through all the valley of Gennersaret that Jesus and the twelve had come, and many people came to see.
2) They brought their sick and laid them at the master's feet, and all the day he taught and healed.
3) The multitudes upon the other side who had been fed the day before and other multitudes, went down to see the Lord; but when they found him not they sought him in Capernaum.
4) And when they found him not at home, they went on to Gennesaret. They found him there and said,
Rabboni, when came you to Gennesaret?
5) And Jesus said,
Why are you come across the sea? you came not for the bread of life;
6) You came to gratify your selfish selves; you all were fed the other day across the sea, and you are after more of loaves and fish.
7) The food you ate was nourishment for flesh that soon must pass away.
8 ) You men of Galilee, seek not for food that perishes, but seek for food that feeds the soul; and, lo, I bring you food from heaven.
9) You ate the flesh of fish, and you were satisfied, and now I bring the flesh of Christ for you to eat that you may live for evermore.
10) Our fathers ate the manna in the wilderness; and then they ate the flesh of quail, and drank the waters of a flowing spring that Moses brought out from the rock; but all of them are dead.
11) The manna and the quail were symbols of the flesh of Christ; the waters of the rock were symbols of the blood.
12) But, lo, the Christ has come; he is the bread of life that God has given to the world.
13) Whoever eats the flesh of Christ and drinks his blood shall never die; and he will hunger nevermore; and he will thirst no more.
14) And they who eat this bread of heaven, and drink these waters from the spring of life cannot be lost; these feed the soul, and purify the life.
15) Behold, for God has said, When man has purified himself I will exalt him to the throne of power.
16) Then Jesus and the twelve went to Capernaum; and Jesus went into the synagogue and taught.
17) And when the Jews, who heard him in Gennesaret, were come they said,
18 ) This fellow is beside himself. We heard him say, I am the bread of life that comes from heaven; and we all know that he is but a man, the son of man, who came from Nazareth; we know his mother, and his other kin.
19) And Jesus knew their thoughts; he said to them,
Why murmur you, and reason thus among yourselves?
20) The Christ is everlasting life; he came from heaven; he has the keys of heaven, and no man enters into heaven except he fills himself with Christ.
21) I came in flesh to do the will of God, and, lo, this flesh and blood are filled with Christ; and so I am the living bread that comes from heaven;
22) And when you eat this flesh and drink this blood you will have everlasting life; and if you will, you may become the bread of life.
23) And many of the people were enraged; they said,
How can this man give us his flesh to eat, his blood to drink?
24) And his disciples were aggrieved because he said these things, and many turned away and followed him no more.
25) They said,
This is a fearful thing for him to say, If you eat not my flesh and drink my blood, you cannot enter into life.
26) They could not comprehend the parable he spoke.
27) And Jesus said,
You stumble and you fall before the truth; What will you do when you shall see this flesh and blood transmuted into higher form?
28 ) What will you say when you shall see the son of man ascending on the clouds of heaven?
29) What will you say when you shall see the son of man sit on the throne of God?
30) The flesh is naught; the spirit is the quickening power. The words I speak are spirit; they are life.
31) When Jesus saw the many who had been so loud in their professions of their faith in him, turn back and go away, he said unto the twelve.
32) Will you desert me in this hour and go away?
33) But Peter said,
Lord, we have no place else to go; you have the words of everlasting life; we know that you are sent to us from God.
A COMPANY of scribes and Pharisees came from Jerusalem to learn wherein the power of Jesus lay.
2) But when they learned that he and his disciples heeded not the custom of the Jews, regarding washing of the hands before they ate, they were amazed.
3) And Jesus said,
Hypocrisy is queen among you scribes and Pharisees. Of you Isaiah wrote:
4) This people honor me with lips; their hearts are far away. In vain they worship me; their doctrines are the dogmas and the creeds of men.
5) You men who pose as men of God, and still reject the laws of God and teach the laws of men,
6) Stand forth and tell when God gave unto men the ceremonial laws that you observe; and tell these people how the spirit life is sullied if one washes not before he eats.
7) His critics answered not, and then he said,
8 ) Hear me, you men of Israel! Defilement is a creature of the heart. The carnal mind lays hold of thought, and makes a monstrous bride; this bride is sin; sin is a creature of the mind.
9) That which defiles a man is not the food he eats.
10) The bread and fish and other things we eat, are simply cups to carry to the cells of flesh material for the building of the human house, and when their work is done as refuse they are cast away.
11) The life of plant and flesh that goes to build the human house is never food for soul. The spirit does not feed upon the carcasses of animal, or plant.
12) God feeds the soul direct from heaven; the bread of life comes from above.
13) The air we breathe is charged with Holy Breath, and he who wills may take this Holy Breath.
14) The soul discriminates, and he who wants the life of Christ may breathe it in. According to your faith so let it be.
15) Man is not a part of his abiding place; the house is not the man.
16) The lower world builds up the house of flesh, and keeps it in repair; the higher world provides the bread of spirit life.
17) The loveliest lilies grow from stagnant ponds and filthiest muck.
18 ) The law of flesh demands that one should keep the body clean.
19) The law of spirit call for purity in thought and word and deed.
20) Now, when the evening came and they were in the house, the twelve had many things to say, and many questions to propound.
21) Nathaniel asked,
Was what you said about the house of flesh a parable? If so, what does it mean?
22) And Jesus said, Can you not yet discriminate? Do you not yet perceive that what a man takes in his mouth defiles him not?
23) His food goes not into his soul; it is material for flesh and bone and brawn.
24) To spirit everything is clean.
25) That which defiles a man wells up from carnal thoughts; and carnal thoughts spring from the heart, and generate a host of evil things.
26) From out the heart comes murders, thefts and foolishness. All selfish acts and sensual deeds spring from the heart.
27) To eat with unwashed hands does not defile the man.
28 ) And Peter said,
Lord, What you said today has grievously offended scribe and Pharisee.
29) And Jesus said,
These scribes and Pharisees are not the scions of the tree of life; they are not plants of God; they are the plants of men, and every foreign plant shall be plucked up.
30) Let all these men alone; they are blind guides; they lead a multitude of people who are blind.
31) The leaders and the led together walk; together they will fall into the yawning pits.