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What is the "darkest" psychedelic you've ever tried?

Any psychedelic can bring upon a evil experience. Although the most difficult for me is a tie between 1000ug plus of lsd and 10 grams of mushrooms.
high doses of mushrooms exceeding 15 grams during unique solar alignments.
Oral DPT. High dose DOC,
Datura: Naturally.
Ayahuasca depending on how naughty in life you have been.

yes the 10 minute full ego loss of salvia was so bizzare,but the true darkness was dob alone in winter woods at midnight,pitch black
2C-E - is a bit dark - still worth doing
Salvia - don't find it as bad as some; had some great experiences and it's just so bizarre/out there - quite fancy some...
Mushrooms - Of course; It's a mix but they seem quite negatively charged
Would about DOEF?

It sounds very sexy on the surface but the 18hr part kills it for me. If you ask me, the DOx family seems 'less rich' compared to the 2Cs. Like they have less 'soul' to them. They are more machine-like compared to the 'organic warmth' I've come to associate with the 2Cs.
What is this? Something you feel? What is darkness and what is light? How can these terms even be mandatory for psychedelics? Is darkness an ominous feeling? Is light a feeling of grace? How do you define that to an intangible object? Is it the side effects that cause this or ones own mind? How can a chemical be inherently good or evil? To me it doesn't make much sense, I just can't see it further than illusions of ones mind.....
I'm a bit perplexed by all the mentions of mushrooms here.
I've eaten many different kinds of mushrooms, in quantities both large and small, fresh, dried, in tea... I've had one uncomfortable experience from a low dose, and one difficult one from a combination of higher dose than intended and mildly anxious setting, but on the whole I find them to open the door to the Big Secret - that everything is in fact brilliant, hilarious, and amazing.
Exactly what I like most about them, even eating semilanceata before a supremely heavy (both musically and conceptually) Neurosis gig produced incredible positivity.
6 years ago on 900mg dxm. Stepsister and her friend unexpectedly showed up and were extremely drunk. They were yelling, playing loud music, getting in my face, just all around obnoxious. I was peaking and had to eventually run into the field behind my parents house to get away. I couldn't trip for a year afterwards. Seems silly now but damn I was scared at the time.
I'm a bit perplexed by all the mentions of mushrooms here..

I'm perplexed at the mention of 5-MEO-DMT as synthetic darkness or something. When I read that, the thought came to mind that psychedelics only show us what is already there, and 5-MeO-DMT in particular is like being hit by a 2X4 of Universal Truth. Now that I've typed that out, I certainly mean nothing personal by that...it is just my experience (and I mean that to include all of those I have shared it with) that the place 5-MeO-DMT takes one to is the ultimate truth. And whether or not that 'ultimate truth' is really just a drug induced hallucination or not seems to be irrelevant because of the fact that 5-MeO-DMT is produced in the brain and this (in my eyes) sets it apart from all of the other 'drug induced hallucinogenic truths.'
the simple and 4-subbed tryptamines always were fairly dark for me. i rarely had "bad" experiences, in fact especially with DMT the experiences were often glorious and supremely otherworldly. but they just gave me the vibe that i was playing around with something powerful and mischevious. not even necessarily the drugs themselves, but the parts of my own mind that they gave me direct access to. i'm not even saying its bad to visit these places, its just not something to be taken lightly or done on a whim.
What is more "dark", a psychedelic mostly devoid of emotion making it feel more cold and serious, or just neutral (2C-E, 2C-D, 25D for me - I can certainly imagine what people mean when they talk about DOM) or psychedelics that are strongly emotional like mushrooms for me, in which case the emotions can run very positive and high or very negative and low? And the whole rich spectrum in between of course.

It depends on how you look at it I guess.

But I also agree with sentiments about DPT. It's less neutral and transparent like 2C-E is IMO, but like 2C-E there is such a strong and profound sense of a majestic mysticism that I suppose you can call dark in that it can become frighteningly overwhelming without compensating with an embracing comfort like one is likely to get on say DMT. Then again I don't mean to say that DPT cannot be comforting and supportive in any other person or that DMT could never be brutal.

I've heard about DOI being called evil and my experiences with DOB did in a way reflect an overly rational and subjectively inhuman mental potency...

Other than all this "dark" is just an adjective that shows how we project our own emotions as a part of the psychedelia we seek. If a psychedelic is very good at its job and there is the right mix of ball-gripping immersion or derealization combined with a number of other such striking effects I guess we may be more likely to attribute a darkness in the drug's character. But in the end we only get an amplified version of what we put in don't we? Unless there is an increased propensity for dysphoria as with salvia.
If not, I think we can consider the ways in which a psychedelic demonstrates the good and the bad, for example the visions of, I quote, 'gwar-style death' mentioned in this DOC report. Indeed the amphetamine / dopaminergic component of DOX compounds may make any negatively charged images more manic. But on the other hand if the images are positive we can expect them to be seen as equally fantastic just differently charged.
What I mean to impress is that unless there is an intrinsic dysphoria it may not be fair to call certain psychedelics dark. Although a very high potency may increase the odds of becoming overwhelmed and slipping into a state of bewildered fear.
the simple and 4-subbed tryptamines always were fairly dark for me. i rarely had "bad" experiences, in fact especially with DMT the experiences were often glorious and supremely otherworldly. but they just gave me the vibe that i was playing around with something powerful and mischevious. not even necessarily the drugs themselves, but the parts of my own mind that they gave me direct access to. i'm not even saying its bad to visit these places, its just not something to be taken lightly or done on a whim.

I can identify with this, especially (for instance) DOC vs 2C-C. 2C-C is very 'earthy' for me, reminds me of mescaline and DOC was the never ending synthetic madness...powerful and mischievous...good words.
Mushrooms. Especially nasty with Syrian Rue.

DOx have a nasty side, I just haven't taken enough to give the natyness mushrooms have.
DOC - it just felt dirty, icky and unpleasant, especially the last 6 hours. Not a bad trip, but also not a good feeling. Vasoconstriction and a bit of anxiety.

Jimson Weed - was given this (smoked) by a friend of my father's when I was 14. Scared me off all drugs until I was in college. I can't really remember the details anymore, just flashes of terror and confusion.
I've tripped for ten yrs. From x to cid to cccs but iv never heard of someofthethings. U guys talkaboute help me release im in california usa and want to open doors
So many people saying lsd is the darkest, you are making me afraid to take acid for the first time :D but i can see what you mean, high dose of al lad could have gone terribly wrong and i dont even want to think whats full blown bad trip is like. I was lucky i could change the direction of the trip because in the beginning it was little scary..

Don't let those people scare you, LSD is the KING of psychedelics!! You can go anywhere you want with it. There is nothing inherently dark about LSD. In my opinion LSD can be attributed the character of a great, compassionate teacher. Ocassionally the teacher will show you hard things that you need to see, but it is always with a greater good in mind. But you must treat this great teacher with respect, or he will kick your ass! Most of the time he is kind, great, and will show you the goodness in things.

But the teacher is really just you.