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What is the "darkest" psychedelic you've ever tried?


Apr 5, 2013
Of all the psychedelics swiy's tried, which one had the darkest vibes/aura. Also, what was swiy's darkest trip on? Swim can only speak for 3 of them, acid never seemed dark, but it seemed wise, and in that wiseness there were dark things but also many light things, 25i had one that appeared bright as long as you knew it could fuck with you all it wanted. 2CE seemed very neutral, night as warm as some but it didn't seem like it had the power to get you like 25i (although that was one of swim's first times tripping deep in the woods as the sun was going down)
Swim is curious about what it be like to roll on the darkest psychedelic swim can find, does swiy have any experiences with such?
thank you =)
Of all the psychedelics swiy's tried, which one had the darkest vibes/aura. Also, what was swiy's darkest trip on? Swim can only speak for 3 of them, acid never seemed dark, but it seemed wise, and in that wiseness there were dark things but also many light things, 25i had one that appeared bright as long as you knew it could fuck with you all it wanted. 2CE seemed very neutral, night as warm as some but it didn't seem like it had the power to get you like 25i (although that was one of swim's first times tripping deep in the woods as the sun was going down)
Swim is curious about what it be like to roll on the darkest psychedelic swim can find, does swiy have any experiences with such?
thank you =)

Salvia, Hands down. Show her the utmost respect, and tread light.
Sent me to a place humans arnt supposed to go.
I've had beautiful transcendent experiences with acid but my last trip at over 1000ug was as dark as it gets. Absolutely vicious...honestly I haven't heard of any trips worse than mine. Truly as bad as it gets, read my trip report. Not to say LSD is inherently dark, but given certain issues with your set and setting as well as negative external stimuli the perfect storm can happen and you'll go somewhere you don't want to be, living a life not your own.
Yea EPN, lsd seems pretty powerful. I cant find your trip report though. Can you link it?
At Bluelight we don't use "SWIM/SWIY", it's not going to protect you as it's fairly obvious what it really means, and it just makes posts hard to read, thus we don't allow it. If you could please edit your post that'd be great - a simple "I" or "me" in place of SWIM will suffice, no need for any of that silly stuff here. If you're genuinely talking about a friend who isn't you, then say so in a normal way instead of using SWIM.

Just as an addition, if you weren't aware that SWIM isn't allowed here you probably haven't read the rules, check them out here :)

When taken in a bad set and setting 4-AcO-DMT was pretty dark for me, and the come up of both 25C-NBOMe and 25I-NBOMe seemed quite dark, though the peaks were something else entirely and very colourful and positive. In general most psychedelics for me are overall positive, it's just the set and setting that can take them to dark places.

As far as a dark *trip* goes though, if we're not limiting ourselves to psychedelics, then just about any deliriant does quite a good job at taking you to some pretty terrifying places sometimes, and they shouldn't be treated lightly.
Lots say salvia, never for me, salvia was too wacky to feel dark imo
2ce for sure, my fav psyche but at times it can get fucking weird and creepy very quick
ime acid has a unique ability to conjure the devil inside and send you to literal hell.

This, though it's not really dark, just evil if that's the right word (it's not). Truffles/mushrooms and 4-Aco-DMT both have this dark & sinister edge to them, but in an ancient and divine way. You know, the sort of vibes the Azteks/Mayas emit

The 5-Meo's should definitely be mentioned too
Oh yeah definitely meant 5-Meo-MiPT/DiPT, haven't tried the -DMT version yet. Haven't taken any them too far (just do 6-8mg doses of "-MiPT, and done "-DiPT once at 8mg), both aren't really used spiritually. But, if my imagination and other reports count for something, then that darkness of the 4-Subs should start to really get through on higher doses of those 5-Meos. Very alien and weird feeling anyhow (but I like it)
For me 3-meo pcp was enjoyable but very dark and schizophrenic. One time I combined it with 4-ho met and this took me somewhere completely timeless, surreal and nightmarish.

wuargh. yes. 3-meo-pcp is one of the very, very few substances that seem truly psychologically toxic to me and I'd refuse to touch it again. someone here once described it as the drug from dr.jekyll&mr. hyde. true that. it's dissociative in the sense of seperating your ego from the self while commiting your body to your ego to act out. worst part is that you don't even notice how fucked you are. it even makes you feel sober/"underdosed" while already on the edge. I guess if you push the dose above a certain point even an experienced tripper might find himself running naked on the streets at 10am.
both times I tried it, it left me with a lingering feeling of "not being quite the same" for a few days. very regrettable.
I'd never dare to combine that shit with a 5-ht2a-psychedelic. if I had to invent a pharmacological trigger for mental disorders in the psychotic range it would involve 3-meo-pcp. and lsd.
serious? me too, I felt VERY Goddamned fucking uncomfortable on meo-pcp & now I am done with dissociatives. I was always a bit hmmm & bit errrr about them, but 3-meo finished 'em off for me. Freaked me out that shit & I actualy posted online, trying not to sound too panicky, asking how to ease a trip on the stuff, coz I didn't wanna start necking Etiz or anything that might react with the meo. Never got a reply & pretty much rode it out, not nice, shit lasts for fucking ever. Other than that, definitely high dose LSD/shroom trips are the most likely to bring a freak out of some sort.

Had a few dodgy moments on the kindly Al-Lad when subjecting myself to a goth gig, but Jeez, who's fault was that! I respect that fine compound alot more now. I'm well cautious with all RC Psyches so am normally able to talk myself outta bad loops n shit coz I dose low. I've had pretty much 100% successful trip rate with Phens & Trypts & the new ergoloids.
2C-P was my personal worst. Ended up taking a walk, and I think I scared these kids, because since it's so long and because I had used harmalas to potentiate, I had convinced myself I broke reality and was gonna hang myself in the woods, so I gave my pack of smokes to these guys all cheerfully and while we were chatting I'm like, "Yah, just walking around appreciating nature a bit while I build up the courage to kill myself.", and dead serious, ya know? Shit was nuts...
LSD is quite "evil" as a few people have been saying. I always thought that if hell were to exist it'd be a bad LSD trip for eternity. LSD can be heavenly though.

I find salvia rather neutral. I always feel off balance when it hits me, but it's never felt positive or negative -- just other worldly.
I had some recurrent disturbing thoughts after taking AKB-48 regularly for a while that eventually forced me to stop taking it. It was benign at first, but after a few weeks of use it got ugly, and seemed to leave me feeling sort of cloudy when I was sober. The sort of pernicious effect really surprised me. Not exactly a psychedelic, of course, but cannabis was never like that for me, before or after AKB use.

Ethocin wasn't really "dark" so much as... neutral. Miprocin and psilocin both have some euphoric element to them, but ethocin is a Very Serious Drug for having Serious Thoughts, was my impression. It was almost impossible to have fun, even with morphine involved. At the time in my life that I tried it, it was probably exactly what I needed, though.

Though I have to admit that for all the time I've been tripping I tend to look things up before I take them and usually shy away from things that were reputedly difficult, so I never tried 2C-E nor went beyond low doses of mushrooms.
dissociates in general to me were always the "dark" ones by ones standard of what is light vs dark

no doubt you can have a 'dark' trip on anything

but from my understanding of paths to enlightenment, one is to disintegrate a reality and retrospect, the other integrating into that reality and understanding.
I've always been fascinated with dissociates, for that reason.

the dissociate experience to me, is like being crushed by a car crusher, or having your head bashed in and experiencing the guts n blood leaking, bone crunching, complete annihilation of your representation of yourself.
while the psychedelic state would be watching that happen, but whose not say a high dose psychedelic isn't going to give you a dissociated experience?

edit: after reading a little bit I'd like to clarify, i don't believe in a difference of defining "evil or good' "dark or light".
but can subjectively say i have experience where i felt and evil or light vibe.
Haven't really tried anything that I would call dark, most were either neutral (2c-e is a big one here) or positive.