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What is the best pill you've ever eaten?

White Ferrari from August 1997
White cylindrical "stars" (outward press) with beveled edges from december 1999
the off white/brownish mitsubishi'S from november 1998 that were very flat and bigger (circumfrence) than usual. mdma smell was very very strong and they were crumbly.
Green Clovers from may-june 2000
off-white "Top" from fall 2000 with the score on the back
and these (even though they are not mdma):
rainbow colored pikachu's from summer 2001 (MDA) they were strong as f*ck but had a bad comedown
white mercedes from summer 2001 (2CB) knew it was 2cb because of test results - best experience ever
and last: Green/Orange Omega from Spring/summer/fall 2002 (MDA) I should not have popped 2 of those but I learned my lesson: these things have waaaaay too much MDA in them :D
Originally posted by rekkneyez:
[QB]Old school mollies I used to get back in the day...definately pure and no doubt the best E ive tried
ya i can deffinitly agree there that is the best E pill ive eva taken... lasted for a while and the peak was unbelievable.. ill neva 4get them.. i would love to get my hands on sum rite now actually....: )
haha Now that i think about the only pills ive ever taken have been yellow: alligators, B's, dolphins and crociodiles. thats kinda funny
[ 04 December 2002: Message edited by: bi.cutie ]
my far and large, the best pills i ever took were double stacked white buddahs. unfuckingbelievable... if i could find the batch i took, circa 3/00 i would be in fucking heaven..
green marbles- circa 5/00 were a close second...
mercedes were decent
but i will never again, for as long as i shall live, take anything with the word "clover" on it.
"white UFOs: round disc-shaped object (hehe) AD: 2/02"
Heh..I got some of those too back in March BigCat..Indeed they were good..Best beans I had were from a guy who got them from Georgia in Dec-January 2000-2001..Red Smilies and White Crescent Moons..Both were incredibly potent..
"I asked him jokingly "Is it tripled stacked y0?" and he looked funny at me and went "Yeah, of course dude."...fucker. "
BTW, this is fucking hilarious...LOL What a terrible newbie dealer..Cheese..lol
Originally posted by Aja909:
White cylindrical "stars" (outward press) with beveled edges from december 1999

THOSE are it!!! I've been trying to find evidence those things ever existed. They were here in Chicago one weekend then never again. That was January/February of 99.
blue trianges are the best iv taken, cant go wrond with your field of vision sudenly going white.
Hmmm I'm not the biggest fan of MDMA but I do enjoy it alot. I'd have to say:
Molly (usually found at Jam shows)
Pink Microdot (I also got this at a show, small pill but it was the best pressed pill I've ever got. I heard they were locally produced but I'm not sure)
Pink and Blue Durex's
I haven't eaten to much MDMA so I'm not sure how these rate among others.
The best pills I have ever taken (I have had some seriously fucked up, mind blowing experiences on these) are Triangle Mitsubishis. They were around about summer 99 or maybe 2000 (memory fucked) in england. They were huge compared to round mitsis and blew my head off.
One time i double dropped with two friends. We went for a walk for a about 4 or 5 miles. As soon as we set off I went into a semi-consious dream like state and when we arrived i didnt have a clue where we were or how we got there, but i laughed it off...
pink crescent moons. YES
[ 19 December 2002: Message edited by: casual-xx ]
green omegas looks like a spree, yes the candy!it was huge!but the best i ever had!got really sick though but still good
Yellow Airplane (Sept 01) My friends had to come get me because I was too fucked up to walk. This was off of only 1 pill. Most definitely the strongest pill I ever took.
Rolling Stone (Mar 01) Took 1/2 was well worth it.
Rolex (Jan 01) took 2, don't remember much except that it was good. They lasted about 6 hours. 2nd stongest pill taken.
White and Red Star of Davids (June 01) Long, hard roll.
Pink/Purple Sailor Moons/Cresents (June 01) very good pills. Only needed 1 to get me going good. Lasted a while.
Igloo (Aug 02) mmmm... yummy
Red Durex (June 02) best roll I'd had since I first started rolling, it was like my first time all over again, very good. Probably my favorite pill ever.
Octagons (Aug 02) heehee...
Notable mentions: White Ferraris, RollsRoyces, Bumble Bee, Heart, TT, Armani.
hmm...rolex, marshmallows, doves, pink @'s, versaci, double stack igloo....these are from a few years ago...goes to show that they don't make pills like they used to. almost everything i've had in the past year has been quite a disapointment compared to these olders ones. the ones i've listed are all from 2000 and my husband (who has been doing this a lot longer than i have) says they were even better back in 97....wow, wish i had experienced it back then.
Dino the Dinosaur NYC/99. Only saw them once, never saw them again. Utterly intense.

First generation Mitzubishes (sp) NYC/97. Outstanding. The knock offs that followed weren't.