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What is the best pill you've ever eaten?

definatly thumbs up!! those incited my first lesbian experience ;) hehehe..
also had a blast on red stars in 99, and green shamrocks! the ones actually shaped like 4-leaf clovers. i also have some pure love's ive been keeping since 98, they were the bomb!!
Pure caps. I know it's not a "brand", but no pressed pill has ever been as good.
igloos were pretty good but I have too say the best I had wasnt a brand it was Sassafras... a tannish\brown powder...best roll I ever had...I ended up eating or sniffing about 3 grams(30 pills) that night though...I havent been able to roll since
Originally posted by bigherm:
^^^^ tan mercades are fuckin caffiene and mda. why would that be your favorite? its a bunk ass pill. check ecstacydata,org and its right there.
how do you know his tan mercedes were the same as your tan mercedes. answer? you don't.
pill brands mean nothing
Originally posted by RFINGD:
...the best I had wasnt a brand it was Sassafras... a tannish\brown powder
that almost certainly was not sassafras. sassafras is a plant which is the source of a common MDMA process ingredient: safrole.
as i understand it, ingesting sassafras would not, in itself, get you high. sounds like you just ate some MDMA - perhaps with some impurity which explains the off-white color.
read more here: http://www.erowid.org/chemicals/mdma/mdma_faq.shtml
no drama intended. just a friendly reminder that E 'brands' mean nothing.
that's all. have a great wednesday.
he/she is from portland. the were sent in from seattle and san fran.. its the same
he/she is from portland.its the same
sorry to drag this out but the person lives in portland fair enough - how do you know the pills didn't originate in florida? wherever?
i know it seems likely that they are the same but you don't know for sure.
if you don't know for sure they are the same pills, you are doing yourself and bluelight a disservice by saying they are the same pills.
it says it right there on the bluelight homepage - brands mean nothing. it's on the homepage for a reason.
i think this is important.
Originally posted by alasdairm:

as i understand it, ingesting sassafras would not, in itself, get you high. sounds like you just ate some MDMA - perhaps with some impurity which explains the off-white color.

I aready knew this I was just giving the street name for what I got...Appreciate the advice though
look at ecstacydata.org. do a search on mercedes. look at the ones with caffiene and mda. then look where they came from. the tan one is from seattle, l.a., san fran, all over. all with same shit just diff ratio.
now your gonna tell me its a diff pill. they all look the same and same caffiene/mda mix. there it is in plain sight. there is my helpfullness... i`m not trying to be a dick, just saying stuff from fack finding. a caffeine/mda pill is bunk in my oppinion. its not mdma.
Chill guys.
Can we agree by saying that the pills in question were likely the same due to the report search. But as alasdairm pointed out it is not absolutely positive they are the same.
[ 23 October 2002: Message edited by: cheeno ]
Originally posted by cheeno:
Can we agree by saying that the pills in question were likely the same due to the report search. But as alasdairm pointed out it is not absolutely positive they are the same.
that's all i'm trying to say. amen.