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What do you think about drug addicts in general?

I was a heroin addict, and knew many "high functioning" addicts who did not rob/lie/manipulate. I also knew many who did. I think it's important to have empathy for all people, as opposed to passing self righteous judgement. Everyone has a place in society...even junkies. Put someone who has used IV drugs in the red cross, and I guarantee they will be able to find a vein in record time.
Well I just am feeling to great until I'm high has nothing to do with society or escaping. I love to be here unjust like to feel physically great while soon my daily activities

huh? if you had the chance and opportunities isn't there anything else you would rather be doing then getting your self high? you live for drugs and nothing else and your happy with that? not that theres anything wrong wit that :\
Not all drug addicts are scammers/ thieves/ scum. What about addicts which are high funtioning and manage to keep down jobs?
Hey that's me..

I have to say that I feel quite ashamed for that thread and take some things I said back (doesn't happen too often on the all anonymous internet heh, or it does and I'm just trying to get back some cheap symapthy hah).
I was in some kind of unexpected rage and had to ventilate somewhere when I wrote that post, I don't really take drugs anymore much so it wasn't due to some comedown or phychosis or anything, it was just some kind of deep hidden rage I sometimes need to get out of myself. If I don't do it physically, words can help too.
I agree that I'm often too quick with judging people's characters, as I said I'm just 23year old boy/man who only recently started living on his own so what the fuck do I know about people...

But I still do stand for the "core" of the message that we should all feel responsible for what we do and never blame anything/anyone else.

And I repeat for the 3rd time I try not to judge people based on what drug and in what amounts they take it, however if you have an old friend who just recently started smoking meth its good to be cautious because once he decides to do something wrong it may be late...
huh? if you had the chance and opportunities isn't there anything else you would rather be doing then getting your self high? you live for drugs and nothing else and your happy with that? not that theres anything wrong wit that :\

What I'm 9 days clean. I was just saying....
Yea get off her back shes doing good as shit im proud oof you kayla. Im like 7 days clean today aside from mxe/kratom for withdrawals....

But today may be groundhog day

No i meant i may not be doing awesome. Ground hog day i meant a repeat oof every other day past cuz i want dope so fucking bad

YOU on the other hand actually are doing awesome. Keep it up
Hey that's me..

I have to say that I feel quite ashamed for that thread and take some things I said back (doesn't happen too often on the all anonymous internet heh, or it does and I'm just trying to get back some cheap symapthy hah).
I was in some kind of unexpected rage and had to ventilate somewhere when I wrote that post, I don't really take drugs anymore much so it wasn't due to some comedown or phychosis or anything, it was just some kind of deep hidden rage I sometimes need to get out of myself. If I don't do it physically, words can help too.
I agree that I'm often too quick with judging people's characters, as I said I'm just 23year old boy/man who only recently started living on his own so what the fuck do I know about people...
Not much. You hold drug addicts to such a high standard of judgement, yet you yourself are trying to make yourself look better here by blaming your actions on "deep hidden, unexpected rage"? Do you see the flaw in your logic? You're actually still really judgmental but you want others to empathize or sympathize for you and your anger issues? For example, read the next part of your post, it's BS.

6apbhmm said:
But I still do stand for the "core" of the message that we should all feel responsible for what we do and never blame anything/anyone else.

And I repeat for the 3rd time I try not to judge people based on what drug and in what amounts they take it, however if you have an old friend who just recently started smoking meth its good to be cautious because once he decides to do something wrong it may be late...
You say you're all about people being responsible for their actions, and that you try not to judge people by what drug they use, yet you're being a hypocrite by the end of the sentence.

huh? if you had the chance and opportunities isn't there anything else you would rather be doing then getting your self high? you live for drugs and nothing else and your happy with that? not that theres anything wrong wit that :\
A lot of teapots calling the kettle black here.
Oh haiiii Tiesto I <3 your shit.

Sign my tits?

^ I'm a drug user, ergo, I'm a whore.

Modern Tiësto is garbage compared to his old productions. Saw him in July, lol.
drug addicts are playing life on Expert mode. I don't want to blame them for failing, but if they succeed and win that's mad impressive.
i was having a go at society in general, not you in particular kayla! the huh? was because i couldn't really read your post, a little incoherent. i was a MDMA and ice freak for a while, until i got myself some help and moved city.

jones...whatever dude! have you even read the thread? sounds like your the one that wants to get on her back... :)
i guess I'm saying its fucked in this day and age we still have so many people hopelessly addicted...shouldnt society be getting better...im not sure that i will be able to tell my kids that society now is better than when i grew up...i would like to leave the world in a better place then when i entered it, doesn't seem to me thats happening.

tricomb i know your dying to have a go, thats cool, everyone on here gets it slung at them at some point in time, I'm sure my time will come...i have been an addict and i currently live with addicts so i really don't see how its the tea pot calling the kettle black??? please do enlighten me though

i got no problems with addicts, i got a problem with society that lets some have unimaginable wealth while there are so many homeless / sick / addicted getting zero help and being continually taxed

not picking an argument with anyone in particular but if your gonna post shit explain yourself

kayla and jones, sincerely all the best in staying clean <3
i was having a go at society in general, not you in particular kayla! the huh? was because i couldn't really read your post, a little incoherent. i was a MDMA and ice freak for a while, until i got myself some help and moved city.

jones...whatever dude! have you even read the thread? sounds like your the one that wants to get on her back... :)
i guess I'm saying its fucked in this day and age we still have so many people hopelessly addicted...shouldnt society be getting better...im not sure that i will be able to tell my kids that society now is better than when i grew up...i would like to leave the world in a better place then when i entered it, doesn't seem to me thats happening.

tricomb i know your dying to have a go, thats cool, everyone on here gets it slung at them at some point in time, I'm sure my time will come...i have been an addict and i currently live with addicts so i really don't see how its the tea pot calling the kettle black??? please do enlighten me though

i got no problems with addicts, i got a problem with society that lets some have unimaginable wealth while there are so many homeless / sick / addicted getting zero help and being continually taxed

not picking an argument with anyone in particular but if your gonna post shit explain yourself

Well I am glad you explained because to everyone it looked like you were trying to argue lol it's cool. Also my post ha quit a few typos from y stupid iPhone Siri doesn't fix shit right lol

Also it was supposed I say i don't feel physically or psychology great until I'm high, I mean I feel alright but I like to enhance with drugs....

But it's no way to live, I however do not think society or people or aliens have to right to judge anyone. Addict or not people don't need to be in categories or judged its just wrong and I love people and I like interaction and seeing how different people are, if you an addict or not I think people are interesting. All people have faults I look past them unless you treat me like shit. You coul be a hobo and I'll sit an have a conversation with you :) <3
But it's no way to live, I however do not think society or people or aliens have to right to judge anyone. Addict or not people don't need to be in categories or judged its just wrong and I love people and I like interaction and seeing how different people are, if you an addict or not I think people are interesting. All people have faults I look past them unless you treat me like shit. You coul be a hobo and I'll sit an have a conversation with you :) <3

Agreed :)

i just want the best for EVERYONE...perhaps I'm just a dreamer...i don't see why we have hobos in our western countries...that is unless a person wants to be a hobo, then i completely understand, nothing wrong with travelling and sleeping under the stars. have you read 'lonesome traveller' by kerouac? but it does distress me the amount of mentally ill homeless there are in the states as well as here in australia!

Agreed :)

i just want the best for EVERYONE...perhaps I'm just a dreamer...i don't see why we have hobos in our western countries...that is unless a person wants to be a hobo, then i completely understand, nothing wrong with travelling and sleeping under the stars. have you read 'lonesome traveller' by kerouac? but it does distress me the amount of mentally ill homeless there are in the states as well as here in australia!


Thanks exactly how I feel.... <3
Seyer: Lol, I'm stealing that.

The last time I saw him was last year, and didn't even stay for the entire set...was crap.

RIP Tiesto, his legend will live on.