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What do you think about drug addicts in general?

In general alcoholics in general piss me off worse. Especially the self righteous ones. The worse are the ones that are brainwashed by AA and still drunk.

As long as you can legally purchase anything from booze to guns you can take the moralistic high ground and spin shit in your favor when you fuck up bad. Doesn't go the same if there is a joint or a few lines instead. People get out of all sorts of shit when they get the "help" they need.

It is not like its drugs. They just made a mistake, they have a problem, they didn't know what they were doing, it's a disease. (sarcasm)

Alcohlism as a disease instead of a tremendous physical dependence is bullshit. Sure chemicals are physically addictive but you can still take responsibility for your actions. You do not have to choose to be a scumbag or an asshole. It is a fucking choice. Same goes for drugs. Alcohol is a drug. The only reasons it is legal is because it can't be stopped and it can be taxed.

I don't know what is up with drug treatment but it only makes people worse from what I have seen. I have gone through the gauntlet of detox, inpatient treatment, and outpatient treatment and it was all bullshit. All they do is try to give you a shitload of psych meds (which you can refuse, I did, had to sign a waiver) and I do mean a shitload. Inpatient 30 day programs are like phase 2 of detox and they let you out right before post acute withdrawals hit with one months for of medicine and the shit you came in with. Fuck they have two year programs like that.

I personally support the legalization of many drugs. I think Percocet, Marijuana, and Valium (among other things) should be over the counter. I could give a fuck less what someone needs to get by especially if doctors already prescribe it. It wasn't that long ago that both heroin, amphetamines, and cocaine were sold over the counter. Once it is illegal anyone who uses it is considered the absolute scum of the earth by so many people, but if it wasn't illegal or scheduled there would be no drug market and so much less crime prisons would be no longer packed to the brim with non-violent drug offenders.

If someone hurts so bad they have to put a chemical in their body there is a reason and it is not a question you have the right to ask them. If you hurt so bad you use hardcore drugs, you are not a bad person. People in that situation do bad things because they feel they have no choice. Common theft is the usual. I don't condone it, I fucking despise it, but still it is really is no reason to put someone in prison for the better part of their life.

It does not take much to catch a felony and once you have one, well it sure as fuck will send you to prison for a very long time. The legal system is set up for someone to fail. I know anyone who has not been in the system will understand this to the fullest extent or at all but prison is rather cruel and unusual. I would take being a brutal beating with a cane any day of the week then to spend a few years in prison and some countries literally just cane people or cut off their fingers. People learn their lesson by example and by not wanting it to happen again. You have to punish a thief one way or another.

I am getting a bit off topic, what it comes down to is that I do not approve of someone putting my life at risk or just being a general jackass to the point where it affects my quality of life but all the same I could give a fuck less what someone puts in there body as long as it doesn't hurt other people.
I smoke meth everyday and I have been for years so I'm probably what you would consider a "heavy drug user" and I'm a sweet, friendly, kind hearted girl that just likes getting high. I never steal from anyone, I used to lie a lot but I don't anymore, I don't hurt anyone, and I don't use people or fuck them over. That's true that there are lot of of drug addicts who are bad people and do all those things but there are also plenty of good people out there that just happen to have a drug/alcohol habit. The tweakers I associate with have never stolen anything from me or hurt me in any way and some of them are good trustworthy friends. I've actually had a lot more problems with drunk bitches starting shit with me for no reason. I've only had 2 addicts (tweakers) ever steal from me a long time ago and I obviously don't talk to them anymore.
Didn't read the whole thread but the op sounds very holier than thou. My thoughts towards him are very negative. You had some bullshit 5 month addiction? You didn't even get started and are going to come on here and judge others. Smh. Until you live inside the head of someone that uses to quite their head down or relieve some pain you wouldn't have the perspective to have a true opinion on the matter.