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What do you think about drug addicts in general?

I do not judge anyone as a "drug addict" so I have no opinion of us "in general". I consider myself an addict even though my use is modest, it's constant nonetheless. I'm sure I know people who are addicts but I could never tell, I'm not sure why so many people seem to think being an addict would so overwhelm one's personality that one would be referred as such above anything else they may be. This would likely more apply to those considered junkies which is a small minority of addicts whose whole lifestyle revolves around their drug use.
Forreal I don't care if they make their cash legit way and not thru stealitization, live and let live!

That´s true, but from the outside what do you think ordinary people sees about all of that? Not that I care, just curious..
Yeah I have generally positive view on alcohol as well. Yes, many people are heavily physically addictive to it. Yes it does change your personality too if you drink heavily every day. But does it really deserve to be called hard drug, just like coke or hero? No fucking way. 90% of all people who drink can manage their drinking. You can't say that about coke or hero.
Alcohol is one of the most popular (if not THE most) often used argument of "pro drug" people who compare it to all other drugs. Wake up junkies, alcohol is extremely reliable socializing drug and is not in the same league as real hard drugs, despite being pretty physically damaging (liver). It does lot of bad but it does lot of good as well.
How many pure abstinents do you know? I don't anybody. Most people drink time to time and it doesn't affect their lives negatively AT ALL.

You obviously have never met or been an alcoholic
You obviously have never met or been an alcoholic

Totally agree with you I.- you can find reading everywhere about alcohol being one of the worst and most dangerous legally accepted drug.
There are serious sites that compares the physical dependence plus how it can corrupt your body and mind.
Socially speaking I may add that Funerals to alcoholics are often empty and there is nothing that alcohol does not make it worst.
It´s really incredible how people can be so naive about this nowadays..
Yes indeed. And that my friend is what makes it even more difficult to quit.
I see people going to AA all the time complaining that the hardest part is saying no to your own relatives in events like Christmas, holidays, etc.
Right on!
I really think there is a line between drug use and drug abuse. You know when you cross it.

Even then if you choose to abuse drugs that is your business. When you start fucking people over and stealing from people than you are a piece of shit.

There are plenty of succesful drug users and drug addicts. I have had teachers in school that were actively using.

Many people in my family use drugs and have good jobs. Some of them are scumbags and some are great people.

I really despise theives and people who fuck people over for their own benefit. It is stupid to try to make a go in this world by yourself. All the same if you know someone is going to be a problem you really have no choice but to cut them loose. I personally won't get involved in someone else's bullshit and I certainly won't be involved in fucking people over.

I do not think being a drug addict will make someone evil. That being said sometimes both good and bad people become drug users and drug addicts, so I would judge people more on what they do and how they treat other people than on whether or not they use drugs.

That being said I am always careful with who I associate with to any degree. One good friend is better than all your aquaintances combined.

There are plenty of people who have socially acceptable drug habits like a prescription drug and no one really seems to give a fuck or even notice the person is buying more on the side. I see that in proffesional people all the time.

There are also the weekend warrior type users who limit their use in an effort to not become addicted.

I usually use the term junkie to describe someone who will do anything including fuck over the people closest to them to use. Those people are very selfish. There are literally hundreds of thousands of way to make a living and stealing, robbbing, and manipulating is a rather pathetic one to say the least. It is best to steer clear of those type of people.

Even if someone is a drug addict they may still have very high morals. They pay their debts. They support themselves. They don't bother anybody. They are just like "normal" people except they are dependent on a substance or multiple substances for whatever reason. It is not fair to judge a person if you cannot even emphasize with them.

Empathy is a good way to approach the subject. Try to understand people's motives. That should give you a good understanding on whether on not someone is a drug user or a straight up junkie. Plenty of people use drugs to cope with things they might not be able to cope with otherwise. You might be inclined to call them pussies or cowards but then again you have not had to walk a mile in their shoes.

Often times I try to imagine what my friends lives are like. It helps me to relate to them better if I know what is going on in their life. I do not pry for information or gossip. People I know IRL tend to confide in me as I keep my mouth shut about their personal matters.

Casual aquaitances come and go. True friends stick by you through everything and you will not make many true friends. Often times I have found my best friends in people I did not think I had much in common with until I got to know them. I suppose a bit of understanding goes a long way.

I can easily fit in and make anyone take to me and spill their guts to me. I am pretty good at manipulation. It was probably one of my worst character traits. Still all the same I never stole from anyone or ripped anyone off. I have been ripped off a few times and I usually chalked it up as a loss.

Sometimes revenge was neccessary so that other people would not try to take advantage of my kindness. I always found revenge best served cold.

You really have to pick your battles. I personally would just as soon go on with my life and not even bother to watch people self destruct. I just avoid people that are chaos. It is easy for someone who has not used to label all drug addicts as scum but you might be surprised to learn that your coworker, your best friend, a favorite relative, or even the mayor all use drugs. I do not hold police in high regard but I do know that plenty of them use drugs as well as people in the military service. I do hold people in the service in very high regard with much respect.
I really think there is a line between drug use and drug abuse. You know when you cross it.

Even then if you choose to abuse drugs that is your business. When you start fucking people over and stealing from people than you are a piece of shit.

There are plenty of succesful drug users and drug addicts. I have had teachers in school that were actively using.

Many people in my family use drugs and have good jobs. Some of them are scumbags and some are great people.

I really despise theives and people who fuck people over for their own benefit. It is stupid to try to make a go in this world by yourself. All the same if you know someone is going to be a problem you really have no choice but to cut them loose. I personally won't get involved in someone else's bullshit and I certainly won't be involved in fucking people over.

I do not think being a drug addict will make someone evil. That being said sometimes both good and bad people become drug users and drug addicts, so I would judge people more on what they do and how they treat other people than on whether or not they use drugs.

That being said I am always careful with who I associate with to any degree. One good friend is better than all your aquaintances combined.

There are plenty of people who have socially acceptable drug habits like a prescription drug and no one really seems to give a fuck or even notice the person is buying more on the side. I see that in proffesional people all the time.

There are also the weekend warrior type users who limit their use in an effort to not become addicted.

I usually use the term junkie to describe someone who will do anything including fuck over the people closest to them to use. Those people are very selfish. There are literally hundreds of thousands of way to make a living and stealing, robbbing, and manipulating is a rather pathetic one to say the least. It is best to steer clear of those type of people.

Even if someone is a drug addict they may still have very high morals. They pay their debts. They support themselves. They don't bother anybody. They are just like "normal" people except they are dependent on a substance or multiple substances for whatever reason. It is not fair to judge a person if you cannot even emphasize with them.

Empathy is a good way to approach the subject. Try to understand people's motives. That should give you a good understanding on whether on not someone is a drug user or a straight up junkie. Plenty of people use drugs to cope with things they might not be able to cope with otherwise. You might be inclined to call them pussies or cowards but then again you have not had to walk a mile in their shoes.

Often times I try to imagine what my friends lives are like. It helps me to relate to them better if I know what is going on in their life. I do not pry for information or gossip. People I know IRL tend to confide in me as I keep my mouth shut about their personal matters.

Casual aquaitances come and go. True friends stick by you through everything and you will not make many true friends. Often times I have found my best friends in people I did not think I had much in common with until I got to know them. I suppose a bit of understanding goes a long way.

I can easily fit in and make anyone take to me and spill their guts to me. I am pretty good at manipulation. It was probably one of my worst character traits. Still all the same I never stole from anyone or ripped anyone off. I have been ripped off a few times and I usually chalked it up as a loss.

Sometimes revenge was neccessary so that other people would not try to take advantage of my kindness. I always found revenge best served cold.

You really have to pick your battles. I personally would just as soon go on with my life and not even bother to watch people self destruct. I just avoid people that are chaos. It is easy for someone who has not used to label all drug addicts as scum but you might be surprised to learn that your coworker, your best friend, a favorite relative, or even the mayor all use drugs. I do not hold police in high regard but I do know that plenty of them use drugs as well as people in the military service. I do hold people in the service in very high regard with much respect.

Excellent insight
I think most people who have a bad view about addicts lack the sense, that everbody has a chance to become a addict one time or another. Nobody chooses to become addicted. It just happens. Wrong set and setting. A lot of people had a good life until some bad things happend. They lost control and eventualy got addicted. Until the last breath nobody can be sure that he wont become what he despises.

Excellent insight

Sure, but I have an impression that with alcohol things are a little more tricky as most alcoholics do bother!
Whether they are in recreational use or abusing without really stealing or messing with anyone´s lives.
People become annoyingly for hours, days, weeks. They loose their dignity more rapidly than a heroin junkie. It takes very little for them to explode.
A drug user will eventually come down and the behavior is serious and to be concerned but less loudly, less provoking upon help you give.
How many of us didn´t go through a drunk in an air plane or bus or gas station. Imagine that x 10 living around you!! Jesus, it´s a living and endless nightmare.
And it´s always the same thing, predictability is expected. Patience, patience and patience!
The OP clearly doesn't like himself very much. Doesn't seem to have much empathy for others either...what a great guy. I really care what a kid with 5 months of experience around drugs thinks about habitual users-wait, no I don't.

Ans as for the original question, I think it is impossible to 'generalize' about all so-called drug addicts. In my own experiences with drugs (longer than 5 months lol) I have known bad, neutral and also extremely good ppl who all happened to have addictions. I think compulsive behaviour encompasses a lot more than just substance use, and to quote Jesus here, "let him who is without sin cast the first stone."

Edit: Not a religious person by most standards, but he made some good points...
I believe you have a point as I was actually only focusing on the alcohol issue. My bad.
When I drank I didn't bother anyone.

The only time I got in fights was when someone else started it.

I did lack the ability to walk away from a fight when I was drinking everyday. If someone put their hands on me, I would hurt them until someone stopped me.
It depends on the type of drug.

Generally, I'm not a big fan of alcoholics. Their lives are always a mess. But they do tend to have a little more stability than people addicted to illicit drugs, mainly because alcoholics don't have to break the law to get their fix.

Illicit drug addicts, i.e. meth or heroin users, are a little different. So many of them are moochers that it makes my head spin. I literally just walked out the door of a meth/heroin house the other day because I was so sick of their stupidity. I'm almost thinking about quitting heroin just so I don't have to look at the idiotic faces of my "friends" again.

One of them put 2 grams of meth up his butt. Then, apparently, the shards "exploded" and he lost it all (or more likely stole the shit since he mooches as a career). I'm just tired of all the jobless addicts begging the seller for a shot. Then they get so desperate after getting nowhere that they go steal shower curtains and food from a store to use as a bargaining chip. No one thinks to get a job anymore.

Oh, and let's not forget the dude who ODs three times a week and we have to constantly bring him back. And then he does the same thing... again. Not caring whatsoever that he is mentally scarring his girlfriend who's like 7 years younger than him... but who cares, she's only in it for the drugs too! -_-

Ok, rant over. The point is that I'm pretty pissed off at most of the addicts I know right now. It's impossible to get them to shower or even work. I just want one normal one who won't screw me over.

After a year of this, I have pretty much realized that I'm on my own. Drugs are just a business. But H people are clingy as hell.
It depends on the type of drug.

Generally, I'm not a big fan of alcoholics. Their lives are always a mess. But they do tend to have a little more stability than people addicted to illicit drugs, mainly because alcoholics don't have to break the law to get their fix.

After a year of this, I have pretty much realized that I'm on my own. Drugs are just a business. But H people are clingy as hell.

I would just sum up like this..Alcoholics are always in a different category, IMO