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What do you think about drug addicts in general?

i'm sure 6abp wouldn't have a problem accepting an IV drip in hospital setting. am i right?
*snip* You sit there and generalize all drug users
As scum of the earth as if you know every single one of them. The users you deal with are probably like that cause they have to deal with your stupidity that probably rubs off on them. All this hate and then you say you actually deal drugs?? LOL talk about not helping with something that obvioulsy offends you *snip*. But hey as long as it puts some money in your pocket no big deal right? You'll just gladly sit back and talk shit with one hand and collect their money with the other right? *snip* /end rant.
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pretty piss weak thread really!

don't people have anything better to do than put shit on addicts?

really really sad effort. we live in a sick sick society, kick em when their down thats the go
Its basically just one guy putting down addicts, tbh.
Does their drug deserve them? I often feel for the poppies being bled for human kicks
Meh, I get the OP. Personally, I think they should just mass produce every drug imaginable at the cost of aspirin and let natural selection run its course.
I am ashamed to say that, as younger man, my thoughts on addicts could be boiled down to quite simply this: that they're degenerates, total wastes, they have nothing to offer anyone and the world would be a much better place without them.

But now, having seen a bit more of the world, having met more people, having been around the block a couple of times, and then a couple more times, and then two more times just for good measure... well, now I have a very Siddhartha-esque outlook on addicts and addiction.

I'm no longer impressed by those individuals who have never picked up a substance; they haven't learned anything, they aren't stronger for it, better for it, wiser for it. I'm more impressed by the person who drank for years and years, whose life had fallen apart but who, somehow, managed to pick themselves up and put it all back together again. It's unbelievably impressive and inspiring to me that anyone could experience such vices, such temptations, and then give them up. I think that it takes a lot, a real lot, great will power and great strength, to do something like that.
I feel like everyone is some form of an addict, but some addictions are more likely to ruin someones life than others (video games are safer than say, heroin) so who am I to judge an addict just because of his DOC? Having said that, I have an EXTREMELY addictive personality and I, while using heavy drugs, still manage to moderate my meth use to something like 2 times a month. IMO, it's all in the mind. My heart goes out to all addicts, and I hope they can either overcome their addiction or learn to control it.
^^ fuck Hesse is good, i loved all of his works especially siddhartha, peter camenzind, narziss and goldmund

^^^ i totally agree with this...are you an anarchist :)

it must be nice living up on a pedestal
^me living up on a pedestal? why do you say that? or were youtalking to someone else
I cant sppeak for everyone in general

But as an addict myself i feel as if i danced with the devil and never in my life will i ever forget it and will always to some extent feel a part of me missing

Who knows though time will teell
Does their drug deserve them? I often feel for the poppies being bled for human kicks

The poppies sacrifice themselves in parasitic fashion for their children.

That's why they're one of the most successful organisms.
I think it was to verso based on both of your poosts, m

The arrows correspond to the posts... so he was talking to onepot.

I've been accused of many things before, but living up on a pedestal is not one of them. lol
The arrows correspond to the posts... so he was talking to onepot.

I've been accused of many things before, but living up on a pedestal is not one of them. lol

I can vouch for this statement.
^me living up on a pedestal? why do you say that? or were youtalking to someone else

na man obviously not you sorry dude!...just meant people that look down or put shit on others is all.

addicts need help not to be kicked when they are down. iv been brought up around addicts, both my parents were raging alcoholics when i was younger. every addict i know knows what they are doing is not good and really wants help...they don't get any help though thats our capitalist society...natural selection maybe if you could call it that...its just sad that the vulnerable and sick are continually taken advantage of and used and abused

The poppies sacrifice themselves in parasitic fashion for their children.

That's why they're one of the most successful organisms.

you could say along with oil they were the trophy of war...big money tree
why do people turn to drugs? what is it about our society that has so many people wanting to escape?
Well I just am feeling to great until I'm high has nothing to do with society or escaping. I love to be here unjust like to feel physically great while soon my daily activities