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What did you do to get off your butt today? vs. "Butt's off the floor!"

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Ran our usual course and still managed an OK time despite having to stop to tie my shoe.
My left calf is really tight now - I might need to invest in a massage. Or beg Busty? ;)
Squat 3x5, then 1RM 3x (+1 increment each time)
Deadlift 1RM FAIL :( then slightly off my PB 1x3
45' leg press 4x5
hamstring prone curl 3x10
abductor 3x15
abductor 3x15

30 minutes elliptical
Squat 3x5, then 1RM 3x (+1 increment each time)
Deadlift 1RM FAIL :( then slightly off my PB 1x3
45' leg press 4x5
hamstring prone curl 3x10
abductor 3x15
abductor 3x15 ---> adductor?

30 minutes elliptical

Rode bike to car repair shop, received news that my transmission has "serious internal problems", the words I didn't want to hear. Drove to transmission repair shop, then rode my bike seven miles back home. So probably nine miles altogether.
45 min intense weight training, minimal rest in between sets...followed by...10 g creatine monohydrate....GETTIN HUGE!!! lol
Rode bike to car repair shop, received news that my transmission has "serious internal problems", the words I didn't want to hear. Drove to transmission repair shop, then rode my bike seven miles back home. So probably nine miles altogether.

Whoops, yeah I meant adductor. Silly typo.

Seated barbell shoulder press 10,10,9
Military dumbbell press 3x10
One leg calf raise 3x10
Front shoulder raise 3x10
Lateral shoulder raise 3x10
Seated calf press 3x10
Seated calf raise 3x10
Rear deltoid dumbbell 3x10

half hour elliptical.
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11 miles today. You guys are going to get tired of my posts by the end of this coming week: I'll be on my bike at the very least 11 miles every day and on Tuesday? Um... like 60 or so. Hahaha.
Just got back from the gymnasium centre for sport.

Roger's Row 3x10
Bent over row 10,7,6
lat pulldown 3x10
T Bar (row) 3x10
Machine row 3x12
Reverse bicep curl 2x6
back hyperextension 3x8
incline bicep curls 10,10,6
Deadlift 1x1 PERSONAL BEST :) :)
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Military Press 3,3,3
Behind-the-Neck Military Press 6,6,6
Lateral Rase 8,8,8
Machine Shoulder Press 8,8,8
Rear Dumbbell Fly 12,12
Reverse Butterfly Machine 8,8,8
Upright Row 8,8,8
Front Dumbbell Raise 12,12
Handstand Pushups (against wall) 10, 12

Standing barbell (only) military press 47 reps (new personal best)
We ran. I was suffering from a bit of dizziness - I think I sucked down too much of my inhaler before we left? But I ran through it like a CHAMPION. Haha. :)
worked out for the first time in a whole year today, wasnt as bad as I thought I would be. my stamina is noticeably lower but as far as actual weight goes I wasnt far from where I left off
Flat dumbbell press 3x10
Incline dumbbell fly 3x10
incline dumbbell 10,10,7
Cable fly 3x10
Decline barbell 3x10
*then FOUR new personal best 1 rep max :)*
Pec Deck 3x10
Triceps kickback 2x10
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