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What Are YOU Craving Right Now? v. What is a tolerance break?

I guess hmm so I'm on 30 oxy thx soma so probobly a 10mg valium with maybe a 2mg bar dose it 4 times . And not to be at work last year my superbowl was amazing. Plus I'm a colorado native lol. Would LOVE TO not be at work
can you crave something you've never had??? is my question

if so, it would be GHB

if not, i'd settle for some oxymorphone in my nose.
I never craved heroin more than I do now.

It never went away for me. It was my wife, my life in the words of Lou Reed. Comfort for deep, lonely souls.

OT: 750mg methocarbamol + 5mg diazepam sub (I ate so much valium yesterday, it's one of the few benzodiazepines that creates prominent euphoria). Waiting on a friend to get here with my crystal meth, my ADHD is going crazy and it makes me depressed when I can't focus.
Weed and amphetamines to go with this oxy and bromazepam. But the most important drug is covered. :)
I'm not craving for anything like drugs but I 'm usually craving for cakes and some desserts.
About another 60mg methadone (would make a total of 120mg today)
Dabs + potent MMJ edibles (11-OH-THC)
20mg Dexedrine (a little over half a tenth of d-meth in my system, which that would assist as well, but I prefer d-amp)
Another 2-3mg alprazolam (2mg bar sub'd just 30 mins ago)
Really craving beer or something to tie up my GABA receptors. I no longer have the financial freedom to waste money on recreational drugs, including beer. I also don't know when I can get any more valium, of which I am going to run out of at some point. I've also come so far with my decreased reliance on it, and don't want to fuck that up. I know I can go without these things, it's just so hard when it's become a habit to use one or both just about every day for years and years. Today I've been drinking tea nonstop which kinda helps. I still feel kinda uncomfortable. 5mg of valium this morning held me well until about a couple hours ago. The key to kicking for me is to stay busy from dawn to dusk so that I am forced to sleep from exhaustion, and repeat the process until the body adapts. Kava would be OK, if it weren't so fucking expensive. Basically just gotta ride this out.
^be carefull with the gaba-ergetics. I've seen people in this forum who overdid it with this kind of drugs and now complain about their mind being problematic and getting sick with a single beer.
thanks for the warning man. i miss weed a lot, since with weed i need a lot less gaba ergics to be content. i remember in college id smoke a couple joints and be good with fewer than 4 drinks. now its like 4-5 drinks minimum to get relaxed. i'm hoping i can get a doctor's note and somehow be able to blaze through school, since i'd much rather smoke pot than drink beer. right now beer is the only federally legal and affordable high i have (dxm causes false opiate +s on a dt)

OT: craving weed lmao.
Craving a good opiate, but this suboxone will have to do. It's the best I've felt all week anyway.
I just wish I had more vaping liquid for my e-cig, so I wouldn't have to smoke those filthy cigarets.