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☠ WARNING ☠ Warning: Mislabeled Batch of 2C-B-Fly That Has Caused Deaths

I feel terrible that he died of course, but I still feel angry towards the guy; you shouldn't sell unresearched psychedelics to other people unless you have independently analyzed the product to ensure that it actually is what its being represented as. Slangin' random powders from some chinaman's shanty lab is terribly disturbing behavior-- irresponsible for multitudes of reasons. If you're supplying these chemicals to other people, you have a much greater responsibility than the end consumers..

No kidding. The vendor I'm used to dealing with tests every substance before he sends it out. A month or so ago I ordered some 2ce, and it was delayed cause he tested it and said something was wrong with it so he would order and test another batch. I have always tested them at very low doses like .5mg to begin with just to check, but even so...if it something went wrong with the synth it could still be dangerous. Now I feel like I need to test everything myself before I even get near ingesting it...:(
Yeah, what the fuck is that?

Obviously they're not an interest group, but drugs or not, their refusal to spread current information that could save a life is pretty insane.

If someone can find a newspaper report about either of the deaths to link to then the information will be allowed to stay up. Danish language is fine.
my friend's was the "b1" batch from the deceased vendor, his marquis was over a yr old, but every other material recently checked with it fine, and it behaved "properly"

his marquis reaction was: brown, with a light blue ring developing around the edge after 15 seconds or so...

Mecke went deep blue

he disposed of his sample

I'm fairly new to these tests. Do those correspond with any known chems or class of chems?

Also, there is most likely only the b1 batch around as he had just received the chem (or whatever it is).
Just a thought on some of the legal discussion taking place:

If these drugs were not under such constant attack by the government, shit like this wouldnt happen. In fact, if they were openly legal, large companies (Pfizer, etc) could be making this stuff in safe controlled locations, in bulk, for good prices. And nobody would be dying.

Instead we've probably got some dirt floor chinese shop moving shit across borders and doing it all quiet like in hopes that nobody notices. Only for the fed's to freak out when something shows up, and label it a danger.

Our own government could nip so many problems in the bud by just permitting the production of psychedelics here in house.

Pardon me if this is off topic but I felt like saying it.
For NMR,HPLC and MS for the compound,PM me,I have also reference spectras of BRDFLY and 2C-B-Fly at hand and have some experience in reading NMR.
If someone can find a newspaper report about either of the deaths to link to then the information will be allowed to stay up. Danish language is fine.
I still hope this doesn't blow up in the media. No good will come from that.

Hearing that this has cost yet another life saddens me deeply.
Someone from psychedelia.dk is claiming to have some from the same batch, it is being send to lab test soon i think. I'll post here as soon as they get an answer!

SomeKindaLove: I would be glad to be of any assistance in this case, but your name doesn't seem to exist on AIM or maybe it's just me, haven't used AIM before. What should I do? Can't send PM's either (not bluelighter)..?
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this is really toxic whatever it is.

This is another wakeup call everybody..

people need to wake up and realise that vendors don't generally know what the fuck they are doing, they do not know what they have or the toxicity and potential toxicity of the materials.

the chemical name on the packet posted on Dodgy Forum is incorrect and that would have been put on by the vendor, so who knows what the fuck this stuff is.

The DEA have published analytical data for bromodragonfly and similar.
Wow, there is a war going on to change the wikipedia article right now, haha. It's been changed then reverted back by staff about 8 times since my original edit. They want firm sources...
did anyone hear more about possible other bad reactions...death in the US? was that just rumors?
Wow, there is a war going on to change the wikipedia article right now, haha. It's been changed then reverted back by staff about 8 times since my original edit. They want firm sources...

Understandable. We need lab results ASAP.
This thread really highlights whats wrong with the psychedelic community right now. Why the fuck was some 23 year old kid supplying people with potent psychedelics when he had no way of confirming that the compound he was selling actually was the compound he was representing it as?

You're absolutely right of course, but do you really believe that more than, say, 1% of drug dealers know with certainty what they are selling? The fault, as usual, is with the illegality of this stuff. If reputable businesses (instead of just those who are willing to take the risk) were able to sell these things, we wouldn't have this problem.

Scary shit. This thread has truly saddened me.
best to stick with plant psychedelics. i know for one i'm never going to put some experimental shit in my body without knowing 100% what it is
Understandable. We need lab results ASAP.

why, is it going to resurrect the dead guy?

people needed accurate lab results before ingesting stuff. Not lab results post mortem so people can feel that what they are doing is safe, taking a substance made by any chinese synthesis lab without full analysis, on the word of someone who couldn't even name the damn thing right is asking for trouble.

Both chinese and indian synthesis companies, large and small have been caught faking analytical data, substituting reagents and starting materials and generally being shady and not GMP, and that was stuff being supplied to big pharma, who do catch them.
I can reel off case after case where Chinese and Indian manufacturers have either screwed up synthesis or have deliberately substituted products.

A kid operating out of nowhere, with nothing and with no knowledge had no hope.

don't blame the legal situation, these things are perfectly legal in most places, blame greed, a decent analysis would cost less than 400 euros, which I understand represented something like 2g of this product. analysis looks like a very cheap deal to me, analysis or dead.
why, is it going to resurrect the dead guy?

people needed accurate lab results before ingesting stuff.

Well duh ;)

If it'll help get the correct information out I think it'd be a good idea. Obviously it'd be better before the fact, but that didn't happen. Might as well get results now and prevent further deaths instead of never.
why, is it going to resurrect the dead guy?

Well, it'll at least be a citation so the wikipedia edit can stay up. But no, no resurrection.

I can reel off case after case where Chinese and Indian manufacturers have either screwed up synthesis or have deliberately substituted products.

Like the aqua dots/bindeez, where they substituted 1,4butanediol for 1,5pentanediol. And we all know what 1,4b does... Not much quality control in China.