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War in Heaven

I was just told "Why do you have to be so fringe when there are things like Scientology, Mormonism, and Baisar to look into?"

So clearly what makes something fringe is more a matter of perspective and it's kind of pointless for people to argue their fringe-stuff is more right. Having said that, it's pretty limited what you can learn from the main traditions so many feel the need to look into some of that.
It doesn't matter. It was just an example. As far as I'm concerned people can believe what they want.
I was just told "Why do you have to be so fringe when there are things like Scientology, Mormonism, and Baisar to look into?"

So clearly what makes something fringe is more a matter of perspective and it's kind of pointless for people to argue their fringe-stuff is more right. Having said that, it's pretty limited what you can learn from the main traditions so many feel the need to look into some of that.
LOL - you must be WAAAAY out there if they think those ones are less fringe. :D
You can't make everyone happy. Some don't like religious ideas and some don't like alternative ideas. But the truth seems more spread out all accross the board, I havn't found anything with a monopoly on truth.
You never will. Truth is personal - all the real gurus, messiahs and prophets agree. All your channels and people who sound so wonderful are, at the very highest of their possible worth, only giving you THEIR truth, and most of them, as mentioned above I think are just reiterating the age-old 'cues' that get in the gullible because it sounds 'nice' or 'good' or 'right.'

I don't mind 'religious' but I have a ridge against 'Religious' and I think I have become quite spiritual. The people who don't like me tend to be into a 'dogma' or 'view' of things that limits what they can think about.

I live in a world where almost all the people around me espouse one or another of the Christian dogmas and uphold their chosen version in a variety of ways and sincerity. So I tend to mention them. It's actually a reasonable thing to do given that what I say is not particularly antagonistic only to them, but it brings reactions that tell me just where my attackers stand.

It's amazing how much one can learn about people on a forum simply by being oneself and being aware enough to understand why people attack things instead of thinking them through.
Anyone can speak the truth because all human souls have access to the truth in some way. It's also almost impossible to find much support for a philosophy that's not based on truth at least to some degree. Human beings have a good ear for the truth, the problem is more that we tend to accept many un-truths along with it.

I didn't read that so well before I posted it, but it wasn't as good as I thought it would be. I must have read a hundred versions of the downfall of Atlantis by now, it's just different versions of the same things. Also, I think they might be putting too much importance on their little group. Two of them are archangels, etc. Most of my family are angels but no one makes that much difference by themself. What interests me more is the shift I feel humanity is making as a whole right now, as there seems to been a shift in the collective will of the people which can be felt as a relief.
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I guess Queen Elizabeth is going soon. She is no more at the higher levels :( It's sad for me, too, for a personal reason.

She was originally Archangel Hope, the twinsoul of Archangel Gabriel. But that was a long time ago now.

On the other hand, it makes me feel a bit better about myself.
I just wanted to point out there's a new radio show broadacast tonight starting in 3 hours (EST 07.00). Since no matter what you think of these shows they can be good to listen to if you're not feeling that great. They're just very soothing and comforting to listen to and tend to make you feel at peace, so if you're having a bad day you can just lie down with headphones and listen without prejudice, and it will usually make you feel better.

I know this stuff is a bit far-fetched, but most channeled stuff is, and I also know there is a lot of truth in it and much that's supported by other sources. And so far this year they have delivered a lot of excting news, almost like a spiritual news channel, so it can be a good distraction if you want to get your mind off things for a while. The channelings from our guardian angels, or the ones who serve as the highest-level guardians for many of us, are especially good to listen to and there are also the usual channelings with Christ and other spirtual masters.

There is usually a transcript you can read later, but listening to the live channelings and hearing the voices and the energy in them, etc. is a bit different and can definitely be very uplifting. The general theme is the ascencion of humanity, which is approached in different ways, and we're also told of upcoming changes, like the transition to a more vegetarian diet, and how or why this should be done, from a spiritual viewpoint.

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Ninae, something about the channeling in your OP resonates with me. I use different terminology for things though (after all, everyone has their own interpretations). But this war, this spiritual duality, I do feel like we are in the midst of it. It's an obscure feeling I haven't thought about much, but there are definitely forces pulling us all into different directions. One can only ask, what is my place and purpose in all of this?
As far as I can see it's practically over by now, and the changes just need to start to reach the physical plane, which is a bit slower.

There are a few key things channelers have been prohpesising for a few years, don't know if you're aware. But what they all have in common is speaking about these:

- Currency evaluation/reform of the economy
- Full disclosure of alien lifeforms and interactions with this planet
- Arrival of the Ashtar fleet/The second coming of Christ
- Mass healings and upliftments take place
- The ascencion of humanity as a whole to 5th dimension

By the sounds of it, we're now closer than ever, but I'm one of those who can't really believe in something like this until it really takes place. Believing in God is one thing. Changes like these taking place on the earth plane is something else and I always take these predictions with a pinch of salt.

What I really appreciate about it is what it has to teach us about spiritual growth, etc. which is something you can try out for yourself. But there are many of these type of posts, although I don't understand it or what NESARA means, completely.

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Googling Project Fire Horse yields nothing. Do you have a link?

Well, there's a very, VERY real possibility that I just made all that up, but who knows these things? I don't know them, do you know them?

Ninae, something about the channeling in your OP resonates with me. I use different terminology for things though (after all, everyone has their own interpretations). But this war, this spiritual duality, I do feel like we are in the midst of it. It's an obscure feeling I haven't thought about much, but there are definitely forces pulling us all into different directions. One can only ask, what is my place and purpose in all of this?

Change your darn avatar COPYCAT! That is a GodandLove trademark!
The End of Organized Darkness: An Ultimatum From Mother and Father

Mother and Father have asked us to use this message to make an announcement to the entire Multiverse. Those in higher dimensions have already heard this pronouncement, but the lower dimensional souls who are still involved in organized criminal activities are not yet aware, of course, of the edicts of Heaven:

All who took part in the attempted murder of souls, in the incidents we have described here, and others of equal or even more serious magnitude yet unnamed, are hereby notified that there will no longer be any tolerance (in the name of free will) for acts against Soul Life in this Universe or any other. Those who have taken part in these heinous acts of violence, either in body or in Spirit, are to come immediately to the Temple of Light for healing, or choose the only other option available - complete dissolution. This dissolution was the intention of their own actions toward others and is therefore nothing more than the reflected karmic response to their own intentional acts of violence.

Many who have spent eons in the thrall of the dark Matrix have come to believe there is no real Mother or Father Source, and that there are no real consequences for their reckless distaste for the Life of others. Nevertheless, each one was once the Creation of Mother and Father's Love, and as such, they carry the threefold flame of Life, although for many it is only a forgotten, smoldering spark. These Created beings are ultimately accountable for their actions, whether they are consciously aware of the implications of their nefarious plans or not.

Jealousy, rage, covetousness, greed and lust for power have fueled their violent actions. They feel entitled to their dark feelings and the unbridled aggression that results. Of course, they have lived thousands of lifetimes within the torturous, cruel and punishing prison that is life in the pit of evil. We understand that, and yet there have been moments for each where they consciously chose to join forces with those who oppose Universal Law, who knew they were opposing Mother and Father and All That Is.

All those who are now called to the Temple of Light are aware of their own part in these crimes, and have also been given special dispensations during this lifetime, to awaken and to change their path of destruction. They have been given the succor and aid of Light Beings who sacrificed everything to bring Light and Love into their lives. They have clung to their arrogance and entitlement, at the cost of others, and at the cost of their own souls.

There remain on the surface of Planet Earth the incarnated representatives of four of the five Archangel Brothers, who fell when they descended into the darkest environments on the planet eons ago to rescue their Twin Flames, the Fallen Sisters. Their Higher Self Twins, the original Higher Selves of the Fallen Sisters, have gone to the Temple of Light to have a new start as beginning souls rather than be completely dissolved. This is the example of Mother and Father's mercy, for rather than having to spend millions of lifetimes experiencing and understanding the impact of their karmic choices, they are granted new life.

It is a privilege to be allowed the opportunity to understand our Karmic impact through seeing and feeling what it is we have chosen and lived out as our choices. We take with us unparalleled soul growth as we absorb our own lessons, surrounded by the loving support of our ascended family. This is the loss they feel when they are "demoted" to beginner souls. They no longer have the opportunity to gain the maximum ascent from the experiences they have come through, while the rest of us catapult into higher levels of Mastery.

When the dark Sisters were offered to come to the Temple of Light, they bargained for being able to maintain their positions as Archangels and to claim the connection to their Twin Flames. However, they had devolved while their soul counterparts had evolved, making this a gap that could not be crossed. Because of the karmic weight of millions of years spent by choice in darkness, they had only two choices - to spend millions upon millions of years experiencing how their choices impacted every being they preyed upon, or begin again. They are also not kept with their original soul families, nor will they be reunited with their soul mates or twins.

Several of their male counterparts, 4th dimensional Higher Selves and their incarnates, the most powerful of the dark forces on Earth, remain as the last bastion of the delusion that is the Matrix - that co-created illusion which supported the simplistic and delusional idea that Evil Is Power.

This free-will choice, to believe in the imaginary "religion" that is anti-Life, has been the downfall of many of the original Archangels and Masters who entered into the experiment that was Planet Earth under the influence of the actions of darkness, which we refer to as evil for lack of a better description. They believed they could withstand the temptation of falling into the Illusion once they took on the bodies of humans, but one after another they succumbed to the siren call of glamour, power, pride and ego aggrandizement.

In this moment, Mother and Father Source have declared an end to all organized evil, all profligate disregard for human life and the teeming life of all the inhabitants of Earth and the Universes beyond. All accounts will be settled, all crimes against souls (including the souls of all living beings, whether animal, vegetable or mineral) are hereby being recorded in finality.

Those who have participated in the deliberate dissolution or torment of souls in any dimension are hereby called to account. You may come today to the Temple of Light to meet with Mother and Father and the Company of Heaven, or you may choose to be dissolved into the sea of Creation.
Should anyone, still operating under the delusion that their actions are unknown or overlooked by those in higher dimensions, decide to take part in - or even take part in consciously planning - any act of violence against the soul of a Child of God, their Higher Selves will immediately be dissolved.

Since no incarnation can survive without the Life force of Source, as it is channeled through the Higher Self, this will mean the decline and death of the Incarnated Self. There will be individual dispensations for those Incarnations who have managed to live a life in the Light in spite of their destructive Higher Selves. In these cases, the Incarnates will be given new Life and new life-support through Mother or Father and will be welcomed into the circle of Life, in the Loving embrace of our Creators.

You see, the pilgrimage to the Temple can be initiated by either the Higher Self or the Incarnate, who have the free will to operate independently if it is for the Greater Good of the soul. All will be welcomed and given fair consideration by Mother and Father, who, in consultation with the Company of Heaven, will consider every individual in the context of their history and personal choices.

We understand that leaders in the dark realms are following the words of these messages, and are fully aware of the closing net that will bring the end of their power on Earth. We know that this message will travel far and wide, and that all who are beckoned here are aware of the reason for their call to account. It is time for a final reckoning, as was foretold throughout the eons.

We welcome all to take part in this final chapter in the Fall and now, the Ascension of Planet Earth. It has been your free will to run amok on the planet that was Paradise in her early beginnings. Terra, as we call our beloved Earth Soul, is ready to ascend once more, back into higher dimensions. Those of you who have worked hard to find your way into the Light are ready to move with her. If you are awakening only now, join us if you will. It is time.

I am your brother, Sananda, in service to Mother and Father, our beloved Creators.

By Kathryn E. May, May 8, 2015, New York
Praise be to the Mother and the Father.
I will battle against the fall of the dark Sisters, for brother Sananda.
The Temple of Light will embrace me, once I shed the final remnants of the dark matrix.
On that day, the archangel Brothers will re-unite with their fallen Sisters.
When the egg of truth hatches, the yolk will run in all directions.

I pledge allegiance to our prophet: the great Kathryn E. May.
Yep, at least I don't post just to riducule other people's suggestions.

This type of channeled material isn't for everyone, but I don't really see how it's any worse than turning to organised religions or obscure belief systems for inspiration. The truth can be found in all kinds of places and all that really matters is what it can teach you about growth of consciousness and communicate basic spiritual truths. There might be some crazy ideas, but most of it is just the classic themes that's been brought down by the greatest spiritual teachers, or what I know to be true from personal experience.

So I don't really see what makes it worse to introduce people to than anything else. You can't please everyone, but all kinds of people come to this board and as this format is quite popular in the modern world it might be a way many are receptive to receiving this type of information. Then again, I am focusing on what there is of value that you can take from it and not just the flaws that can be used to descredit it, so I guess it depends on your perspective.
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I was being serious. I've been looking into the stuff you've been promoting.
And, I opened my heart to it. I can't explain why, but it's magical.
I'm going to start promoting it, too.

I wrote some lyrics, inspired by our prophet.
Do you want me to post them in this thread?
I'm not promoting it, there's just not that much good modern material out there, and I think it has some uses. It's important to keep up with some of what's going on at the time, too, and not stuff that was written thosands of years ago.

Anyway, you need to hear the radio shows to really understand what I mean, I've had many strong spiritual experiences through it. It's also interesting listening to someone channeling live as you can hear them go into a trance and tell if they're being sincere by the sound of their voice, etc. At least some are doing something.