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War in Heaven


Mar 18, 2010
There was an interesting channeling posted this morning, to say the least.


"This was one of the most difficult events of our Earth history since Atlantis, and was approached with great concern that it might flare into a full-blown Galactic war if we were not extremely cautious about containing the conflict to only those we were challenging over the control of Planet Earth."

I thought this might be of interest to some, like Journeyman, and is also a more realistic outlook on the divine than the religious dogma most are pre-occupied with for some reason.

Last night was also a bit unusual. I was so exhausted but went to sleep at peace with my mind on wonderful people I love and woke up feeling much better. Did anyone else feel this?
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^I felt awful last night, as I tend to atm. Just anxious, insomniac, in pain and super stressed. I was dissociating with anxiety, soemthing I've not experienced for years, adding a completely surreal and hallucinatory vibe to the whole evening. I felt prophetic but I was really being psychotic.

I'm on the Dark Hats side in this one Ninae, what on earth is worth saving? ;)

This is interesting though, and I love the romanticism of earth being an important chesspiece in the cosmic game of thrones, but I deeply deeply doubt that this stuff is even close to being real. (the chanelling I mean, the war I cannot truly say....)
I know a lot of what comes true in these channelings is real...I just wonder how true this in particular is. It's kind of hard to know about those grandiose claims. If it is, I just wonder if we'll start seeing some changes.

The reason you felt so bad would be because you were on the side that opposises the divine...whereas I felt great and feel restored.

I also realised I was on Earth at the time of the battle of Atlantis so seems like I'm always on Earth-duty.
Ninae said:
The reason you felt so bad would be because you were on the side that opposises the divine...whereas I felt great and feel restored.

Jesus wept. Thanks for utterly diminshing my personal problems with a display completely devoid of compassion. For someone tight with jesus and the angels (you know, the good guys) you've picked up little of their grace. Are you a wolf in sheeps clothing Ninae?

The reason I felt bad was because I've been having psychological difficulties lately, coupled with some physical health problems. I mention this, not because I expect you to care, but because I refuse to allow my problems to be used to populate your fantasy world. I'm fine with the deluded and mad, being among their number, but they need to be firmly stopped when they try and bring others into their little dream.
Relax, it was just a joke. I was going to add it was probably your chemical imbalance. Of course I have no idea what is actually going on on that level.

I didn't imagine it would upset you.
^Okay, yeah, fair enough. It didn't seem like a joke really, there was nothing to indicate that, so I assumed you were being serious. It was perhaps ill-timed.

Can I assume you are never being serious because it would aid my digestion....?

ps. I am easily upset at the moment, its just my fucked brain being all fucked... Must sleep but can't.
I just didn't imagine people would take it seriously as I say things like that all the time and it's so stereotypical. Sometimes it's serious, but it can also be a self-parody, although I'm not so good at pointing it out.

Anyway, your anxiety is probably making you more sensitive and paranoid. When I was getting used to going without high doses of benzos I was very moody and irritable and easily provoked.
Nevertheless, it was with the full agreement of your Galactic family and especially the Ascended Masters who have taken a personal interest in your Ascension, that we did this week what you might term "throwing down the gauntlet."

Last night a full-fledged battle ensued - not of the sort you are familiar with on the surface of Earth, but a serious confrontation of the wills. Our very effective resource is the courage and Light energy of our Masters, who have pledged themselves in service to the Great One. The technology we use in opposition to the Dark Hats involves focusing Light energy to protect and encircle our Warriors while they use the power of Light to blind and literally overpower the Dark Hats.

Is this Scientology?
(Or some other cult?)
Do you mean "a bit more high quality" than Scientology?
Or "a bit more high quality" than the New Testament?


Special Larimar and Aquamarine Necklace/Earrings Set - $555
Spiritual Guidance Session - $100
Discover How You Can Make A Living With Your Passion - $198
Channeled 'Reading' with Louise James - Ascension Explorers - $120
Divine Tarot Reading - $500
Twin Flames / Twin Souls Reunion - $125
Intuitive Psychic Medium Donna Marie Crawford - $90
Akashic Record Spirit Guide Reading - $125

(From your original link, where you got your channeling from...)

I like the alternative autobiography of Christ.

Jesus would FUCK that temple up.
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I don't know anything about Scientology. Just thought I'd skip that.
What does "a bit more high quality" mean, then?


This is an excerpt from "the alternative autobiography of Christ" link, you posted:

Ours was a straight-forward message - which, if left to flourish and spread, would have created peace on Planet Earth, or at least would have established a bulwark against the flood of Dark Energies which came with the increasing invasion of the genetically modified Reptilians.

The increasing invasion of the genetically modified Reptilians?


You, honestly, think this document is worthy of attention?
I mean, who do you believe in - the genetically modified Reptilians or the Dark Hats?
Or are they the same beings?
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It's not so much my focus. I just like many of the radio shows and channelings.
Anyway, there was an interesting live channeling one and a half year ago which described how one million 4th dimensional reptilian types were taken back to God and the other million who chose to return to primal matter did that.

That was quite emotional. But after that there was an expectation that the world would get better, but it got even worse, they said partly because of the work of some people in this world and partly because humanity as a whole couldn't stop spewing out dark thought-forms, emotions, and energy.

Maybe some of that will change now. We'll see.

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The Reptilian race was an ancient creation, born in the Orion star system long ago. They are powerful beings in their ability to feel deeply, as we do. Their qualities are indeed an important part of your human make-up; there has been some combining of your genetic qualities.

Many of those who refused to be restored to wholeness, to have their DNA reactivated and restored to the state they were intended to be when they were first created, were the original children of Orion. They were ancient souls, by your standards, the children of our hearts.

I am Mother God, and I gave birth to these Ones, just as I gave birth to all of you, my precious children. It was our greatest hope that you, our powerful Creator Race, would be able to not only defeat the Reptilians in your midst, but to also show them the way to the Light. You did succeed in preserving many of those who tried to take you over, to inhabit your bodies.

Many of you who came to this life with the burden of carrying a Reptilian entity within your bodies did so as a great sacrifice.

I can't remember it all but I think it's explained here.

It's really not explained there, at all.
If you don't know what 4th dimensional Reptilian types are, then why was it "emotional"?
And why are you promoting this stuff?


This is from the website:

Private Sessions with Jesus..

1 Hour: Private Channeling Session $250
One hour private Psychotherapy/Visual Centering session - $250
One hour private Channeling Session - $250
Past Life Regression session, 2 hour minimum - $500


So "Jesus" is charging $250 per hour?
What does any of this have to do with Jesus Christ from the New Testament?
I just like listening to the radio channelings. It's very passionate, insightful, and intelligent and hard not to get pulled into. I don't care that much about all the details.

But I know she's a private psychiatrist so that's probably normal charges for her.

Anyway, I'm going to listen to that Radioshow and see what they say.
Don't you think it's a bit concerning for someone with a (shady) doctorate in psychology to be channeling messages from (and speaking for) Jesus?
...and then charging people $250 to channel Jesus privately?

Let's just ignore the fact that Jesus hated this sort of profiteering, for a moment.

Doesn't the whole thing seem like a cult to you?

It's very passionate, insightful, and intelligent and hard not to get pulled into. I don't care that much about all the details.

...because that sounds like something a cult member would say.

How can it be insightful or intelligent if you're not picking up the details?
The Reptilians are mentioned constantly throughout her ramblings.
We don't know what/who they are, because we're never given the whole picture.
It - seriously - comes across like brain-washing material.

Promoting it is, IMO, a (potentially) harmful act.
If anything is, this is idolatry.