Vent/Rant Thread vs. Don't get in my way

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^abject, this may not be the best advice or solution to how you are feeling of experiencing, but ending your life is not the solution to all of this.

I might have a different view of things as i came from a third world country where people are so used to poverty, but inspite of how hard life is, people found ways to be happy: go out on streets and chat with your fellow neighbor or have a drink at the closest small store. Comparing people from there and here in North America there's a difference in mentality, and since I grew up there i have this mentality that I will do anything to survive. If you think of it, we are lucky comparing our situation from people from other poor countries. Im just lucky to be here in North America and given to opportunity to have a better life. I hope you find a way be happy abject. Im here if you need to talk.
For the first time in my entire life I am actually trying to get clean - I've done it before but had no internal drive to stay that way, no desire to not relapse, no compulsion to make permanent, positive changes to my life. And yet, I recently got a new GP who happens to be a fucking addict's wet dream. He basically asked me which drug I wanted, offered me Triazolam, Diazepam, Oxycodone and Morphine at any dose of my choice. I walked out with 15mg/day of Chlordiazepoxide! Every fucking fibre of my being screaming at me to take him for everything - to snap at the offer of infinite drugs legally, but I had to consciously ask for the lowest dose of the worst drug I have ever taken. 30mg of Librium is just enough to stop me shaking like an alcoholic with Parkinsonism.

I have never felt so much pride, regret and self-loathing simultaneously.
Just to top it all off, I have a meeting on Tuesday with a substance misuse expert who said, and I quote, 'oh, do you want a Valium script?' after I explained I had a problem with benzos.

It feels like the Universe has a twisted sense of humour and has chosen me as the punchline.
SoS That made me smile damn big. Amazing work and great post.

Our minds try and feed us so much nonsense.

Have to love it ,when we no longer fall for it. Its even better when we see through what addiction and latter stage detrimental use are.. missory.. once we go from taking great lenghths to try and abstain from what we fantastically think is desirable..

switching instead to realizing that we reached a point where use/abuse has become pretty awful stuff..we turn the biggest corner of all.

Funny how they are so willing to kick everything once we see through the delusion and no longer want anything to do with it and Instead are planning and exicuting our out to a game we played out a while ago.
i almost gave my cat away the other day so i could just get on with things still don't know what to do i hate waking up on a morning i hate life full stop i cant see me being here much longer just need to get the guts up to do it now
Am I the only one here who feels low 100% of the time? If I'm sober I feel absolutely nothing but despair, dread, and useless in every way. I don't fit in at all and even if I had something to live for, I wouldn't want to do it because in the end it's not worth it.
I got a fucking swollen black eye for saying no. Yay me. Now I smell like withdrawal and I can't fucking rinse it away.
Don't be an idiot foolsgold. Here's something from Moby Dick that you may or may not find useful "whenever I find myself involuntarily pausing before coffin warehouses, and bringing up the rear of every funeral I meet; and especially whenever my hypos get such an upper hand of me, that it requires a strong moral principle to prevent me from deliberately stepping into the street, and methodically knocking people’s hats off—then, I account it high time to get to sea as soon as I can. This is my substitute for pistol and ball. With a philosophical flourish Cato throws himself upon his sword; I quietly take to the ship.". I've felt the way you're feeling now and once came close to ending my own life. Had I seen this quote I probably would have been a little less close to going over the edge though. Unless you're in the final stages of Lou Gehrig's disease or something there's really no reason to take your own life. We're all gonna be dead soon enough so why not stick around for a little bit longer. The quote I used rings very true for me. If I ever get to such a low point again where I can't see enduring another day I'll just throw caution into the wind and do something I've always wanted to do but never had the balls to since I wasn't in a position where I had nothing to lose. Personally I'd rob a bank or try and smuggle a large quantity of drugs. On one hand, if I got away with either of the two I'd suddenly be a hell of a lot richer and I'd probably have a whole new lease on life. On the other hand, if I got caught I could always purposely end it all by overdosing on heroin or something in prison. There's gotta be something you've always wanted to do. Why not buy a one way ticket to some country you've always wanted to see. If things don't work out I'm sure suicide is just as easy to commit there. You might end up thriving. No matter how low you're feeling right now just hang in there and endure whatever pain it is you're feeling for the time being. You will be happy again and I promise that a day will come when you'll suddenly think to yourself "Man, I'm so glad I didn't kill myself"
^^ Absolutely true. I wanted to die in late 2013, and now I love life... I often think to myself "I'm so glad I didn't do it". You'll never see the great things life has to offer if you are dead, and this is the only life you have.

its cold and lonely here today so this could be the day

You seemed so happy for a while. What happened? You seem to have rapidly fallen back to a negative place. <3
Wow, this is the first time ive seen this thread and it tears my heart out hearing some of the stories people so courageously post here. It rings true too how addicts and alchoholics are some of the most loving, compassionate, and caring people around. Also how we our are own worst enemy and usually the only thing in our way is ourselves. We are good people yet we beat ourselves up so much and over little things. Like were supposed to be perfect all the time and we arent allowed to make mistakes. If only we would allow ourselves a break and be ok with just being who we are. The only people I have felt comfortable enough to really be myself is other addicts. We all have different stories but we all our bonded in ways too. I dont feel judged around other addicts, our stories dont shock each other cause we are all on common ground. We are equals among each other. Another addict helping another addict is truly one of the most amazing things i have seen in my life. Its not done with ulterior motives, its goal is too help that person get out of the trap they are in.

Its corny a little but in one of the rehabs i was in a person said that the way this thing works is that once you get out of that raging, inferno forest fire of addiction, you turn around, go back in and grab someone else. That just really stuck with me when i heard that.

I wanted to respond to each post i read cause we all have similar experiences and emotions in some way together. Thats the things is we all share this thing called addiction that can manifest into such destruction for our lives. We are so good at self sobatage doing things we know arent healty but we dont love ourselves so we punish ourselves this way. I was so good at that. Id be doing so good and then, boom, the day before an important anything, I was off and running.

I want to help each person i hear but I cant so ill offer some of my thoughts cause i saw myself in someway with each story i read.

Im not a religious person but i would like to think Ive gained some spirituality with my experiences. I hear alot of suicide talk here and I just hate to see that because everyone here is here for a reason. I truly believe that. There is purpose in all of us. I dont believe people are here randomly to live. Everyone here has the right to the great experiences of life and nobody here is a piece of shit or less then anyone else in this world.

Life is hard. Its not easy and alot of us dont make it which is a shame. It is true. That if it were easy, everyone could do it but its not.

I too put myself at deaths door and by some miracle I am alive today. I believe in miracles now because of my experience and nobody can take that from me. No science can disprove what I felt and experienced.

I had quit my job, had been in and out of rehabs, norco addiction, alcohol, etc and I dont even know what lead me to this but I found myself on another alcohol bender and decided this life was too much for me and it was time to be done with it. I didn't have the guts to kill myself so drinking myself to death seemed easier. So for a week and a half i pounded as much vodka and beer i could, didn't sleep, eat, or drink water. I started puking blood and then I started puking black shit which i knew was a sign my liver was being compromised.

I didnt give a shit, cause when i go on a bender i get into such a hole that something drastic has to happen for me to stop and I dont stop on my own. I figured this was my last bender so i just said to myself lets get on with this.

My girlfriend left had left me, i was jobless, no money, people were tired of me and had written me off and i had no fight to live in me. I was alone in my apartment ready to die at 28 and i was ok with it. I had the apartment locked so that even if you had a key you wouldn't be able to get in. I had heard door knocks over the days and I think my gf came over every once in a while to see if I was still breathing but nothing fazed me. I just wanted to stay in my world and go out soon.

But then I heard this door knock that was so much louder in my head then all the other ones and a raging thought of you need to answer that door came over me. The thought was so much more powerful and strong then any of the other thoughts in the previous week and a half. So I stumbled to the door and opened it and standing there were two of these AA guys i knew from meetings and previous rehab trips. Why i answered the door that day and only that day is my miracle cause it saved my life.

THey took one look at me and decided I needed medical care immediately. One of the guys always talks about how he regrets not taking a picture of me cause he said I looked dead, like a ghost. So they threw me in the car, got me to the e.r. where I hallucinated for a few days, ripped a catheter out of my dick, stayed strapped down for a few more days, and then finally released to my hopefully last and final rehab. The doctor said that my blood alcohol level was .45 and two hours later I would have been dead for sure. He was surprised I wasnt seeing as im only 5'4'' and 125 on my best days. Thats was about 4 years ago.

My point to all this was I was done with life and thought there was no way i was getting out of my hole I dug. I wanted to die. I cant tell you how grateful I am that i didnt die that day. The fallout from suicide isnt a pretty site either. My aunt slit her wrists in a black out and my cousin had an accidental overdose which i still struggle with today. The loved ones are changed.

I have so much too see and experience in life and so does everyone on this thread. Like people have said, think about all the shit you would want to do. You can do those things, there is nothing in this world that can stop anyone from doing what they want if the motivation and spirit is there. You just have to find it in you and its there.

My experience showed me that I am here for a reason and that it wasnt my time to go that day. I havent found it yet though but i know it will be shown to me one day, I just have to be open to it. That also goes for everyone here.

My emotions go out to all the people here and i get serious when it comes to this because i was right there once, ready to die, and now im on the other side and its a much different view. My life isnt full of rainbows and skittles and i still have troubled times but i try and think to myself if I just keep putting one foot forward i will be ok.

Sometimes we dont want to hear this shit and we just want to feel shitty for the time which i understand. I get like that often. All i can say is I understand and I promise that everything will be ok. Give yourself a break too. You deserve it.
^Thank you for posting legalizeall, it really spoke to me. I've been up all night with horrible thoughts, but your post has managed to calm me down and made me realise that I need to let it go before I spiral into deep depression again. Thank you.
^^ Absolutely true. I wanted to die in late 2013, and now I love life... I often think to myself "I'm so glad I didn't do it". You'll never see the great things life has to offer if you are dead, and this is the only life you have.

You seemed so happy for a while. What happened? You seem to have rapidly fallen back to a negative place. <3

don't know its just how things are these days family bullshit to deal with can't see my great niece any more because of my fit the other week and thats causing problems that i cant be bothered with i am lonely as hell and just don't have a lot of strength left in me
I feel lost.
I found out a few hours ago that my mother may be dying of cancer.
My father has disowned me and my mother may not see Christmas.
I can't lose both parents - I am not even 21 yet. As a result of my father disowning me, I can no longer have contact with my baby sister and two younger brothers. At times when I considered suicide, my siblings were a major reason I didn't go through with it: I couldn't put them through it, through my funeral, my sister would be too young to comprehend it, or even remember who I was. I can no longer watch them grow up into amazing people. That has been taken from me.
I am losing everything I ever loved.

I thought I'd never have to deal with losing my parents. Not out of naivety or ignorance, but I have an illness that means I have a life expectancy of 27. As a result, I expected to be dead before they even picked up their pensions. That was my safety net that meant I never had to imagine losing my parents. It also meant I never prepared for it.
My mother and I have only just started to mend our relationship, we didn't speak for years. I was talking about it literally just yesterday, about how happy I was that I could have a normal relationship with a parent after a lifetime of the opposite.
I am only just starting to put my life back together after 7 years of throwing everything away in favour of drugs and it's being taken from me already.
I was admitted to a psychiatric ward less than a fortnight ago for suicidal intentions due to the inevitable crash into depression that follows a Manic episode, an episode which nearly killed me and alienated every one I knew due to the delusional psychosis which develops. I'm also currently enduring withdrawal from daily use of 120mg of Morphine and ~4mg Diclazepam with nothing more than 15mg of Librium to ease it. I have barely slept in 13 days. To top it off, I'm recovering from an almost fatal experience due to a mislabelled RC two days ago.

Words don't suffice to explain just how awful the last few months have been.
You can probably imagine how my mental state is at this point.

The only thing that is helping is thinking about my daughter looking down on me, I have to get by for her, daddy is not going to give up. If you're reading this, my beautiful Angel, daddy loves you more than anything, and I'll be with you soon. Sleep tight. <3

Though I am aware many have it even worse, my heart goes out to them, and to every single person suffering. <3
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I really can't find any words right now that is fucking horrific. Right now you need to find a way safely to get some sleep or at least rest. You can't even begin to break all that stuff whirling around in your head and find ways and coping mechanisms and a way to attempt to try and change,sort,get help,be help a help to your mother etc when you are dealing with immediate unintended drugs fucking you up, sleep deprivation,

Can you try and sleep? Have you eaten..if not try-fruit/carbs-lots of water? cram it down...I wish I could do or say anything to help right now...currently having sleep problems so feel somewhat of a hypocrite but am trying to fix myself..detoxing hard..craving but not going to succumb ..yet.

Is there a friend or a worker you can talk to after you have a drug worker/CMHT nurse or social worker you trust and can contact to talk things over.

Shit..please don't let everything overwhelm you right thing at a time..starting with you...<3
Thank you Inflo, truly. <3
Sleep is out of the question, after today's news I had no expectation of it. I'm just lay in bed, cuddling my dog, mind on overdrive and body the opposite. I was a chronic insomniac before all this so it's not a shock. Though I do wish the ubiquitous hallucinations that result from extended SD would fuck off.

I ate some chicken earlier, along with two pints of high sugar lager so at least I have some calories in me. I have appetite problems at the best of times so I'm used to little food intake. Though my BMI was 16.9 last time I checked so I guess that's another issue to sort out.

The WD was/is intentional - I had finally had enough of being a junkie, but CT'ing the benzos was not by choice. I had a seizure after around 40 hours without dosing and got admitted to hospital. The logic of the staff there was 'right, he's benzodiazepine dependent and seized due to the withdrawal, let's bin the only benzos in his possession so tapering isn't even an option and kick him out to do it cold turkey!' Seriously, I had to get an emergency GP appointment to see about a taper, or, indeed, anything to stop me dying from another seizure. He prescribed 5mg Librium 3 times a day, 2-4mg of Diclazepam is roughly equivalent to 80-160mg of Chlordiazepoxide so you can imagine how much effect it has... Though no seizures since so I guess it's doing something. (As an aside, I have never taken a benzo that causes such a hangover at negligible doses!).

A bit of advice for anyone reading: GP's aren't that happy if the first time they meet their new patient, they are greeted by a rattling young male with addiction problems asking for controlled medication...

Irony has it that I got some sleep/collapsed from exhaustion early this morning and as a result missed my appointment with the Substance Misuse Team who were going to sort a benzo taper and Opiate Replacement Therapy there and then. I, unfortunately, have quite bad anxiety (a major reason for the Diclazepam use) to the point that even thinking of making a phone call causes me to feel physically uncomfortable and actually doing so induces a panic attack. That meant I couldn't contact them to explain or rearrange so I'm going to have to travel the 14 miles there and back tomorrow to explain in person.

I actually spoke to a CMHT nurse today and have never come closer to punching someone. He came into my home and told me drug users shouldn't receive treatment, accused me of intentionally not attending my clinic appointment, that the reason I had/have an eating disorder is that I'm too lazy to cook and it's easier to take multivitamins instead, that I am putting zero effort into helping myself and seeking treatment (the irony that I wouldn't be speaking to him if I didn't personally put the effort in to refer myself and arrange appointments seemed lost on him), that anxiety doesn't exist and that depression needs a specific trigger (the whole reason it is classed as illness is that a trigger isn't necessary, it is biological in nature, otherwise every person who has ever felt slightly unhappy would be clinically depressed), insomnia also doesn't exist - it is, and I sincerely wish I was joking, simply a 'lack of routine and Horlick's'. He had the audacity to state that I am 'taking the easy option', by withdrawing, in a rather brutal fashion, from sizeable doses of narcotics, even though I have a legitimate reason for them as a CPP, actively referring myself to both the Mental Health and Substance Misuse Service, along with making my substance misuse a permanent note on my medical notes, a proverbial black mark ensuring that if I relapse, I could not do so by feigning injury. I don't want to imagine the difficult option. He also suggested I had never worked a day in my life, without even inquiring prior to his assumption. Funnily enough he changed his tone after learning I was working 7 days a week for 60 hours, without pay, as a carer for an Autistic young man, a carer for a stroke victim and as a dog walker for the elderly and disabled people who couldn't do it themselves, alongside studying for a degree in Micro and Molecular Biology and maintaining a 1:1 (92% average for anyone who knows how it's graded) in every unit. I have had two weeks off due to my health, prior to this I hadn't had a day off in 16 months.
He walked into my home, sat down and insulted me on both a personal and professional level, alongside disregarding the entire notion of mental illness. A supposed mental health 'professional'. A man who told me 'you know more about this than I do', and to stop using 'big medical words' as he didn't understand them. (Such technical words as: withdrawal, mania, delusional psychosis, anhedonia, benzodiazepine, amongst others). I could run mental rings around this prick even in the state I am now.
I wish I was joking or exaggerating. I plan to file an official complaint the second he refers me to an actual Psychiatrist.

It was as if they ran out of trained staff, put a suit on a nearby hobo, give him a shave and let him loose.

The mental health system in this country is disgraceful, it's no wonder so many people suffer in silence.

Thank you for your kind words, Inflo. It's lovely to know someone cares. <3
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I do care. I personally would call the Substance misuse team rather than just turning up (unless their duty team can see you?) you will not be the first person to miss an appointment and you have legitimate reasons with news about your Mum that has impacted on your mental state. Edit just re-read about the phone thing and the anxiety..could someone call on your behalf..?

Also the CPN you saw sounds like he is not the one for you (or for anyone if that is the way he practices). You have every right to make a complaint but if you're up to it I would ring/or go to the CMHT and ask to speak directly to his line manager before making a formal complaint. Explain to their manager that you feel you found his approach aggressive and unhelpful and ignorant of your needs but you are willing to see another worker. There should be someone that has a better idea (has extra training) of dual diagnosis work (drugs and/or alcohol with mental health) who would have more of a clue in how to offer you the right help and advice and support. CMHT's are multi-disciplinary, which means you could see anyone on the team a social worker, a psychotherapist or nurse (even if people are on depot-they can attend a depot clinic and see a non CPN).

There are still some decent workers left in mental health teams trust me...but sadly you may have to ask them and to meet your needs better and keep asking till they understand your history, your current state of mind-no, it shouldn't be you chasing them as they have a duty of care but sometimes you just have to. Are you under CPA? I suspect not if you haven't seen a psychiatrist yet.

Sorry this all sounds a bit clinical but you know best what YOU need and you have basically expressed how you are feeling here-you could also write to his line manager..but just try to contact them.gotta be worth a try. When your head stops swirling and if you can face it read the N.I.C.E guidelines which lay out what you should be offered an are entitled to e.g dignity and empathy and them finding the correct help to suit you- link should work

You deserve to be treated right and you deserve to be treated as an intelligent human being who has gone out of their way to seek out the help you need.

Sleep sleep sleep..but put out a couple of those telephone calls or probably better for you hammer out a letter or just tyrn up there when you feel able,please..hate to think of you hanging and feeling the way you do.

I don't know if any of this has been any help and I hope to god it doesn't sound like I know any better than you really but I just needed to try and say something.


Edit-no matter how useless your Gp is your BMI sounds incredibly low..regardless of the other stuff you can ask to be scripted some nutritional drinks and multivitamins..even the most clueless Gp after weighing you etc could surely not refuse such a simple request.
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just sat here trying to work out the last time i had any real human contact other than with doctors we are talking 15 years since i last had anyone really even hold my fucking hand enough is enough i think this last binge is going to be just that my last ever ive been alone for two long now and i can't stand any more of this just had the flash of remembering splitting my wrists once before and it offered me some kind of peace just then

sorry i know i sound like some whining teen age with all this just keep fighting it but thats got to stop now its time just to get on with this

i am failing quickly here its kind of scary but peaceful at the same time i got myself ready a month or so go i think i need to get back into that head set again
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