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Benzos Underdosed products from specific pharmas, would love to hear your experiences on the same products.


Frumious Bandersnatch
Nov 3, 1999
Indian (WeCare) Nitrazepam 10mg.
Indian (Ridley Life Sciences) Lorazepam 2mg.
Serbian (Galenika Ksalol) Alprazolam 1mg.
Serbian (Galenika Bensedin) Diazepam 10mg.
Serbian (Hemofarm) Lorazepam 2.5mg.
Spanish (Kern) Diazepam 10mg.

I source from the (apparently) most reputable and yes, these all come back as "Major" at WEDINOS, but as we know that unfortunately doesn't tell us the actual dose of the active ingredient.

I have absolutely no doubt whatsoever that the Indian products are severely under-dosed, I'm not even questioning this. But is anyone else out there finding any of the other products I mentioned to be a bit on the weak side? I've been using benzos 25 years, had UK prescribed versions, and am acutely aware of my own tolerance, so when something doesn't seem to be quite right my suspicions become aroused. I'm very interested in your own experiences with these specific products from these specific pharmas.

Appreciate your time.
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I don't think they're allowed to put less medicine in the pills

Other countries ain't so strict with dosages, especially places like India where alot of imported pills come from, that's not even mentioning ones that don't even contain the real drug and contain RCs, or no active ingredients at all

I saw an undercover documentary where a bloke went to India to a real pharmaceutical making place pretending to be a bulk buyer, and when he was asking info, the owner said he can put whatever dose he wants in the pills, he can put any ingredients or even no active ingredients and the blister packs and packaging will all look identical!
Some people swear that generic medicine and brand ones are the same. I call bullshit, generic alprazolam is not the same at OG Xanax. Pfizers Xannies are far superior.
Same thing happens with generic oxys and the original PURDUE abusable OCs. Those pills the body high was godlike compared to some other brands I've tried.
That's y I always love to use brand medicine, they have the original "grandma" recipes and their drugs are so much better in general. 💢
I think the fda claims generics sold in usa
can legally be 10% stronger or 10% weaker

But yeah, I dont believe it either
Supposedly it's like 3-5% +- but tbh sometimes it feels like 20% less or they even feel different. Kinda like if you order Macdonalds and get Burger King instead.
Other countries ain't so strict with dosages, especially places like India where alot of imported pills come from, that's not even mentioning ones that don't even contain the real drug and contain RCs, or no active ingredients at all

I saw an undercover documentary where a bloke went to India to a real pharmaceutical making place pretending to be a bulk buyer, and when he was asking info, the owner said he can put whatever dose he wants in the pills, he can put any ingredients or even no active ingredients and the blister packs and packaging will all look identical!
It is well known that indian pharmaceuticals are shit 🤦🤦🤦
I don't think they're allowed to put less medicine in the pills.
In first world countries I would agree....but who's doing quality control at Indian chemical companies???
Though it's not the same industry, I work in the manufacturing industry in North America and literally 80% of our total business is from companies that used to buy from India, China, and Eastern Europe....
They are more than willing to pay 4x the manufacturing and shipping costs because we have insane quality control (literally multiple departments that any must pass through) before it ever sees the shipping bay.
I will also say that though I've certainly recieved quality psychedelics from Chinese labs this was not always the case.
Now the Dutch have taken over a lot of the RC market and absolutely everything I've received from over there has been just ridiculously amazing.
I really do think it depends on your source.
In first world countries I would agree....but who's doing quality control at Indian chemical companies???
Though it's not the same industry, I work in the manufacturing industry in North America and literally 80% of our total business is from companies that used to buy from India, China, and Eastern Europe....
They are more than willing to pay 4x the manufacturing and shipping costs because we have insane quality control (literally multiple departments that any must pass through) before it ever sees the shipping bay.
I will also say that though I've certainly recieved quality psychedelics from Chinese labs this was not always the case.
Now the Dutch have taken over a lot of the RC market and absolutely everything I've received from over there has been just ridiculously amazing.
I really do think it depends on your source.
Is there a theory of why the dutch have so many good chemists? That country supplies almost all of the world with AMAZING MDxx/rolls and all of the RC goodies.
I bet if they had access to coca leaves, they would make the best cocaine with almost pharmaceutical grade in the globe. Those guys are BEASTS at chemistry 😎
Of the products I listed, the Indian one's as I said I'm not even questioning this age-old fact. But Galenika Alprazolam 1mg and Kern Diazepam 10mg, find me someone who was who was regularly taking benzos before or during the 90s and I'll bet the farm they agree that these specific products might be close, but no way are they fully dosed.
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The Hemofarm 2.5 mg lorazepam tablets are quite good IME
But what are you comparing those to? If you compare them to Lorazepam 2.5mg prescribed in Lithuania for example (which incidentally are produced by a Polish Pharma) you'd be laughing at the difference. 2 of these Lithuanian prescribed ones knock your block off, whereas the Hemofarm that we're discussing I can take 6 and write a 2 week shopping list, go and get the food, and walk in a straight line there and back. If I tried that with the Lithuanian ones I'd end up in the sea.
I just compare them to 2 mgs of Ativan that you'd get at a pharmacy here in the states.
It is well known that indian pharmaceuticals are shit

The bloke I was replying to obviously didn't know so was just telling him, he said "they're not allowed to put less medicine in" we all know most Indian pharmaceuticals are shit, some people have no idea
Of the products I listed, the Indian one's as I said I'm not even questioning this age-old fact. But Galenika Alprazolam 1mg and Kern Diazepam 10mg, find me someone who was born before the year 2000 who was regularly taking benzos in the 90's and I'll bet the farm they agree that these specific products might be close, but no way are they fully dosed.
Man, don't you think there's an error in there? U say someone born before the 2000s and was taking benzos in the 90's. Perhaps you mean someone born before the 90s(or in the 90s) and taking benzos in the early 00's?
Saying someone born before the 2000s(that could be (90 80 70 60 50s xd)was quite confusing and very broad , you should have just said "someone born In X years instead of before" 😝🤍🌟 anyway doesn't have be in any specific year, countless times I've had diff meds from Indian pharmacies and their effectiveness was not even close to the real deal. For example I used to get some clonazepams that were SUPER SWEET and the first 3 nights worked then puff* nothing. No matter how many I took ,they were weak as fuck. I think I tossed them into the trash bin when I got real rivotril. THE ONLY THING I BOW DOWN AND THE INDIANS ARE FUCKING SAVAGEEEE PRODUCING IS KeTaMiNe. Oh boy 150mg IM ket only and youre in for a powerful/beautiful hole 👊
I don't think they're allowed to put less medicine in the pills.
It's not like they put less medicine, imagine that chemistry is like cooking ok,? chef A and chef B. so even tho both are making the same dish and have the same ingredients, it's not gonna come out exactly the same. Perhaps chef B's mashed potato has more salt than chefs A, or A's dish is more creamy caused he used more milk.
OK now same thing happens in the Labs, they have the same recipe once the patent for exclusivity from the pharmaceutical who created the med expires, they share it with everyone.
Buttttttt remember as a kid nobody cooks better than your granny? Well same thing applies here when they test the quality of a new generic medicine it can have a 3-5%+- difference in potency from the original medicine and to be accepted in the market those are the ranges BUT........."you and I, we both know that our favorite dish with grannys recipe comes out 10 out of 10 when she does it, aight?" well that's how the pharmaceutical companies werkkk, man.😘😉
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Man, don't you think there's an error in there? U say someone born before the 2000s and was taking benzos in the 90's. Perhaps you mean someone born before the 90s(or in the 90s) and taking benzos in the early 00's?
Saying someone born before the 2000s(that could be (90 80 70 60 50s xd)was quite confusing and very broad , you should have just said "someone born In X years instead of before" 😝🤍🌟 anyway doesn't have be in any specific year, countless times I've had diff meds from Indian pharmacies and their effectiveness was not even close to the real deal. For example I used to get some clonazepams that were SUPER SWEET and the first 3 nights worked then puff* nothing. No matter how many I took ,they were weak as fuck. I think I tossed them into the trash bin when I got real rivotril. THE ONLY THING I BOW DOWN AND THE INDIANS ARE FUCKING SAVAGEEEE PRODUCING IS KeTaMiNe. Oh boy 150mg IM ket only and youre in for a powerful/beautiful hole 👊
Yes that's an error, you're right. I've just put "regularly taking benzos before or during the 90s"
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The Hemofarm 2.5 mg lorazepam tablets are quite good IME
I live in the EU. The Hemofarm 2.5mg Lorazepam tablets are heavily underdosed where I live. I'm not even sure they contain Lorazepam. I took about 20 of these pills in one go. I felt no anxiety relief whatsoever at all. And I purchased them from one of the most trusted vendors in my country.

1-2mg of genuine Lorazepam (Ativan, Temesta) hits as hard as pharmacy Lorazepam should. Because I was given 2mg of Ativan at a hospital and it literally knocked me out. Slept like a baby.

Avoid Hemofarm products at all costs.
@boozeboy Yep, the Hemofarm Nitrazepam and Diazepam I've had are ludicrous as well, I just hadn't sampled them enough times to make a solid mention in my original post.