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Typical MDMA hallucinations

The most i have ever taken is 350-400mg and i have never had a single hallucination on MDMA. Even though i see alot more shit (OEV and CEV) on tryptamines than all my friends at the same dose.

I wonder why
Someone I used to know always said that he saw a woman with an eagle's head in the nightclub every single time he rolled (every week basically).

I've had lots of visual effects, but the most shocking was a time when I took some blue playstation pills back in 2004. Wow - my vision went black and white for what felt like a minute or two. I'm pretty sure I went blind. this was in a club - I wonder what I looked like.

Another time I was in a club which had dark walls with orange lights. The MDMA effects made it felt like I was dancing in some kind of cave. Those were some white Armani pills at the start of 2004.

But perhaps the most mond-blowing effect I had (that I can remember) was when I came out of my living room. Light shone through the glass in the front room door and I was thinking it was 6pm on Friday evening - time to go out clubbing. Suddenly I realised it was about 7am Saturday morning and I was just going up to bed after a night on pills. I had been home from the club and having a dance in my living room for a few hours. It wasn't a hallucination as such, but there was a bit of visual trickery.

Another time I cam home from clubbing with a mate and when I looked at his face it looked evil. His eyes looked like the devils so I made him go home. Not a full-blown LSD type hallucination, but definitely a visual aspect.

And then there was new years eve 2004. I'd decided I was no longer going to do ecstasty pills and this was my blow out. I had an amazing night in the club - dancing with girls, supreme buzz from the pills etc. As I got home I lay on my sofa with my friend, and as I looked at my christmas tree and all the decorations everything started to go blurry and the colours seemed to merge with each other. Felt amazing.

I've also had lots of closed eye visuals. One time I saw a 3D euro symbol spinning around in vivid colours.

EDIT: btw, all my experiences are with pills, so MDMA may be only partially involved or not all in some or all of these examples I gave.
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You can, but it's not a classic hallucinogen like LSD or mushrooms

Fun fact: The hallucinations of MDMA are caused by it's metabolization into MDA, which is much more psychedelic. For every 100mgs of MDMA you take, you get about a 10mg dose of MDA as well.

If your taking enough MDMA to get active levels of MDA (400mg+), you can rest assured that your body is filled with other much more toxic metabolites as well, like alpha-Methyldopamine , which is a toxic chemical that can cause Parkinsons and other neurological disorders.


I don't know if its actually true but I also wondered about the possibility of excess serotonin being N-methylated by N-methyltransferase into 5 OH DMT. I know there are enzymes that can in fact do this but not sure if this is the case in mdma, but it sure seems possible.
I have a hallucination that happens everytime i take MDMA or MDA, it's little bubbles in everyones eyes,it looks like they're eyes were sick. At 1st it frightened me, and i kept poking my friends in their eyes :p. But now that im used to it, its pretty cool. I also often see "hairy" shadows and my panties lying around in the most weirdest places ever.
If you want an extremely empathogenic roll with psychedelia and exciting visuals (sometimes full blown visions/hallucinations) MDA for the win.

I'd had some slight movement or morphing of stuff off MDMA, colors we're definitely brighter and some colorful shapes in artwork hovering in 3D, but that usually happened when it was a good ratio of MDA:MDMA. I miss those telephones... the green and orange/red ones definitely some heavy psychedelia or high dose MDA in them and certianly mad MDMA as well.

Since then I've had some good MDxx and have seen those MDA fractal patterns, which were geometric and vibrantly colorful. I could also read people's emotions more clearly, even in movies I could tell when the actors thought a part was hilarious and women looked more beautiful than ever.
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I wanted to make a thread exactly like this one, but I see that's not needed. I'll post it here then

Some (like me) have insanely intense hallucinations from rolling (+weed for me, I don't get them without smoking). On par with a strong dose of acid and a lot more realistic in a way, they don't seem fabricated. What I noticed is that a lot of those hallucinations are shared among different forum members, I've had people mention detailed hallucinations that confirmed some of the ones I had, which I find very interesting

I'm very susceptible to these hallucinations, at least if I smoke weed, otherwise they do not occur, even when dosing high. They start at around 120mg for me and peak in intensity at 200mg if I do smoke

Shit I've seen:
-Leaves of trees forming tiny hands that are waving at me
-Peoples faces warp to sharp-toothed monster faces, awesome and scary at the same time
-Everyone around me seems to have luminescent glasses on
-Gnomes running around in the tall grass (there was no grass in reality, but a dancefloor)
-Facial tattoos. They were intricate, in colour, vivid, awesome and so on. Most if them tribal style but I saw a whole bunch of different styles with animals & symbols & vikings ... But that wasn't what made them truly remarkable. What made them truly remarkable was that they were being drawn as I looked at people's faces, I could almost see the artists hand moving above the canvas. And if I focused on them for longer than 10 seconds, they started to erase themselves again in the same order they were drawn (or so it seemed to me). This is by far the most beautiful and awe-inspiring visual I've ever experienced on MDMA. One of my most common ones as well, luckily
-Tornado of soccer balls above the crowd
-Horseless golden chariot driving over the crowd in the distance
-People that are there one moment, only to disappear completely the next. And re-appear a few meters further. Approached one once, it disappeared and there was nobody there said my mates. To this day I don't know if any of them were real. They are known as shadow people I believe, but they weren't in the corner of my eyes, they were right in front of me walking, until they weren't...
-Circle of light that emanated outwards from me, everything outside this circle pitch black invisible, everything inside very bright and vibrant. Circle was pulsing inwards and outwards and got bigger with every pulse, like I was turning into a super saiyan or something
-Girls look like angels, complete with halos and wings. Got me a few numbers when I told them, they thought I was complimenting while I was just describing them
-Walls breathing and water running down the walls
-Lasers that burned holes in everything they touched
-Bats flying out of the speakers in the distance
-Seeing a very good mate that I thought wasn't there that particular evening, only to have them shrink or grow and morph in a stranger. Usually right after I approached them and said "hey man, what are you doing here? How are you?". Always funny the look on their faces. Usually they understand though, but not always
-Everything that is light in colour and is moving is outlined in dark pencil, like in a cartoon
-I even had auditory hallucinations a few times. Always the same one: the event is concluded and music stopped. The sound of the crowd talking sounds absolutely deafening. Don't think 'loud', think 'jumbo jet taking off with you right behind it'. Absolutely deafening, I could not hear any details anymore, my mates' lips were moving but all I heard was earth-shattering murmuring
-I don't know if this is even possible, but at two different nights I was walking down the stairs and every sense in my body, apart from my vision, was telling me I was going up the stairs. My sense for balance was altered, not that I didn't have balance anymore, I did, but my sensory input was telling me things that were impossible

I've got a lot more, but those are the ones that happened more than once. Be careful as I noticed that for the majority of people such insane visuals only occur when they've taken way too much. So don't go actively pursuing them. They do not feel unhealthy and I'm not particularly prone to harsh comedowns but I don't think they're harmless. I just get them at lower doses than most so I'm not too worried about them, I actually really really <3 them. If it wasn't for the fact that LSD-trips have a lot more mental 'depth' I would prefer MDMA-trips to LSD-trips (I'm sorry Lucy, don't be mad, I would never love another more than you).

Oh by the way every single substance that caused these hallucinations was tested by me personally and was positive for MDxx, most of them with marquis+mandelin though some with only mandelin, 90% were very famous, potent and pure Dutch pills (androids, PF's, defqons,...)
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LOL you trip like I do from MDMA from the sound of it.

I'm stupid susceptible to MDMA period. I have a ridiculous tolerance to everything but it doesn't take much MDMA to get me rolling hard. 150mg for me is like 250mg for someone else.

I can't even begin to list the things I've seen. The only thing that makes me trip near as hard as MDMA or MDA would be 5-MeO-AMT and the body load from that stuff is heinous to say the least. DXM too in a dark room... DXM > MDMA for me when it comes to crazy visuals.

I've seen most of the things that you have, especially the tattoos.

My first time rolling I was lying in my bed trying to come down (pills weren't clean - MDA, caffeine, and meth) and I was looking at my wall and this visual of a bunch of spinning gears was so real, it was spatial... it was like it was 4 dimensional. I saw 3 dimensions but the 4th was the space in my mind. That same trip had me seeing trains of candy beads (the block letters) running across my blanket, neon rainbow spiders running all over the blanket (that one caused me to get up and go smoke a cigarette but it didn't panic me like would have happened if I saw that on say, mushrooms or acid), geometric patterns in my pupils along with crazy wild faces when looking at myself in the mirror... just wild.
LOL you trip like I do from MDMA from the sound of it.
Yeah so it seems =D again I don't know if they're healthy or not but seeing as I get them almost every time I roll I've come to love them very much. It's like an added bonus to an already amazing substance to me

I've seen most of the things that you have, especially the tattoos.
Yeah those were really something else. I've seen those probably around 20-30 times and they still take my breath away every single time

a bunch of spinning gears was so real, it was spatial...
That's what I find so special about these hallucinations. They are much much more lifelike than anything I've ever seen before with regular hallucinogens. I did LSD, shrooms, DXM, LSA, DMT, salvia, 2C-B, MDA, peyote and once mescaline, none of them more lifelike. Except for mescaline I tried both small and big doses of all those substances. With those it's usually pretty easy to spot they are only hallucinations, while with MDMA if I didn't know any better I would still be convinced some of the shit I've seen was real
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Yeah, MDMA visuals remind me a lot more of the visuals that would be produced by deliriants only they don't freak the hell out of me.

So many things I've seen on MDMA...

And MDMA and ketamine? Omg.
The closest I've come to anything I'd term a hallucination on MDMA would be from a single 200mg cap of crystal taken on a completely empty stomach. Started coming up HARD only 15 minutes after eating it, and was getting full blown synesthesia while sitting outside a busy pub in the city.

I'm hoping that by some chance the addition of noopept to my roll this evening will potentiate some kind of visuals...who knows. Only real report is massive eye wiggles haha
The other day I overdid it a bit at a festival, and upon returning to my tent I could see each droplet of moisture on the fabric spinning and dancing. When I closed my eyes I felt like I was in that Tool video (Vicarious I think)
I have had hallucinations from mdma on several occasions, all very different. Every time I have taken the same batch/dose with friends and they have seen nothing. I have probably taken pure (tested) mdma about 15 times. Usually one cap, sometimes two. I usually see stuff as I start to come down. Quite often my friends and I will smoke some weed at this point. So far I had never taken LSD, had tried mushrooms once a long time prior with only really mild affects, and I had tried dmt on a low dose once, but again years before. I feel as though I am generally more sensitive and visually aware, as I am a trained artist and like to look carefully at things.

I have no idea how normal my visuals are, but from asking around, not very. This is my description of all of the visuals that I have had...

First time they were all on my friends face when I was talking to her. I saw what looked like tiny moving water bubbles above her eyebrows. They moved as I pushed them away.
I closed my eyes and looked back and they were still there. She thought this was pretty crazy and I kept looking. The same night I saw a thin, fluro, fractal/ mandala type design appear on her forehead. It was subtle, kind of transparent, but definitely there. It was pretty and I couldn't believe I was seeing it. But I did not feel scared at all. At one point her whole eye socket blurred like a photo shop setting. Was so strange. That was all I saw the first time. I still remember it all really well.

Other times I have been trying to sleep at the end of the night (morning), laying in my bed and looking at the white roof. It was like the fractals that I had seen on my friends forehead, except a giant pattern that took up the whole ceiling. Again it was subtle, transparent, colourful, moving, fine lines. Pretty and almost like, am I just imagining this? But when I woke up after sleeping 6 hours or so, they were definitely not there, at all.

Another time I was trying to sleep at the end of the night again, only this time I was sleeping in a tent. The sun was up and there was dew droplets all over the outside of the tent. I was watching them all swirling and running into each other. And for a second I thought, that's ok, that's what they do. And then I realised, of course they don't! I was definitely not sleeping, I'm very sure. And the same morning, I popped my head out of the tent to talk to someone briefly. I was talking to them about the red shirt they were wearing, and they told me that it was actually a plain black shirt. I was looking at it and it definitely looked red, a deep dark red, but still. Strange.

Those are all that I can think of right now. But the odd thing is, I feel like I see my sober world really slightly differently now. Just on occasion, I'll pick up on little visual subtleties that I think I would have missed before. Like the sparkle on a roof top when the sun hits it on a hot day, or all of the light reflecting off tiny sides of sand grains at the beach, when you look closely. It sounds like what I hear people saying of their altered way of looking at things after taking acid for the first time. Only it was just mdma.

I have decided to try acid for the first time this weekend with some friends, so I will report back if people would like?

If anyone has had similar experiences as mine or could shed some light, that would be great. Perhaps it's all sleep deprivation. Thanks
The other day I overdid it a bit at a festival, and upon returning to my tent I could see each droplet of moisture on the fabric spinning and dancing. When I closed my eyes I felt like I was in that Tool video (Vicarious I think)

This happened to me too! All I had was 1 cap of pure mdma and a few joints. Read the story I just posted.....so similar!
MDMA: Haze, words morphing into things, mild translucent fairies and other figures floating and dancing around objects (hands predominately)

MDA: More obvious fairies and figures, cartoony face morphing, objects morphing into other objects, glasses, tiny translucent objects such as power lines and hud like layers that I could move with my hands, people appearing briefly and then disappearing, long squiggly lines slithering around my room

Definitely seen some cool and memorable stuff in the past
If on a heavy dose of MDMA, or a MDMA analogue, open eyed eye wiggles will split your vision and have you seeing the world in the same view as an insects segmented eye..... . I shit you not....... not at all the classic Psychadelic hallucination and it can be jarring if you are unprepared. In me, It tended to cause me to really clench my Jaw, because for some reason it felt great, and helped me get through the eye wiggle and refocus if needed.
I saw acid faces (smiley) on the leaves on a tree. Told my m8 and he said "you can't trip on e" then he looked and said "they are actually there man, e doesn't make you trip" but they weren't there he just had the same trip lol...

Saw scales on people like they were reptilian or something. Freaked me out at first listened to David icke too much. I don't think my gf is a shapeshifter... she turned in to mystique from xmen once. I didn't say anything it was quite cool.

Glasses, hats, cobwebs, dust, tatoos.

The best was like a crack in reality with blue light coming out of it. Freaked out at the time thought it was real and I'd just not noticed it before. It was shaped like a crack in glass but it was in the sky as if we were all under a dome or something.

My gf's face kept changing from happy to crying and very upset. This was hard for me to handle and she was getting upset because I kept saying "wow why are you crying?" I was really concerned she was hiding something from me.

I saw her have weird red blue blushes on her skin too. I panicked thinking we'd had some bad shit. I was ready to call an ambulance lol. Part of me knew it was a trip.

I regularly get fuzzy patterns appear that move. They are usually on celings or walls never on floors. I also get light spots in my vision but don't notice until later that they weren't normal. I also get spacial awareness trips too were I think my arms are longer/shorter than they are and miss when I try to do something.

Mostly the trips are fun but at high doses I find myself with a lot of anxiety too.
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I tend to see a lot of really fucked up cartoons.. for instance, cute fluffy little pink rabbits tearing eachother's spinal columns out and such.

Wow never heard of anyone having such vivid hallucinations, I guess you can look at it is getting a free 'mini-mushroom' trip with your MDMA :)

I tend to see faces of people I know, often in the faces of other people! Ithe ammount of times I have approached girls in venues believing they were on of my friends :D But I also get bright 'dots' when I turn the lights out1 like they move around my room and stuff haha. Thankfully I generally get any 'hallucinations' when I arrive home and start to 'come down!'
I get some pretty fire MDA. And by fire I mean this shit comes in a huge rock (never broken up, pure as fuck). Well, I was having vivid hallucinations of the bass coming from out of the speakers. I was standing by the speakers and literally could see the bass vibrating out of the speakers in colors. It was insane. I just did some of it when I saw excision, figure, and bear grillz (the last weekend of February). Bear grillz was wearing his mask and it was tripping me out. I can't even describe the visuals I got from it. It was as if his face was coming in twos and it's funny because he wears a cartoon bear mask. Then this green aura was floating straight from him and it wasn't a fucking laser.

here is an image of him and explains why the hallucinations just made it even more ridiculous

I literally just stick my finger in the bag of this stuff... only eat a couple of dabs I'm already rolling fucking hard. A point of this shit would have me on my ass. I had people decline it because they don't fuck with good shit like that (!? confused on that).

So of course MDA makes you hallucinate, but I had some moonrock that made me do the same shit. I couldn't even text because my hallucinations were that strong, but that's only usually during the peak. Then it finally wears off eventually.
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One time, I did 6 e pills and there were hieroglyphs all over my fridge.

Sounds of shoes squeaking on the ground sounding like someone talking to me.

Everyone looks familiar.